diff --git a/website/docs/api/pipe.md b/website/docs/api/pipe.md
index 4f5ac6f61..de35f9eb4 100644
--- a/website/docs/api/pipe.md
+++ b/website/docs/api/pipe.md
@@ -226,6 +226,12 @@ the "catastrophic forgetting" problem. This feature is experimental.
Find the loss and gradient of loss for the batch of documents and their
predicted scores.
+This method needs to be overwritten with your own custom `get_loss` method.
> #### Example
> ```python
diff --git a/website/docs/usage/layers-architectures.md b/website/docs/usage/layers-architectures.md
index b65c3d903..414562d6d 100644
--- a/website/docs/usage/layers-architectures.md
+++ b/website/docs/usage/layers-architectures.md
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ those parts of the network.
To use our custom model including the PyTorch subnetwork, all we need to do is
register the architecture using the
-[`architectures` registry](/api/top-level#registry). This will assign the
+[`architectures` registry](/api/top-level#registry). This assigns the
architecture a name so spaCy knows how to find it, and allows passing in
arguments like hyperparameters via the [config](/usage/training#config). The
full example then becomes:
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ gpu_allocator = "pytorch"
Of course it's also possible to define the `Model` from the previous section
entirely in Thinc. The Thinc documentation provides details on the
[various layers](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-layers) and helper functions
-available. Combinators can also be used to
+available. Combinators can be used to
[overload operators](https://thinc.ai/docs/usage-models#operators) and a common
usage pattern is to bind `chain` to `>>`. The "native" Thinc version of our
simple neural network would then become:
@@ -486,28 +486,314 @@ with Model.define_operators({">>": chain}):
## Create new trainable components {#components}
+In addition to [swapping out](#swap-architectures) default models in built-in
+components, you can also implement an entirely new,
+[trainable pipeline component](/usage/processing-pipelines#trainable-components)
+from scratch. This can be done by creating a new class inheriting from
+[`Pipe`](/api/pipe), and linking it up to your custom model implementation.
+### Example: Pipeline component for relation extraction {#component-rel}
+The first layer in this model will typically be an
+[embedding layer](/usage/embeddings-transformers) such as a
+[`Tok2Vec`](/api/tok2vec) component or a [`Transformer`](/api/transformer). This
+layer is assumed to be of type ~~Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]~~ as it
+transforms each document into a list of tokens, with each token being
+represented by its embedding in the vector space.
+Next, we need a method that generates pairs of entities that we want to classify
+as being related or not. As these candidate pairs are typically formed within
+one document, this function takes a `Doc` as input and outputs a `List` of
+`Span` tuples. For instance, a very straightforward implementation would be to
+just take any two entities from the same document:
+def get_candidates(doc: "Doc") -> List[Tuple[Span, Span]]:
+ candidates = []
+ for ent1 in doc.ents:
+ for ent2 in doc.ents:
+ candidates.append((ent1, ent2))
+ return candidates
+> ```
+> [model]
+> @architectures = "rel_model.v1"
+> [model.tok2vec]
+> ...
+> [model.get_candidates]
+> @misc = "rel_cand_generator.v2"
+> max_length = 20
+> ```
+But we could also refine this further by excluding relations of an entity with
+itself, and posing a maximum distance (in number of tokens) between two
+entities. We register this function in the
+[`@misc` registry](/api/top-level#registry) so we can refer to it from the
+config, and easily swap it out for any other candidate generation function.
+### {highlight="1,2,7,8"}
+def create_candidate_indices(max_length: int) -> Callable[[Doc], List[Tuple[Span, Span]]]:
+ def get_candidates(doc: "Doc") -> List[Tuple[Span, Span]]:
+ candidates = []
+ for ent1 in doc.ents:
+ for ent2 in doc.ents:
+ if ent1 != ent2:
+ if max_length and abs(ent2.start - ent1.start) <= max_length:
+ candidates.append((ent1, ent2))
+ return candidates
+ return get_candidates
+Finally, we require a method that transforms the candidate entity pairs into a
+2D tensor using the specified `Tok2Vec` function. The resulting `Floats2d`
+object will then be processed by a final `output_layer` of the network. Putting
+all this together, we can define our relation model in a config file as such:
+@architectures = "rel_model.v1"
+@misc = "rel_cand_generator.v2"
+max_length = 20
+@misc = "rel_cand_tensor.v1"
+@architectures = "rel_output_layer.v1"
+When creating this model, we store the custom functions as
+[attributes](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-model#properties) and the sublayers as
+references, so we can access them easily:
+tok2vec_layer = model.get_ref("tok2vec")
+output_layer = model.get_ref("output_layer")
+create_candidate_tensor = model.attrs["create_candidate_tensor"]
+get_candidates = model.attrs["get_candidates"]
+#### Step 2: Implementing the pipeline component {#component-rel-pipe}
+To use our new relation extraction model as part of a custom component, we
+create a subclass of [`Pipe`](/api/pipe) that holds the model:
+from spacy.pipeline import Pipe
+class RelationExtractor(Pipe):
+ def __init__(self, vocab, model, name="rel", labels=[]):
+ self.model = model
+ ...
+ def update(self, examples, ...):
+ ...
+ def predict(self, docs):
+ ...
+ def set_annotations(self, docs, predictions):
+ ...
+Before the model can be used, it needs to be
+[initialized](/api/pipe#initialize). This function receives either the full
+training data set, or a representative sample. This data set can be used to
+deduce all relevant labels. Alternatively, a list of labels can be provided, or
+a script can call `rel_component.add_label()` directly.
