From 876081fac6f9e58bce94c3bcf1b72ae6df28c00a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Roman Mogilatov <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 19:26:39 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Update @inject decorator docs

 docs/advanced_usage/index.rst | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/advanced_usage/index.rst b/docs/advanced_usage/index.rst
index c2133e63..2548e27e 100644
--- a/docs/advanced_usage/index.rst
+++ b/docs/advanced_usage/index.rst
@@ -7,28 +7,35 @@ Current section of documentation describes advanced usage of
 @inject decorator
-``@di.inject()`` decorator can be used for making *inline* dependency 
+.. module:: dependency_injector.injections
+:py:func:`inject` decorator is a part of 
+:py:mod:`dependency_injector.injections` module.
+:py:func:`inject` decorator can be used for making *inline* dependency 
 injections.  It *patches* decorated callable in such way that dependency 
 injection will be done during every call of decorated callable.
-``di.inject()`` takes a various number of positional and keyword arguments 
+:py:func:`inject` takes a various number of positional and keyword arguments 
 that are used as decorated callable injections. Every time, when 
-``di.inject()`` is called, positional and keyword argument injections would be 
-passed as an callable arguments.
+:py:func:`inject` is called, positional and keyword argument injections would 
+be passed as an callable arguments.
 Such behaviour is very similar to the standard Python ``functools.partial`` 
 object, except of one thing: all injectable values are provided 
-*"as is"*, except of providers (subclasses of ``di.Provider``). Providers 
+*"as is"*, except of providers (subclasses of 
+:py:class:`dependency_injector.providers.Provider`). Providers 
 will be called every time, when injection needs to be done. For example, 
-if injectable value of injection is a ``di.Factory``, it will provide new one 
+if injectable value of injection is a 
+:py:class:`dependency_injector.providers.Factory`, it will provide new one 
 instance (as a result of its call) every time, when injection needs to be done.
-``di.inject()`` behaviour with context positional and keyword arguments is 
+:py:func:`inject` behaviour with context positional and keyword arguments is 
 very like a standard Python ``functools.partial``:
-- Positional context arguments will be appended after ``di.inject()`` 
+- Positional context arguments will be appended after :py:func:`inject` 
   positional injections.
-- Keyword context arguments have priority on ``di.inject()`` keyword 
+- Keyword context arguments have priority on :py:func:`inject` keyword 
   injections and will be merged over them.
@@ -36,7 +43,7 @@ Example:
 .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/advanced_usage/
    :language: python
-Example of usage ``@di.inject()`` decorator with Flask:
+Example of usage :py:func:`inject` decorator with Flask:
 .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/advanced_usage/
    :language: python
@@ -45,11 +52,12 @@ Example of usage ``@di.inject()`` decorator with Flask:
 @inject decorator with classes
-``@di.inject()`` could be applied for classes. In such case, it will look for 
+:py:func:`inject` could be applied for classes. In such case, it will look for 
 class ``__init__()`` method and pass injection to it. If decorated class has 
-no ``__init__()`` method, appropriate ``di.Error`` will be raised.
+no ``__init__()`` method, appropriate 
+:py:exc:`dependency_injector.errors.Error` will be raised.
-Example of usage ``@di.inject()`` with Flask class-based view:
+Example of usage :py:func:`inject` with Flask class-based view:
 .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/advanced_usage/
    :language: python