"""Providers module.""" import six from .injections import _parse_args_injections from .injections import _parse_kwargs_injections from .injections import _get_injectable_args from .injections import _get_injectable_kwargs from .utils import ensure_is_provider from .utils import is_attribute_injection from .utils import is_method_injection from .utils import represent_provider from .utils import GLOBAL_LOCK from .errors import Error @six.python_2_unicode_compatible class Provider(object): """Base provider class. :py:class:`Provider` is callable (implements ``__call__`` method). Every call to provider object returns provided result, according to the providing strategy of particular provider. This ``callable`` functionality is a regular part of providers API and it should be the same for all provider's subclasses. Implementation of particular providing strategy should be done in :py:meth:`Provider._provide` of :py:class:`Provider` subclass. Current method is called every time when not overridden provider is called. :py:class:`Provider` implements provider overriding logic that should be also common for all providers: .. code-block:: python provider1 = Factory(SomeClass) provider2 = Factory(ChildSomeClass) provider1.override(provider2) some_instance = provider1() assert isinstance(some_instance, ChildSomeClass) Also :py:class:`Provider` implements helper function for creating its delegates: .. code-block:: python provider = Factory(object) delegate = provider.delegate() delegated = delegate() assert provider is delegated All providers should extend this class. .. py:attribute:: overridden_by Tuple of overriding providers, if any. :type: tuple[:py:class:`Provider`] | None """ __IS_PROVIDER__ = True __slots__ = ('overridden_by',) def __init__(self): """Initializer.""" self.overridden_by = None super(Provider, self).__init__() def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return provided instance. Implementation of current method adds ``callable`` functionality for providers API and it should be common for all provider's subclasses. Also this method implements provider overriding logic that is also common for all providers. Implementation of particular providing strategy should be done in :py:meth:`Provider._provide` of :py:class:`Provider` subclass. """ if self.overridden_by: return self.last_overriding(*args, **kwargs) return self._provide(*args, **kwargs) def _provide(self, *args, **kwargs): """Providing strategy implementation. Abstract protected method that implements providing strategy of particular provider. Current method is called every time when not overridden provider is called. Need to be overridden in subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property def is_overridden(self): """Read-only property that is set to ``True`` if provider is overridden. :rtype: bool """ return bool(self.overridden_by) @property def last_overriding(self): """Read-only reference to the last overriding provider, if any. :type: :py:class:`Provider` | None """ return self.overridden_by[-1] if self.overridden_by else None def override(self, provider): """Override provider with another provider. :param provider: Overriding provider. :type provider: :py:class:`Provider` :raise: :py:exc:`dependency_injector.errors.Error` """ if provider is self: raise Error('Provider {0} could not be overridden ' 'with itself'.format(self)) if not self.is_overridden: self.overridden_by = (ensure_is_provider(provider),) else: self.overridden_by += (ensure_is_provider(provider),) def reset_last_overriding(self): """Reset last overriding provider. :raise: :py:exc:`dependency_injector.errors.Error` if provider is not overridden. :rtype: None """ if not self.overridden_by: raise Error('Provider {0} is not overridden'.format(str(self))) self.overridden_by = self.overridden_by[:-1] def reset_override(self): """Reset all overriding providers. :rtype: None """ self.overridden_by = None def delegate(self): """Return provider's delegate. :rtype: :py:class:`Delegate` """ return Delegate(self) def __str__(self): """Return string representation of provider. :rtype: str """ return represent_provider(provider=self, provides=None) __repr__ = __str__ @six.python_2_unicode_compatible class Delegate(Provider): """:py:class:`Delegate` provider delegates another provider. .. code-block:: python provider = Factory(object) delegate = Delegate(provider) delegated = delegate() assert provider is delegated .. py:attribute:: delegated Delegated provider. :type: :py:class:`Provider` """ __slots__ = ('delegated',) def __init__(self, delegated): """Initializer. :provider delegated: Delegated provider. :type delegated: :py:class:`Provider` """ self.delegated = ensure_is_provider(delegated) super(Delegate, self).