Roman Mogylatov
Add tests for .provided & .call()
2021-02-05 08:48:25 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Make "make test" to be a default test command and run Python 3 tests
2021-02-05 08:36:36 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Add tests for selector provider
2021-02-05 08:34:20 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.17.0
2021-02-04 18:19:40 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Fastapi sqlalchemy example ( #389 )
* Add application
* Dockerize the app
* Fix 204 content-leength error
* Rename database file
* Add tests
* Fix a typo in FastAPI example
* Add docs on FastAPI + SQLAlchemy example
* Update changelog
* Add link to the example to README and other docs pages
* Add EOF to the config.yml
2021-02-04 18:18:25 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.16.0
2021-02-03 15:40:41 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Add container base class
2021-02-03 15:36:37 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.15.0
2021-02-03 09:22:40 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Pydantic settings support ( #388 )
* Add implementation and basic test
* Add full test coverage + bugfix
* Add test coverage for .from_yaml() method
* Update, tox and dev requirements
* Stop running pydantic tests on Python 3.5 and below
* Remove pydantic from tox Python < 3.6
* Add example and docs
* Update features block
* Add extra test
* Update changelog
2021-02-03 09:21:32 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.14.0
2021-02-01 09:55:21 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Fix #380 : .init_resources() and .shutdown_resource() dont ignore nested resources
2021-02-01 09:54:36 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Providers traversal ( #385 )
* Implement providers traversal in first precision
* Implement traversal for all providers
* Update traverse interface + add some tests
* Refactor tests
* Add tests for callable provider
* Add configuration tests
* Add Factory tests
* Add FactoryAggrefate tests
* Add .provides attribute to singleton providers
* Add singleton provider tests
* Add list and dict provider tests
* Add resource tests
* Add Container provider tests
* Add Selector provider tests
* Add ProvidedInstance provider tests
* Add AttributeGetter provider tests
* Add ItemGetter provider tests
* Add MethodCaller provider tests
* Refactor container interface
* Update resource provider string representation
* Add .initializer attribute to Resource provider
* Add docs and examples
* Remove not needed EOL in the tests
* Make cosmetic refactoring
* Ignore flake8 line width error in traverse example
2021-02-01 09:42:21 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.13.2
2021-01-29 16:58:30 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.13.1
2021-01-29 16:42:30 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
367 Fix declarative container metaclass bug with child providers
2021-01-29 16:37:50 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.13.0
2021-01-29 13:50:53 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
336 Dependency provider default ( #382 )
* Add implementation and tests
* Refactor dependency provider docs
* Update docs
* Update changelog
2021-01-29 13:49:40 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.12.0
2021-01-28 19:50:35 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Implement wiring autoloader ( #381 )
* Implement wiring autoloader
* Add docs
* Update changelog
2021-01-28 19:49:24 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.11.3
2021-01-28 08:44:10 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
358 Replace configuration option weakref to root with regular ref
2021-01-28 08:40:43 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.11.2
2021-01-27 14:03:08 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
379 Fix a bug in `providers.Container
` when it's declared not at class root level
2021-01-27 14:02:13 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Improve @containers.copy to replace subcontainer providers ( #378 )
* Improve @containers.copy to replace subcontainer providers
* Bump version to 4.11.1
2021-01-27 09:21:45 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.11.0
2021-01-27 07:39:38 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
369 Add required argument to config from_* methods ( #376 )
* Update typing stubs
* Update from_yaml() method
* Update from_ini() method
* Update from_dict() method
* Update from_env() method
* Update documentation
* Update changelog
* Update changelog
* Make doc block fix
* Add extra test for from_ini()
2021-01-24 10:27:45 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Configuration strict mode raise on non existing files ( #375 )
* Update from_yaml()
* Refactor YAML environment variables interpolation
* Update from_ini()
* Refactor UNDEFINED
* Update from_env()
* Update from_dict()
* Update docs
* Update changelog
2021-01-23 22:37:50 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
372 Change yaml loader to safe loader ( #373 )
* Add safe loader with env interpolation and an arg to provide custom loader
* Add docs
* Update changelog
2021-01-21 18:00:24 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Update version to dev
2021-01-21 17:57:31 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Add extra tests for asynchronous injections
2021-01-21 11:42:22 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Refactor asynchronous injections
2021-01-21 11:20:24 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Fix #368 Async providers do not work with async dependencies
2021-01-21 10:58:49 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.10.3
2021-01-20 09:04:11 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Merge branch 'release/4.10.2' into master
2021-01-20 08:58:32 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.10.2
2021-01-19 17:50:46 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Fix bug #361 : failure on async resource depends on other async resource
2021-01-19 17:47:25 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.10.1
2021-01-18 21:02:56 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Switch Coveralls reporting Travis Job to run on Python 3.9.
