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# """Tests for the mixin module"""
# from django.test import TestCase
# from rest_framework import status
# from django.test.client import RequestFactory
# from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, User
# from rest_framework.mixins import CreateModelMixin, PaginatorMixin, ReadModelMixin
# from rest_framework.resources import ModelResource
# from rest_framework.response import Response, ImmediateResponse
# from rest_framework.tests.models import CustomUser
# from rest_framework.tests.testcases import TestModelsTestCase
# from rest_framework.views import View
# class TestModelRead(TestModelsTestCase):
# """Tests on ReadModelMixin"""
# def setUp(self):
# super(TestModelRead, self).setUp()
# self.req = RequestFactory()
# def test_read(self):
# Group.objects.create(name='other group')
# group = Group.objects.create(name='my group')
# class GroupResource(ModelResource):
# model = Group
# request = self.req.get('/groups')
# mixin = ReadModelMixin()
# mixin.resource = GroupResource
# response = mixin.get(request, id=group.id)
# self.assertEquals(group.name, response.raw_content.name)
# def test_read_404(self):
# class GroupResource(ModelResource):
# model = Group
# request = self.req.get('/groups')
# mixin = ReadModelMixin()
# mixin.resource = GroupResource
# self.assertRaises(ImmediateResponse, mixin.get, request, id=12345)
# class TestModelCreation(TestModelsTestCase):
# """Tests on CreateModelMixin"""
# def setUp(self):
# super(TestModelsTestCase, self).setUp()
# self.req = RequestFactory()
# def test_creation(self):
# self.assertEquals(0, Group.objects.count())
# class GroupResource(ModelResource):
# model = Group
# form_data = {'name': 'foo'}
# request = self.req.post('/groups', data=form_data)
# mixin = CreateModelMixin()
# mixin.resource = GroupResource
# mixin.CONTENT = form_data
# response = mixin.post(request)
# self.assertEquals(1, Group.objects.count())
# self.assertEquals('foo', response.raw_content.name)
# def test_creation_with_m2m_relation(self):
# class UserResource(ModelResource):
# model = User
# def url(self, instance):
# return "/users/%i" % instance.id
# group = Group(name='foo')
# group.save()
# form_data = {
# 'username': 'bar',
# 'password': 'baz',
# 'groups': [group.id]
# }
# request = self.req.post('/groups', data=form_data)
# cleaned_data = dict(form_data)
# cleaned_data['groups'] = [group]
# mixin = CreateModelMixin()
# mixin.resource = UserResource
# mixin.CONTENT = cleaned_data
# response = mixin.post(request)
# self.assertEquals(1, User.objects.count())
# self.assertEquals(1, response.raw_content.groups.count())
# self.assertEquals('foo', response.raw_content.groups.all()[0].name)
# def test_creation_with_m2m_relation_through(self):
# """
# Tests creation where the m2m relation uses a through table
# """
# class UserResource(ModelResource):
# model = CustomUser
# def url(self, instance):
# return "/customusers/%i" % instance.id
# form_data = {'username': 'bar0', 'groups': []}
# request = self.req.post('/groups', data=form_data)
# cleaned_data = dict(form_data)
# cleaned_data['groups'] = []
# mixin = CreateModelMixin()
# mixin.resource = UserResource
# mixin.CONTENT = cleaned_data
# response = mixin.post(request)
# self.assertEquals(1, CustomUser.objects.count())
# self.assertEquals(0, response.raw_content.groups.count())
# group = Group(name='foo1')
# group.save()
# form_data = {'username': 'bar1', 'groups': [group.id]}
# request = self.req.post('/groups', data=form_data)
# cleaned_data = dict(form_data)
# cleaned_data['groups'] = [group]
# mixin = CreateModelMixin()
# mixin.resource = UserResource
# mixin.CONTENT = cleaned_data
# response = mixin.post(request)
# self.assertEquals(2, CustomUser.objects.count())
# self.assertEquals(1, response.raw_content.groups.count())
# self.assertEquals('foo1', response.raw_content.groups.all()[0].name)
# group2 = Group(name='foo2')
# group2.save()
# form_data = {'username': 'bar2', 'groups': [group.id, group2.id]}
# request = self.req.post('/groups', data=form_data)
# cleaned_data = dict(form_data)
# cleaned_data['groups'] = [group, group2]
# mixin = CreateModelMixin()
# mixin.resource = UserResource
# mixin.CONTENT = cleaned_data
# response = mixin.post(request)
# self.assertEquals(3, CustomUser.objects.count())
# self.assertEquals(2, response.raw_content.groups.count())
# self.assertEquals('foo1', response.raw_content.groups.all()[0].name)
# self.assertEquals('foo2', response.raw_content.groups.all()[1].name)
# class MockPaginatorView(PaginatorMixin, View):
# total = 60
# def get(self, request):
# return Response(range(0, self.total))
# def post(self, request):
# return Response({'status': 'OK'}, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
# class TestPagination(TestCase):