__init__() def _provide(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return provided instance. :param args: Tuple of context positional arguments. :type args: tuple[object] :param kwargs: Dictionary of context keyword arguments. :type kwargs: dict[str, object] :rtype: object """ return self.delegated def __str__(self): """Return string representation of provider. :rtype: str """ return represent_provider(provider=self, provides=self.delegated) __repr__ = __str__ @six.python_2_unicode_compatible class Callable(Provider): """:py:class:`Callable` provider calls wrapped callable on every call. :py:class:`Callable` provider provides callable that is called on every provider call with some predefined dependency injections. :py:class:`Callable` syntax of passing injections is the same like :py:class:`Factory` one: .. code-block:: python # simplified syntax for passing positional and keyword argument # injections: some_function = Callable(some_function, 'arg1', 'arg2', arg3=3, arg4=4) # extended (full) syntax for passing positional and keyword argument # injections: some_function = Callable(some_function, injections.Arg(1), injections.Arg(2), injections.KwArg('some_arg', 3), injections.KwArg('other_arg', 4)) .. py:attribute:: provides Provided callable. :type: callable .. py:attribute:: args Tuple of positional argument injections. :type: tuple[:py:class:`dependency_injector.injections.Arg`] .. py:attribute:: kwargs Tuple of keyword argument injections. :type: tuple[:py:class:`dependency_injector.injections.KwArg`] """ __slots__ = ('provides', 'args', 'kwargs') def __init__(self, provides, *args, **kwargs): """Initializer. :param provides: Wrapped callable. :type provides: callable :param args: Tuple of injections. :type args: tuple :param kwargs: Dictionary of injections. :type kwargs: dict """ if not callable(provides): raise Error('Provider{0} expected to get callable, ' 'got {0}'.format('.'.join((self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)), provides)) self.provides = provides self.args = _parse_args_injections(args) self.kwargs = _parse_kwargs_injections(args, kwargs) super(Callable, self).__init__() @property def injections(self): """Read-only tuple of all injections. :rtype: tuple[:py:class:`dependency_injector.injections.Injection`] """ return self.args + self.kwargs def _provide(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return provided instance. :param args: Tuple of context positional arguments. :type args: tuple[object] :param kwargs: Dictionary of context keyword arguments. :type kwargs: dict[str, object] :rtype: object """ return self.provides(*_get_injectable_args(args, self.args), **_get_injectable_kwargs(kwargs, self.kwargs)) def __str__(self): """Return string representation of provider. :rtype: str """ return represent_provider(provider=self, provides=self.provides) __repr__ = __str__ class Factory(Callable): """:py:class:`Factory` provider creates new instance on every call. :py:class:`Factory` supports different syntaxes of passing injections: .. code-block:: python # simplified syntax for passing positional and keyword argument # injections only: factory = Factory(SomeClass, 'arg1', 'arg2', arg3=3, arg4=4) # extended (full) syntax for passing any type of injections: factory = Factory(SomeClass, injections.Arg(1), injections.Arg(2), injections.KwArg('some_arg', 3), injections.KwArg('other_arg', 4), injections.Attribute('some_attribute', 5)) Retrieving of provided instance can be performed via calling :py:class:`Factory` object: .. code-block:: python factory = Factory(SomeClass, some_arg1=1, some_arg2=2) some_object = factory() .. py:attribute:: provided_type If provided type is defined, :py:class:`Factory` checks that :py:attr:`Factory.provides` is subclass of :py:attr:`Factory.provided_type`. :type: type | None .. py:attribute:: provides Class or other callable that provides object. :type: type | callable .. py:attribute:: args Tuple of positional argument injections. :type: tuple[:py:class:`dependency_injector.injections.Arg`] .. py:attribute:: kwargs Tuple of keyword argument injections. :type: tuple[:py:class:`dependency_injector.injections.KwArg`] .. py:attribute:: attributes Tuple of attribute injections. :type: tuple[:py:class:`dependency_injector.injections.Attribute`] .. py:attribute:: methods Tuple of method injections. :type: tuple[:py:class:`dependency_injector.injections.Method`] """ provided_type = None __slots__ = ('attributes', 'methods') def __init__(self, provides, *args, **kwargs): """Initializer. :param provides: Class or other callable that provides object for creation. :type provides: type | callable :param args: Tuple of injections. :type args: tuple :param kwargs: Dictionary of injections. :type kwargs: dict """ if (self.__class__.provided_type and not issubclass(provides, self.__class__.provided_type)): raise Error('{0} can provide only {1} instances'.format( self.__class__, self.__class__.provided_type)) self.attributes = tuple(injection for injection in args if is_attribute_injection(injection)) self.methods = tuple(injection for injection in args if is_method_injection(injection)) super(Factory, self).