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synced 2025-03-11 07:15:51 +03:00
Most of these had obvious exceptions which would be thrown. Some I'm not sure about but they should at least catch only Exception so as not to ignore SystemExit and other inappropriate Error classes.
396 lines
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396 lines
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Provides an APIView class that is used as the base of all class-based views.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.http import Http404
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from rest_framework import status, exceptions
from rest_framework.compat import View, apply_markdown
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.request import Request
from rest_framework.settings import api_settings
import re
def _remove_trailing_string(content, trailing):
Strip trailing component `trailing` from `content` if it exists.
Used when generating names from view classes.
if content.endswith(trailing) and content != trailing:
return content[:-len(trailing)]
return content
def _remove_leading_indent(content):
Remove leading indent from a block of text.
Used when generating descriptions from docstrings.
whitespace_counts = [len(line) - len(line.lstrip(' '))
for line in content.splitlines()[1:] if line.lstrip()]
# unindent the content if needed
if whitespace_counts:
whitespace_pattern = '^' + (' ' * min(whitespace_counts))
content = re.sub(re.compile(whitespace_pattern, re.MULTILINE), '', content)
content = content.strip('\n')
return content
def _camelcase_to_spaces(content):
Translate 'CamelCaseNames' to 'Camel Case Names'.
Used when generating names from view classes.
camelcase_boundry = '(((?<=[a-z])[A-Z])|([A-Z](?![A-Z]|$)))'
content = re.sub(camelcase_boundry, ' \\1', content).strip()
return ' '.join(content.split('_')).title()
class APIView(View):
settings = api_settings
renderer_classes = api_settings.DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES
parser_classes = api_settings.DEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES
authentication_classes = api_settings.DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES
throttle_classes = api_settings.DEFAULT_THROTTLE_CLASSES
permission_classes = api_settings.DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES
content_negotiation_class = api_settings.DEFAULT_CONTENT_NEGOTIATION_CLASS
def as_view(cls, **initkwargs):
Override the default :meth:`as_view` to store an instance of the view
as an attribute on the callable function. This allows us to discover
information about the view when we do URL reverse lookups.
# TODO: deprecate?
view = super(APIView, cls).as_view(**initkwargs)
view.cls_instance = cls(**initkwargs)
return view
def allowed_methods(self):
Return the list of allowed HTTP methods, uppercased.
return [method.upper() for method in self.http_method_names
if hasattr(self, method)]
def default_response_headers(self):
# TODO: deprecate?
# TODO: Only vary by accept if multiple renderers
return {
'Allow': ', '.join(self.allowed_methods),
'Vary': 'Accept'
def get_name(self):
Return the resource or view class name for use as this view's name.
Override to customize.
# TODO: deprecate?
name = self.__class__.__name__
name = _remove_trailing_string(name, 'View')
return _camelcase_to_spaces(name)
def get_description(self, html=False):
Return the resource or view docstring for use as this view's description.
Override to customize.
# TODO: deprecate?
description = self.__doc__ or ''
description = _remove_leading_indent(description)
if html:
return self.markup_description(description)
return description
def markup_description(self, description):
Apply HTML markup to the description of this view.
# TODO: deprecate?
if apply_markdown:
description = apply_markdown(description)
description = escape(description).replace('\n', '<br />')
return mark_safe(description)
def metadata(self, request):
return {
'name': self.get_name(),
'description': self.get_description(),
'renders': [renderer.media_type for renderer in self.renderer_classes],
'parses': [parser.media_type for parser in self.parser_classes],
# TODO: Add 'fields', from serializer info, if it exists.
# serializer = self.get_serializer()
# if serializer is not None:
# field_name_types = {}
# for name, field in form.fields.iteritems():
# field_name_types[name] = field.__class__.__name__
# content['fields'] = field_name_types
def http_method_not_allowed(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
Called if `request.method` does not correspond to a handler method.
raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
def permission_denied(self, request):
If request is not permitted, determine what kind of exception to raise.
if not self.request.successful_authenticator:
raise exceptions.NotAuthenticated()
raise exceptions.PermissionDenied()
def throttled(self, request, wait):
If request is throttled, determine what kind of exception to raise.
raise exceptions.Throttled(wait)
def get_authenticate_header(self, request):
If a request is unauthenticated, determine the WWW-Authenticate
header to use for 401 responses, if any.
authenticators = self.get_authenticators()
if authenticators:
return authenticators[0].authenticate_header(request)
def get_parser_context(self, http_request):
Returns a dict that is passed through to Parser.parse(),
as the `parser_context` keyword argument.
# Note: Additionally `request` will also be added to the context
# by the Request object.
return {
'view': self,
'args': getattr(self, 'args', ()),
'kwargs': getattr(self, 'kwargs', {})
def get_renderer_context(self):
Returns a dict that is passed through to Renderer.render(),
as the `renderer_context` keyword argument.
