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The `compat` module provides support for backwards compatibility with older
versions of django/python, and compatibility wrappers around optional packages.
# flake8: noqa
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import inspect
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse as _urlparse
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils import six
import django
def unicode_repr(instance):
# Get the repr of an instance, but ensure it is a unicode string
# on both python 3 (already the case) and 2 (not the case).
if six.PY2:
return repr(instance).decode('utf-8')
return repr(instance)
def unicode_to_repr(value):
# Coerce a unicode string to the correct repr return type, depending on
# the Python version. We wrap all our `__repr__` implementations with
# this and then use unicode throughout internally.
if six.PY2:
return value.encode('utf-8')
return value
def total_seconds(timedelta):
# TimeDelta.total_seconds() is only available in Python 2.7
if hasattr(timedelta, 'total_seconds'):
return timedelta.total_seconds()
return (timedelta.days * 86400.0) + float(timedelta.seconds) + (timedelta.microseconds / 1000000.0)
# OrderedDict only available in Python 2.7.
# This will always be the case in Django 1.7 and above, as these versions
# no longer support Python 2.6.
# For Django <= 1.6 and Python 2.6 fall back to SortedDict.
from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict as OrderedDict
# HttpResponseBase only exists from 1.5 onwards
from django.http.response import HttpResponseBase
except ImportError:
from django.http import HttpResponse as HttpResponseBase
# contrib.postgres only supported from 1.8 onwards.
from django.contrib.postgres import fields as postgres_fields
except ImportError:
postgres_fields = None
# request only provides `resolver_match` from 1.5 onwards.
def get_resolver_match(request):
return request.resolver_match
except AttributeError:
# Django < 1.5
from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve
return resolve(request.path_info)
# django-filter is optional
import django_filters
except ImportError:
django_filters = None
if django.VERSION >= (1, 6):
def clean_manytomany_helptext(text):
return text
# Up to version 1.5 many to many fields automatically suffix
# the `help_text` attribute with hardcoded text.
def clean_manytomany_helptext(text):
if text.endswith(' Hold down "Control", or "Command" on a Mac, to select more than one.'):
text = text[:-69]
return text
# Django-guardian is optional. Import only if guardian is in INSTALLED_APPS
# Fixes (#1712). We keep the try/except for the test suite.
guardian = None
if 'guardian' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
import guardian
import guardian.shortcuts # Fixes #1624
except ImportError:
def get_model_name(model_cls):
return model_cls._meta.model_name
except AttributeError:
# < 1.6 used module_name instead of model_name
return model_cls._meta.module_name
# View._allowed_methods only present from 1.5 onwards
if django.VERSION >= (1, 5):
from django.views.generic import View
from django.views.generic import View as DjangoView
class View(DjangoView):
def _allowed_methods(self):
return [m.upper() for m in self.http_method_names if hasattr(self, m)]
# MinValueValidator, MaxValueValidator et al. only accept `message` in 1.8+
if django.VERSION >= (1, 8):
from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator, MaxValueValidator
from django.core.validators import MinLengthValidator, MaxLengthValidator
from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator as DjangoMinValueValidator
from django.core.validators import MaxValueValidator as DjangoMaxValueValidator
from django.core.validators import MinLengthValidator as DjangoMinLengthValidator
from django.core.validators import MaxLengthValidator as DjangoMaxLengthValidator
class MinValueValidator(DjangoMinValueValidator):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.message = kwargs.pop('message', self.message)
super(MinValueValidator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class MaxValueValidator(DjangoMaxValueValidator):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.message = kwargs.pop('message', self.message)
super(MaxValueValidator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class MinLengthValidator(DjangoMinLengthValidator):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.message = kwargs.pop('message', self.message)
