diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 46a7b22ba..d44063f83 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -22,13 +22,11 @@ override WHEELHOUSE = "./wheelhouse"
dist/$(SPACY_BIN) : $(WHEELHOUSE)/spacy-$(PYVER)-$(version).stamp
$(VENV)/bin/pex \
--no-index \
--disable-cache \
- -m spacy \
-o $@ \
$(package)==$(version) \
diff --git a/extra/experiments/onto-joint/defaults.cfg b/extra/experiments/onto-joint/defaults.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 7954b57b5..000000000
--- a/extra/experiments/onto-joint/defaults.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-train = ""
-dev = ""
-raw = null
-init_tok2vec = null
-seed = 0
-use_pytorch_for_gpu_memory = false
-seed = ${system:seed}
-dropout = 0.1
-init_tok2vec = ${paths:init_tok2vec}
-vectors = null
-accumulate_gradient = 1
-max_steps = 0
-max_epochs = 0
-patience = 10000
-eval_frequency = 200
-score_weights = {"dep_las": 0.4, "ents_f": 0.4, "tag_acc": 0.2}
-frozen_components = []
-@readers = "spacy.Corpus.v1"
-path = ${paths:train}
-gold_preproc = true
-max_length = 0
-limit = 0
-@readers = "spacy.Corpus.v1"
-path = ${paths:dev}
-gold_preproc = ${training.read_train:gold_preproc}
-max_length = 0
-limit = 0
-@batchers = "spacy.batch_by_words.v1"
-discard_oversize = false
-tolerance = 0.2
-@schedules = "compounding.v1"
-start = 100
-stop = 1000
-compound = 1.001
-@optimizers = "Adam.v1"
-beta1 = 0.9
-beta2 = 0.999
-L2_is_weight_decay = true
-L2 = 0.01
-grad_clip = 1.0
-use_averages = false
-eps = 1e-8
-learn_rate = 0.001
-lang = "en"
-load_vocab_data = false
-pipeline = ["tok2vec", "ner", "tagger", "parser"]
-@tokenizers = "spacy.Tokenizer.v1"
-@lemmatizers = "spacy.Lemmatizer.v1"
-factory = "tok2vec"
-factory = "ner"
-learn_tokens = false
-min_action_freq = 1
-factory = "tagger"
-factory = "parser"
-learn_tokens = false
-min_action_freq = 30
-@architectures = "spacy.Tagger.v1"
-@architectures = "spacy.Tok2VecListener.v1"
-width = ${components.tok2vec.model.encode:width}
-@architectures = "spacy.TransitionBasedParser.v1"
-nr_feature_tokens = 8
-hidden_width = 128
-maxout_pieces = 2
-use_upper = true
-@architectures = "spacy.Tok2VecListener.v1"
-width = ${components.tok2vec.model.encode:width}
-@architectures = "spacy.TransitionBasedParser.v1"
-nr_feature_tokens = 3
-hidden_width = 128
-maxout_pieces = 2
-use_upper = true
-@architectures = "spacy.Tok2VecListener.v1"
-width = ${components.tok2vec.model.encode:width}
-@architectures = "spacy.Tok2Vec.v1"
-@architectures = "spacy.MultiHashEmbed.v1"
-width = ${components.tok2vec.model.encode:width}
-rows = 2000
-also_embed_subwords = true
-also_use_static_vectors = false
-@architectures = "spacy.MaxoutWindowEncoder.v1"
-width = 96
-depth = 4
-window_size = 1
-maxout_pieces = 3
diff --git a/extra/experiments/onto-joint/pretrain.cfg b/extra/experiments/onto-joint/pretrain.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 211339603..000000000
--- a/extra/experiments/onto-joint/pretrain.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-# Training hyper-parameters and additional features.
-# Whether to train on sequences with 'gold standard' sentence boundaries
-# and tokens. If you set this to true, take care to ensure your run-time
-# data is passed in sentence-by-sentence via some prior preprocessing.
-gold_preproc = false
-# Limitations on training document length or number of examples.
-max_length = 0
-limit = 0
-# Data augmentation
-orth_variant_level = 0.0
-dropout = 0.1
-# Controls early-stopping. 0 or -1 mean unlimited.
-patience = 1600
-max_epochs = 0
-max_steps = 20000
-eval_frequency = 400
-# Other settings
-seed = 0
-accumulate_gradient = 1
-use_pytorch_for_gpu_memory = false
-# Control how scores are printed and checkpoints are evaluated.
-scores = ["speed", "tags_acc", "uas", "las", "ents_f"]
-score_weights = {"las": 0.4, "ents_f": 0.4, "tags_acc": 0.2}
-# These settings are invalid for the transformer models.
-init_tok2vec = null
-discard_oversize = false
-omit_extra_lookups = false
-batch_by = "words"
-use_gpu = -1
-raw_text = null
-tag_map = null
-@schedules = "compounding.v1"
-start = 1000
-stop = 1000
-compound = 1.001
-@optimizers = "Adam.v1"
-beta1 = 0.9
-beta2 = 0.999
-L2_is_weight_decay = true
-L2 = 0.01
-grad_clip = 1.0
-use_averages = true
-eps = 1e-8
-learn_rate = 0.001
-max_epochs = 1000
-min_length = 5
-max_length = 500
-dropout = 0.2
-n_save_every = null
-batch_size = 3000
-seed = ${training:seed}
-use_pytorch_for_gpu_memory = ${training:use_pytorch_for_gpu_memory}
-tok2vec_model = "nlp.pipeline.tok2vec.model"
-type = "characters"
-n_characters = 4
-@optimizers = "Adam.v1"
-beta1 = 0.9
-beta2 = 0.999
-L2_is_weight_decay = true
-L2 = 0.01
-grad_clip = 1.0
-use_averages = true
-eps = 1e-8
-learn_rate = 0.001
-lang = "en"
-vectors = null
-base_model = null
-factory = "tok2vec"
-factory = "senter"
-factory = "ner"
-learn_tokens = false
-min_action_freq = 1
-beam_width = 1
-beam_update_prob = 1.0
-factory = "tagger"
-factory = "parser"
-learn_tokens = false
-min_action_freq = 1
-beam_width = 1
-beam_update_prob = 1.0
-@architectures = "spacy.Tagger.v1"
-@architectures = "spacy.Tok2VecTensors.v1"
-width = ${nlp.pipeline.tok2vec.model:width}
-@architectures = "spacy.Tagger.v1"
-@architectures = "spacy.Tok2VecTensors.v1"
-width = ${nlp.pipeline.tok2vec.model:width}
-@architectures = "spacy.TransitionBasedParser.v1"
-nr_feature_tokens = 8
-hidden_width = 128
-maxout_pieces = 3
-use_upper = false
-@architectures = "spacy.Tok2VecTensors.v1"
-width = ${nlp.pipeline.tok2vec.model:width}
-@architectures = "spacy.TransitionBasedParser.v1"
-nr_feature_tokens = 3
-hidden_width = 128
-maxout_pieces = 3
-use_upper = false
-@architectures = "spacy.Tok2VecTensors.v1"
-width = ${nlp.pipeline.tok2vec.model:width}
-@architectures = "spacy.HashEmbedCNN.v1"
-pretrained_vectors = ${nlp:vectors}
-width = 256
-depth = 6
-window_size = 1
-embed_size = 10000
-maxout_pieces = 3
-subword_features = true
-dropout = null
diff --git a/extra/experiments/onto-ner.cfg b/extra/experiments/onto-ner.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index eab68a27f..000000000
--- a/extra/experiments/onto-ner.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Training hyper-parameters and additional features.
