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CLI scripts for entity linking (wikipedia & generic) (#4091) * document token ent_kb_id * document span kb_id * update pipeline documentation * prior and context weights as bool's instead * entitylinker api documentation * drop for both models * finish entitylinker documentation * small fixes * documentation for KB * candidate documentation * links to api pages in code * small fix * frequency examples as counts for consistency * consistent documentation about tensors returned by predict * add entity linking to usage 101 * add entity linking infobox and KB section to 101 * entity-linking in linguistic features * small typo corrections * training example and docs for entity_linker * predefined nlp and kb * revert back to similarity encodings for simplicity (for now) * set prior probabilities to 0 when excluded * code clean up * bugfix: deleting kb ID from tokens when entities were removed * refactor train el example to use either model or vocab * pretrain_kb example for example kb generation * add to training docs for KB + EL example scripts * small fixes * error numbering * ensure the language of vocab and nlp stay consistent across serialization * equality with = * avoid conflict in errors file * add error 151 * final adjustements to the train scripts - consistency * update of goldparse documentation * small corrections * push commit * turn kb_creator into CLI script (wip) * proper parameters for training entity vectors * wikidata pipeline split up into two executable scripts * remove context_width * move wikidata scripts in bin directory, remove old dummy script * refine KB script with logs and preprocessing options * small edits * small improvements to logging of EL CLI script
2019-08-13 16:38:59 +03:00
# coding: utf-8
"""Script to take a previously created Knowledge Base and train an entity linking
pipeline. The provided KB directory should hold the kb, the original nlp object and
its vocab used to create the KB, and a few auxiliary files such as the entity definitions,
as created by the script `wikidata_create_kb`.
For the Wikipedia dump: get enwiki-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2
from https://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import random
import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import plac
from bin.wiki_entity_linking import training_set_creator
import spacy
from spacy.kb import KnowledgeBase
from spacy.util import minibatch, compounding
def now():
return datetime.datetime.now()
dir_kb=("Directory with KB, NLP and related files", "positional", None, Path),
output_dir=("Output directory", "option", "o", Path),
loc_training=("Location to training data", "option", "k", Path),
wp_xml=("Path to the downloaded Wikipedia XML dump.", "option", "w", Path),
epochs=("Number of training iterations (default 10)", "option", "e", int),
dropout=("Dropout to prevent overfitting (default 0.5)", "option", "p", float),
lr=("Learning rate (default 0.005)", "option", "n", float),
l2=("L2 regularization", "option", "r", float),
train_inst=("# training instances (default 90% of all)", "option", "t", int),
dev_inst=("# test instances (default 10% of all)", "option", "d", int),
limit=("Optional threshold to limit lines read from WP dump", "option", "l", int),
def main(
print(now(), "Creating Entity Linker with Wikipedia and WikiData")
# STEP 0: set up IO
if output_dir and not output_dir.exists():
# STEP 1 : load the NLP object
nlp_dir = dir_kb / "nlp"
print(now(), "STEP 1: loading model from", nlp_dir)
nlp = spacy.load(nlp_dir)
# check that there is a NER component in the pipeline
if "ner" not in nlp.pipe_names:
2019-08-21 15:00:37 +03:00
raise ValueError("The `nlp` object should have a pre-trained `ner` component.")
