diff --git a/website/docs/usage/spacy-101.jade b/website/docs/usage/spacy-101.jade index a54e5cf66..ac3e808b3 100644 --- a/website/docs/usage/spacy-101.jade +++ b/website/docs/usage/spacy-101.jade @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ p | not designed specifically for chat bots, and only provides the | underlying text processing capabilities. +item #[strong spaCy is not research software]. - | It's is built on the latest research, but it's designed to get + | It's built on the latest research, but it's designed to get | things done. This leads to fairly different design decisions than | #[+a("https://github./nltk/nltk") NLTK] | or #[+a("https://stanfordnlp.github.io/CoreNLP/") CoreNLP], which were @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ p +aside | If one of spaCy's functionalities #[strong needs a model], it means that - | you need to have one our the available + | you need to have one of the available | #[+a("/docs/usage/models") statistical models] installed. Models are used | to #[strong predict] linguistic annotations – for example, if a word is | a verb or a noun.