.. _wiring: Wiring ====== Wiring feature provides a way to inject container providers into the functions and methods. To use wiring you need: - **Place @inject decorator**. Decorator ``@inject`` injects the dependencies. - **Place markers**. Wiring marker specifies what dependency to inject, e.g. ``Provide[Container.bar]``. This helps container to find the injections. - **Wire the container with the markers in the code**. Call ``container.wire()`` specifying modules and packages you would like to wire it with. - **Use functions and classes as you normally do**. Framework will provide specified injections. .. literalinclude:: ../examples/wiring/example.py :language: python :lines: 3- Markers ------- Wiring feature uses markers to make injections. Injection marker is specified as a default value of a function or method argument: .. code-block:: python from dependency_injector.wiring import inject, Provide @inject def foo(bar: Bar = Provide[Container.bar]): ... Specifying an annotation is optional. There are two types of markers: - ``Provide[foo]`` - call the provider ``foo`` and injects the result - ``Provider[foo]`` - injects the provider ``foo`` itself .. code-block:: python from dependency_injector.wiring import inject, Provider @inject def foo(bar_provider: Callable[..., Bar] = Provider[Container.bar]): bar = bar_provider() ... You can use configuration, provided instance and sub-container providers as you normally do. .. code-block:: python @inject def foo(token: str = Provide[Container.config.api_token]): ... @inject def foo(timeout: int = Provide[Container.config.timeout.as_(int)]): ... @inject def foo(baz: Baz = Provide[Container.bar.provided.baz]): ... @inject def foo(bar: Bar = Provide[Container.subcontainer.bar]): ... You can compound wiring and ``Resource`` provider to implement per-function execution scope. See :ref:`Resources, wiring and per-function execution scope <resource-provider-wiring-closing>` for details. Wiring with modules and packages -------------------------------- To wire a container with a module you need to call ``container.wire(modules=[...])`` method. Argument ``modules`` is an iterable of the module objects. .. code-block:: python from yourapp import module1, module2 container = Container() container.wire(modules=[module1, module2]) You can wire container with a package. Container walks recursively over package modules. .. code-block:: python from yourapp import package1, package2 container = Container() container.wire(packages=[package1, package2]) Arguments ``modules`` and ``packages`` can be used together. When wiring is done functions and methods with the markers are patched to provide injections when called. .. code-block:: python @inject def foo(bar: Bar = Provide[Container.bar]): ... container = Container() container.wire(modules=[sys.modules[__name__]]) foo() # <--- Argument "bar" is injected Injections are done as keyword arguments. .. code-block:: python foo() # Equivalent to: foo(bar=container.bar()) Context keyword arguments have a priority over injections. .. code-block:: python foo(bar=Bar()) # Bar() is injected To unpatch previously patched functions and methods call ``container.unwire()`` method. .. code-block:: python container.unwire() You can use that in testing to re-create and re-wire a container before each test. .. code-block:: python import unittest class SomeTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.container = Container() self.container.wire(modules=[module1, module2]) self.addCleanup(self.container.unwire) .. code-block:: python import pytest @pytest.fixture def container(): container = Container() container.wire(modules=[module1, module2]) yield container container.unwire() .. note:: Wiring can take time if you have a large codebase. Consider to persist a container instance and avoid re-wiring between tests. .. note:: Python has a limitation on patching already imported individual members. To protect from errors prefer an import of modules instead of individual members or make sure that imports happen after the wiring: .. code-block:: python from . import module module.fn() # instead of from .module import fn fn() Integration with other frameworks --------------------------------- Wiring feature helps to integrate with other frameworks like Django, Flask, etc. With wiring you do not need to change the traditional application structure of your framework. 1. Create a container and put framework-independent components as providers. 2. Place wiring markers in the functions and methods where you want the providers to be injected (Flask or Django views, Aiohttp or Sanic handlers, etc). 3. Wire the container with the application modules. 4. Run the application. .. literalinclude:: ../examples/wiring/flask_example.py :language: python :lines: 3- Take a look at other application examples: - :ref:`application-single-container` - :ref:`application-multiple-containers` - :ref:`decoupled-packages` - :ref:`django-example` - :ref:`flask-example` - :ref:`flask-blueprints-example` - :ref:`aiohttp-example` - :ref:`sanic-example` - :ref:`fastapi-example` .. disqus::