CLI scripts for entity linking (wikipedia & generic) (#4091) * document token ent_kb_id * document span kb_id * update pipeline documentation * prior and context weights as bool's instead * entitylinker api documentation * drop for both models * finish entitylinker documentation * small fixes * documentation for KB * candidate documentation * links to api pages in code * small fix * frequency examples as counts for consistency * consistent documentation about tensors returned by predict * add entity linking to usage 101 * add entity linking infobox and KB section to 101 * entity-linking in linguistic features * small typo corrections * training example and docs for entity_linker * predefined nlp and kb * revert back to similarity encodings for simplicity (for now) * set prior probabilities to 0 when excluded * code clean up * bugfix: deleting kb ID from tokens when entities were removed * refactor train el example to use either model or vocab * pretrain_kb example for example kb generation * add to training docs for KB + EL example scripts * small fixes * error numbering * ensure the language of vocab and nlp stay consistent across serialization * equality with = * avoid conflict in errors file * add error 151 * final adjustements to the train scripts - consistency * update of goldparse documentation * small corrections * push commit * turn kb_creator into CLI script (wip) * proper parameters for training entity vectors * wikidata pipeline split up into two executable scripts * remove context_width * move wikidata scripts in bin directory, remove old dummy script * refine KB script with logs and preprocessing options * small edits * small improvements to logging of EL CLI script
2019-08-13 16:38:59 +03:00
# STEP 2 : read the KB
print(now(), "STEP 2: reading the KB from", dir_kb / "kb")
kb = KnowledgeBase(vocab=nlp.vocab)
kb.load_bulk(dir_kb / "kb")
# STEP 3: create a training dataset from WP
if loc_training:
print(now(), "STEP 3: reading training dataset from", loc_training)
if not wp_xml:
2019-08-21 15:00:37 +03:00
raise ValueError(
"Either provide a path to a preprocessed training directory, "
"or to the original Wikipedia XML dump."
CLI scripts for entity linking (wikipedia & generic) (#4091) * document token ent_kb_id * document span kb_id * update pipeline documentation * prior and context weights as bool's instead * entitylinker api documentation * drop for both models * finish entitylinker documentation * small fixes * documentation for KB * candidate documentation * links to api pages in code * small fix * frequency examples as counts for consistency * consistent documentation about tensors returned by predict * add entity linking to usage 101 * add entity linking infobox and KB section to 101 * entity-linking in linguistic features * small typo corrections * training example and docs for entity_linker * predefined nlp and kb * revert back to similarity encodings for simplicity (for now) * set prior probabilities to 0 when excluded * code clean up * bugfix: deleting kb ID from tokens when entities were removed * refactor train el example to use either model or vocab * pretrain_kb example for example kb generation * add to training docs for KB + EL example scripts * small fixes * error numbering * ensure the language of vocab and nlp stay consistent across serialization * equality with = * avoid conflict in errors file * add error 151 * final adjustements to the train scripts - consistency * update of goldparse documentation * small corrections * push commit * turn kb_creator into CLI script (wip) * proper parameters for training entity vectors * wikidata pipeline split up into two executable scripts * remove context_width * move wikidata scripts in bin directory, remove old dummy script * refine KB script with logs and preprocessing options * small edits * small improvements to logging of EL CLI script
2019-08-13 16:38:59 +03:00
if output_dir:
loc_training = output_dir / "training_data"
loc_training = dir_kb / "training_data"
if not loc_training.exists():
print(now(), "STEP 3: creating training dataset at", loc_training)
if limit is not None:
print("Warning: reading only", limit, "lines of Wikipedia dump.")