+The number of labels defines the output dimensionality of the network, and will
+be used to do [shape inference](https://thinc.ai/docs/usage-models#validation)
+throughout the layers of the neural network. This is triggered by calling
+### {highlight="12,18,22"}
+from itertools import islice
+def initialize(
+ self,
+ get_examples: Callable[[], Iterable[Example]],
+ *,
+ nlp: Language = None,
+ labels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+ if labels is not None:
+ for label in labels:
+ self.add_label(label)
+ else:
+ for example in get_examples():
+ relations = example.reference._.rel
+ for indices, label_dict in relations.items():
+ for label in label_dict.keys():
+ self.add_label(label)
+ subbatch = list(islice(get_examples(), 10))
+ doc_sample = [eg.reference for eg in subbatch]
+ label_sample = self._examples_to_truth(subbatch)
+ self.model.initialize(X=doc_sample, Y=label_sample)
+The `initialize` method is triggered whenever this component is part of an `nlp`
+pipeline, and [`nlp.initialize()`](/api/language#initialize) is invoked. After
+doing so, the pipeline component and its internal model can be trained and used
+to make predictions.
+During training, the function [`update`](/api/pipe#update) is invoked which
+delegates to
+[`self.model.begin_update`](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-model#begin_update) and a
+[`get_loss`](/api/pipe#get_loss) function that calculate the loss for a batch of
+examples, as well as the gradient of loss that will be used to update the
+weights of the model layers.
+### {highlight="12-14"}
+def update(
+ self,
+ examples: Iterable[Example],
+ *,
+ drop: float = 0.0,
+ set_annotations: bool = False,
+ sgd: Optional[Optimizer] = None,
+ losses: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None,
+) -> Dict[str, float]:
+ ...
+ docs = [ex.predicted for ex in examples]
+ predictions, backprop = self.model.begin_update(docs)
+ loss, gradient = self.get_loss(examples, predictions)
+ backprop(gradient)
+ losses[self.name] += loss
+ ...
+ return losses
+Thinc provides several [loss functions](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-loss) that can
+be used for the implementation of the `get_loss` function.
+When the internal model is trained, the component can be used to make novel
+predictions. The [`predict`](/api/pipe#predict) function needs to be implemented
+for each subclass of `Pipe`. In our case, we can simply delegate to the internal
+model's [predict](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-model#predict) function:
+def predict(self, docs: Iterable[Doc]) -> Floats2d:
+ predictions = self.model.predict(docs)
+ return self.model.ops.asarray(predictions)
+The final method that needs to be implemented, is
+[`set_annotations`](/api/pipe#set_annotations). This function takes the
+predictions, and modifies the given `Doc` object in place to store them. For our
+relation extraction component, we store the data as a dictionary in a custom
+extension attribute `doc._.rel`. As keys, we represent the candidate pair by the
+start offsets of each entity, as this defines an entity pair uniquely within one
+To interpret the scores predicted by the REL model correctly, we need to refer
+to the model's `get_candidates` function that defined which pairs of entities
+were relevant candidates, so that the predictions can be linked to those exact
+> #### Example output
+> ```python
+> doc = nlp("Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands.")
+> print(f"spans: [(e.start, e.text, e.label_) for e in doc.ents]")
+> for value, rel_dict in doc._.rel.items():
+> print(f"{value}: {rel_dict}")
+> ```
+> ```
+> spans [(0, 'Amsterdam', 'LOC'), (6, 'Netherlands', 'LOC')]
+> (0, 6): {'CAPITAL_OF': 0.89, 'LOCATED_IN': 0.75, 'UNRELATED': 0.002}
+> (6, 0): {'CAPITAL_OF': 0.01, 'LOCATED_IN': 0.13, 'UNRELATED': 0.017}
+> ```
+### {highlight="5-6,10"}
+def set_annotations(self, docs: Iterable[Doc], predictions: Floats2d):
+ c = 0
+ get_candidates = self.model.attrs["get_candidates"]
+ for doc in docs:
+ for (e1, e2) in get_candidates(doc):
+ offset = (e1.start, e2.start)
+ if offset not in doc._.rel:
+ doc._.rel[offset] = {}
+ for j, label in enumerate(self.labels):
+ doc._.rel[offset][label] = predictions[c, j]
+ c += 1
+Under the hood, when the pipe is applied to a document, it delegates to the
+`predict` and `set_annotations` functions:
+def __call__(self, Doc doc):
+ predictions = self.predict([doc])
+ self.set_annotations([doc], predictions)
+ return doc
+Once our `Pipe` subclass is fully implemented, we can
+the component with the `Language.factory` decorator. This enables the creation
+of the component with `nlp.add_pipe`, or via the config.
+> ```
+> [components.relation_extractor]
+> factory = "relation_extractor"
+> labels = []
+> [components.relation_extractor.model]
+> @architectures = "rel_model.v1"
+> ...
+> ```
+from spacy.language import Language
+def make_relation_extractor(nlp, name, model, labels):
+ return RelationExtractor(nlp.vocab, model, name, labels=labels)
diff --git a/website/docs/usage/processing-pipelines.md b/website/docs/usage/processing-pipelines.md
index 3d0c7b7e9..c8224dfc9 100644
--- a/website/docs/usage/processing-pipelines.md
+++ b/website/docs/usage/processing-pipelines.md
@@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@ plug fully custom machine learning components into your pipeline. You'll need
the following:
1. **Model:** A Thinc [`Model`](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-model) instance. This
- can be a model using implemented in
+ can be a model implemented in
[Thinc](/usage/layers-architectures#thinc), or a
[wrapped model](/usage/layers-architectures#frameworks) implemented in
PyTorch, TensorFlow, MXNet or a fully custom solution. The model must take a