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synced 2025-03-11 07:15:51 +03:00
* Introspect ManyRelatedField data type recursively For all `ManyRelatedField` objects, we were assuming that the inner type was always a `String`. While this may be true for the default output, a `ManyRelatedField` is a wrapper for a lot of other classes which includes more than just strings. This should allow us to document lists of things other than strings. * Added test for schemas for many-to-many fields This adds a test that makes sure we generate the schema for a many-to-many field such that it actually has the right type. For some reason we did not previously have any tests for schema generation that included them, so hopefully this will prevent any future issues from popping up. This should serve as a regression test for the `items` field on to-many relationships, which was previously forced to a `String` even though in most cases it is a different inner type within the array.
512 lines
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512 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
inspectors.py # Per-endpoint view introspection
See schemas.__init__.py for package overview.
import re
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary
from django.db import models
from django.utils.encoding import force_text, smart_text
from django.utils.six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from rest_framework import exceptions, serializers
from rest_framework.compat import coreapi, coreschema, uritemplate
from rest_framework.settings import api_settings
from rest_framework.utils import formatting
from .utils import is_list_view
header_regex = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z][0-9A-Za-z_]*:')
def field_to_schema(field):
title = force_text(field.label) if field.label else ''
description = force_text(field.help_text) if field.help_text else ''
if isinstance(field, (serializers.ListSerializer, serializers.ListField)):
child_schema = field_to_schema(field.child)
return coreschema.Array(
elif isinstance(field, serializers.DictField):
return coreschema.Object(
elif isinstance(field, serializers.Serializer):
return coreschema.Object(
(key, field_to_schema(value))
for key, value
in field.fields.items()
elif isinstance(field, serializers.ManyRelatedField):
related_field_schema = field_to_schema(field.child_relation)
return coreschema.Array(
elif isinstance(field, serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField):
schema_cls = coreschema.String
model = getattr(field.queryset, 'model', None)
if model is not None:
model_field = model._meta.pk
if isinstance(model_field, models.AutoField):
schema_cls = coreschema.Integer
return schema_cls(title=title, description=description)
elif isinstance(field, serializers.RelatedField):
return coreschema.String(title=title, description=description)
elif isinstance(field, serializers.MultipleChoiceField):
return coreschema.Array(
elif isinstance(field, serializers.ChoiceField):
return coreschema.Enum(
elif isinstance(field, serializers.BooleanField):
return coreschema.Boolean(title=title, description=description)
elif isinstance(field, (serializers.DecimalField, serializers.FloatField)):
return coreschema.Number(title=title, description=description)
elif isinstance(field, serializers.IntegerField):
return coreschema.Integer(title=title, description=description)
elif isinstance(field, serializers.DateField):
return coreschema.String(
elif isinstance(field, serializers.DateTimeField):
return coreschema.String(
elif isinstance(field, serializers.JSONField):
return coreschema.Object(title=title, description=description)
if field.style.get('base_template') == 'textarea.html':
return coreschema.String(
return coreschema.String(title=title, description=description)
def get_pk_description(model, model_field):
if isinstance(model_field, models.AutoField):
value_type = _('unique integer value')
elif isinstance(model_field, models.UUIDField):
value_type = _('UUID string')
value_type = _('unique value')
return _('A {value_type} identifying this {name}.').format(
class ViewInspector(object):
Descriptor class on APIView.
Provide subclass for per-view schema generation
def __init__(self):
self.instance_schemas = WeakKeyDictionary()
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
Enables `ViewInspector` as a Python _Descriptor_.
This is how `view.schema` knows about `view`.
`__get__` is called when the descriptor is accessed on the owner.
(That will be when view.schema is called in our case.)
`owner` is always the owner class. (An APIView, or subclass for us.)
`instance` is the view instance or `None` if accessed from the class,
rather than an instance.
