2021-02-05 02:18:25 +03:00
.. _fastapi-sqlalchemy-example:
FastAPI + SQLAlchemy example
.. meta ::
:keywords: Python,Dependency Injection,FastAPI,SQLAlchemy,Example
:description: This example demonstrates a usage of the FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, and Dependency Injector.
This example shows how to use `` Dependency Injector `` with `FastAPI <https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/> `_ and
`SQLAlchemy <https://www.sqlalchemy.org/> `_ .
The source code is available on the `Github <https://github.com/ets-labs/python-dependency-injector/tree/master/examples/miniapps/fastapi-sqlalchemy> `_ .
Thanks to `@ShvetsovYura <https://github.com/ShvetsovYura> `_ for providing initial example:
`FastAPI_DI_SqlAlchemy <https://github.com/ShvetsovYura/FastAPI_DI_SqlAlchemy> `_ .
Application structure
Application has next structure:
.. code-block :: bash
├── webapp/
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── application.py
│ ├── containers.py
│ ├── database.py
│ ├── endpoints.py
│ ├── models.py
│ ├── repositories.py
│ ├── services.py
│ └── tests.py
├── config.yml
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
└── requirements.txt
Application factory
Application factory creates container, wires it with the `` endpoints `` module, creates
`` FastAPI `` app, and setup routes.
Application factory also creates database if it does not exist.
Listing of `` webapp/application.py `` :
.. literalinclude :: ../../examples/miniapps/fastapi-sqlalchemy/webapp/application.py
:language: python
Module `` endpoints `` contains example endpoints. Endpoints have a dependency on user service.
User service is injected using :ref: `wiring` feature. See `` webapp/endpoints.py `` :
.. literalinclude :: ../../examples/miniapps/fastapi-sqlalchemy/webapp/endpoints.py
:language: python
Declarative container wires example user service, user repository, and utility database class.
See `` webapp/containers.py `` :
.. literalinclude :: ../../examples/miniapps/fastapi-sqlalchemy/webapp/containers.py
:language: python
Module `` services `` contains example user service. See `` webapp/services.py `` :
.. literalinclude :: ../../examples/miniapps/fastapi-sqlalchemy/webapp/services.py
:language: python
Module `` repositories `` contains example user repository. See `` webapp/repositories.py `` :
.. literalinclude :: ../../examples/miniapps/fastapi-sqlalchemy/webapp/repositories.py
:language: python
Module `` models `` contains example SQLAlchemy user model. See `` webapp/models.py `` :
.. literalinclude :: ../../examples/miniapps/fastapi-sqlalchemy/webapp/models.py
:language: python
2021-02-15 05:08:19 +03:00
2021-02-05 02:18:25 +03:00
Module `` database `` defines declarative base and utility class with engine and session factory.
See `` webapp/database.py `` :
.. literalinclude :: ../../examples/miniapps/fastapi-sqlalchemy/webapp/database.py
:language: python
Tests use :ref: `provider-overriding` feature to replace repository with a mock. See `` webapp/tests.py `` :
.. literalinclude :: ../../examples/miniapps/fastapi-sqlalchemy/webapp/tests.py
:language: python
:emphasize-lines: 25, 45, 58, 74, 86, 97
The source code is available on the `Github <https://github.com/ets-labs/python-dependency-injector/tree/master/examples/miniapps/fastapi-sqlalchemy> `_ .
.. disqus ::