# Project management > "No one can whistle a symphony; it takes a whole orchestra to play it" > > — Halford E. Luccock This document outlines our project management processes for REST framework. The aim is to ensure that the project has a high ["bus factor"][bus-factor], and can continue to remain well supported for the foreseeable future. Suggestions for improvements to our process are welcome. --- ## Maintenance team [Participating actively in the REST framework project](contributing.md) **does not require being part of the maintenance team**. Almost every important part of issue triage and project improvement can be actively worked on regardless of your collaborator status on the repository. #### Composition The composition of the maintenance team is handled by [@tomchristie](https://github.com/encode/). Team members will be added as collaborators to the repository. #### Responsibilities Team members have the following responsibilities. * Close invalid or resolved tickets. * Add triage labels and milestones to tickets. * Merge finalized pull requests. * Build and deploy the documentation, using `mkdocs gh-deploy`. * Build and update the included translation packs. Further notes for maintainers: * Code changes should come in the form of a pull request - do not push directly to master. * Maintainers should typically not merge their own pull requests. * Each issue/pull request should have exactly one label once triaged. * Search for un-triaged issues with [is:open no:label][un-triaged]. --- ## Release process * The release manager is selected by `@tomchristie`. * The release manager will then have the maintainer role added to PyPI package. * The previous manager will then have the maintainer role removed from the PyPI package. Our PyPI releases will be handled by either the current release manager, or by `@tomchristie`. Every release should have an open issue tagged with the `Release` label and marked against the appropriate milestone. The following template should be used for the description of the issue, and serves as a release checklist. Release manager is @***. Pull request is #***. During development cycle: - [ ] Upload the new content to be translated to [transifex](https://www.django-rest-framework.org/topics/project-management/#translations). Checklist: - [ ] Create pull request for [release notes](https://github.com/encode/django-rest-framework/blob/master/docs/topics/release-notes.md) based on the [*.*.* milestone](https://github.com/encode/django-rest-framework/milestones/***). - [ ] Update supported versions: - [ ] `pyproject.toml` `python_requires` list - [ ] `pyproject.toml` Python & Django version trove classifiers - [ ] `README` Python & Django versions - [ ] `docs` Python & Django versions - [ ] Update the translations from [transifex](https://www.django-rest-framework.org/topics/project-management/#translations). - [ ] Ensure the pull request increments the version to `*.*.*` in [`restframework/__init__.py`](https://github.com/encode/django-rest-framework/blob/master/rest_framework/__init__.py). - [ ] Ensure documentation validates - Build and serve docs `mkdocs serve` - Validate links `pylinkvalidate.py -P` - [ ] Confirm with @tomchristie that release is finalized and ready to go. - [ ] Ensure that release date is included in pull request. - [ ] Merge the release pull request. - [ ] Install the release tools: `pip install build twine` - [ ] Build the package: `python -m build` - [ ] Push the package to PyPI with `twine upload dist/*` - [ ] Tag the release, with `git tag -a *.*.* -m 'version *.*.*'; git push --tags`. - [ ] Deploy the documentation with `mkdocs gh-deploy`. - [ ] Make a release announcement on the [discussion group](https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/django-rest-framework). - [ ] Make a release announcement on twitter. - [ ] Close the milestone on GitHub. To modify this process for future releases make a pull request to the [project management](https://www.django-rest-framework.org/topics/project-management/) documentation. When pushing the release to PyPI ensure that your environment has been installed from our development `requirement.txt`, so that documentation and PyPI installs are consistently being built against a pinned set of packages. --- ## Translations The maintenance team are responsible for managing the translation packs include in REST framework. Translating the source strings into multiple languages is managed through the [transifex service][transifex-project]. ### Managing Transifex The [official Transifex client][transifex-client] is used to upload and download translations to Transifex. The client is installed using pip: pip install transifex-client To use it you'll need a login to Transifex which has a password, and you'll need to have administrative access to the Transifex project. You'll need to create a `~/.transifexrc` file which contains your credentials. [https://www.transifex.com] username = *** token = *** password = *** hostname = https://www.transifex.com ### Upload new source files When any user visible strings are changed, they should be uploaded to Transifex so that the translators can start to translate them. To do this, just run: # 1. Update the source django.po file, which is the US English version. cd rest_framework django-admin makemessages -l en_US # 2. Push the source django.po file to Transifex. cd .. tx push -s When pushing source files, Transifex will update the source strings of a resource to match those from the new source file. Here's how differences between the old and new source files will be handled: * New strings will be added. * Modified strings will be added as well. * Strings which do not exist in the new source file will be removed from the database, along with their translations. If that source strings gets re-added later then [Transifex Translation Memory][translation-memory] will automatically include the translation string. ### Download translations When a translator has finished translating their work needs to be downloaded from Transifex into the REST framework repository. To do this, run: # 3. Pull the translated django.po files from Transifex. tx pull -a --minimum-perc 10 cd rest_framework # 4. Compile the binary .mo files for all supported languages. django-admin compilemessages --- ## Project requirements All our test requirements are pinned to exact versions, in order to ensure that our test runs are reproducible. We maintain the requirements in the `requirements` directory. The requirements files are referenced from the `tox.ini` configuration file, ensuring we have a single source of truth for package versions used in testing. Package upgrades should generally be treated as isolated pull requests. You can check if there are any packages available at a newer version, by using the `pip list --outdated`. --- ## Project ownership The PyPI package is owned by `@tomchristie`. As a backup `@j4mie` also has ownership of the package. If `@tomchristie` ceases to participate in the project then `@j4mie` has responsibility for handing over ownership duties. #### Outstanding management & ownership issues The following issues still need to be addressed: * Ensure `@j4mie` has back-up access to the `django-rest-framework.org` domain setup and admin. * Document ownership of the [mailing list][mailing-list] and IRC channel. * Document ownership and management of the security mailing list. [bus-factor]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus_factor [un-triaged]: https://github.com/encode/django-rest-framework/issues?q=is%3Aopen+no%3Alabel [transifex-project]: https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django-rest-framework/ [transifex-client]: https://pypi.org/project/transifex-client/ [translation-memory]: http://docs.transifex.com/guides/tm#let-tm-automatically-populate-translations [mailing-list]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/django-rest-framework