💫 Update website (#3285)
<!--- Provide a general summary of your changes in the title. -->
## Description
The new website is implemented using [Gatsby](https://www.gatsbyjs.org) with [Remark](https://github.com/remarkjs/remark) and [MDX](https://mdxjs.com/). This allows authoring content in **straightforward Markdown** without the usual limitations. Standard elements can be overwritten with powerful [React](http://reactjs.org/) components and wherever Markdown syntax isn't enough, JSX components can be used. Hopefully, this update will also make it much easier to contribute to the docs. Once this PR is merged, I'll implement auto-deployment via [Netlify](https://netlify.com) on a specific branch (to avoid building the website on every PR). There's a bunch of other cool stuff that the new setup will allow us to do – including writing front-end tests, service workers, offline support, implementing a search and so on.
This PR also includes various new docs pages and content.
Resolves #3270. Resolves #3222. Resolves #2947. Resolves #2837.
### Types of change
## Checklist
<!--- Before you submit the PR, go over this checklist and make sure you can
tick off all the boxes. [] -> [x] -->
- [x] I have submitted the spaCy Contributor Agreement.
- [x] I ran the tests, and all new and existing tests passed.
- [x] My changes don't require a change to the documentation, or if they do, I've added all required information.
2019-02-17 21:31:19 +03:00
title: Tokenizer
teaser: Segment text into words, punctuations marks etc.
tag: class
source: spacy/tokenizer.pyx
Segment text, and create `Doc` objects with the discovered segment boundaries.
## Tokenizer.\_\_init\_\_ {#init tag="method"}
Create a `Tokenizer` , to create `Doc` objects given unicode text.
> #### Example
> ```python
> # Construction 1
> from spacy.tokenizer import Tokenizer
> tokenizer = Tokenizer(nlp.vocab)
> # Construction 2
> from spacy.lang.en import English
> tokenizer = English().Defaults.create_tokenizer(nlp)
> ```
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---------------- | ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `vocab` | `Vocab` | A storage container for lexical types. |
| `rules` | dict | Exceptions and special-cases for the tokenizer. |
| `prefix_search` | callable | A function matching the signature of `re.compile(string).search` to match prefixes. |
| `suffix_search` | callable | A function matching the signature of `re.compile(string).search` to match suffixes. |
| `infix_finditer` | callable | A function matching the signature of `re.compile(string).finditer` to find infixes. |
| `token_match` | callable | A boolean function matching strings to be recognized as tokens. |
| **RETURNS** | `Tokenizer` | The newly constructed object. |
## Tokenizer.\_\_call\_\_ {#call tag="method"}
Tokenize a string.
> #### Example
> ```python
> tokens = tokenizer(u"This is a sentence")
> assert len(tokens) == 4
> ```
| Name | Type | Description |
| ----------- | ------- | --------------------------------------- |
| `string` | unicode | The string to tokenize. |
| **RETURNS** | `Doc` | A container for linguistic annotations. |
## Tokenizer.pipe {#pipe tag="method"}
Tokenize a stream of texts.
> #### Example
> ```python
> texts = [u"One document.", u"...", u"Lots of documents"]
> for doc in tokenizer.pipe(texts, batch_size=50):
> pass
> ```
2019-02-18 00:25:42 +03:00
| Name | Type | Description |
| ------------ | ----- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| `texts` | - | A sequence of unicode texts. |
| `batch_size` | int | The number of texts to accumulate in an internal buffer. |
| **YIELDS** | `Doc` | A sequence of Doc objects, in order. |
💫 Update website (#3285)
<!--- Provide a general summary of your changes in the title. -->
## Description
The new website is implemented using [Gatsby](https://www.gatsbyjs.org) with [Remark](https://github.com/remarkjs/remark) and [MDX](https://mdxjs.com/). This allows authoring content in **straightforward Markdown** without the usual limitations. Standard elements can be overwritten with powerful [React](http://reactjs.org/) components and wherever Markdown syntax isn't enough, JSX components can be used. Hopefully, this update will also make it much easier to contribute to the docs. Once this PR is merged, I'll implement auto-deployment via [Netlify](https://netlify.com) on a specific branch (to avoid building the website on every PR). There's a bunch of other cool stuff that the new setup will allow us to do – including writing front-end tests, service workers, offline support, implementing a search and so on.
This PR also includes various new docs pages and content.
Resolves #3270. Resolves #3222. Resolves #2947. Resolves #2837.
### Types of change
## Checklist
<!--- Before you submit the PR, go over this checklist and make sure you can
tick off all the boxes. [] -> [x] -->
- [x] I have submitted the spaCy Contributor Agreement.
- [x] I ran the tests, and all new and existing tests passed.
- [x] My changes don't require a change to the documentation, or if they do, I've added all required information.
2019-02-17 21:31:19 +03:00
## Tokenizer.find_infix {#find_infix tag="method"}
Find internal split points of the string.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ----------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `string` | unicode | The string to split. |
| **RETURNS** | list | A list of `re.MatchObject` objects that have `.start()` and `.end()` methods, denoting the placement of internal segment separators, e.g. hyphens. |
## Tokenizer.find_prefix {#find_prefix tag="method"}
Find the length of a prefix that should be segmented from the string, or `None`
if no prefix rules match.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ----------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
| `string` | unicode | The string to segment. |
| **RETURNS** | int | The length of the prefix if present, otherwise `None` . |
## Tokenizer.find_suffix {#find_suffix tag="method"}
Find the length of a suffix that should be segmented from the string, or `None`
if no suffix rules match.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ----------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------ |
| `string` | unicode | The string to segment. |
| **RETURNS** | int / `None` | The length of the suffix if present, otherwise `None` . |
## Tokenizer.add_special_case {#add_special_case tag="method"}
Add a special-case tokenization rule. This mechanism is also used to add custom
tokenizer exceptions to the language data. See the usage guide on
[adding languages ](/usage/adding-languages#tokenizer-exceptions ) for more
details and examples.
> #### Example
> ```python
> from spacy.attrs import ORTH, LEMMA
> case = [{"don't": [{ORTH: "do"}, {ORTH: "n't", LEMMA: "not"}]}]
> tokenizer.add_special_case(case)
> ```
| Name | Type | Description |
| ------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `string` | unicode | The string to specially tokenize. |
| `token_attrs` | iterable | A sequence of dicts, where each dict describes a token and its attributes. The `ORTH` fields of the attributes must exactly match the string when they are concatenated. |
## Attributes {#attributes}
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `vocab` | `Vocab` | The vocab object of the parent `Doc` . |
| `prefix_search` | - | A function to find segment boundaries from the start of a string. Returns the length of the segment, or `None` . |
| `suffix_search` | - | A function to find segment boundaries from the end of a string. Returns the length of the segment, or `None` . |
| `infix_finditer` | - | A function to find internal segment separators, e.g. hyphens. Returns a (possibly empty) list of `re.MatchObject` objects. |