See: https://docs.python.org/3/howto/descriptor.html for info on
descriptor usage.
if instance in self.instance_schemas:
return self.instance_schemas[instance]
self.view = instance
return self
def __set__(self, instance, other):
self.instance_schemas[instance] = other
if other is not None:
other.view = instance
def view(self):
"""View property."""
assert self._view is not None, (
"Schema generation REQUIRES a view instance. (Hint: you accessed "
"`schema` from the view class rather than an instance.)"
return self._view
def view(self, value):
self._view = value
def view(self):
self._view = None
def get_link(self, path, method, base_url):
Generate `coreapi.Link` for self.view, path and method.
This is the main _public_ access point.
* path: Route path for view from URLConf.
* method: The HTTP request method.
* base_url: The project "mount point" as given to SchemaGenerator
raise NotImplementedError(".get_link() must be overridden.")
class AutoSchema(ViewInspector):
Default inspector for APIView
Responsible for per-view introspection and schema generation.
def __init__(self, manual_fields=None):
* `manual_fields`: list of `coreapi.Field` instances that
will be added to auto-generated fields, overwriting on `Field.name`
super(AutoSchema, self).__init__()
if manual_fields is None:
manual_fields = []
self._manual_fields = manual_fields
def get_link(self, path, method, base_url):
fields = self.get_path_fields(path, method)
fields += self.get_serializer_fields(path, method)
fields += self.get_pagination_fields(path, method)
fields += self.get_filter_fields(path, method)
manual_fields = self.get_manual_fields(path, method)
fields = self.update_fields(fields, manual_fields)
if fields and any([field.location in ('form', 'body') for field in fields]):
encoding = self.get_encoding(path, method)
encoding = None
description = self.get_description(path, method)
if base_url and path.startswith('/'):
path = path[1:]
return coreapi.Link(
url=urlparse.urljoin(base_url, path),
def get_description(self, path, method):
Determine a link description.
This will be based on the method docstring if one exists,
or else the class docstring.
view = self.view
method_name = getattr(view, 'action', method.lower())
method_docstring = getattr(view, method_name, None).__doc__
if method_docstring:
# An explicit docstring on the method or action.
return self._get_description_section(view, method.lower(), formatting.dedent(smart_text(method_docstring)))
return self._get_description_section(view, getattr(view, 'action', method.lower()), view.get_view_description())
def _get_description_section(self, view, header, description):
lines = [line for line in description.splitlines()]
current_section = ''
sections = {'': ''}
for line in lines:
if header_regex.match(line):
current_section, seperator, lead = line.partition(':')
sections[current_section] = lead.strip()
sections[current_section] += '\n' + line
# TODO: SCHEMA_COERCE_METHOD_NAMES appears here and in `SchemaGenerator.get_keys`
coerce_method_names = api_settings.SCHEMA_COERCE_METHOD_NAMES
if header in sections:
return sections[header].strip()
if header in coerce_method_names:
if coerce_method_names[header] in sections:
return sections[coerce_method_names[header]].strip()
return sections[''].strip()
def get_path_fields(self, path, method):
Return a list of `coreapi.Field` instances corresponding to any
templated path variables.
view = self.view
model = getattr(getattr(view, 'queryset', None), 'model', None)
fields = []
for variable in uritemplate.variables(path):
title = ''
description = ''
schema_cls = coreschema.String
kwargs = {}
if model is not None:
# Attempt to infer a field description if possible.
model_field = model._meta.get_field(variable)
except Exception:
model_field = None
if model_field is not None and model_field.verbose_name:
title = force_text(model_field.verbose_name)
if model_field is not None and model_field.help_text:
description = force_text(model_field.help_text)
elif model_field is not None and model_field.primary_key:
description = get_pk_description(model, model_field)
if hasattr(view, 'lookup_value_regex') and view.lookup_field == variable:
kwargs['pattern'] = view.lookup_value_regex
elif isinstance(model_field, models.AutoField):
schema_cls = coreschema.Integer
field = coreapi.Field(
schema=schema_cls(title=title, description=description, **kwargs)
return fields
def get_serializer_fields(self, path, method):
Return a list of `coreapi.Field` instances corresponding to any
request body input, as determined by the serializer class.
view = self.view
if method not in ('PUT', 'PATCH', 'POST'):
return []
if not hasattr(view, 'get_serializer'):
return []
serializer = view.get_serializer()
except exceptions.APIException:
serializer = None
warnings.warn('{}.get_serializer() raised an exception during '
'schema generation. Serializer fields will not be '
'generated for {} {}.'