loc_entity_defs = dir_kb / "entity_defs.csv"
# STEP 4: parse the training data
print(now(), "STEP 4: parse the training & evaluation data")
# for training, get pos & neg instances that correspond to entries in the kb
print("Parsing training data, limit =", train_inst)
train_data = training_set_creator.read_training(
nlp=nlp, training_dir=loc_training, dev=False, limit=train_inst, kb=kb
print("Training on", len(train_data), "articles")
print("Parsing dev testing data, limit =", dev_inst)
# for testing, get all pos instances, whether or not they are in the kb
dev_data = training_set_creator.read_training(
nlp=nlp, training_dir=loc_training, dev=True, limit=dev_inst, kb=None
print("Dev testing on", len(dev_data), "articles")
# STEP 5: create and train the entity linking pipe
print(now(), "STEP 5: training Entity Linking pipe")
el_pipe = nlp.create_pipe(
name="entity_linker", config={"pretrained_vectors": nlp.vocab.vectors.name}
nlp.add_pipe(el_pipe, last=True)
other_pipes = [pipe for pipe in nlp.pipe_names if pipe != "entity_linker"]
with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes): # only train Entity Linking
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
optimizer.learn_rate = lr
optimizer.L2 = l2
if not train_data:
print("Did not find any training data")
for itn in range(epochs):
losses = {}
batches = minibatch(train_data, size=compounding(4.0, 128.0, 1.001))
batchnr = 0
with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes):
for batch in batches:
docs, golds = zip(*batch)
batchnr += 1
except Exception as e:
print("Error updating batch:", e)
if batchnr > 0:
el_pipe.cfg["incl_context"] = True
el_pipe.cfg["incl_prior"] = True
dev_acc_context, _ = _measure_acc(dev_data, el_pipe)
losses["entity_linker"] = losses["entity_linker"] / batchnr
"Epoch, train loss",
round(losses["entity_linker"], 2),
" / dev accuracy avg",
round(dev_acc_context, 3),
# STEP 6: measure the performance of our trained pipe on an independent dev set
if len(dev_data):
print(now(), "STEP 6: performance measurement of Entity Linking pipe")
counts, acc_r, acc_r_d, acc_p, acc_p_d, acc_o, acc_o_d = _measure_baselines(
dev_data, kb
print("dev counts:", sorted(counts.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]))
oracle_by_label = [(x, round(y, 3)) for x, y in acc_o_d.items()]
print("dev accuracy oracle:", round(acc_o, 3), oracle_by_label)
random_by_label = [(x, round(y, 3)) for x, y in acc_r_d.items()]
print("dev accuracy random:", round(acc_r, 3), random_by_label)
prior_by_label = [(x, round(y, 3)) for x, y in acc_p_d.items()]
print("dev accuracy prior:", round(acc_p, 3), prior_by_label)
# using only context
el_pipe.cfg["incl_context"] = True
el_pipe.cfg["incl_prior"] = False
dev_acc_context, dev_acc_cont_d = _measure_acc(dev_data, el_pipe)
context_by_label = [(x, round(y, 3)) for x, y in dev_acc_cont_d.items()]
print("dev accuracy context:", round(dev_acc_context, 3), context_by_label)
# measuring combined accuracy (prior + context)
el_pipe.cfg["incl_context"] = True
el_pipe.cfg["incl_prior"] = True
dev_acc_combo, dev_acc_combo_d = _measure_acc(dev_data, el_pipe)
combo_by_label = [(x, round(y, 3)) for x, y in dev_acc_combo_d.items()]
print("dev accuracy prior+context:", round(dev_acc_combo, 3), combo_by_label)
# STEP 7: apply the EL pipe on a toy example
print(now(), "STEP 7: applying Entity Linking to toy example")
# STEP 8: write the NLP pipeline (including entity linker) to file
if output_dir:
nlp_loc = output_dir / "nlp"
print(now(), "STEP 8: Writing trained NLP to", nlp_loc)
print(now(), "Done!")
def _measure_acc(data, el_pipe=None, error_analysis=False):
# If the docs in the data require further processing with an entity linker, set el_pipe
correct_by_label = dict()
incorrect_by_label = dict()
docs = [d for d, g in data if len(d) > 0]
if el_pipe is not None:
docs = list(el_pipe.pipe(docs))
golds = [g for d, g in data if len(d) > 0]
for doc, gold in zip(docs, golds):
correct_entries_per_article = dict()
for entity, kb_dict in gold.links.items():
start, end = entity
# only evaluating on positive examples
for gold_kb, value in kb_dict.items():
if value:
offset = _offset(start, end)
correct_entries_per_article[offset] = gold_kb
for ent in doc.ents:
