"""Tests module.""" from unittest import mock import pytest import pytest_asyncio from giphynavigator.application import create_app from giphynavigator.giphy import GiphyClient pytestmark = pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.fixture def app(): app = create_app() yield app app.container.unwire() @pytest_asyncio.fixture async def client(app, aiohttp_client): return await aiohttp_client(app) async def test_index(client, app): giphy_client_mock = mock.AsyncMock(spec=GiphyClient) giphy_client_mock.search.return_value = { "data": [ {"url": "https://giphy.com/gif1.gif"}, {"url": "https://giphy.com/gif2.gif"}, ], } with app.container.giphy_client.override(giphy_client_mock): response = await client.get( "/", params={ "query": "test", "limit": 10, }, ) assert response.status == 200 data = await response.json() assert data == { "query": "test", "limit": 10, "gifs": [ {"url": "https://giphy.com/gif1.gif"}, {"url": "https://giphy.com/gif2.gif"}, ], } async def test_index_no_data(client, app): giphy_client_mock = mock.AsyncMock(spec=GiphyClient) giphy_client_mock.search.return_value = { "data": [], } with app.container.giphy_client.override(giphy_client_mock): response = await client.get("/") assert response.status == 200 data = await response.json() assert data["gifs"] == [] async def test_index_default_params(client, app): giphy_client_mock = mock.AsyncMock(spec=GiphyClient) giphy_client_mock.search.return_value = { "data": [], } with app.container.giphy_client.override(giphy_client_mock): response = await client.get("/") assert response.status == 200 data = await response.json() assert data["query"] == app.container.config.default.query() assert data["limit"] == app.container.config.default.limit()