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# spaCy contributor agreement
This spaCy Contributor Agreement (**"SCA"**) is based on the
[Oracle Contributor Agreement](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/oca-405177.pdf).
The SCA applies to any contribution that you make to any product or project
managed by us (the **"project"**), and sets out the intellectual property rights
you grant to us in the contributed materials. The term **"us"** shall mean
[ExplosionAI UG (haftungsbeschränkt)](https://explosion.ai/legal). The term
**"you"** shall mean the person or entity identified below.
If you agree to be bound by these terms, fill in the information requested
below and include the filled-in version with your first pull request, under the
folder [`.github/contributors/`](/.github/contributors/). The name of the file
should be your GitHub username, with the extension `.md`. For example, the user
example_user would create the file `.github/contributors/example_user.md`.
Read this agreement carefully before signing. These terms and conditions
constitute a binding legal agreement.
## Contributor Agreement
1. The term "contribution" or "contributed materials" means any source code,
object code, patch, tool, sample, graphic, specification, manual,
documentation, or any other material posted or submitted by you to the project.
2. With respect to any worldwide copyrights, or copyright applications and
registrations, in your contribution:
* you hereby assign to us joint ownership, and to the extent that such
assignment is or becomes invalid, ineffective or unenforceable, you hereby
grant to us a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide, no-charge,
royalty-free, unrestricted license to exercise all rights under those
copyrights. This includes, at our option, the right to sublicense these same
rights to third parties through multiple levels of sublicensees or other
licensing arrangements;
* you agree that each of us can do all things in relation to your
contribution as if each of us were the sole owners, and if one of us makes
a derivative work of your contribution, the one who makes the derivative
work (or has it made will be the sole owner of that derivative work;
* you agree that you will not assert any moral rights in your contribution
against us, our licensees or transferees;
* you agree that we may register a copyright in your contribution and
exercise all ownership rights associated with it; and
* you agree that neither of us has any duty to consult with, obtain the
consent of, pay or render an accounting to the other for any use or
distribution of your contribution.
3. With respect to any patents you own, or that you can license without payment
to any third party, you hereby grant to us a perpetual, irrevocable,
non-exclusive, worldwide, no-charge, royalty-free license to:
* make, have made, use, sell, offer to sell, import, and otherwise transfer
your contribution in whole or in part, alone or in combination with or
included in any product, work or materials arising out of the project to
which your contribution was submitted, and
* at our option, to sublicense these same rights to third parties through
multiple levels of sublicensees or other licensing arrangements.
4. Except as set out above, you keep all right, title, and interest in your
contribution. The rights that you grant to us under these terms are effective
on the date you first submitted a contribution to us, even if your submission
took place before the date you sign these terms.
5. You covenant, represent, warrant and agree that:
* Each contribution that you submit is and shall be an original work of
authorship and you can legally grant the rights set out in this SCA;
* to the best of your knowledge, each contribution will not violate any
third party's copyrights, trademarks, patents, or other intellectual
property rights; and
* each contribution shall be in compliance with U.S. export control laws and
other applicable export and import laws. You agree to notify us if you
become aware of any circumstance which would make any of the foregoing
representations inaccurate in any respect. We may publicly disclose your
participation in the project, including the fact that you have signed the SCA.
6. This SCA is governed by the laws of the State of California and applicable
U.S. Federal law. Any choice of law rules will not apply.
7. Please place an “x” on one of the applicable statement below. Please do NOT
mark both statements:
* [x] I am signing on behalf of myself as an individual and no other person
or entity, including my employer, has or will have rights with respect to my
* [ ] I am signing on behalf of my employer or a legal entity and I have the
actual authority to contractually bind that entity.
## Contributor Details
| Field | Entry |
|------------------------------- | -------------------- |
| Name | Justin DuJardin |
| Company name (if applicable) | DuJardin Consulting, LLC |
| Title or role (if applicable) | |
| Date | 2018-03-23 |
| GitHub username | justindujardin |
| Website (optional) | https://justindujardin.com |
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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
# spaCy contributor agreement
This spaCy Contributor Agreement (**"SCA"**) is based on the
[Oracle Contributor Agreement](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/oca-405177.pdf).