-# Whether to train on sequences with 'gold standard' sentence boundaries
-# and tokens. If you set this to true, take care to ensure your run-time
-# data is passed in sentence-by-sentence via some prior preprocessing.
-gold_preproc = false
-# Limitations on training document length or number of examples.
-max_length = 3000
-limit = 0
-# Data augmentation
-orth_variant_level = 0.0
-dropout = 0.1
-# Controls early-stopping. 0 or -1 mean unlimited.
-patience = 100000
-max_epochs = 0
-max_steps = 0
-eval_frequency = 1000
-# Other settings
-seed = 0
-accumulate_gradient = 1
-use_pytorch_for_gpu_memory = false
-# Control how scores are printed and checkpoints are evaluated.
-scores = ["speed", "ents_p", "ents_r", "ents_f"]
-score_weights = {"ents_f": 1.0}
-# These settings are invalid for the transformer models.
-init_tok2vec = null
-discard_oversize = false
-omit_extra_lookups = false
-batch_by = "words"
-@schedules = "compounding.v1"
-start = 100
-stop = 1000
-compound = 1.001
-@optimizers = "Adam.v1"
-beta1 = 0.9
-beta2 = 0.999
-L2_is_weight_decay = true
-L2 = 0.01
-grad_clip = 1.0
-use_averages = true
-eps = 1e-8
-learn_rate = 0.001
-lang = "en"
-vectors = null
-factory = "ner"
-learn_tokens = false
-min_action_freq = 1
-@architectures = "spacy.TransitionBasedParser.v1"
-nr_feature_tokens = 3
-hidden_width = 64
-maxout_pieces = 2
-use_upper = true
-@architectures = "spacy.HashEmbedCNN.v1"
-pretrained_vectors = ${nlp:vectors}
-width = 96
-depth = 4
-window_size = 1
-embed_size = 2000
-maxout_pieces = 3
-subword_features = true
-dropout = ${training:dropout}
diff --git a/extra/experiments/ptb-joint-pos-dep/bilstm_tok2vec.cfg b/extra/experiments/ptb-joint-pos-dep/bilstm_tok2vec.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index f1b702a4e..000000000
--- a/extra/experiments/ptb-joint-pos-dep/bilstm_tok2vec.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-patience = 10000
-eval_frequency = 200
-dropout = 0.2
-init_tok2vec = null
-vectors = null
-max_epochs = 100
-orth_variant_level = 0.0
-gold_preproc = true
-max_length = 0
-use_gpu = 0
-scores = ["tags_acc", "uas", "las"]
-score_weights = {"las": 0.8, "tags_acc": 0.2}
-limit = 0
-seed = 0
-accumulate_gradient = 2
-discard_oversize = false
-@schedules = "compounding.v1"
-start = 100
-stop = 1000
-compound = 1.001
-@optimizers = "Adam.v1"
-learn_rate = 0.001
-beta1 = 0.9
-beta2 = 0.999
-lang = "en"
-vectors = ${training:vectors}
-factory = "tok2vec"
-factory = "tagger"
-factory = "parser"
-learn_tokens = false
-min_action_freq = 1
-beam_width = 1
-beam_update_prob = 1.0
-@architectures = "spacy.Tagger.v1"
-@architectures = "spacy.Tok2VecTensors.v1"
-width = ${nlp.pipeline.tok2vec.model:width}
-@architectures = "spacy.TransitionBasedParser.v1"
-nr_feature_tokens = 8
-hidden_width = 64
-maxout_pieces = 3
-@architectures = "spacy.Tok2VecTensors.v1"
-width = ${nlp.pipeline.tok2vec.model:width}
-@architectures = "spacy.HashEmbedBiLSTM.v1"
-pretrained_vectors = ${nlp:vectors}
-width = 96
-depth = 4
-embed_size = 2000
-subword_features = true
-maxout_pieces = 3
-dropout = null
diff --git a/extra/experiments/ptb-joint-pos-dep/defaults.cfg b/extra/experiments/ptb-joint-pos-dep/defaults.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f9c5666e..000000000
--- a/extra/experiments/ptb-joint-pos-dep/defaults.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-train = ""
-dev = ""
-raw = null
-init_tok2vec = null
-seed = 0
-use_pytorch_for_gpu_memory = false
-seed = ${system:seed}
-dropout = 0.2
-init_tok2vec = ${paths:init_tok2vec}
-vectors = null
-accumulate_gradient = 1
-max_steps = 0
-max_epochs = 0
-patience = 10000
-eval_frequency = 200
-score_weights = {"dep_las": 0.8, "tag_acc": 0.2}
-@readers = "spacy.Corpus.v1"
-path = ${paths:train}
-gold_preproc = true
-max_length = 0
-limit = 0
-@readers = "spacy.Corpus.v1"
-path = ${paths:dev}
-gold_preproc = ${training.read_train:gold_preproc}
-max_length = 0
-limit = 0
-@batchers = "spacy.batch_by_words.v1"
-discard_oversize = false
-tolerance = 0.2
-@schedules = "compounding.v1"
-start = 100
-stop = 1000
-compound = 1.001
-@optimizers = "Adam.v1"
-learn_rate = 0.001
-beta1 = 0.9
-beta2 = 0.999
-lang = "en"
-pipeline = ["tok2vec", "tagger", "parser"]
-load_vocab_data = false
-@tokenizers = "spacy.Tokenizer.v1"
-@lemmatizers = "spacy.Lemmatizer.v1"
-factory = "tok2vec"
-factory = "tagger"
