VERSION := $(shell python --version) CYTHON_SRC := $(shell find dependency_injector -name '*.pyx') CYTHON_DIRECTIVES = C_MACROS = ifdef DEBUG CYTHON_DIRECTIVES += -Xprofile=True -Xlinetrace=True C_MACROS += -DCYTHON_TRACE endif clean: # Clean sources find dependency_injector -name '*.py[cod]' -delete find dependency_injector -name '__pycache__' -delete find dependency_injector -name '*.c' -delete find dependency_injector -name '*.so' -delete find dependency_injector -name '*.html' -delete # Clean tests find tests -name '*.py[co]' -delete find tests -name '__pycache__' -delete # Clean examples find examples -name '*.py[co]' -delete find examples -name '__pycache__' -delete cythonize: # Compile Cython to C cython -a $(CYTHON_DIRECTIVES) $(CYTHON_SRC) # Move all Cython html reports mkdir -p reports/cython/ find dependency_injector -name '*.html' -exec mv {} reports/cython/ \; build: clean cythonize # Compile C extensions python build_ext --inplace $(C_MACROS) test: # Unit tests with coverage report coverage erase coverage run --rcfile=./.coveragerc -m unittest2 discover tests coverage report --rcfile=./.coveragerc coverage html --rcfile=./.coveragerc check: # Static analysis flake8 --max-complexity=10 dependency_injector/ flake8 --max-complexity=10 examples/ # Code style analysis pydocstyle dependency_injector/ pydocstyle examples/ publish: cythonize # Create and upload build python sdist upload # Create and upload tag git tag -a $(VERSION) -m 'version $(VERSION)' git push --tags