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//- Docs > API > Doc
//- ============================================================================
+h2('doc', 'https://github.com/' + profiles.github + '/spaCy/blob/master/spacy/tokens/doc.pyx#L58')
| #[+label('tag') class] Doc
| A sequence of #[code Token] objects. Access sentences and named entities,
| export annotations to numpy arrays, losslessly serialize to compressed
| binary strings.
Internally, the #[code Doc] object holds an array of #[code TokenC] structs.
The Python-level #[code Token] and #[code Span] objects are views of this
array, i.e. they don't own the data themselves.
+code('python', 'overview').
class Doc:
def __init__(self, vocab, orths_and_spaces=None):
return self
def __getitem__(self, int i):
return Token()
def __getitem__(self, slice i_j):
return Span()
def __iter__(self):
yield Token()
def __len__(self):
return int
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode
def __bytes__(self):
return utf8
def __repr__(self):
return unicode
def text(self):
return unicode
def text_with_ws(self):
return unicode
def vector(self):
return numpy.ndarray(dtype='float32')
def vector_norm(self):
return float
def ents(self):
yield Span()
def noun_chunks(self):
yield Span()
def sents(self):
yield Span()
def similarity(self, other):
return float
def merge(self, start_char, end_char, tag, lemma, ent_type):
return None
def to_array(self, attr_ids):
return numpy.ndarray(shape=(len(self), len(attr_ids)), dtype='int64')
def count_by(self, attr_id, exclude=None, counts=None):
return dict
def to_bytes(self):
return bytes
def from_array(self, attrs, array):
return None
def from_bytes(self, data):
return self
def read_bytes(file_):
yield bytes
| #[+label('tag') method] Doc.__init__
+code('python', 'definition').
def __init__(self, vocab, orths_and_spaces=None):
return Doc
This method of constructing a #[code Doc] object is usually only used
for deserialization. Standard usage is to construct the document via
a call to the language object.
+table(['Name', 'Type', 'Description'], 'params')
+cell vocab
A Vocabulary object, which must match any models you want to
use (e.g. tokenizer, parser, entity recognizer).
+cell orth_and_spaces
A list of tokens in the document as a sequence of
#[code (orth_id, has_space)] tuples, where #[code orth_id]
is an integer and #[code has_space] is a boolean, indicating
whether the token has a trailing space.
| #[+label('tag') Section] Sequence API
+table(['Example', 'Description'], 'code')
+cell #[code.lang-python doc[i]]
Get the Token object at position i, where i is an integer.
Negative indexing is supported, and follows the usual Python
semantics, i.e. doc[-2] is doc[len(doc) - 2].
+cell #[code.lang-python doc[start : end]]
Get a #[code Span] object, starting at position #[code start]
and ending at position #[code end], where #[code start] and
#[code end] are token indices. For instance,
#[code doc[2:5]] produces a span consisting of
tokens 2, 3 and 4. Stepped slices (e.g. #[code doc[start : end : step]])
are not supported, as #[code Span] objects must be contiguous
(cannot have gaps). You can use negative indices and open-ended
ranges, which have their normal Python semantics.
+cell #[code.lang-python for token in doc]
Iterate over Token objects, from which the annotations can
be easily accessed. This is the main way of accessing Token
objects, which are the main way annotations are accessed from
Python. If faster-than-Python speeds are required, you can
instead access the annotations as a numpy array, or access the
underlying C data directly from Cython.
+cell #[code.lang-python len(doc)]
The number of tokens in the document.
| #[+label('tag') property] Doc.sents
Yields sentence #[code Span] objects. Sentence spans have no label.
To improve accuracy on informal texts, spaCy calculates sentence
boundaries from the syntactic dependency parse. If the parser is disabled,
the #[code sents] iterator will be unavailable.
+code('python', 'Example').
from spacy.en import English
nlp = English()
doc = nlp("This is a sentence. Here's another...")
assert [s.root.orth_ for s in doc.sents] == ["is", "'s"]
| #[+label('tag') property] Doc.ents
Yields named-entity #[code Span] objects, if the entity recognizer
has been applied to the document. Iterate over the span to get
individual Token objects, or access the label:
+code('python', 'Example').
from spacy.en import English
nlp = English()
tokens = nlp(u'Mr. Best flew to New York on Saturday morning.')
ents = list(tokens.ents)
assert ents[0].label == 346
assert ents[0].label_ == 'PERSON'
assert ents[0].orth_ == 'Best'
assert ents[0].string == ents[0].string
| #[+label('tag') property] Doc.noun_chunks
Yields base noun-phrase #[code Span] objects, if the document
has been syntactically parsed. A base noun phrase, or
'NP chunk', is a noun phrase that does not permit other NPs to
be nested within it – so no NP-level coordination, no prepositional
phrases, and no relative clauses. For example:
+code('python', 'Example').
from spacy.en import English
nlp = English()
doc = nlp(u'The sentence in this example has three noun chunks.')
for chunk in doc.noun_chunks:
print(chunk.label_, chunk.orth_, '<--', chunk.root.head.orth_)
| #[+label('tag') method] Doc.to_array
Given a list of M attribute IDs, export the tokens to a numpy
#[code ndarray] of shape #[code N*M], where #[code N] is the length
of the document. The values will be 32-bit integers.
+code('python', 'Example').
from spacy import attrs
doc = nlp(text)
# All strings mapped to integers, for easy export to numpy
np_array = doc.to_array([attrs.LOWER, attrs.POS, attrs.ENT_TYPE, attrs.IS_ALPHA])
+code('python', 'definition').
def to_array(self, attr_ids):
return numpy.ndarray(shape=(len(self), len(attr_ids)), dtype='int64')
+table(['Name', 'Type', 'Description'], 'params')
+cell attr_ids
+cell list of ints
A list of attribute ID ints. Attribute IDs can be imported
from #[code spacy.attrs] or #[code spacy.symbols].
| #[+label('tag') method] Doc.count_by
Produce a dict of #[code {attribute (int): count (ints)}] frequencies,
keyed by the values of the given attribute ID.
+code('python', 'Example').
def count_by(self, attr_id):
return dict
+table(['Name', 'Type', 'Description'], 'params')
+cell attr_id
+cell int
The attribute ID to key the counts.
| #[+label('tag') method] Doc.from_array
Write to a #[code Doc] object, from an M*N array of attributes.
+code('python', 'definition').
def from_array(self, attrs, array):
return None
+h4('doc-exportimport-frombytes') Doc.from_bytes
Deserialize, loading from bytes.
+code('python', 'definition').
def from_bytes(self, byte_string):
return Doc
| #[+label('tag') method] Doc.to_bytes
Serialize, producing a byte string.
+code('python', 'definition').
def to_bytes(self):
return bytes
| #[+label('tag') method] Doc.read_bytes
A static method, used to read serialized #[code Doc] objects from
a file. For example:
+code('python', 'Example').
from spacy.tokens.doc import Doc
loc = 'test_serialize.bin'
with open(loc, 'wb') as file_:
file_.write(nlp(u'This is a document.').to_bytes())
file_.write(nlp(u'This is another.').to_bytes())
docs = []
with open(loc, 'rb') as file_:
for byte_string in Doc.read_bytes(file_):
assert len(docs) == 2
+code('python', 'definition').
def read_bytes(file_):
yield bytes