2021-01-18 20:56:55 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Fix a Python 3.9 GenericAlias introspection bug, issue #362
2021-01-18 20:49:56 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.10.0
2021-01-16 08:55:00 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Required config options and strict mode ( #360 )
* Add strict mode + tests
* Add .required() for configuration option
* Add wiring tests for required() modifier
* Add wiring support
* Add tests for defined None values in required/strict mode
* Add docs
* Update changelog
* Update example doc block
2021-01-16 08:53:40 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.9.1
2021-01-15 16:22:12 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.9.0
2021-01-15 07:23:45 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Add dependencies attribute to declarative and dynamic containers ( #359 )
* Add .dependencies attribute to declarative and dynamic containers
* Update changelog
* Add typing tests
2021-01-15 07:20:37 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.8.3
2021-01-15 06:44:41 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.8.2
2021-01-13 17:08:26 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Fix `Container
` provider to apply context overridings on root container initialization
2021-01-13 17:07:41 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Fix side effect in `Container
` provider overriding
2021-01-13 09:11:24 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.8.1
2021-01-12 17:50:11 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.8.0
2021-01-12 08:42:14 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.7.0
2021-01-11 08:19:34 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Wiring container injection ( #353 )
* Add container injections to wiring
* Add example
* Update docs
* Update changelog
* Improve typing
2021-01-11 08:18:02 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.6.1
2021-01-10 20:02:46 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.6.0
2021-01-10 19:31:59 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Update copyright year
2021-01-10 19:31:01 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Async resources and injections ( #352 )
* Add support of async injections into wiring
* Add support of async functions and async generators for resources
* Update resource provider typing stub for stutdown
* Add resource base class for async resources
* Fix tests
* Add tests for async injections in wiring @inject
* Refactor provider tests
* Add tests for async resources
* Rework async resources callbacks to .add_done_callback() style (fixes pypy3 issue)
* Add awaits into async resource class test
* Refactor FastAPI tests
* Implement async resources initialization in container
* Move container async resource tests to a separate module for Python 3.6+
* Fix init async resources in container on Python 2
* Add first dirty async injections implementation
* Fix isawaitable error
* Turm asyncio import to conditional for safer Py2 usage
* Refactor kwargs injections
* Implement positional injections, add tests and make refactoring
* Implement attribute injections and add tests
* Add singleton implementation + tests for all singleton types
* Implement injections in thread-local and thread-safe singleton providers
* Update .provided + fix resource concurent initialization issue
* Implement async mode for Dependency provider
* Add async mode for the provider
* Add overload for Factory typing
* Add typing stubs for async resource
* Refactor abstract* providers __call__()
* Add async mode API + tests
* Add typing stubs & tests for async mode API
* Add tests for async mode auto configuration
* Refactor Provider.__call__() to use async mode api
* Refactor Dependency provider to use async mode api
* Add tests for Dependency provider async mode
* Add support of async mode for FactoryAggregate provider + tests
* Refactor Singleton provider to use async mode api
* Refactor ThreadSafeSingleton provider to use async mode api
* Refactor ThreadLocalSingleton provider to use async mode api
* Finish Singleton refactoring to use async mode api
* Refactor Resource provider to use async mode api
* Add Provider.async_() method + tests
* Add typing stubs for async_() method + tests
* Refactor Singleton typing stubs to return singleton from argument methods
* Refactor provider typing stubs
* Improve resource typing stub
* Add tests for async context kwargs injections
* Fix typo in resource provider tests
* Cover shutdown of not initialized resource
* Add test to cover resource initialization with an error
* Fix Singleton and ThreadLocalSingleton to handle initialization errors
* Add FastAPI + Redis example
* Make cosmetic fixes to FastAPI + Redis example
* Add missing development requirements
* Update module docblock in fastapi + redis example
* Add FastAPI + Redis example docs
* Add references to FastAPI + Redis example
* Refactor resource docs
* Add asynchronous resources docs
* Refactor wiring docs
* Add async injections docs for wiring
* Add async injections page and update docs index, readme, and key features pages
* Add providers async injections example
* Add docs on provider async mode enabling
* Reword async provider docs
* Add provider async mode docs
* Add cross links to async docs