ent_label = ent.label_
pred_entity = ent.kb_id_
start = ent.start_char
end = ent.end_char
offset = _offset(start, end)
gold_entity = correct_entries_per_article.get(offset, None)
# the gold annotations are not complete so we can't evaluate missing annotations as 'wrong'
if gold_entity is not None:
if gold_entity == pred_entity:
correct = correct_by_label.get(ent_label, 0)
correct_by_label[ent_label] = correct + 1
incorrect = incorrect_by_label.get(ent_label, 0)
incorrect_by_label[ent_label] = incorrect + 1
if error_analysis:
print(ent.text, "in", doc)
"should have been",
except Exception as e:
print("Error assessing accuracy", e)
acc, acc_by_label = calculate_acc(correct_by_label, incorrect_by_label)
return acc, acc_by_label
def _measure_baselines(data, kb):
# Measure 3 performance baselines: random selection, prior probabilities, and 'oracle' prediction for upper bound
counts_d = dict()
random_correct_d = dict()
random_incorrect_d = dict()
oracle_correct_d = dict()
oracle_incorrect_d = dict()
prior_correct_d = dict()
prior_incorrect_d = dict()
docs = [d for d, g in data if len(d) > 0]
golds = [g for d, g in data if len(d) > 0]
for doc, gold in zip(docs, golds):
correct_entries_per_article = dict()
for entity, kb_dict in gold.links.items():
start, end = entity
for gold_kb, value in kb_dict.items():
# only evaluating on positive examples
if value:
offset = _offset(start, end)
correct_entries_per_article[offset] = gold_kb
for ent in doc.ents:
label = ent.label_
start = ent.start_char
end = ent.end_char
offset = _offset(start, end)
gold_entity = correct_entries_per_article.get(offset, None)
# the gold annotations are not complete so we can't evaluate missing annotations as 'wrong'
if gold_entity is not None:
counts_d[label] = counts_d.get(label, 0) + 1
candidates = kb.get_candidates(ent.text)
oracle_candidate = ""
best_candidate = ""
random_candidate = ""
if candidates:
scores = []
for c in candidates:
if c.entity_ == gold_entity:
oracle_candidate = c.entity_
best_index = scores.index(max(scores))
best_candidate = candidates[best_index].entity_
random_candidate = random.choice(candidates).entity_
if gold_entity == best_candidate:
prior_correct_d[label] = prior_correct_d.get(label, 0) + 1
prior_incorrect_d[label] = prior_incorrect_d.get(label, 0) + 1
if gold_entity == random_candidate:
random_correct_d[label] = random_correct_d.get(label, 0) + 1
random_incorrect_d[label] = random_incorrect_d.get(label, 0) + 1
if gold_entity == oracle_candidate:
oracle_correct_d[label] = oracle_correct_d.get(label, 0) + 1
oracle_incorrect_d[label] = oracle_incorrect_d.get(label, 0) + 1
except Exception as e:
print("Error assessing accuracy", e)
acc_prior, acc_prior_d = calculate_acc(prior_correct_d, prior_incorrect_d)
acc_rand, acc_rand_d = calculate_acc(random_correct_d, random_incorrect_d)
acc_oracle, acc_oracle_d = calculate_acc(oracle_correct_d, oracle_incorrect_d)
return (
def _offset(start, end):
return "{}_{}".format(start, end)
def calculate_acc(correct_by_label, incorrect_by_label):
acc_by_label = dict()
total_correct = 0
total_incorrect = 0
all_keys = set()
for label in sorted(all_keys):
correct = correct_by_label.get(label, 0)
incorrect = incorrect_by_label.get(label, 0)
total_correct += correct
total_incorrect += incorrect
if correct == incorrect == 0:
acc_by_label[label] = 0
acc_by_label[label] = correct / (correct + incorrect)
acc = 0
if not (total_correct == total_incorrect == 0):
acc = total_correct / (total_correct + total_incorrect)
return acc, acc_by_label
def check_kb(kb):
for mention in ("Bush", "Douglas Adams", "Homer", "Brazil", "China"):
candidates = kb.get_candidates(mention)
print("generating candidates for " + mention + " :")
for c in candidates:
" ",
c.entity_ + " (freq=" + str(c.entity_freq) + ")",
def run_el_toy_example(nlp):
text = (
"In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, written by Douglas Adams, "
"Douglas reminds us to always bring our towel, even in China or Brazil. "
"The main character in Doug's novel is the man Arthur Dent, "
"but Dougledydoug doesn't write about George Washington or Homer Simpson."
doc = nlp(text)
for ent in doc.ents:
print(" ent", ent.text, ent.label_, ent.kb_id_)
if __name__ == "__main__":