# This is an example epio.ini file. # We suggest you edit it to fit your application's needs. # Documentation for the options is available at www.ep.io/docs/epioini/ [wsgi] # Location of your requirements file requirements = requirements-epio.txt [static] # Serve the static directory directly as /static /static/admin = ../shortcuts/django-admin-media/ [services] # Uncomment to enable the PostgreSQL service. postgres = true # Uncomment to enable the Redis service # redis = true [checkout] # By default your code is put in a directory called 'app'. # You can change that here. # directory_name = my_project [env] # Set any additional environment variables here. For example: # IN_PRODUCTION = true [symlinks] # Any symlinks you'd like to add. As an example, link the symlink 'config.py' # to the real file 'configs/epio.py': # config.py = configs/epio.py # #### If you're using Django, you'll want to uncomment some or all of these lines #### # [django] # # Path to your project root, relative to this directory. # base = . # # [static] # Serve the admin media # # Django 1.3 # /static/admin = ../shortcuts/django-admin-media/ # # Django 1.2 and below # /media = ../shortcuts/django-admin-media/ # # [env] # # Use a different settings module for ep.io (i.e. with DEBUG=False) # DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = production_settings