2015-12-11 12:37:25 +03:00
"""Concept example of `Dependency Injector`."""
import sqlite3
from dependency_injector import catalogs
from dependency_injector import providers
from dependency_injector import injections
class UsersService(object):
"""Users service, that has dependency on database."""
def __init__(self, db):
self.db = db
class AuthService(object):
"""Auth service, that has dependencies on users service and database."""
def __init__(self, db, users_service):
self.db = db
self.users_service = users_service
class Services(catalogs.DeclarativeCatalog):
"""Catalog of service providers."""
database = providers.Singleton(sqlite3.connect,
""":type: providers.Provider -> sqlite3.Connection"""
users = providers.Factory(UsersService,
injections.KwArg('db', database))
""":type: providers.Provider -> UsersService"""
auth = providers.Factory(AuthService,
injections.KwArg('db', database),
injections.KwArg('users_service', users))
""":type: providers.Provider -> AuthService"""
# Retrieving catalog providers:
users_service = Services.users()
auth_service = Services.auth()
# Making some asserts:
assert users_service.db is auth_service.db is Services.database()
assert isinstance(auth_service.users_service, UsersService)
assert users_service is not Services.users()
assert auth_service is not Services.auth()
# Making some "inline" injections:
def example(users_service, auth_service, database):
"""Example callback."""
assert users_service.db is auth_service.db
assert auth_service.db is database
assert database is Services.database()
# Making a call of decorated callback:
2016-01-11 12:14:37 +03:00
# Overriding auth service provider and making some asserts:
class ExtendedAuthService(AuthService):
"""Extended version of auth service."""
def __init__(self, db, users_service, ttl):
self.ttl = ttl
super(ExtendedAuthService, self).__init__(db=db,
injections.KwArg('ttl', 3600)))
auth_service = Services.auth()
assert isinstance(auth_service, ExtendedAuthService)