* Mute flake8 errors in async provider examples
* Update changelog
* Make cosmetic fix to containers.pyx
2021-01-10 19:26:15 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Update changelog and list of contributors
2020-12-30 13:26:28 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Arm builds ( #343 )
* Add arm64 wheels travis build job
* Update changelog
2020-12-23 20:03:00 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.5.4
2020-12-10 18:28:29 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.5.3
2020-12-05 22:14:35 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.5.2
2020-12-04 20:18:39 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.5.1
2020-11-20 18:16:29 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.5.0
2020-11-20 18:10:04 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Add commands and handlers example
2020-11-20 18:09:34 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Add support of non-string keys for Dict provider
2020-11-20 17:30:42 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Add extra typing test for provided instance of `DependenciesContainer
` provider
2020-11-20 12:25:35 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Add simple FastAPI example
2020-11-18 11:13:31 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.4.1
2020-11-17 23:59:33 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Remove a typo from the Flask tutorial
2020-11-17 23:50:56 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Update FastAPI example
2020-11-17 23:46:30 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Improve FastAPI integration
2020-11-17 23:44:32 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.4.0
2020-11-15 18:19:34 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Wiring reengineering ( #324 )
* Bump version to 4.3.9: FastAPI example
* Reengineer wiring
* Add @inject decorator
* Add .workspace dir to gitignore
* Add generic typing for @inject
* Add type cast for @inject
* Update movie lister example
* Update cli application tutorial
* Update demo example
* Update wiring docs and examples
* Update aiohttp example and tutorial
* Update multiple containers example
* Update single container example
* Update decoupled packages example
* Update django example
* Update asyncio daemon example and tutorial
* Update FastAPI example
* Update flask example and tutorial
* Update sanic example
* Add wiring registry
* Add new line to .gitignore
* Add @inject to the test samples
* Fix flake8 errors
2020-11-15 16:06:42 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.3.8
2020-11-12 16:31:20 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.3.7
2020-11-10 17:02:42 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.3.6
2020-11-05 12:37:25 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.3.5
2020-11-05 12:23:47 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.3.4
2020-11-05 10:20:23 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.3.3
2020-11-03 16:06:42 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Fix wiring for @classmethod and @staticmethod
2020-11-03 15:59:02 -05:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.3.2
2020-10-30 16:56:13 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.3.1
2020-10-29 23:00:43 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.3.0
2020-10-29 22:57:14 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.2.0
2020-10-29 15:48:04 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.1.8
2020-10-28 22:30:52 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.1.7
2020-10-28 21:02:21 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.1.6
2020-10-28 14:23:00 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Fix multiple containers wiring issue
2020-10-28 13:44:11 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Fix wiring for @classmethod
2020-10-28 13:11:07 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.1.5
2020-10-27 17:48:05 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.1.4
2020-10-27 14:36:11 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.1.3
2020-10-27 14:05:16 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Add installation of certifi for windows ci builds
2020-10-27 14:04:52 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Migrate from to
2020-10-27 14:02:50 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.1.2
2020-10-27 13:28:02 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.1.1
2020-10-26 13:39:13 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.1.0
2020-10-24 20:57:48 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Resources ( #312 )
* Add prototype
* Add example
* Remove typing erros in Python 2.7 and 3.4
* Move resources example
* Draft resources docs
* Update resources docs
* Fix repr
* Rename dict provider test
* Add more tests
* Add tests + refactoring
* Add more tests
* Update tests to run only on 3.5+
* Update
* Add typing tests
* Update changelog
* Fix generator iteration
* Remove contextlib
* Hotfix aiohttp issue
* Move aiohttp fix to tox.ini
* Move aiohttp fix to a different place in tox
2020-10-24 20:56:32 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Dict provider ( #311 )
* Add tests
* Add implementation and typing stubs
* Update README and docs pages
* Add example and docs
