Web APIs for Django. 🎸
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2011-02-19 13:36:38 +00:00
djangorestframework Clean up the docs 2011-02-19 13:12:35 +00:00
docs Link to django docs on serving admin media 2011-02-19 13:36:38 +00:00
examples Move status codes into seperate module 2011-02-19 10:47:26 +00:00
testproject Yowzers. Final big bunch of refactoring for 0.1 release. Now support Django 1.3's views, admin style api is all polished off, loads of tests, new test project for running the test. All sorts of goodness. Getting ready to push this out now. 2011-02-19 10:26:27 +00:00
.hgignore Fix up doc title & desc, fix repo link 2011-02-01 19:55:57 +00:00
AUTHORS Yowzers. Final big bunch of refactoring for 0.1 release. Now support Django 1.3's views, admin style api is all polished off, loads of tests, new test project for running the test. All sorts of goodness. Getting ready to push this out now. 2011-02-19 10:26:27 +00:00
README Yowzers. Final big bunch of refactoring for 0.1 release. Now support Django 1.3's views, admin style api is all polished off, loads of tests, new test project for running the test. All sorts of goodness. Getting ready to push this out now. 2011-02-19 10:26:27 +00:00
requirements.txt Yowzers. Final big bunch of refactoring for 0.1 release. Now support Django 1.3's views, admin style api is all polished off, loads of tests, new test project for running the test. All sorts of goodness. Getting ready to push this out now. 2011-02-19 10:26:27 +00:00

# To install django-rest-framework in a virtualenv environment...

hg clone https://tomchristie@bitbucket.org/tomchristie/django-rest-framework
cd django-rest-framework/
virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute --python=python2.6 env
source ./env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt # django, pip

# To run the tests...

cd testproject
export PYTHONPATH=..
python manage.py test djangorestframework

# To run the examples...

pip install -r examples/requirements.txt # pygments, httplib2, markdown
cd examples
export PYTHONPATH=..
python manage.py syncdb
python manage.py runserver

# To build the documentation...

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt   # sphinx
sphinx-build -c docs -b html -d docs/build docs html