* Add support for Pydantic v2 settings
* Configure pipeline to run tests against different pydantic versions
* Update Pydantic docs and examples for v2
* Fix compatibility with httpx v0.27.0
* Update application-single-container example
* Update application-multiple-containers example
* Update decoupled-packages example
* Update movie lister example
* Update CLI tutorial
* Update sanic example
* Update sanic example with wiring_config
* Update fastapi example
* Update fastapi-simple example
* Update fastapi-sqlalchemy example
* Update flask-blueprints example
* Update flask example and tutorial
* Update aiohttp example and tutorial
* Update asyncio-daemon example and tutorial
* Bump version to 4.3.9: FastAPI example
* Reengineer wiring
* Add @inject decorator
* Add .workspace dir to gitignore
* Add generic typing for @inject
* Add type cast for @inject
* Update movie lister example
* Update cli application tutorial
* Update demo example
* Update wiring docs and examples
* Update aiohttp example and tutorial
* Update multiple containers example
* Update single container example
* Update decoupled packages example
* Update django example
* Update asyncio daemon example and tutorial
* Update FastAPI example
* Update flask example and tutorial
* Update sanic example
* Add wiring registry
* Add new line to .gitignore
* Add @inject to the test samples
* Fix flake8 errors