* Update changelog
* Add long description to the doc block
2020-10-22 14:49:39 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Un deprecate container decorators ( #310 )
* Remove deprecation warnings
* Add example and docs
* Update changelog
2020-10-22 12:00:46 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Update license year
2020-10-21 17:06:12 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Add favicon
2020-10-21 17:01:31 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Remove redirect in bages
2020-10-21 16:55:28 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.0.6
2020-10-20 17:50:31 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.0.5
2020-10-19 17:35:12 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Move "provided" attribute ( #306 )
* Update typing stub
* Move attribute
* Add typing test
* Update docs
* Add test
* Update changelog
2020-10-19 17:21:38 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Update all links to docs to use https ( #305 )
* Update README
* Update docs
* Update examples
* Update changelog
2020-10-19 17:18:39 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.0.4
2020-10-18 22:27:53 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.0.3
2020-10-16 21:44:12 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Deprecate declarative container decorators ( #303 )
2020-10-16 21:43:21 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 4.0.2
2020-10-16 16:38:37 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump versionto 4.0.1
2020-10-16 14:10:14 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Develop 4.0 ( #298 )
* Add wiring (#294 )
* Add wiring module
* Fix code style
* Fix package test
* Add version fix
* Try spike for 3.6
* Try another fix with metaclass
* Downsample required version to 3.6
* Introduce concept with annotations
* Fix bugs
* Add debug message
* Add extra tests
* Add extra debugging
* Update config resolving
* Remove 3.6 generic meta fix
* Fix Flake8
* Add spike for 3.6
* Add Python 3.6 spike
* Add unwire functionality
* Add support of corouting functions
* Bump version to 4.0
* Updaet demo example
* Add pydocstyle ignore for demo
* Add flake8 ignore for demo
* Update aiohttp example
* Update flask example
* Rename aiohttp example directory
* Rename views module to handlers in aiohttp example
* Add sanic example
* Remove not needed images
* Update demo
* Implement wiring for Provide[foo.provider]
* Implement Provide[]
* Make flake8 happy
* Wiring refactoring (#296 )
* Refactor wiring
* Add todos to wiring
* Implement wiring of config invariant
* Implement sub containers wiring + add tests
* Add test for wiring config invariant
* Add container.unwire() typing stub
* Deprecate ext package modules and remove types module
* Deprecate provider.delegate() method
* Add __all__ for wiring module
* Add protection for wiring only declarative container instances
* Bump version to 4.0.0a2
* Add wiring docs
* Add wiring of class methods
* Remove unused import
* Add a note on individuals import to wiring docs
* Add minor improvement to wiring doc
* Update DI in Python page
* Update key features
* Update README concep and FAQ
* Add files via upload
* Update README.rst
* Update README.rst
* Update README.rst
* Update docs index page
* Update README
* Remove API docs for flask and aiohttp ext
* Add wiring API docs
* Update docs index
* Update README
* Update readme and docs index
* Change wording in README
* Django example (#297 )
* Add rough django example
* Remove sqlite db
* Add gitignore
* Fix flake8 and pydocstyle errors
* Add tests
* Refactor settings
* Move web app to to the root of the project
* Add bootstrap 4
* Add doc blocks for web app
* Add coverage
* Fix typo in flask
* Remove not needed newlines
* Add screenshot
* Update django app naming
* Add django example to the docs
* Update changelog
* Update Aiohttp example
* Add sanic example to the docs
* Make a little fix in django example docs page
* Add flask example to the docs
* Add aiohttp example to the docs
* Update installation docs page
* Fix .delegate() deprecation
* Refactor movie lister to use wiring
* Make micro cosmetic changes to flask, aiohttp & sanic examples
* Refactor single container example to use wiring
* Refactor multiple container example to use wiring
* Add return type to main() in application examples
* Refactor decoupled packages example to use wiring
* Refactor code layout for DI demo example
* Update wiring feature message
* Add more links to the examples
* Change code layout in miniapps
* Update sanic example
* Update miniapp READMEs
* Update wiring docs
* Refactor part of cli tutorial
* Refactor CLI app tutorial
* Update test coverage results in movie lister example and tutorial
* Make some minor updates to aiohttp and cli tutorials
* Refactor flask tutorial
* Make cosmetic fix in flask example
* Refactor Flask tutorial: Connect to the GitHub
* Refactor Flask tutorial: Search service
* Refactor Flask tutorial: Inject search service into view
* Refactor Flask tutorial: Make some refactoring
* Finish flask tutorial refactoring
* Update tutorials
* Refactor asyncio monitoring daemon example application
* Fix tutorial links
* Rename asyncio miniapp
* Rename tutorial image dirs
* Rename api docs tol-level page
* Refactor initial sections of asyncio daemon tutorial
