| `ENT_ID` | The token's entity ID (`ent_id`). ~~str~~ |
| `ENT_IOB` | The IOB part of the token's entity tag. Uses custom integer vaues rather than the string store: unset is `0`, `I` is `1`, `O` is `2`, and `B` is `3`. ~~str~~ |
| `ENT_KB_ID` | The token's entity knowledge base ID. ~~str~~ |
| `ENT_TYPE` | The token's entity label. ~~str~~ |
| `IS_ALPHA` | Token text consists of alphabetic characters. ~~bool~~ |
| `IS_ASCII` | Token text consists of ASCII characters. ~~bool~~ |
| `IS_DIGIT` | Token text consists of digits. ~~bool~~ |
| `IS_LOWER` | Token text is in lowercase. ~~bool~~ |
| `IS_PUNCT` | Token is punctuation. ~~bool~~ |
| `IS_SPACE` | Token is whitespace. ~~bool~~ |
| `IS_STOP` | Token is a stop word. ~~bool~~ |
| `IS_TITLE` | Token text is in titlecase. ~~bool~~ |
| `IS_UPPER` | Token text is in uppercase. ~~bool~~ |
| `LEMMA` | The token's lemma. ~~str~~ |
| `LENGTH` | The length of the token text. ~~int~~ |
| `LIKE_EMAIL` | Token text resembles an email address. ~~bool~~ |
| `LIKE_NUM` | Token text resembles a number. ~~bool~~ |
| `LIKE_URL` | Token text resembles a URL. ~~bool~~ |
| `LOWER` | The lowercase form of the token text. ~~str~~ |
| `MORPH` | The token's morphological analysis. ~~MorphAnalysis~~ |
| `NORM` | The normalized form of the token text. ~~str~~ |
| `ORTH` | The exact verbatim text of a token. ~~str~~ |
| `POS` | The token's universal part of speech (UPOS). ~~str~~ |
| `SENT_START` | Token is start of sentence. ~~bool~~ |
| `SHAPE` | The token's shape. ~~str~~ |
| `SPACY` | Token has a trailing space. ~~bool~~ |
| `TAG` | The token's fine-grained part of speech. ~~str~~ |