[tox] parallel_show_output = true envlist= coveralls, pylint, flake8, pydocstyle, pydantic-v1, pydantic-v2, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, pypy3.9, pypy3.10 [testenv] deps= pytest pytest-asyncio # TODO: Hotfix, remove when fixed https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp/issues/5107 typing_extensions httpx fastapi flask<2.2 aiohttp<=3.9.0b1 numpy scipy boto3 mypy_boto3_s3 pydantic<2 werkzeug<=2.2.2 extras= yaml commands = pytest -c tests/.configs/pytest.ini python_files = test_*_py3*.py setenv = COVERAGE_RCFILE = pyproject.toml [testenv:.pkg] passenv = DEPENDENCY_INJECTOR_* [testenv:pydantic-{v1,v2}] description = run tests with different pydantic versions base_python = python3.12 deps = v1: pydantic<2 v2: pydantic-settings pytest pytest-asyncio -rrequirements.txt typing_extensions httpx fastapi flask<2.2 aiohttp<=3.9.0b1 numpy scipy boto3 mypy_boto3_s3 werkzeug<=2.2.2 commands = pytest -c tests/.configs/pytest.ini -m pydantic [testenv:coveralls] passenv = GITHUB_*, COVERALLS_*, DEPENDENCY_INJECTOR_* basepython=python3.12 # TODO: Upgrade to version 3.13 is blocked by coveralls 4.0.1 not supporting Python 3.13 deps= {[testenv]deps} cython>=3,<4 coverage>=7 coveralls>=4 commands= coverage erase coverage run -m pytest -c tests/.configs/pytest.ini coverage report coveralls [testenv:pypy3.9] deps= pytest pytest-asyncio httpx flask<2.2 pydantic<2 werkzeug<=2.2.2 fastapi boto3 mypy_boto3_s3 extras= yaml commands = pytest -c tests/.configs/pytest-py35.ini [testenv:pylint] deps= pylint flask<2.2 werkzeug<=2.2.2 commands= - pylint -f colorized src/dependency_injector [testenv:flake8] deps= flake8 commands= flake8 --max-complexity=10 src/dependency_injector/ flake8 --max-complexity=10 examples/ [testenv:pydocstyle] deps= pydocstyle commands= pydocstyle src/dependency_injector/ pydocstyle examples/ [testenv:mypy] deps= typing_extensions pydantic<2 mypy commands= mypy tests/typing