-factory = "parser"
-learn_tokens = false
-min_action_freq = 1
-@architectures = "spacy.Tagger.v1"
-@architectures = "spacy.Tok2VecListener.v1"
-width = ${components.tok2vec.model.encode:width}
-@architectures = "spacy.TransitionBasedParser.v1"
-nr_feature_tokens = 8
-hidden_width = 64
-maxout_pieces = 3
-@architectures = "spacy.Tok2VecListener.v1"
-width = ${components.tok2vec.model.encode:width}
-@architectures = "spacy.Tok2Vec.v1"
-@architectures = "spacy.MultiHashEmbed.v1"
-width = ${components.tok2vec.model.encode:width}
-rows = 2000
-also_embed_subwords = true
-also_use_static_vectors = false
-@architectures = "spacy.MaxoutWindowEncoder.v1"
-width = 96
-depth = 4
-window_size = 1
-maxout_pieces = 3
diff --git a/extra/experiments/tok2vec-ner/charembed_tok2vec.cfg b/extra/experiments/tok2vec-ner/charembed_tok2vec.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index eca6a22fa..000000000
--- a/extra/experiments/tok2vec-ner/charembed_tok2vec.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-use_gpu = -1
-limit = 0
-dropout = 0.2
-patience = 10000
-eval_frequency = 200
-scores = ["ents_f"]
-score_weights = {"ents_f": 1}
-orth_variant_level = 0.0
-gold_preproc = true
-max_length = 0
-batch_size = 25
-seed = 0
-accumulate_gradient = 2
-discard_oversize = false
-@optimizers = "Adam.v1"
-learn_rate = 0.001
-beta1 = 0.9
-beta2 = 0.999
-lang = "en"
-vectors = null
-factory = "tok2vec"
-@architectures = "spacy.Tok2Vec.v1"
-@architectures = "spacy.CharacterEmbed.v1"
-width = 96
-nM = 64
-nC = 8
-rows = 2000
-columns = ["ID", "NORM", "PREFIX", "SUFFIX", "SHAPE", "ORTH"]
-dropout = null
-@architectures = "spacy.Doc2Feats.v1"
-columns = ${nlp.pipeline.tok2vec.model.extract:columns}
-@architectures = "spacy.LayerNormalizedMaxout.v1"
-width = ${nlp.pipeline.tok2vec.model.extract:width}
-maxout_pieces = 4
-@architectures = "spacy.MaxoutWindowEncoder.v1"
-width = ${nlp.pipeline.tok2vec.model.extract:width}
-window_size = 1
-maxout_pieces = 2
-depth = 2
-factory = "ner"
-@architectures = "spacy.TransitionBasedParser.v1"
-nr_feature_tokens = 6
-hidden_width = 64
-maxout_pieces = 2
-@architectures = "spacy.Tok2VecTensors.v1"
-width = ${nlp.pipeline.tok2vec.model.extract:width}
diff --git a/extra/experiments/tok2vec-ner/multihashembed_tok2vec.cfg b/extra/experiments/tok2vec-ner/multihashembed_tok2vec.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index e2ab148c6..000000000
--- a/extra/experiments/tok2vec-ner/multihashembed_tok2vec.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-use_gpu = -1
-limit = 0
-dropout = 0.2
-patience = 10000
-eval_frequency = 200
-scores = ["ents_p", "ents_r", "ents_f"]
-score_weights = {"ents_f": 1}
-orth_variant_level = 0.0
-gold_preproc = true
-max_length = 0
-seed = 0
-accumulate_gradient = 2
-discard_oversize = false
-@schedules = "compounding.v1"
-start = 3000
-stop = 3000
-compound = 1.001
-@optimizers = "Adam.v1"
-learn_rate = 0.001
-beta1 = 0.9
-beta2 = 0.999
-lang = "en"
-vectors = null
-factory = "ner"
-@architectures = "spacy.TransitionBasedParser.v1"
-nr_feature_tokens = 6
-hidden_width = 64
-maxout_pieces = 2
-@architectures = "spacy.HashEmbedCNN.v1"
-width = 128
-depth = 4
-embed_size = 7000
-maxout_pieces = 3
-window_size = 1
-subword_features = true
-pretrained_vectors = null
-dropout = null
diff --git a/spacy/__init__.py b/spacy/__init__.py
index 5c286ed80..7334b4149 100644
--- a/spacy/__init__.py
+++ b/spacy/__init__.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ from .util import registry, logger # noqa: F401
from .errors import Errors
from .language import Language
+from .vocab import Vocab
from . import util
@@ -46,12 +47,22 @@ def load(
return util.load_model(name, disable=disable, exclude=exclude, config=config)
-def blank(name: str, **overrides) -> Language:
+def blank(
+ name: str,
+ *,
+ vocab: Union[Vocab, bool] = True,
+ config: Union[Dict[str, Any], Config] = util.SimpleFrozenDict(),
+ meta: Dict[str, Any] = util.SimpleFrozenDict()
+) -> Language:
"""Create a blank nlp object for a given language code.
name (str): The language code, e.g. "en".
- **overrides: Keyword arguments passed to language subclass on init.
+ vocab (Vocab): A Vocab object. If True, a vocab is created.
+ config (Dict[str, Any] / Config): Optional config overrides.
+ meta (Dict[str, Any]): Overrides for nlp.meta.
RETURNS (Language): The nlp object.