The SCA applies to any contribution that you make to any product or project
managed by us (the **"project"**), and sets out the intellectual property rights
you grant to us in the contributed materials. The term **"us"** shall mean
[ExplosionAI UG (haftungsbeschr<68>nkt)](https://explosion.ai/legal). The term
**"you"** shall mean the person or entity identified below.
If you agree to be bound by these terms, fill in the information requested
below and include the filled-in version with your first pull request, under the
folder [`.github/contributors/`](/.github/contributors/). The name of the file
should be your GitHub username, with the extension `.md`. For example, the user
example_user would create the file `.github/contributors/example_user.md`.
Read this agreement carefully before signing. These terms and conditions
constitute a binding legal agreement.
## Contributor Agreement
1. The term "contribution" or "contributed materials" means any source code,
object code, patch, tool, sample, graphic, specification, manual,
documentation, or any other material posted or submitted by you to the project.
2. With respect to any worldwide copyrights, or copyright applications and
registrations, in your contribution:
* you hereby assign to us joint ownership, and to the extent that such
assignment is or becomes invalid, ineffective or unenforceable, you hereby
grant to us a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide, no-charge,
royalty-free, unrestricted license to exercise all rights under those
copyrights. This includes, at our option, the right to sublicense these same
rights to third parties through multiple levels of sublicensees or other
licensing arrangements;
* you agree that each of us can do all things in relation to your
contribution as if each of us were the sole owners, and if one of us makes
a derivative work of your contribution, the one who makes the derivative
work (or has it made will be the sole owner of that derivative work;
* you agree that you will not assert any moral rights in your contribution
against us, our licensees or transferees;
* you agree that we may register a copyright in your contribution and
exercise all ownership rights associated with it; and
* you agree that neither of us has any duty to consult with, obtain the
consent of, pay or render an accounting to the other for any use or
distribution of your contribution.
3. With respect to any patents you own, or that you can license without payment
to any third party, you hereby grant to us a perpetual, irrevocable,
non-exclusive, worldwide, no-charge, royalty-free license to:
* make, have made, use, sell, offer to sell, import, and otherwise transfer
your contribution in whole or in part, alone or in combination with or
included in any product, work or materials arising out of the project to
which your contribution was submitted, and
* at our option, to sublicense these same rights to third parties through
multiple levels of sublicensees or other licensing arrangements.
4. Except as set out above, you keep all right, title, and interest in your
contribution. The rights that you grant to us under these terms are effective
on the date you first submitted a contribution to us, even if your submission
took place before the date you sign these terms.
5. You covenant, represent, warrant and agree that:
* Each contribution that you submit is and shall be an original work of
authorship and you can legally grant the rights set out in this SCA;
* to the best of your knowledge, each contribution will not violate any
third party's copyrights, trademarks, patents, or other intellectual
property rights; and
* each contribution shall be in compliance with U.S. export control laws and
other applicable export and import laws. You agree to notify us if you
become aware of any circumstance which would make any of the foregoing
representations inaccurate in any respect. We may publicly disclose your
participation in the project, including the fact that you have signed the SCA.
6. This SCA is governed by the laws of the State of California and applicable
U.S. Federal law. Any choice of law rules will not apply.
7. Please place an <20>x<EFBFBD> on one of the applicable statement below. Please do NOT
mark both statements:
* [ X ] I am signing on behalf of myself as an individual and no other person
or entity, including my employer, has or will have rights with respect to my
* [ ] I am signing on behalf of my employer or a legal entity and I have the
actual authority to contractually bind that entity.
## Contributor Details
| Field | Entry |
|------------------------------- | -------------------- |
| Name | Otto Sulin |
| Company name (if applicable) | |
| Title or role (if applicable) | |
| Date | 23/03/2018 |
| GitHub username | ottosulin |
| Website (optional) | |
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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
"""Visualize spaCy word vectors in Tensorboard.