# Note: Additionally 'response' will also be added to the context,
# by the Response object.
return {
'view': self,
'args': getattr(self, 'args', ()),
'kwargs': getattr(self, 'kwargs', {}),
'request': getattr(self, 'request', None)
# API policy instantiation methods
def get_format_suffix(self, **kwargs):
Determine if the request includes a '.json' style format suffix
if self.settings.FORMAT_SUFFIX_KWARG:
return kwargs.get(self.settings.FORMAT_SUFFIX_KWARG)
def get_renderers(self):
Instantiates and returns the list of renderers that this view can use.
return [renderer() for renderer in self.renderer_classes]
def get_parsers(self):
Instantiates and returns the list of renderers that this view can use.
return [parser() for parser in self.parser_classes]
def get_authenticators(self):
Instantiates and returns the list of renderers that this view can use.
return [auth() for auth in self.authentication_classes]
def get_permissions(self):
Instantiates and returns the list of permissions that this view requires.
return [permission() for permission in self.permission_classes]
def get_throttles(self):
Instantiates and returns the list of throttles that this view uses.
return [throttle() for throttle in self.throttle_classes]
def get_content_negotiator(self):
Instantiate and return the content negotiation class to use.
if not getattr(self, '_negotiator', None):
self._negotiator = self.content_negotiation_class()
return self._negotiator
# API policy implementation methods
def perform_content_negotiation(self, request, force=False):
Determine which renderer and media type to use render the response.
renderers = self.get_renderers()
conneg = self.get_content_negotiator()
return conneg.select_renderer(request, renderers, self.format_kwarg)
except Exception:
if force:
return (renderers[0], renderers[0].media_type)
def has_permission(self, request, obj=None):
Return `True` if the request should be permitted.
for permission in self.get_permissions():
if not permission.has_permission(request, self, obj):
return False
return True
def check_throttles(self, request):
Check if request should be throttled.
for throttle in self.get_throttles():
if not throttle.allow_request(request, self):
self.throttled(request, throttle.wait())
# Dispatch methods
def initialize_request(self, request, *args, **kargs):
Returns the initial request object.
parser_context = self.get_parser_context(request)
return Request(request,
def initial(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
Runs anything that needs to occur prior to calling the method handler.
self.format_kwarg = self.get_format_suffix(**kwargs)
# Ensure that the incoming request is permitted
if not self.has_permission(request):
# Perform content negotiation and store the accepted info on the request
neg = self.perform_content_negotiation(request)
request.accepted_renderer, request.accepted_media_type = neg
def finalize_response(self, request, response, *args, **kwargs):
Returns the final response object.
if isinstance(response, Response):
if not getattr(request, 'accepted_renderer', None):
neg = self.perform_content_negotiation(request, force=True)
request.accepted_renderer, request.accepted_media_type = neg
response.accepted_renderer = request.accepted_renderer
response.accepted_media_type = request.accepted_media_type
response.renderer_context = self.get_renderer_context()
for key, value in self.headers.items():
response[key] = value
return response
def handle_exception(self, exc):
Handle any exception that occurs, by returning an appropriate response,
or re-raising the error.
if isinstance(exc, exceptions.Throttled):
# Throttle wait header
self.headers['X-Throttle-Wait-Seconds'] = '%d' % exc.wait
if isinstance(exc, (exceptions.NotAuthenticated,
# WWW-Authenticate header for 401 responses, else coerce to 403
auth_header = self.get_authenticate_header(self.request)
if auth_header:
self.headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = auth_header
exc.status_code = status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
if isinstance(exc, exceptions.APIException):
return Response({'detail': exc.detail},
elif isinstance(exc, Http404):
return Response({'detail': 'Not found'},
elif isinstance(exc, PermissionDenied):
return Response({'detail': 'Permission denied'},
# Note: session based authentication is explicitly CSRF validated,
# all other authentication is CSRF exempt.
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
`.dispatch()` is pretty much the same as Django's regular dispatch,
but with extra hooks for startup, finalize, and exception handling.
request = self.initialize_request(request, *args, **kwargs)
self.request = request
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.headers = self.default_response_headers # deprecate?
self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
# Get the appropriate handler method
if request.method.lower() in self.http_method_names:
handler = getattr(self, request.method.lower(),
handler = self.http_method_not_allowed
response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception as exc:
response = self.handle_exception(exc)
self.response = self.finalize_response(request, response, *args, **kwargs)
return self.response
def options(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
Handler method for HTTP 'OPTIONS' request.
We may as well implement this as Django will otherwise provide
a less useful default implementation.
return Response(self.metadata(request), status=status.HTTP_200_OK)