| `S0`, `S1`, `S2` | Top three words on the stack. |
| `B0`, `B1` | First two words of the buffer. |
| `S0L1`, `S1L1`, `S2L1`, `B0L1`, `B1L1`<br/>`S0L2`, `S1L2`, `S2L2`, `B0L2`, `B1L2` | Leftmost and second leftmost children of `S0`, `S1`, `S2`, `B0` and `B1`. |
| `S0R1`, `S1R1`, `S2R1`, `B0R1`, `B1R1`<br/>`S0R2`, `S1R2`, `S2R2`, `B0R2`, `B1R2` | Rightmost and second rightmost children of `S0`, `S1`, `S2`, `B0` and `B1`. |
This makes the state vector quite long: `13*T`, where `T` is the token vector
width (128 is working well). Fortunately, there's a way to structure the
computation to save some expense (and make it more GPU-friendly).
The parser typically visits `2*N` states for a sentence of length `N` (although
it may visit more, if it back-tracks with a non-monotonic transition[^4]). A
multiplications for a batch of size `B`. We can instead perform one
`(B*N, T) @ (T, 13*H)` multiplication, to pre-compute the hidden weights for
each positional feature with respect to the words in the batch. (Note that our
token vectors come from the CNN — so we can't play this trick over the
vocabulary. That's how Stanford's NN parser[^3] works — and why its model is so
This pre-computation strategy allows a nice compromise between GPU-friendliness
and implementation simplicity. The CNN and the wide lower layer are computed on
the GPU, and then the precomputed hidden weights are moved to the CPU, before we
start the transition-based parsing process. This makes a lot of things much
easier. We don't have to worry about variable-length batch sizes, and we don't
have to implement the dynamic oracle in CUDA to train.
Currently the parser's loss function is multi-label log loss[^6], as the dynamic
oracle allows multiple states to be 0 cost. This is defined as follows, where
`gZ` is the sum of the scores assigned to gold classes:
(exp(score) / Z) - (exp(score) / gZ)
1. [Simple and Accurate Dependency Parsing Using Bidirectional LSTM Feature Representations {#fn-1}](https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Simple-and-Accurate-Dependency-Parsing-Using-Bidir-Kiperwasser-Goldberg/3cf31ecb2724b5088783d7c96a5fc0d5604cbf41).
Eliyahu Kiperwasser, Yoav Goldberg. (2016)
2. [A Dynamic Oracle for Arc-Eager Dependency Parsing {#fn-2}](https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/A-Dynamic-Oracle-for-Arc-Eager-Dependency-Parsing-Goldberg-Nivre/22697256ec19ecc3e14fcfc63624a44cf9c22df4).
Yoav Goldberg, Joakim Nivre (2012)
3. [Parsing English in 500 Lines of Python {#fn-3}](https://explosion.ai/blog/parsing-english-in-python).
Matthew Honnibal (2013)
4. [Stack-propagation: Improved Representation Learning for Syntax {#fn-4}](https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Stack-propagation-Improved-Representation-Learning-Zhang-Weiss/0c133f79b23e8c680891d2e49a66f0e3d37f1466).
Yuan Zhang, David Weiss (2016)
5. [Deep multi-task learning with low level tasks supervised at lower layers {#fn-5}](https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Deep-multi-task-learning-with-low-level-tasks-supe-S%C3%B8gaard-Goldberg/03ad06583c9721855ccd82c3d969a01360218d86).
Anders Søgaard, Yoav Goldberg (2016)
6. [An Improved Non-monotonic Transition System for Dependency Parsing {#fn-6}](https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/An-Improved-Non-monotonic-Transition-System-for-De-Honnibal-Johnson/4094cee47ade13b77b5ab4d2e6cb9dd2b8a2917c).
Matthew Honnibal, Mark Johnson (2015)
7. [A Fast and Accurate Dependency Parser using Neural Networks {#fn-7}](http://cs.stanford.edu/people/danqi/papers/emnlp2014.pdf).
Danqi Cheng, Christopher D. Manning (2014)
8. [Parsing the Wall Street Journal using a Lexical-Functional Grammar and Discriminative Estimation Techniques {#fn-8}](https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Parsing-the-Wall-Street-Journal-using-a-Lexical-Fu-Riezler-King/0ad07862a91cd59b7eb5de38267e47725a62b8b2).
Stefan Riezler et al. (2002)
## Model naming conventions {#conventions}
In general, spaCy expects all model packages to follow the naming convention of
`[lang`\_[name]]. For spaCy's models, we also chose to divide the name into
three components:
1.**Type:** Model capabilities (e.g. `core` for general-purpose model with
vocabulary, syntax, entities and word vectors, or `depent` for only vocab,
syntax and entities).
2.**Genre:** Type of text the model is trained on, e.g. `web` or `news`.
3.**Size:** Model size indicator, `sm`, `md` or `lg`.
For example, `en_core_web_sm` is a small English model trained on written web
text (blogs, news, comments), that includes vocabulary, vectors, syntax and
### Model versioning {#model-versioning}
Additionally, the model versioning reflects both the compatibility with spaCy,
as well as the major and minor model version. A model version `a.b.c` translates
-`a`: **spaCy major version**. For example, `2` for spaCy v2.x.
-`b`: **Model major version**. Models with a different major version can't be
loaded by the same code. For example, changing the width of the model, adding
hidden layers or changing the activation changes the model major version.
-`c`: **Model minor version**. Same model structure, but different parameter
values, e.g. from being trained on different data, for different numbers of