Adapted from: https://gist.github.com/BrikerMan/7bd4e4bd0a00ac9076986148afc06507
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from os import path
import math
import numpy
import plac
import spacy
import tensorflow as tf
import tqdm
from tensorflow.contrib.tensorboard.plugins.projector import visualize_embeddings, ProjectorConfig
vectors_loc=("Path to spaCy model that contains vectors", "positional", None, str),
out_loc=("Path to output folder for tensorboard session data", "positional", None, str),
name=("Human readable name for tsv file and vectors tensor", "positional", None, str),
def main(vectors_loc, out_loc, name="spaCy_vectors"):
meta_file = "{}.tsv".format(name)
out_meta_file = path.join(out_loc, meta_file)
print('Loading spaCy vectors model: {}'.format(vectors_loc))
model = spacy.load(vectors_loc)
print('Finding lexemes with vectors attached: {}'.format(vectors_loc))
strings_stream = tqdm.tqdm(model.vocab.strings, total=len(model.vocab.strings), leave=False)
queries = [w for w in strings_stream if model.vocab.has_vector(w)]
vector_count = len(queries)
print('Building Tensorboard Projector metadata for ({}) vectors: {}'.format(vector_count, out_meta_file))
# Store vector data in a tensorflow variable
tf_vectors_variable = numpy.zeros((vector_count, model.vocab.vectors.shape[1]))
# Write a tab-separated file that contains information about the vectors for visualization
# Reference: https://www.tensorflow.org/programmers_guide/embedding#metadata
with open(out_meta_file, 'wb') as file_metadata:
# Define columns in the first row
# Write out a row for each vector that we add to the tensorflow variable we created
vec_index = 0
for text in tqdm.tqdm(queries, total=len(queries), leave=False):
# https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/9094
text = '<Space>' if text.lstrip() == '' else text
lex = model.vocab[text]
# Store vector data and metadata
tf_vectors_variable[vec_index] = model.vocab.get_vector(text)
file_metadata.write("{}\t{}\n".format(text, math.exp(lex.prob) * vector_count).encode('utf-8'))
vec_index += 1
print('Running Tensorflow Session...')
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
tf.Variable(tf_vectors_variable, trainable=False, name=name)
saver = tf.train.Saver()
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(out_loc, sess.graph)
# Link the embeddings into the config
config = ProjectorConfig()
embed = config.embeddings.add()
embed.tensor_name = name
embed.metadata_path = meta_file
# Tell the projector about the configured embeddings and metadata file
visualize_embeddings(writer, config)
# Save session and print run command to the output
print('Saving Tensorboard Session...')
saver.save(sess, path.join(out_loc, '{}.ckpt'.format(name)))
print('Done. Run `tensorboard --logdir={0}` to view in Tensorboard'.format(out_loc))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
Example sentences to test spaCy and its language models.
>>> from spacy.lang.fi.examples import sentences
>>> docs = nlp.pipe(sentences)
sentences = [
"Apple harkitsee ostavansa startup-yrityksen UK:sta 1 miljardilla dollarilla.",
"Itseajavat autot siirtävät vakuutusriskin valmistajille.",
"San Francisco harkitsee jakelurobottien kieltämistä jalkakäytävillä.",
"Lontoo on iso kaupunki Iso-Britanniassa."
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
# import the symbols for the attrs you want to overwrite
from ...attrs import LIKE_NUM
# check if token resembles a number
_num_words = ['nolla', 'yksi', 'kaksi', 'kolme', 'neljä', 'viisi', 'kuusi', 'seitsemän', 'kahdeksan', 'yhdeksän', 'kymmenen', 'yksitoista', 'kaksitoista', 'kolmetoista' 'neljätoista', 'viisitoista', 'kuusitoista', 'seitsemäntoista', 'kahdeksantoista', 'yhdeksäntoista', 'kaksikymmentä', 'kolmekymmentä', 'neljäkymmentä', 'viisikymmentä', 'kuusikymmentä'v, 'seitsemänkymmentä', 'kahdeksankymmentä', 'yhdeksänkymmentä', 'sata', 'tuhat', 'miljoona', 'miljardi', 'triljoona']
def like_num(text):
text = text.replace('.', '').replace(',', '')
if text.isdigit():
return True
if text.count('/') == 1:
num, denom = text.split('/')
if num.isdigit() and denom.isdigit():
return True
if text in _num_words:
return True
return False
LIKE_NUM: like_num
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ pienestä pieni pienin poikki puolesta puolestaan päälle
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@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ taa taas taemmas tahansa tai takaa takaisin takana takia tallä tapauksessa
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