import os from pathlib import Path # Build paths inside the project like this: BASE_DIR / 'subdir'. BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = "django-insecure-%_8sy196w4hzo9^cp9(@r=i+amh47r4mxfhq_(ok&=c(@%bhmk" DEBUG = True if DEBUG: TOKEN_EXP = 31536000 # 1 year AUTH_EXP = 31536000 # 1 year else: TOKEN_EXP = 2678400 # 1 month AUTH_EXP = 3600 # 1 hour ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] if DEBUG: ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["*"] INSTALLED_APPS = [ "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.staticfiles", "django.contrib.messages", # Packages "rest_framework", "channels", # Apps "game", "room", ] TEMPLATES = [ { "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates", "DIRS": [], "APP_DIRS": True, "OPTIONS": { "context_processors": [ "django.template.context_processors.debug", "django.template.context_processors.request", "django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth", "django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages", ], }, }, ] MIDDLEWARE = [ "", "django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware", "django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware", "django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware", "django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware", "django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware", ] ROOT_URLCONF = "chess_backend.urls" ASGI_APPLICATION = "chess_backend.asgi.application" CHANNEL_LAYERS = { "default": { "BACKEND": "channels_redis.core.RedisChannelLayer", "CONFIG": { "hosts": [("", 6379)], }, }, } WSGI_APPLICATION = "chess_backend.wsgi.application" DATABASES = { "default": { "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.sqlite3", "NAME": BASE_DIR / "db.sqlite3", } } LANGUAGES = [ ("en-us", "English"), ("ru", "Russian"), ] TIME_ZONE = "Europe/Moscow" USE_I18N = True USE_TZ = True MEDIA_URL = "/media/" STATIC_URL = "/static/" if DEBUG: MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "media/") STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static/") else: MEDIA_ROOT = "/var/www/media/" STATIC_ROOT = "/var/www/static/" DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = "django.db.models.BigAutoField" LOGGING = { "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": False, "handlers": { "file": { "level": "WARNING", "class": "logging.FileHandler", "filename": "debug.log", }, }, "loggers": { "django": { "handlers": ["file"], "level": "DEBUG", "propagate": True, }, }, }