__init__(provides, *args, **kwargs) @property def injections(self): """Read-only tuple of all injections. :rtype: tuple[:py:class:`dependency_injector.injections.Injection`] """ return self.args + self.kwargs + self.attributes + self.methods def _provide(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return provided instance. :param args: Tuple of context positional arguments. :type args: tuple[object] :param kwargs: Dictionary of context keyword arguments. :type kwargs: dict[str, object] :rtype: object """ instance = super(Factory, self)._provide(*args, **kwargs) for attribute in self.attributes: setattr(instance, attribute.name, attribute.value) for method in self.methods: getattr(instance, method.name)(method.value) return instance class Singleton(Factory): """:py:class:`Singleton` provider returns same instance on every call. :py:class:`Singleton` provider creates instance once and return it on every call. :py:class:`Singleton` extends :py:class:`Factory`, so, please follow :py:class:`Factory` documentation to go inside with injections syntax. :py:class:`Singleton` is thread-safe and could be used in multithreading environment without any negative impact. Retrieving of provided instance can be performed via calling :py:class:`Singleton` object: .. code-block:: python singleton = Singleton(SomeClass, some_arg1=1, some_arg2=2) some_object = singleton() .. py:attribute:: provided_type If provided type is defined, :py:class:`Factory` checks that :py:attr:`Factory.provides` is subclass of :py:attr:`Factory.provided_type`. :type: type | None .. py:attribute:: instance Read-only reference to singleton's instance. :type: object .. py:attribute:: provides Class or other callable that provides object. :type: type | callable .. py:attribute:: args Tuple of positional argument injections. :type: tuple[:py:class:`dependency_injector.injections.Arg`] .. py:attribute:: kwargs Tuple of keyword argument injections. :type: tuple[:py:class:`dependency_injector.injections.KwArg`] .. py:attribute:: attributes Tuple of attribute injections. :type: tuple[:py:class:`dependency_injector.injections.Attribute`] .. py:attribute:: methods Tuple of method injections. :type: tuple[:py:class:`dependency_injector.injections.Method`] """ __slots__ = ('instance',) def __init__(self, provides, *args, **kwargs): """Initializer. :param provides: Class or other callable that provides object for creation. :type provides: type | callable :param args: Tuple of injections. :type args: tuple :param kwargs: Dictionary of injections. :type kwargs: dict """ self.instance = None super(Singleton, self).__init__(provides, *args, **kwargs) def reset(self): """Reset cached instance, if any. :rtype: None """ self.instance = None def _provide(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return provided instance. :param args: Tuple of context positional arguments. :type args: tuple[object] :param kwargs: Dictionary of context keyword arguments. :type kwargs: dict[str, object] :rtype: object """ with GLOBAL_LOCK: if not self.instance: self.instance = super(Singleton, self)._provide(*args, **kwargs) return self.instance @six.python_2_unicode_compatible class ExternalDependency(Provider): """:py:class:`ExternalDependency` provider describes dependency interface. This provider is used for description of dependency interface. That might be useful when dependency could be provided in the client's code only, but it's interface is known. Such situations could happen when required dependency has non-determenistic list of dependencies itself. .. code-block:: python database_provider = ExternalDependency(sqlite3.dbapi2.Connection) database_provider.override(Factory(sqlite3.connect, ':memory:')) database = database_provider() .. py:attribute:: instance_of Class of required dependency. :type: type """ __slots__ = ('instance_of',) def __init__(self, instance_of): """Initializer.""" if not isinstance(instance_of, six.class_types): raise Error('ExternalDependency provider expects to get class, ' + 'got {0} instead'.format(str(instance_of))) self.instance_of = instance_of super(ExternalDependency, self).__init__() def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return provided instance. :param args: Tuple of context positional arguments. :type args: tuple[object] :param kwargs: Dictionary of context keyword arguments. :type kwargs: dict[str, object] :raise: :py:exc:`dependency_injector.errors.Error` :rtype: object """ if not self.is_overridden: raise Error('Dependency is not defined') instance = self.last_overriding(*args, **kwargs) if not isinstance(instance, self.instance_of): raise Error('{0} is not an '.format(instance) + 'instance of {0}'.format(self.instance_of)) return instance def provided_by(self, provider): """Set external dependency provider. :param provider: Provider that provides required dependency. :type provider: :py:class:`Provider` :rtype: None """ return self.override(provider) def __str__(self): """Return string representation of provider. :rtype: str """ return represent_provider(provider=self, provides=self.instance_of) __repr__ = __str__ @six.python_2_unicode_compatible class Static(Provider): """:py:class:`Static` provider returns provided instance "as is". :py:class:`Static` provider is base implementation that provides exactly the same as it got on input. .. py:attribute:: provides Value that have to be provided. :type: object """ __slots__ = ('provides',) def __init__(self, provides): """Initializer. :param provides: Value that have to be provided. :type provides: object """ self.provides = provides super(Static, self).