.format(view.__class__.__name__, method, path))
if isinstance(serializer, serializers.ListSerializer):
return [
if not isinstance(serializer, serializers.Serializer):
return []
fields = []
for field in serializer.fields.values():
if field.read_only or isinstance(field, serializers.HiddenField):
required = field.required and method != 'PATCH'
field = coreapi.Field(
return fields
def get_pagination_fields(self, path, method):
view = self.view
if not is_list_view(path, method, view):
return []
pagination = getattr(view, 'pagination_class', None)
if not pagination:
return []
paginator = view.pagination_class()
return paginator.get_schema_fields(view)
def _allows_filters(self, path, method):
Determine whether to include filter Fields in schema.
Default implementation looks for ModelViewSet or GenericAPIView
actions/methods that cause filtering on the default implementation.
Override to adjust behaviour for your view.
Note: Introduced in v3.7: Initially "private" (i.e. with leading underscore)
to allow changes based on user experience.
if getattr(self.view, 'filter_backends', None) is None:
return False
if hasattr(self.view, 'action'):
return self.view.action in ["list", "retrieve", "update", "partial_update", "destroy"]
return method.lower() in ["get", "put", "patch", "delete"]
def get_filter_fields(self, path, method):
if not self._allows_filters(path, method):
return []
fields = []
for filter_backend in self.view.filter_backends:
fields += filter_backend().get_schema_fields(self.view)
return fields
def get_manual_fields(self, path, method):
return self._manual_fields
def update_fields(fields, update_with):
Update list of coreapi.Field instances, overwriting on `Field.name`.
Utility function to handle replacing coreapi.Field fields
from a list by name. Used to handle `manual_fields`.
* `fields`: list of `coreapi.Field` instances to update
* `update_with: list of `coreapi.Field` instances to add or replace.
if not update_with:
return fields
by_name = OrderedDict((f.name, f) for f in fields)
for f in update_with:
by_name[f.name] = f
fields = list(by_name.values())
return fields
def get_encoding(self, path, method):
Return the 'encoding' parameter to use for a given endpoint.
view = self.view
# Core API supports the following request encodings over HTTP...
supported_media_types = {
parser_classes = getattr(view, 'parser_classes', [])
for parser_class in parser_classes:
media_type = getattr(parser_class, 'media_type', None)
if media_type in supported_media_types:
return media_type
# Raw binary uploads are supported with "application/octet-stream"
if media_type == '*/*':
return 'application/octet-stream'
return None
class ManualSchema(ViewInspector):
Allows providing a list of coreapi.Fields,
plus an optional description.
def __init__(self, fields, description='', encoding=None):
* `fields`: list of `coreapi.Field` instances.
* `description`: String description for view. Optional.
super(ManualSchema, self).__init__()
assert all(isinstance(f, coreapi.Field) for f in fields), "`fields` must be a list of coreapi.Field instances"
self._fields = fields
self._description = description
self._encoding = encoding
def get_link(self, path, method, base_url):
if base_url and path.startswith('/'):
path = path[1:]
return coreapi.Link(
url=urlparse.urljoin(base_url, path),
class DefaultSchema(ViewInspector):
"""Allows overriding AutoSchema using DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS setting"""
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
result = super(DefaultSchema, self).__get__(instance, owner)
if not isinstance(result, DefaultSchema):
return result
inspector_class = api_settings.DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS
assert issubclass(inspector_class, ViewInspector), (
"DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS must be set to a ViewInspector (usually an AutoSchema) subclass"
inspector = inspector_class()
inspector.view = instance
return inspector