
*Dependency Injector* framework is distributed by PyPi_.

Latest stable version (and all previous versions) of *Dependency Injector* 
framework can be installed from PyPi_:

.. code-block:: bash

    # Installing latest version:
    pip install dependency_injector

    # Installing particular version:
    pip install dependency-injector==3.3.2
.. note::
    Some components of *Dependency Injector* are implemented as C extension types. 
    *Dependency Injector* is distributed as an archive with a source code, so 
    C compiler and Python header files are required for the installation.

Sources can be cloned from GitHub_:

.. code-block:: bash

    git clone

Also all *Dependency Injector* releases can be downloaded from 
`GitHub releases page`_.

Verification of currently installed version could be done using 
:py:obj:`dependency_injector.VERSION` constant:

.. code-block:: bash

    >>> import dependency_injector
    >>> dependency_injector.__version__

.. _PyPi:
.. _GitHub:
.. _GitHub releases page:

.. disqus::