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What is ``Dependency Injector``?
``Dependency Injector`` is a dependency injection framework for Python.
It helps implementing the dependency injection principle.
Key features of the ``Dependency Injector``:
- **Providers**. Provides ``Factory``, ``Singleton``, ``Callable``, ``Coroutine``, ``Object``,
``List``, ``Configuration``, ``Dependency`` and ``Selector`` providers that help assembling your
objects. See `Providers <http://python-dependency-injector.ets-labs.org/providers/index.html>`_.
- **Overriding**. Can override any provider by another provider on the fly. This helps in testing
and configuring dev / stage environment to replace API clients with stubs etc. See
`Provider overriding <http://python-dependency-injector.ets-labs.org/providers/overriding.html>`_.
- **Configuration**. Read configuration from ``yaml`` & ``ini`` files, environment variables
and dictionaries.
See `Configuration provider <http://python-dependency-injector.ets-labs.org/providers/configuration.html>`_.
- **Containers**. Provides declarative and dynamic containers.
See `Containers <http://python-dependency-injector.ets-labs.org/containers/index.html>`_.
- **Performance**. Fast. Written in ``Cython``.
- **Typing**. Provides typing stubs, ``mypy``-friendly.
See `Typing and mypy <http://python-dependency-injector.ets-labs.org/providers/typing_mypy.html>`_.
- **Maturity**. Mature and production-ready. Well-tested, documented and supported.
.. code-block:: python
from dependency_injector import containers, providers
from dependency_injector.wiring import Provide
class Container(containers.DeclarativeContainer):
config = providers.Configuration()
api_client = providers.Singleton(
service = providers.Factory(
def main(service: Service = Provide[Container.service]):
if __name__ == '__main__':
container = Container()
With the ``Dependency Injector`` you keep **application structure in one place**.
This place is called **the container**. You use the container to manage all the components of the
application. All the component dependencies are defined explicitly. This provides the control on
the application structure. It is **easy to understand and change** it.
.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/ets-labs/python-dependency-injector/img/di-map.svg
:target: https://github.com/ets-labs/python-dependency-injector
*The container is like a map of your application. You always know what depends on what.*
Visit the docs to know more about the
`Dependency injection and inversion of control in Python <http://python-dependency-injector.ets-labs.org/introduction/di_in_python.html>`_.
The package is available on the `PyPi`_::
pip install dependency-injector
The documentation is available on the `Read The Docs <http://python-dependency-injector.ets-labs.org/>`_
Choose one of the following:
- `Application example (single container) <http://python-dependency-injector.ets-labs.org/examples/application-single-container.html>`_
- `Application example (multiple containers) <http://python-dependency-injector.ets-labs.org/examples/application-multiple-containers.html>`_
- `Decoupled packages example (multiple containers) <http://python-dependency-injector.ets-labs.org/examples/decoupled-packages.html>`_
Choose one of the following:
- `Flask web application tutorial <http://python-dependency-injector.ets-labs.org/tutorials/flask.html>`_
- `Aiohttp REST API tutorial <http://python-dependency-injector.ets-labs.org/tutorials/aiohttp.html>`_
- `Asyncio monitoring daemon tutorial <http://python-dependency-injector.ets-labs.org/tutorials/asyncio-daemon.html>`_
- `CLI application tutorial <http://python-dependency-injector.ets-labs.org/tutorials/cli.html>`_
``Dependency Injector`` stands on two principles:
- Explicit is better than implicit (PEP20).
- Do no magic to your code.
How is it different from the other frameworks?
- **No autowiring.** The framework does NOT do any autowiring / autoresolving of the dependencies. You need to specify everything explicitly. Because *"Explicit is better than implicit" (PEP20)*.
- **Does not pollute your code.** Your application does NOT know and does NOT depend on the framework. No ``@inject`` decorators, annotations, patching or any other magic tricks.
``Dependency Injector`` makes a simple contract with you:
- You tell the framework how to assemble your objects
- The framework does it for you
The power of the ``Dependency Injector`` is in its simplicity and straightforwardness. It is a simple tool for the powerful concept.
Frequently asked questions
What is the dependency injection?
- dependency injection is a principle that decreases coupling and increases cohesion
Why should I do the dependency injection?
- your code becomes more flexible, testable and clear
- you have no problems when you need to understand how it works or change it 😎
How do I start doing the dependency injection?
- you start writing the code following the dependency injection principle
- you register all of your application components and their dependencies in the container
- when you need a component, you get it from the container
Why do I need a framework for this?
- you need the framework for this to not create it by your own
- this framework gives you the container and the providers
- the container is like a dictionary with the batteries 🔋
- the providers manage the lifetime of your components, you will need factories, singletons, smart config object etc
What price do I pay and what do I get?
- you need to explicitly specify the dependencies in the container
- it will be extra work in the beginning
- it will payoff when project grows or in two weeks 😊 (when you forget what project was about)
What features does the framework have?
- building objects graph
- smart configuration object
- providers: factory, singleton, thread locals registers, etc
- positional and keyword context injections
- overriding of the objects in any part of the graph
What features the framework does NOT have?
- autowiring / autoresolving of the dependencies
- the annotations and ``@inject``-like decorators
Have a question?
- Open a `Github Issue <https://github.com/ets-labs/python-dependency-injector/issues>`_
Found a bug?
- Open a `Github Issue <https://github.com/ets-labs/python-dependency-injector/issues>`_
Want to help?
- |star| Star the ``Dependency Injector`` on the `Github <https://github.com/ets-labs/python-dependency-injector/>`_
- |new| Start a new project with the ``Dependency Injector``
- |tell| Tell your friend about the ``Dependency Injector``
Want to contribute?
- |fork| Fork the project
- |pull| Open a pull request to the ``develop`` branch
.. _PyPi: https://pypi.org/project/dependency-injector/
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