* Refactor asyncio tutorial till monitor section
* Refactor asyncio tutorial monitor section
* Refactor asyncio tutorial monitor tutorial
* Refactor tests section of asyncio daemon tutorial
* Update conclusion of asyncio daemon tutorial
* Rename tutorial images
* Make cosmetic update to flask tutorial
* Refactor aiohttp tutorial: Minimal application section
* Refactor aiohttp tutorial: Giphy API client secion
* Refactor aiohttp tutorial secion: Make the search work
* Refactor aiohttp tutorial tests section
* Refactor aiohttp tutorial conclusion
* Upgrade Cython to 0.29.21
* Update changelog
* Update demo example
* Update wording on index pages
* Update changelog
* Update code layout for main demo
2020-10-09 15:16:27 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 3.44.0
2020-09-13 20:51:10 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Make provider generic type ( #293 )
* Add __class_getitem__ for Provider to null the typing in runtime
* Make Provider stub generic and remove types module
* Update types module tests
* Return types module with deprecation warning
* Return types module with deprecation warning
* Update changelog
* Add docs page
2020-09-13 20:32:21 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 3.43.1
2020-09-09 23:48:08 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 3.43.0
2020-09-09 23:36:13 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Remove not relevant "speech" example
2020-09-09 21:34:30 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 3.42.0
2020-09-09 18:02:37 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Update changelog
2020-09-09 17:53:19 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Delete "What is DI?" documentation page
2020-09-09 17:52:45 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Update DI in Python docs page
2020-09-09 17:39:49 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 3.41.0
2020-09-07 22:07:09 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Delete mail service example mini app
2020-09-07 22:04:50 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Delete api client example mini app
2020-09-07 22:02:33 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Refactor factory of factories pattern example
2020-09-07 21:57:43 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Refactor chained factories pattern example
2020-09-07 21:45:03 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Update changelog
2020-09-07 12:34:49 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Refactor main module of the decoupled packages example
2020-09-07 12:05:12 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Fix declarative container mypy stub
2020-09-07 11:53:03 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Refactor password hashing example
2020-09-07 11:51:17 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 3.40.0
2020-09-06 21:54:58 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 3.39.0
2020-09-04 23:22:58 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Refactor services miniapps ( #291 )
* Refactor services mini app with single container
* Make few little fixes to single container app
* Update requirements.txt for single container example
* Refactor multiple containers example
* Add single container docs page
* Create multiple containers page
2020-09-04 23:19:32 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 3.38.1
2020-09-03 23:25:32 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 3.38.0
2020-09-03 23:22:11 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Update "What is What is dependency injection?" documentation page
2020-09-03 23:09:21 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 3.37.0
2020-09-03 18:05:45 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Update key features
2020-09-03 18:03:21 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Edit feedback documentation page
2020-09-03 16:26:32 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Update key features page and remove structure page
2020-09-03 16:20:04 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Edit key features pages
2020-09-03 13:36:56 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 3.36.0
2020-09-02 21:28:09 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Update documentation and example on creating a custom provider
2020-09-02 21:09:08 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Update documentation on injecting provided object attributes, items or method calls
2020-09-02 17:59:31 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Update providers overriding documentation and rework examples
2020-09-02 16:59:25 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 3.35.1
2020-09-01 21:58:13 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Bump version to 3.35.0
2020-09-01 21:40:14 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Providers docs update ( #289 )
* Update callable provider docs
* Update coroutine provider docs
* Edit object docs
* Edit list provider docs
* Edit configuration provider docs
* Edit selector provider docs
* Fix mypy stub of the ``DeclarativeContainer`` to specify the ``__init__`` interface
* Edit Dependency provider docs
2020-09-01 21:39:23 -04:00
Roman Mogylatov
Update changelog
2020-09-01 16:05:58 -04:00