LangClass = util.get_lang_class(name)
- return LangClass(**overrides)
+ # We should accept both dot notation and nested dict here for consistency
+ config = util.dot_to_dict(config)
+ return LangClass.from_config(config, meta=meta)
diff --git a/spacy/about.py b/spacy/about.py
index 4ed3dd327..4fb6dfff1 100644
--- a/spacy/about.py
+++ b/spacy/about.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# fmt: off
__title__ = "spacy-nightly"
-__version__ = "3.0.0a18"
+__version__ = "3.0.0a19"
__release__ = True
__download_url__ = "https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download"
__compatibility__ = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/explosion/spacy-models/master/compatibility.json"
diff --git a/spacy/cli/init_config.py b/spacy/cli/init_config.py
index ec65b0e0a..e70195e15 100644
--- a/spacy/cli/init_config.py
+++ b/spacy/cli/init_config.py
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ def init_config_cli(
pipeline: Optional[str] = Opt("tagger,parser,ner", "--pipeline", "-p", help="Comma-separated names of trainable pipeline components to include (without 'tok2vec' or 'transformer')"),
optimize: Optimizations = Opt(Optimizations.efficiency.value, "--optimize", "-o", help="Whether to optimize for efficiency (faster inference, smaller model, lower memory consumption) or higher accuracy (potentially larger and slower model). This will impact the choice of architecture, pretrained weights and related hyperparameters."),
cpu: bool = Opt(False, "--cpu", "-C", help="Whether the model needs to run on CPU. This will impact the choice of architecture, pretrained weights and related hyperparameters."),
+ pretraining: bool = Opt(False, "--pretraining", "-pt", help="Include config for pretraining (with 'spacy pretrain')"),
# fmt: on
@@ -43,7 +44,14 @@ def init_config_cli(
if isinstance(optimize, Optimizations): # instance of enum from the CLI
optimize = optimize.value
pipeline = string_to_list(pipeline)
- init_config(output_file, lang=lang, pipeline=pipeline, optimize=optimize, cpu=cpu)
+ init_config(
+ output_file,
+ lang=lang,
+ pipeline=pipeline,
+ optimize=optimize,
+ cpu=cpu,
+ pretraining=pretraining,
+ )
@@ -51,7 +59,7 @@ def init_fill_config_cli(
# fmt: off
base_path: Path = Arg(..., help="Base config to fill", exists=True, dir_okay=False),
output_file: Path = Arg("-", help="File to save config.cfg to (or - for stdout)", allow_dash=True),
- pretraining: bool = Opt(False, "--pretraining", "-p", help="Include config for pretraining (with 'spacy pretrain')"),
+ pretraining: bool = Opt(False, "--pretraining", "-pt", help="Include config for pretraining (with 'spacy pretrain')"),
diff: bool = Opt(False, "--diff", "-D", help="Print a visual diff highlighting the changes")
# fmt: on
@@ -109,7 +117,13 @@ def fill_config(
def init_config(
- output_file: Path, *, lang: str, pipeline: List[str], optimize: str, cpu: bool
+ output_file: Path,
+ *,
+ lang: str,
+ pipeline: List[str],
+ optimize: str,
+ cpu: bool,
+ pretraining: bool = False,
) -> None:
is_stdout = str(output_file) == "-"
msg = Printer(no_print=is_stdout)
@@ -156,8 +170,13 @@ def init_config(
with show_validation_error(hint_fill=False):
config = util.load_config_from_str(base_template)
nlp, _ = util.load_model_from_config(config, auto_fill=True)
+ config = nlp.config
+ if pretraining:
+ validate_config_for_pretrain(config, msg)
+ pretrain_config = util.load_config(DEFAULT_CONFIG_PRETRAIN_PATH)
+ config = pretrain_config.merge(config)
msg.good("Auto-filled config with all values")
- save_config(nlp.config, output_file, is_stdout=is_stdout)
+ save_config(config, output_file, is_stdout=is_stdout)
def save_config(
diff --git a/spacy/default_config_pretraining.cfg b/spacy/default_config_pretraining.cfg
index 7032eac03..9120db338 100644
--- a/spacy/default_config_pretraining.cfg
+++ b/spacy/default_config_pretraining.cfg
@@ -1,13 +1,23 @@
max_epochs = 1000
-min_length = 5
-max_length = 500
dropout = 0.2
n_save_every = null
-batch_size = 3000
-seed = ${system.seed}
-use_pytorch_for_gpu_memory = ${system.use_pytorch_for_gpu_memory}
-tok2vec_model = "components.tok2vec.model"
+component = "tok2vec"
+layer = ""
+@batchers = "spacy.batch_by_words.v1"
+size = 3000
+discard_oversize = false
+tolerance = 0.2
+get_length = null
+@readers = "spacy.JsonlReader.v1"
+path = ${paths.raw}
+min_length = 5
+max_length = 500
+limit = 0
type = "characters"
diff --git a/spacy/displacy/__init__.py b/spacy/displacy/__init__.py
index 0e80c3b5f..48229572b 100644
--- a/spacy/displacy/__init__.py
+++ b/spacy/displacy/__init__.py
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ def parse_deps(orig_doc: Doc, options: Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> Dict[str, Any]:
RETURNS (dict): Generated dependency parse keyed by words and arcs.
doc = Doc(orig_doc.vocab).from_bytes(orig_doc.to_bytes(exclude=["user_data"]))
- if not doc.is_parsed:
+ if not doc.has_annotation("DEP"):
if options.get("collapse_phrases", False):
with doc.retokenize() as retokenizer:
diff --git a/spacy/errors.py b/spacy/errors.py
index f857bea52..173aedab9 100644
--- a/spacy/errors.py
+++ b/spacy/errors.py
@@ -119,6 +119,11 @@ class Warnings:
W105 = ("As of spaCy v3.0, the {matcher}.pipe method is deprecated. If you "
"need to match on a stream of documents, you can use nlp.pipe and "
"call the {matcher} on each Doc object.")
+ W106 = ("Both HEAD and SENT_START are included as attributes in "
+ "doc.from_array(). The parse trees based on the HEAD attribute "
+ "will override the values in SENT_START.")
+ W107 = ("The property Doc.{prop} is deprecated. Use "
+ "Doc.has_annotation(\"{attr}\") instead.")
@@ -192,11 +197,6 @@ class Errors:
"Alternatively, add the dependency parser, or set sentence "
"boundaries by setting doc[i].is_sent_start.")
E031 = ("Invalid token: empty string ('') at position {i}.")
- E032 = ("Conflicting attributes specified in doc.from_array(): "
- "(HEAD, SENT_START). The HEAD attribute currently sets sentence "
- "boundaries implicitly, based on the tree structure. This means "
- "the HEAD attribute would potentially override the sentence "
- "boundaries set by SENT_START.")
E033 = ("Cannot load into non-empty Doc of length {length}.")
E035 = ("Error creating span with start {start} and end {end} for Doc of "
"length {length}.")
@@ -397,8 +397,8 @@ class Errors:
E154 = ("One of the attributes or values is not supported for token "
"patterns. Please use the option validate=True with Matcher, "
"PhraseMatcher, or EntityRuler for more details.")
- E155 = ("The pipeline needs to include a tagger in order to use "
- "Matcher or PhraseMatcher with the attributes POS, TAG, or LEMMA. "
+ E155 = ("The pipeline needs to include a {pipe} in order to use "
+ "Matcher or PhraseMatcher with the attribute {attr}. "
"Try using nlp() instead of nlp.make_doc() or list(nlp.pipe()) "
"instead of list(nlp.tokenizer.pipe()).")
E156 = ("The pipeline needs to include a parser in order to use "
@@ -480,6 +480,9 @@ class Errors:
E201 = ("Span index out of range.")
# TODO: fix numbering after merging develop into master
+ E918 = ("Received invalid value for vocab: {vocab} ({vocab_type}). Valid "
+ "values are an instance of spacy.vocab.Vocab or True to create one"
+ " (default).")
E919 = ("A textcat 'positive_label' '{pos_label}' was provided for training "
"data that does not appear to be a binary classification problem "
"with two labels. Labels found: {labels}")
@@ -552,7 +555,10 @@ class Errors:
"to register a simple stateless function component that just takes "
"a Doc and returns it.")
E958 = ("Language code defined in config ({bad_lang_code}) does not match "
- "language code of current Language subclass {lang} ({lang_code})")
+ "language code of current Language subclass {lang} ({lang_code}). "
+ "If you want to create an nlp object from a config, make sure to "
+ "use the matching subclass with the language-specific settings and "
+ "data.")
