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| Because we'e made so many architectural changes to the library, we've
| tried to #[strong keep breaking changes to a minimum]. A lot of projects
| follow the philosophy that if you're going to break anything, you may as
| well break everything. We think migration is easier if there's a logic to
| what has changed. We've therefore followed a policy of avoiding
| breaking changes to the #[code Doc], #[code Span] and #[code Token]
| objects. This way, you can focus on only migrating the code that
| does training, loading and serialization — in other words, code that
| works with the #[code nlp] object directly. Code that uses the
| annotations should continue to work.
+infobox("Important note", "⚠️")
| If you've trained your own models, keep in mind that your train and
| runtime inputs must match. This means you'll have to
| #[strong retrain your models] with spaCy v2.0.
+h(3, "migrating-saving-loading") Saving, loading and serialization
| Double-check all calls to #[code spacy.load()] and make sure they don't
| use the #[code path] keyword argument. If you're only loading in binary
| data and not a model package that can construct its own #[code Language]
| class and pipeline, you should now use the
| #[+api("language#from_disk") #[code Language.from_disk()]] method.
nlp = spacy.load('/model')
nlp = English().from_disk('/model/data')
+code-old nlp = spacy.load('en', path='/model')
| Review all other code that writes state to disk or bytes.
| All containers, now share the same, consistent API for saving and
| loading. Replace saving with #[code to_disk()] or #[code to_bytes()], and
| loading with #[code from_disk()] and #[code from_bytes()].
| If you've trained models with input from v1.x, you'll need to
| #[strong retrain them] with spaCy v2.0. All previous models will not
| be compatible with the new version.
+h(3, "migrating-languages") Processing pipelines and language data
| If you're importing language data or #[code Language] classes, make sure
| to change your import statements to import from #[code spacy.lang]. If
| you've added your own custom language, it needs to be moved to
| #[code spacy/lang/xx] and adjusted accordingly.
+code-new from spacy.lang.en import English
+code-old from spacy.en import English
| If you've been using custom pipeline components, check out the new
| guide on #[+a("/usage/language-processing-pipelines") processing pipelines].
| Pipeline components are now #[code (name, func)] tuples. Appending
| them to the pipeline still works – but the
| #[+api("language#add_pipe") #[code add_pipe]] method now makes this
| much more convenient. Methods for removing, renaming, replacing and
| retrieving components have been added as well. Components can now
| be disabled by passing a list of their names to the #[code disable]
| keyword argument on load, or by using
| #[+api("language#disable_pipes") #[code disable_pipes]] as a method
| or contextmanager:
nlp = spacy.load('en', disable=['tagger', 'ner'])
with nlp.disable_pipes('parser'):
doc = nlp(u"I don't want parsed")
nlp = spacy.load('en', tagger=False, entity=False)
doc = nlp(u"I don't want parsed", parse=False)
| To add spaCy's built-in pipeline components to your pipeline,
| you can still import and instantiate them directly – but it's more
| convenient to use the new
| #[+api("language#create_pipe") #[code create_pipe]] method with the
| component name, i.e. #[code 'tagger'], #[code 'parser'], #[code 'ner']
| or #[code 'textcat'].
tagger = nlp.create_pipe('tagger')
nlp.add_pipe(tagger, first=True)
from spacy.pipeline import Tagger
tagger = Tagger(nlp.vocab)
nlp.pipeline.insert(0, tagger)
+h(3, "migrating-training") Training
| All built-in pipeline components are now subclasses of
| #[+api("pipe") #[code Pipe]] are fully trainable and serializable,
| and follow the same API. Instead of updating the model and telling
| spaCy when to #[em stop], you can now explicitly call
| #[+api("language#begin_training") #[code begin_taining]], which
| returns an optimizer you can pass into the
| #[+api("language#update") #[code update]] function.
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
for itn in range(1000):
for doc, gold in train_data:
nlp.update([doc], [gold], sgd=optimizer)
for itn in range(1000):
for doc, gold in train_data:
nlp.update(doc, gold)
+h(3, "migrating-doc") Attaching custom data to the Doc
| Previously, you had to create a new container in order to attach custom
| data to a #[code Doc] object. This often required converting the
| #[code Doc] objects to and from arrays. In spaCy v2.0, you can set your
| own attributes, properties and methods on the #[code Doc], #[code Token]
| and #[code Span] via
| #[+a("/usage/processing-pipelines#custom-components-attributes") custom extensions].
| This means that your application can – and should – only pass around
| #[code Doc] objects and refer to them as the single source of truth.
Doc.set_extension('meta', getter=get_doc_meta)
doc_with_meta = nlp(u'This is a doc with meta data')
meta = doc._.meta
doc = nlp(u'This is a regular doc')
doc_array = doc.to_array(['ORTH', 'POS'])
doc_with_meta = {'doc_array': doc_array, 'meta': get_doc_meta(doc_array)}
| If you wrap your extension attributes in a
| #[+a("/usage/processing-pipelines#custom-components") custom pipeline component],
| they will be assigned automatically when you call #[code nlp] on a text.
| If your application assigns custom data to spaCy's container objects,
| or includes other utilities that interact with the pipeline, consider
| moving this logic into its own extension module.
doc = nlp(u'Doc with a custom pipeline that assigns meta')
meta = doc._.meta
doc = nlp(u'Doc with a standard pipeline')
meta = get_meta(doc)
+h(3, "migrating-strings") Strings and hash values
| The change from integer IDs to hash values may not actually affect your
| code very much. However, if you're adding strings to the vocab manually,
| you now need to call #[+api("stringstore#add") #[code StringStore.add()]]
| explicitly. You can also now be sure that the string-to-hash mapping will
| always match across vocabularies.
nlp.vocab.strings[u'coffee'] # 3197928453018144401
other_nlp.vocab.strings[u'coffee'] # 3197928453018144401
nlp.vocab.strings[u'coffee'] # 3672
other_nlp.vocab.strings[u'coffee'] # 40259
+h(3, "migrating-matcher") Adding patterns and callbacks to the matcher
| If you're using the matcher, you can now add patterns in one step. This
| should be easy to update – simply merge the ID, callback and patterns
| into one call to #[+api("matcher#add") #[code Matcher.add()]]. The
| matcher now also supports string keys, which saves you an extra import.
| If you've been using #[strong acceptor functions], you'll need to move
| this logic into the
| #[+a("/usage/rule-based-matching#on_match") #[code on_match] callbacks].
| The callback function is invoked on every match and will give you access to
| the doc, the index of the current match and all total matches. This lets
| you both accept or reject the match, and define the actions to be
| triggered.
matcher.add('GoogleNow', merge_phrases, [{'ORTH': 'Google'}, {'ORTH': 'Now'}])
matcher.add_entity('GoogleNow', on_match=merge_phrases)
matcher.add_pattern('GoogleNow', [{ORTH: 'Google'}, {ORTH: 'Now'}])
| If you need to match large terminology lists, you can now also
| use the #[+api("phrasematcher") #[code PhraseMatcher]], which accepts
| #[code Doc] objects as match patterns and is more efficient than the
| regular, rule-based matcher.
from spacy.matcher import PhraseMatcher
matcher = PhraseMatcher(nlp.vocab)
patterns = [nlp(text) for text in large_terminology_list]
matcher.add('PRODUCT', None, *patterns)
matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
for text in large_terminology_list
matcher.add_pattern('PRODUCT', [{ORTH: text}])