super(MinLengthValidator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class MaxLengthValidator(DjangoMaxLengthValidator):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.message = kwargs.pop('message', self.message)
super(MaxLengthValidator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# URLValidator only accepts `message` in 1.6+
if django.VERSION >= (1, 6):
from django.core.validators import URLValidator
from django.core.validators import URLValidator as DjangoURLValidator
class URLValidator(DjangoURLValidator):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.message = kwargs.pop('message', self.message)
super(URLValidator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# EmailValidator requires explicit regex prior to 1.6+
if django.VERSION >= (1, 6):
from django.core.validators import EmailValidator
from django.core.validators import EmailValidator as DjangoEmailValidator
from django.core.validators import email_re
class EmailValidator(DjangoEmailValidator):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(EmailValidator, self).__init__(email_re, *args, **kwargs)
# PATCH method is not implemented by Django
if 'patch' not in View.http_method_names:
View.http_method_names = View.http_method_names + ['patch']
# RequestFactory only provides `generic` from 1.5 onwards
from django.test.client import RequestFactory as DjangoRequestFactory
from django.test.client import FakePayload
# In 1.5 the test client uses force_bytes
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes as force_bytes_or_smart_bytes
except ImportError:
# In 1.4 the test client just uses smart_str
from django.utils.encoding import smart_str as force_bytes_or_smart_bytes
class RequestFactory(DjangoRequestFactory):
def generic(self, method, path,
data='', content_type='application/octet-stream', **extra):
parsed = _urlparse(path)
data = force_bytes_or_smart_bytes(data, settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET)
r = {
'PATH_INFO': self._get_path(parsed),
'QUERY_STRING': force_text(parsed[4]),
'REQUEST_METHOD': six.text_type(method),
if data:
'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(data),
'CONTENT_TYPE': six.text_type(content_type),
'wsgi.input': FakePayload(data),
return self.request(**r)
# Markdown is optional
import markdown
def apply_markdown(text):
Simple wrapper around :func:`markdown.markdown` to set the base level
of '#' style headers to <h2>.
extensions = ['headerid(level=2)']
safe_mode = False
md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=extensions, safe_mode=safe_mode)
return md.convert(text)
except ImportError:
apply_markdown = None
# Yaml is optional
import yaml
except ImportError:
yaml = None
# XML is optional
import defusedxml.ElementTree as etree
except ImportError:
etree = None
# OAuth2 is optional
# Note: The `oauth2` package actually provides oauth1.0a support. Urg.
import oauth2 as oauth
except ImportError:
oauth = None
# OAuthProvider is optional
import oauth_provider
from oauth_provider.store import store as oauth_provider_store
# check_nonce's calling signature in django-oauth-plus changes sometime
# between versions 2.0 and 2.2.1
def check_nonce(request, oauth_request, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp):
check_nonce_args = inspect.getargspec(oauth_provider_store.check_nonce).args
if 'timestamp' in check_nonce_args:
return oauth_provider_store.check_nonce(
request, oauth_request, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp
return oauth_provider_store.check_nonce(
request, oauth_request, oauth_nonce
except (ImportError, ImproperlyConfigured):
oauth_provider = None
oauth_provider_store = None
check_nonce = None
# OAuth 2 support is optional
import provider as oauth2_provider
from provider import scope as oauth2_provider_scope
from provider import constants as oauth2_constants
if oauth2_provider.__version__ in ('0.2.3', '0.2.4'):
# 0.2.3 and 0.2.4 are supported version that do not support
# timezone aware datetimes
import datetime
provider_now = datetime.datetime.now
# Any other supported version does use timezone aware datetimes
from django.utils.timezone import now as provider_now
except ImportError:
oauth2_provider = None
oauth2_provider_scope = None
oauth2_constants = None
provider_now = None
# `separators` argument to `json.dumps()` differs between 2.x and 3.x
# See: http://bugs.python.org/issue22767
if six.PY3:
LONG_SEPARATORS = (', ', ': ')
SHORT_SEPARATORS = (b',', b':')
LONG_SEPARATORS = (b', ', b': ')