E959 = ("Can't insert component {dir} index {idx}. Existing components: {opts}")
E960 = ("No config data found for component '{name}'. This is likely a bug "
"in spaCy.")
diff --git a/spacy/lang/bn/__init__.py b/spacy/lang/bn/__init__.py
index 6c1d66cba..270185a4b 100644
--- a/spacy/lang/bn/__init__.py
+++ b/spacy/lang/bn/__init__.py
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
+from typing import Optional
+from thinc.api import Model
from .tokenizer_exceptions import TOKENIZER_EXCEPTIONS
from .stop_words import STOP_WORDS
from ...language import Language
+from ...lookups import Lookups
+from ...pipeline import Lemmatizer
class BengaliDefaults(Language.Defaults):
@@ -17,4 +21,22 @@ class Bengali(Language):
Defaults = BengaliDefaults
+ "lemmatizer",
+ assigns=["token.lemma"],
+ default_config={"model": None, "mode": "rule", "lookups": None},
+ scores=["lemma_acc"],
+ default_score_weights={"lemma_acc": 1.0},
+def make_lemmatizer(
+ nlp: Language,
+ model: Optional[Model],
+ name: str,
+ mode: str,
+ lookups: Optional[Lookups],
+ lookups = Lemmatizer.load_lookups(nlp.lang, mode, lookups)
+ return Lemmatizer(nlp.vocab, model, name, mode=mode, lookups=lookups)
__all__ = ["Bengali"]
diff --git a/spacy/lang/de/syntax_iterators.py b/spacy/lang/de/syntax_iterators.py
index bd495f792..bd75a61eb 100644
--- a/spacy/lang/de/syntax_iterators.py
+++ b/spacy/lang/de/syntax_iterators.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ def noun_chunks(doclike: Union[Doc, Span]) -> Iterator[Span]:
labels = ["sb", "oa", "da", "nk", "mo", "ag", "ROOT", "root", "cj", "pd", "og", "app"]
# fmt: on
doc = doclike.doc # Ensure works on both Doc and Span.
- if not doc.is_parsed:
+ if not doc.has_annotation("DEP"):
raise ValueError(Errors.E029)
np_label = doc.vocab.strings.add("NP")
np_deps = set(doc.vocab.strings.add(label) for label in labels)
diff --git a/spacy/lang/el/syntax_iterators.py b/spacy/lang/el/syntax_iterators.py
index 0a13edcc0..89cfd8b72 100644
--- a/spacy/lang/el/syntax_iterators.py
+++ b/spacy/lang/el/syntax_iterators.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def noun_chunks(doclike: Union[Doc, Span]) -> Iterator[Span]:
# Further improvement of the models will eliminate the need for this tag.
labels = ["nsubj", "obj", "iobj", "appos", "ROOT", "obl"]
doc = doclike.doc # Ensure works on both Doc and Span.
- if not doc.is_parsed:
+ if not doc.has_annotation("DEP"):
raise ValueError(Errors.E029)
np_deps = [doc.vocab.strings.add(label) for label in labels]
conj = doc.vocab.strings.add("conj")
diff --git a/spacy/lang/en/syntax_iterators.py b/spacy/lang/en/syntax_iterators.py
index 59ae733bd..2a1b0867e 100644
--- a/spacy/lang/en/syntax_iterators.py
+++ b/spacy/lang/en/syntax_iterators.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def noun_chunks(doclike: Union[Doc, Span]) -> Iterator[Span]:
labels = ["nsubj", "dobj", "nsubjpass", "pcomp", "pobj", "dative", "appos", "attr", "ROOT"]
# fmt: on
doc = doclike.doc # Ensure works on both Doc and Span.
- if not doc.is_parsed:
+ if not doc.has_annotation("DEP"):
raise ValueError(Errors.E029)
np_deps = [doc.vocab.strings.add(label) for label in labels]
conj = doc.vocab.strings.add("conj")
diff --git a/spacy/lang/es/syntax_iterators.py b/spacy/lang/es/syntax_iterators.py
index 427f1f203..ad0a1b838 100644
--- a/spacy/lang/es/syntax_iterators.py
+++ b/spacy/lang/es/syntax_iterators.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from ...tokens import Doc, Span, Token
def noun_chunks(doclike: Union[Doc, Span]) -> Iterator[Span]:
"""Detect base noun phrases from a dependency parse. Works on Doc and Span."""
doc = doclike.doc
- if not doc.is_parsed:
+ if not doc.has_annotation("DEP"):
raise ValueError(Errors.E029)
if not len(doc):
diff --git a/spacy/lang/fa/__init__.py b/spacy/lang/fa/__init__.py
index 7fdb9d065..244534120 100644
--- a/spacy/lang/fa/__init__.py
+++ b/spacy/lang/fa/__init__.py
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
+from typing import Optional
+from thinc.api import Model
from .stop_words import STOP_WORDS
from .lex_attrs import LEX_ATTRS
from .tokenizer_exceptions import TOKENIZER_EXCEPTIONS
from .punctuation import TOKENIZER_SUFFIXES
from .syntax_iterators import SYNTAX_ITERATORS
from ...language import Language
+from ...lookups import Lookups
+from ...pipeline import Lemmatizer
class PersianDefaults(Language.Defaults):
@@ -20,4 +24,22 @@ class Persian(Language):
Defaults = PersianDefaults
+ "lemmatizer",
+ assigns=["token.lemma"],
+ default_config={"model": None, "mode": "rule", "lookups": None},
+ scores=["lemma_acc"],
+ default_score_weights={"lemma_acc": 1.0},
+def make_lemmatizer(
+ nlp: Language,
+ model: Optional[Model],
+ name: str,
+ mode: str,
+ lookups: Optional[Lookups],
+ lookups = Lemmatizer.load_lookups(nlp.lang, mode, lookups)
+ return Lemmatizer(nlp.vocab, model, name, mode=mode, lookups=lookups)
__all__ = ["Persian"]
diff --git a/spacy/lang/fa/syntax_iterators.py b/spacy/lang/fa/syntax_iterators.py
index b63db3539..0be06e73c 100644
--- a/spacy/lang/fa/syntax_iterators.py
+++ b/spacy/lang/fa/syntax_iterators.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def noun_chunks(doclike):
doc = doclike.doc # Ensure works on both Doc and Span.
- if not doc.is_parsed:
+ if not doc.has_annotation("DEP"):
raise ValueError(Errors.E029)
np_deps = [doc.vocab.strings.add(label) for label in labels]
diff --git a/spacy/lang/fr/syntax_iterators.py b/spacy/lang/fr/syntax_iterators.py
index d297203e3..68117a54d 100644
--- a/spacy/lang/fr/syntax_iterators.py
+++ b/spacy/lang/fr/syntax_iterators.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def noun_chunks(doclike: Union[Doc, Span]) -> Iterator[Span]:
labels = ["nsubj", "nsubj:pass", "obj", "iobj", "ROOT", "appos", "nmod", "nmod:poss"]
# fmt: on
doc = doclike.doc # Ensure works on both Doc and Span.
