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synced 2025-03-10 06:15:49 +03:00
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175 lines
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// Typography - Variables
// ============================================================================
$font-size : 1.6rem
$headings : h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
$heading-font-family : $font-secondary
$heading-font-sizes : 5rem, 2.8rem, 2.4rem, 2rem, 1.8rem, 1.6rem
$heading-font-weight : bold
$heading-padding : $height-navbar 0 1.5rem 0
$heading-text-shadow : 2px 2px
$line-height : 1.375
$page-title-size : 6rem
$color-highlight : color($theme)
$color-highlight-dark : color($theme, dark)
// Typography - Style
// ============================================================================
// Placeholders
font-size: $font-size
line-height: $line-height
font-size: round-dec($font-size * 1.25)
line-height: round-dec($line-height * 1.15)
font-size: round-dec($font-size * 1.75)
line-height: round-dec($line-height * 1.2)
font-size: round-dec($font-size * 0.75)
line-height: round-dec($line-height * 1.1)
font-size: round-dec($font-size * 0.875)
line-height: round-dec($line-height * 1.1)
font-family: $font-primary
font-family: $font-secondary
font-family: $font-code
// Text styles
// .text - regular text
// .text-big - bigger style for blogs
// .text-lead - large style for intro paragraphs
// .text-small - smaller font size
// .text-quote - style for quotation
// .text-meta - slightly fainter but emphasized font for meta text
// .text-meta-strong - emphasized meta text
// .text-label - text for labels
// .text-credit - meta text with copyright symbol for image credits
// .text-caption - text for figure captions
// .text-source - text for bibliography sources
// .text-example - text for linguistic examples
@extend %font-primary, %font-base
@extend %font-primary, %font-big
@extend %font-primary, %font-lead
@extend %font-medium-small
@extend %font-small
@extend .text-big
font-style: italic
@extend %font-secondary, %font-base
font-style: normal
font-weight: 600
text-transform: uppercase
@extend .text-meta
font-weight: bold
@extend %font-secondary
font-size: round-dec($font-size * 0.875)
line-height: $line-height
font-weight: normal
text-transform: uppercase
@extend .text-meta, .text-small
@include icon(copyright, currentColor, 0 0.25em 0 0)
color: color(grey, dark)
@extend .text-small
color: color(grey, dark)
padding-top: 2rem
@extend .text-quote
display: block
@extend .text-lead
color: color(grey, dark)
font-style: italic
@extend %font-code
font-size: round-dec($font-size * 0.875)
font-weight: 600
font-style: normal
line-height: round-dec($line-height * 1.65)
text-align: center
// Headings - Style
// ============================================================================
// Global heading style
font-weight: $heading-font-weight
font-family: $heading-font-family
position: relative
// Headings
font-size: $page-title-size
line-height: round-dec($line-height * 0.9)
margin: 0
text-shadow: $heading-text-shadow $color-highlight-dark
@for $i from 1 through length($headings)
$heading: nth($headings, $i)
@extend %heading
font-size: nth($heading-font-sizes, $i)
@if $i == 1
padding: 0
padding: $heading-padding
// Selection - Style
// ============================================================================
text-shadow: none
background: $color-highlight
color: color(white)