__init__() def _provide(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return provided instance. :param args: Tuple of context positional arguments. :type args: tuple[object] :param kwargs: Dictionary of context keyword arguments. :type kwargs: dict[str, object] :rtype: object """ return self.provides def __str__(self): """Return string representation of provider. :rtype: str """ return represent_provider(provider=self, provides=self.provides) __repr__ = __str__ StaticProvider = Static # Backward compatibility for versions < 1.11.1 class Class(Static): """:py:class:`Class` returns provided class "as is". .. code-block:: python cls_provider = Class(object) object_cls = cls_provider() """ class Object(Static): """:py:class:`Object` returns provided object "as is". .. code-block:: python object_provider = Object(object()) object_instance = object_provider() """ class Function(Static): """:py:class:`Function` returns provided function "as is". .. code-block:: python function_provider = Function(len) len_function = function_provider() """ class Value(Static): """:py:class:`Value` returns provided value "as is". .. code-block:: python value_provider = Value(31337) value = value_provider() """ @six.python_2_unicode_compatible class Config(Provider): """:py:class:`Config` provider provide dict values. :py:class:`Config` provider creates :py:class:`ChildConfig` objects for all undefined attribute calls. It makes possible to create deferred config value providers. It might be useful in cases where it is needed to define / pass some configuration in declarative manner, while configuration values will be loaded / updated in application's runtime. """ __slots__ = ('value',) def __init__(self, value=None): """Initializer. :param value: Configuration dictionary. :type value: dict[str, object] """ if not value: value = dict() self.value = value super(Config, self).__init__() def __getattr__(self, item): """Return instance of deferred config. :param item: Name of configuration option or section. :type item: str :rtype: :py:class:`ChildConfig` """ return ChildConfig(parents=(item,), root_config=self) def _provide(self, paths=None): """Return provided instance. :param paths: Tuple of pieces of configuration option / section path. :type args: tuple[str] :rtype: object """ value = self.value if paths: for path in paths: try: value = value[path] except KeyError: raise Error('Config key ' '"{0}" is undefined'.format('.'.join(paths))) return value def update_from(self, value): """Update current value from another one. :param value: Configuration dictionary. :type value: dict[str, object] :rtype: None """ self.value.update(value) def __str__(self): """Return string representation of provider. :rtype: str """ return represent_provider(provider=self, provides=self.value) __repr__ = __str__ @six.python_2_unicode_compatible class ChildConfig(Provider): """:py:class:`ChildConfig` provider provides value from :py:class:`Config`. :py:class:`ChildConfig` provides value from the root config object according to the current path in the config tree. """ __slots__ = ('parents', 'root_config') def __init__(self, parents, root_config): """Initializer. :param parents: Tuple of pieces of configuration option / section parent path. :type parents: tuple[str] :param root_config: Root configuration object. :type root_config: :py:class:`Config` """ self.parents = parents self.root_config = root_config super(ChildConfig, self).__init__() def __getattr__(self, item): """Return instance of deferred config. :param item: Name of configuration option or section. :type item: str :rtype: :py:class:`ChildConfig` """ return ChildConfig(parents=self.parents + (item,), root_config=self.root_config) def _provide(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return provided instance. :param args: Tuple of context positional arguments. :type args: tuple[object] :param kwargs: Dictionary of context keyword arguments. :type kwargs: dict[str, object] :rtype: object """ return self.root_config(self.parents) def __str__(self): """Return string representation of provider. :rtype: str """ return represent_provider(provider=self, provides='.'.join(self.parents)) __repr__ = __str__