- if not doc.is_parsed:
+ if not doc.has_annotation("DEP"):
raise ValueError(Errors.E029)
np_deps = [doc.vocab.strings[label] for label in labels]
conj = doc.vocab.strings.add("conj")
diff --git a/spacy/lang/id/syntax_iterators.py b/spacy/lang/id/syntax_iterators.py
index f6d261643..0f29bfe16 100644
--- a/spacy/lang/id/syntax_iterators.py
+++ b/spacy/lang/id/syntax_iterators.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def noun_chunks(doclike: Union[Doc, Span]) -> Iterator[Span]:
labels = ["nsubj", "nsubj:pass", "obj", "iobj", "ROOT", "appos", "nmod", "nmod:poss"]
# fmt: on
doc = doclike.doc # Ensure works on both Doc and Span.
- if not doc.is_parsed:
+ if not doc.has_annotation("DEP"):
raise ValueError(Errors.E029)
np_deps = [doc.vocab.strings[label] for label in labels]
conj = doc.vocab.strings.add("conj")
diff --git a/spacy/lang/nb/__init__.py b/spacy/lang/nb/__init__.py
index d2bb92072..28a2f0bf2 100644
--- a/spacy/lang/nb/__init__.py
+++ b/spacy/lang/nb/__init__.py
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
+from typing import Optional
+from thinc.api import Model
from .tokenizer_exceptions import TOKENIZER_EXCEPTIONS
from .punctuation import TOKENIZER_SUFFIXES
from .stop_words import STOP_WORDS
from .syntax_iterators import SYNTAX_ITERATORS
from ...language import Language
+from ...lookups import Lookups
+from ...pipeline import Lemmatizer
class NorwegianDefaults(Language.Defaults):
@@ -20,4 +24,22 @@ class Norwegian(Language):
Defaults = NorwegianDefaults
+ "lemmatizer",
+ assigns=["token.lemma"],
+ default_config={"model": None, "mode": "rule", "lookups": None},
+ scores=["lemma_acc"],
+ default_score_weights={"lemma_acc": 1.0},
+def make_lemmatizer(
+ nlp: Language,
+ model: Optional[Model],
+ name: str,
+ mode: str,
+ lookups: Optional[Lookups],
+ lookups = Lemmatizer.load_lookups(nlp.lang, mode, lookups)
+ return Lemmatizer(nlp.vocab, model, name, mode=mode, lookups=lookups)
__all__ = ["Norwegian"]
diff --git a/spacy/lang/nb/syntax_iterators.py b/spacy/lang/nb/syntax_iterators.py
index d297203e3..68117a54d 100644
--- a/spacy/lang/nb/syntax_iterators.py
+++ b/spacy/lang/nb/syntax_iterators.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def noun_chunks(doclike: Union[Doc, Span]) -> Iterator[Span]:
labels = ["nsubj", "nsubj:pass", "obj", "iobj", "ROOT", "appos", "nmod", "nmod:poss"]
# fmt: on
doc = doclike.doc # Ensure works on both Doc and Span.
- if not doc.is_parsed:
+ if not doc.has_annotation("DEP"):
raise ValueError(Errors.E029)
np_deps = [doc.vocab.strings[label] for label in labels]
conj = doc.vocab.strings.add("conj")
diff --git a/spacy/lang/sv/__init__.py b/spacy/lang/sv/__init__.py
index 0c6a1b9f4..6db74cd39 100644
--- a/spacy/lang/sv/__init__.py
+++ b/spacy/lang/sv/__init__.py
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
+from typing import Optional
+from thinc.api import Model
from .tokenizer_exceptions import TOKENIZER_EXCEPTIONS
from .stop_words import STOP_WORDS
from .lex_attrs import LEX_ATTRS
from .syntax_iterators import SYNTAX_ITERATORS
from ...language import Language
+from ...lookups import Lookups
+from ...pipeline import Lemmatizer
# Punctuation stolen from Danish
from ..da.punctuation import TOKENIZER_INFIXES, TOKENIZER_SUFFIXES
@@ -22,4 +27,22 @@ class Swedish(Language):
Defaults = SwedishDefaults
+ "lemmatizer",
+ assigns=["token.lemma"],
+ default_config={"model": None, "mode": "rule", "lookups": None},
+ scores=["lemma_acc"],
+ default_score_weights={"lemma_acc": 1.0},
+def make_lemmatizer(
+ nlp: Language,
+ model: Optional[Model],
+ name: str,
+ mode: str,
+ lookups: Optional[Lookups],
+ lookups = Lemmatizer.load_lookups(nlp.lang, mode, lookups)
+ return Lemmatizer(nlp.vocab, model, name, mode=mode, lookups=lookups)
__all__ = ["Swedish"]
diff --git a/spacy/lang/sv/syntax_iterators.py b/spacy/lang/sv/syntax_iterators.py
index 662b508ed..d5ae47853 100644
--- a/spacy/lang/sv/syntax_iterators.py
+++ b/spacy/lang/sv/syntax_iterators.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def noun_chunks(doclike: Union[Doc, Span]) -> Iterator[Span]:
labels = ["nsubj", "nsubj:pass", "dobj", "obj", "iobj", "ROOT", "appos", "nmod", "nmod:poss"]
# fmt: on
doc = doclike.doc # Ensure works on both Doc and Span.
- if not doc.is_parsed:
+ if not doc.has_annotation("DEP"):
raise ValueError(Errors.E029)
np_deps = [doc.vocab.strings[label] for label in labels]
conj = doc.vocab.strings.add("conj")
diff --git a/spacy/language.py b/spacy/language.py
index 905cdca36..d530e6b92 100644
--- a/spacy/language.py
+++ b/spacy/language.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
import warnings
-from thinc.api import get_current_ops, Config, require_gpu, Optimizer
+from thinc.api import Model, get_current_ops, Config, require_gpu, Optimizer
import srsly
import multiprocessing as mp
from itertools import chain, cycle
@@ -144,6 +144,8 @@ class Language:
self._pipe_meta: Dict[str, "FactoryMeta"] = {} # meta by component
self._pipe_configs: Dict[str, Config] = {} # config by component
+ if not isinstance(vocab, Vocab) and vocab is not True:
+ raise ValueError(Errors.E918.format(vocab=vocab, vocab_type=type(Vocab)))
if vocab is True:
vectors_name = meta.get("vectors", {}).get("name")
vocab = create_vocab(
@@ -396,8 +398,6 @@ class Language:
if name not in self._pipe_configs:
raise ValueError(Errors.E960.format(name=name))
pipe_config = self._pipe_configs[name]
- pipe_config.pop("nlp", None)
- pipe_config.pop("name", None)
return pipe_config
@@ -650,6 +650,10 @@ class Language:
filled = Config(filled[factory_name])
filled["factory"] = factory_name
filled.pop("@factories", None)
+ # Remove the extra values we added because we don't want to keep passing
+ # them around, copying them etc.