# def setUp(self):
# self.req = RequestFactory()
# def test_default_limit(self):
# """ Tests if pagination works without overwriting the limit """
# request = self.req.get('/paginator')
# response = MockPaginatorView.as_view()(request)
# content = response.raw_content
# self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
# self.assertEqual(MockPaginatorView.total, content['total'])
# self.assertEqual(MockPaginatorView.limit, content['per_page'])
# self.assertEqual(range(0, MockPaginatorView.limit), content['results'])
# def test_overwriting_limit(self):
# """ Tests if the limit can be overwritten """
# limit = 10
# request = self.req.get('/paginator')
# response = MockPaginatorView.as_view(limit=limit)(request)
# content = response.raw_content
# self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
# self.assertEqual(content['per_page'], limit)
# self.assertEqual(range(0, limit), content['results'])
# def test_limit_param(self):
# """ Tests if the client can set the limit """
# from math import ceil
# limit = 5
# num_pages = int(ceil(MockPaginatorView.total / float(limit)))
# request = self.req.get('/paginator/?limit=%d' % limit)
# response = MockPaginatorView.as_view()(request)
# content = response.raw_content
# self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
# self.assertEqual(MockPaginatorView.total, content['total'])
# self.assertEqual(limit, content['per_page'])
# self.assertEqual(num_pages, content['pages'])
# def test_exceeding_limit(self):
# """ Makes sure the client cannot exceed the default limit """
# from math import ceil
# limit = MockPaginatorView.limit + 10
# num_pages = int(ceil(MockPaginatorView.total / float(limit)))
# request = self.req.get('/paginator/?limit=%d' % limit)
# response = MockPaginatorView.as_view()(request)
# content = response.raw_content
# self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
# self.assertEqual(MockPaginatorView.total, content['total'])
# self.assertNotEqual(limit, content['per_page'])
# self.assertNotEqual(num_pages, content['pages'])
# self.assertEqual(MockPaginatorView.limit, content['per_page'])
# def test_only_works_for_get(self):
# """ Pagination should only work for GET requests """
# request = self.req.post('/paginator', data={'content': 'spam'})
# response = MockPaginatorView.as_view()(request)
# content = response.raw_content
# self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
# self.assertEqual(None, content.get('per_page'))
# self.assertEqual('OK', content['status'])
# def test_non_int_page(self):
# """ Tests that it can handle invalid values """
# request = self.req.get('/paginator/?page=spam')
# response = MockPaginatorView.as_view()(request)
# self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
# def test_page_range(self):
# """ Tests that the page range is handle correctly """
# request = self.req.get('/paginator/?page=0')
# response = MockPaginatorView.as_view()(request)
# content = response.raw_content
# self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
# request = self.req.get('/paginator/')
# response = MockPaginatorView.as_view()(request)
# content = response.raw_content
# self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
# self.assertEqual(range(0, MockPaginatorView.limit), content['results'])
# num_pages = content['pages']
# request = self.req.get('/paginator/?page=%d' % num_pages)
# response = MockPaginatorView.as_view()(request)
# content = response.raw_content
# self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
# self.assertEqual(range(MockPaginatorView.limit*(num_pages-1), MockPaginatorView.total), content['results'])
# request = self.req.get('/paginator/?page=%d' % (num_pages + 1,))
# response = MockPaginatorView.as_view()(request)
# content = response.raw_content
# self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
# def test_existing_query_parameters_are_preserved(self):
# """ Tests that existing query parameters are preserved when
# generating next/previous page links """
# request = self.req.get('/paginator/?foo=bar&another=something')
# response = MockPaginatorView.as_view()(request)
# content = response.raw_content
# self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
# self.assertTrue('foo=bar' in content['next'])
# self.assertTrue('another=something' in content['next'])
# self.assertTrue('page=2' in content['next'])
# def test_duplicate_parameters_are_not_created(self):
# """ Regression: ensure duplicate "page" parameters are not added to
# paginated URLs. So page 1 should contain ?page=2, not ?page=1&page=2 """
# request = self.req.get('/paginator/?page=1')
# response = MockPaginatorView.as_view()(request)
# content = response.raw_content
# self.assertTrue('page=2' in content['next'])
# self.assertFalse('page=1' in content['next'])