mirror of
synced 2025-02-14 10:30:51 +03:00
* Fix a typo in the docblock of the Configuration provider * Update the changelog * Add tutorial sections * Switch to use https for httpbin.org requests * Add what we are going to build section * Fix ``Makefile`` to run ``aiohttp`` integration tests on Python 3.5+ * Add prerequisities and prepare the env sections * Add logging, config and the dispacher sections * Change logging * Fix multiple typos in the ``flask`` and ``aiohttp`` tutorials * Add the initial and dirty version * Fix multiple typos in the ``flask`` and ``aiohttp`` tutorials * Fix the 3.27.0 changelog * Finish all the parts before the dispatcher * Finish dispatcher section * Update http monitor logging format * Finish the tutorial * Fix docblock in the dispatcher module * Update changelog * Add meta keywords and description
84 lines
2.2 KiB
84 lines
2.2 KiB
VERSION := $(shell python setup.py --version)
CYTHON_SRC := $(shell find src/dependency_injector -name '*.pyx')
CYTHON_DIRECTIVES = -Xlanguage_level=2
CYTHON_DIRECTIVES += -Xlinetrace=True
# Clean sources
find src -name '*.py[cod]' -delete
find src -name '__pycache__' -delete
find src -name '*.c' -delete
find src -name '*.h' -delete
find src -name '*.so' -delete
find src -name '*.html' -delete
# Clean tests
find tests -name '*.py[co]' -delete
find tests -name '__pycache__' -delete
# Clean examples
find examples -name '*.py[co]' -delete
find examples -name '__pycache__' -delete
# Compile Cython to C
# Move all Cython html reports
mkdir -p reports/cython/
find src -name '*.html' -exec mv {} reports/cython/ \;
build: clean cythonize
# Compile C extensions
python setup.py build_ext --inplace
sphinx-autobuild docs docs/_build/html
install: uninstall clean cythonize
pip install -ve .
- pip uninstall -y -q dependency-injector 2> /dev/null
test-py2: build
# Unit tests with coverage report
coverage erase
coverage run --rcfile=./.coveragerc -m unittest2 discover -s tests/unit/ -p test_*_py2_py3.py
coverage report --rcfile=./.coveragerc
coverage html --rcfile=./.coveragerc
test-py3: build
# Unit tests with coverage report
coverage erase
coverage run --rcfile=./.coveragerc -m unittest2 discover -s tests/unit/ -p test_*py3*.py
coverage report --rcfile=./.coveragerc
coverage html --rcfile=./.coveragerc
# Static analysis
flake8 src/dependency_injector/
flake8 examples/
# Code style analysis
pydocstyle src/dependency_injector/
pydocstyle examples/
test-publish: cythonize
# Create distributions
python setup.py sdist
# Upload distributions to PyPI
twine upload --repository testpypi dist/dependency-injector-$(VERSION)*
# Merge release to master branch
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff release/$(VERSION) -m "Merge branch 'release/$(VERSION)' into master"
git push origin master
# Create and upload tag
git tag -a $(VERSION) -m 'version $(VERSION)'
git push --tags