+ filled.pop("nlp", None)
+ filled.pop("name", None)
# Merge the final filled config with the raw config (including non-
# interpolated variables)
if raw_config:
@@ -1444,10 +1448,15 @@ class Language:
"""Register 'listeners' within pipeline components, to allow them to
effectively share weights.
+ # I had though, "Why do we do this inside the Language object? Shouldn't
+ # it be the tok2vec/transformer/etc's job?
+ # The problem is we need to do it during deserialization...And the
+ # components don't receive the pipeline then. So this does have to be
+ # here :(
for i, (name1, proc1) in enumerate(self.pipeline):
if hasattr(proc1, "find_listeners"):
- for name2, proc2 in self.pipeline[i:]:
- if hasattr(proc2, "model"):
+ for name2, proc2 in self.pipeline[i+1:]:
+ if isinstance(getattr(proc2, "model", None), Model):
@@ -1458,6 +1467,7 @@ class Language:
vocab: Union[Vocab, bool] = True,
disable: Iterable[str] = SimpleFrozenList(),
exclude: Iterable[str] = SimpleFrozenList(),
+ meta: Dict[str, Any] = SimpleFrozenDict(),
auto_fill: bool = True,
validate: bool = True,
) -> "Language":
@@ -1472,6 +1482,7 @@ class Language:
explicitly enable them by calling nlp.enable_pipe.
exclude (Iterable[str]): Names of pipeline components to exclude.
Excluded components won't be loaded.
+ meta (Dict[str, Any]): Meta overrides for nlp.meta.
auto_fill (bool): Automatically fill in missing values in config based
on defaults and function argument annotations.
validate (bool): Validate the component config and arguments against
@@ -1487,7 +1498,7 @@ class Language:
if "nlp" not in config:
raise ValueError(Errors.E985.format(config=config))
config_lang = config["nlp"]["lang"]
- if cls.lang is not None and config_lang is not None and config_lang != cls.lang:
+ if config_lang is not None and config_lang != cls.lang:
raise ValueError(
@@ -1525,7 +1536,7 @@ class Language:
# inside stuff like the spacy train function. If we loaded them here,
# then we would load them twice at runtime: once when we make from config,
# and then again when we load from disk.
- nlp = lang_cls(vocab=vocab, create_tokenizer=create_tokenizer)
+ nlp = lang_cls(vocab=vocab, create_tokenizer=create_tokenizer, meta=meta)
if after_creation is not None:
nlp = after_creation(nlp)
if not isinstance(nlp, cls):
diff --git a/spacy/matcher/matcher.pyx b/spacy/matcher/matcher.pyx
index 079cac788..d83f58181 100644
--- a/spacy/matcher/matcher.pyx
+++ b/spacy/matcher/matcher.pyx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from ..vocab cimport Vocab
from ..tokens.doc cimport Doc, get_token_attr_for_matcher
from ..tokens.span cimport Span
from ..tokens.token cimport Token
-from ..attrs cimport ID, attr_id_t, NULL_ATTR, ORTH, POS, TAG, DEP, LEMMA
+from ..attrs cimport ID, attr_id_t, NULL_ATTR, ORTH, POS, TAG, DEP, LEMMA, MORPH
from ..schemas import validate_token_pattern
from ..errors import Errors, MatchPatternError, Warnings
@@ -215,10 +215,15 @@ cdef class Matcher:
raise ValueError(Errors.E195.format(good="Doc or Span", got=type(doclike).__name__))
cdef Pool tmp_pool = Pool()
- if len(set([LEMMA, POS, TAG]) & self._seen_attrs) > 0 \
- and not doc.is_tagged:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E155.format())
- if DEP in self._seen_attrs and not doc.is_parsed:
+ if TAG in self._seen_attrs and not doc.has_annotation("TAG"):
+ raise ValueError(Errors.E155.format(pipe="tagger", attr="TAG"))
+ if POS in self._seen_attrs and not doc.has_annotation("POS"):
+ raise ValueError(Errors.E155.format(pipe="morphologizer", attr="POS"))
+ if MORPH in self._seen_attrs and not doc.has_annotation("MORPH"):
+ raise ValueError(Errors.E155.format(pipe="morphologizer", attr="MORPH"))
+ if LEMMA in self._seen_attrs and not doc.has_annotation("LEMMA"):
+ raise ValueError(Errors.E155.format(pipe="lemmatizer", attr="LEMMA"))
+ if DEP in self._seen_attrs and not doc.has_annotation("DEP"):
raise ValueError(Errors.E156.format())
matches = find_matches(&self.patterns[0], self.patterns.size(), doclike, length,
extensions=self._extensions, predicates=self._extra_predicates)
diff --git a/spacy/matcher/phrasematcher.pyx b/spacy/matcher/phrasematcher.pyx
index fae513367..b00ba157f 100644
--- a/spacy/matcher/phrasematcher.pyx
+++ b/spacy/matcher/phrasematcher.pyx
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from preshed.maps cimport map_init, map_set, map_get, map_clear, map_iter
import warnings
-from ..attrs cimport ORTH, POS, TAG, DEP, LEMMA
+from ..attrs cimport ORTH, POS, TAG, DEP, LEMMA, MORPH
from ..structs cimport TokenC
from ..tokens.token cimport Token
from ..tokens.span cimport Span
@@ -184,12 +184,20 @@ cdef class PhraseMatcher:
if len(doc) == 0:
if isinstance(doc, Doc):
- if self.attr in (POS, TAG, LEMMA) and not doc.is_tagged:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E155.format())
- if self.attr == DEP and not doc.is_parsed:
+ attrs = (TAG, POS, MORPH, LEMMA, DEP)
+ has_annotation = {attr: doc.has_annotation(attr) for attr in attrs}
+ if self.attr == TAG and not has_annotation[TAG]:
+ raise ValueError(Errors.E155.format(pipe="tagger", attr="TAG"))
+ if self.attr == POS and not has_annotation[POS]:
+ raise ValueError(Errors.E155.format(pipe="morphologizer", attr="POS"))
+ if self.attr == MORPH and not has_annotation[MORPH]:
+ raise ValueError(Errors.E155.format(pipe="morphologizer", attr="MORPH"))
+ if self.attr == LEMMA and not has_annotation[LEMMA]:
+ raise ValueError(Errors.E155.format(pipe="lemmatizer", attr="LEMMA"))
+ if self.attr == DEP and not has_annotation[DEP]:
raise ValueError(Errors.E156.format())
- if self._validate and (doc.is_tagged or doc.is_parsed) \
- and self.attr not in (DEP, POS, TAG, LEMMA):
+ if self._validate and any(has_annotation.values()) \
+ and self.attr not in attrs:
string_attr = self.vocab.strings[self.attr]
warnings.warn(Warnings.W012.format(key=key, attr=string_attr))
keyword = self._convert_to_array(doc)
diff --git a/spacy/ml/models/tok2vec.py b/spacy/ml/models/tok2vec.py
index 2e5f8a802..7ced4bd04 100644
--- a/spacy/ml/models/tok2vec.py
+++ b/spacy/ml/models/tok2vec.py
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ def MultiHashEmbed(
-def CharacterEmbed(width: int, rows: int, nM: int, nC: int):
+def CharacterEmbed(width: int, rows: int, nM: int, nC: int, also_use_static_vectors: bool):
"""Construct an embedded representation based on character embeddings, using
a feed-forward network. A fixed number of UTF-8 byte characters are used for
each word, taken from the beginning and end of the word equally. Padding is
@@ -188,18 +188,35 @@ def CharacterEmbed(width: int, rows: int, nM: int, nC: int):
nC (int): The number of UTF-8 bytes to embed per word. Recommended values
are between 3 and 8, although it may depend on the length of words in the
+ also_use_static_vectors (bool): Whether to also use static word vectors.
+ Requires a vectors table to be loaded in the Doc objects' vocab.
- model = chain(
- concatenate(
- chain(_character_embed.CharacterEmbed(nM=nM, nC=nC), list2ragged()),
- chain(
- FeatureExtractor([NORM]),
- list2ragged(),
- with_array(HashEmbed(nO=width, nV=rows, column=0, seed=5)),
+ if also_use_static_vectors:
+ model = chain(
+ concatenate(
+ chain(_character_embed.CharacterEmbed(nM=nM, nC=nC), list2ragged()),
+ chain(
+ FeatureExtractor([NORM]),
+ list2ragged(),
+ with_array(HashEmbed(nO=width, nV=rows, column=0, seed=5)),
+ ),
+ StaticVectors(width, dropout=0.0),
- ),
- with_array(Maxout(width, nM * nC + width, nP=3, normalize=True, dropout=0.0)),
- ragged2list(),
+ with_array(Maxout(width, nM * nC + (2 * width), nP=3, normalize=True, dropout=0.0)),
+ ragged2list(),
+ )
+ else:
+ model = chain(
+ concatenate(
+ chain(_character_embed.CharacterEmbed(nM=nM, nC=nC), list2ragged()),
+ chain(
+ FeatureExtractor([NORM]),
+ list2ragged(),
+ with_array(HashEmbed(nO=width, nV=rows, column=0, seed=5)),
+ ),
+ ),
+ with_array(Maxout(width, nM * nC + width, nP=3, normalize=True, dropout=0.0)),
+ ragged2list(),
return model
diff --git a/spacy/pipeline/_parser_internals/arc_eager.pyx b/spacy/pipeline/_parser_internals/arc_eager.pyx
index bb0bf35b8..dafa99bdd 100644
--- a/spacy/pipeline/_parser_internals/arc_eager.pyx
+++ b/spacy/pipeline/_parser_internals/arc_eager.pyx
@@ -679,8 +679,7 @@ cdef class ArcEager(TransitionSystem):
st._sent[i].dep = self.root_label
def finalize_doc(self, Doc doc):
- doc.is_parsed = True
- set_children_from_heads(doc.c, doc.length)
+ set_children_from_heads(doc.c, 0, doc.length)
def has_gold(self, Example eg, start=0, end=None):
for word in eg.y[start:end]:
diff --git a/spacy/pipeline/_parser_internals/nonproj.pyx b/spacy/pipeline/_parser_internals/nonproj.pyx
index 8f5fdaa71..82070cd27 100644
--- a/spacy/pipeline/_parser_internals/nonproj.pyx
+++ b/spacy/pipeline/_parser_internals/nonproj.pyx
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ cpdef deprojectivize(Doc doc):
new_head = _find_new_head(doc[i], head_label)
doc.c[i].head = new_head.i - i
doc.c[i].dep = doc.vocab.strings.add(new_label)
- set_children_from_heads(doc.c, doc.length)
+ set_children_from_heads(doc.c, 0, doc.length)
return doc
diff --git a/spacy/pipeline/functions.py b/spacy/pipeline/functions.py
index 7e68ea369..614608b25 100644
--- a/spacy/pipeline/functions.py
+++ b/spacy/pipeline/functions.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ def merge_noun_chunks(doc: Doc) -> Doc:
DOCS: https://nightly.spacy.io/api/pipeline-functions#merge_noun_chunks
- if not doc.is_parsed:
+ if not doc.has_annotation("DEP"):
return doc
with doc.retokenize() as retokenizer:
for np in doc.noun_chunks:
diff --git a/spacy/pipeline/morphologizer.pyx b/spacy/pipeline/morphologizer.pyx
index 57bdb28d7..62ad9e0eb 100644
--- a/spacy/pipeline/morphologizer.pyx
+++ b/spacy/pipeline/morphologizer.pyx
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ width = 128
rows = 7000
nM = 64
nC = 8
+also_use_static_vectors = false
@architectures = "spacy.MaxoutWindowEncoder.v1"
@@ -203,8 +204,6 @@ class Morphologizer(Tagger):
doc.c[j].morph = self.vocab.morphology.add(self.cfg["labels_morph"][morph])
doc.c[j].pos = self.cfg["labels_pos"][morph]
- doc.is_morphed = True
def get_loss(self, examples, scores):
"""Find the loss and gradient of loss for the batch of documents and
their predicted scores.
@@ -259,79 +258,3 @@ class Morphologizer(Tagger):
"morph", **kwargs))
return results
- def to_bytes(self, *, exclude=tuple()):
- """Serialize the pipe to a bytestring.
- exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
- RETURNS (bytes): The serialized object.
- DOCS: https://nightly.spacy.io/api/morphologizer#to_bytes
- """
- serialize = {}
- serialize["model"] = self.model.to_bytes
- serialize["vocab"] = self.vocab.to_bytes
- serialize["cfg"] = lambda: srsly.json_dumps(self.cfg)
- return util.to_bytes(serialize, exclude)
- def from_bytes(self, bytes_data, *, exclude=tuple()):
- """Load the pipe from a bytestring.
- bytes_data (bytes): The serialized pipe.
- exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
- RETURNS (Morphologizer): The loaded Morphologizer.
- DOCS: https://nightly.spacy.io/api/morphologizer#from_bytes
- """
- def load_model(b):
- try:
- self.model.from_bytes(b)
- except AttributeError:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E149) from None
- deserialize = {
- "vocab": lambda b: self.vocab.from_bytes(b),
- "cfg": lambda b: self.cfg.update(srsly.json_loads(b)),
- "model": lambda b: load_model(b),
- }
- util.from_bytes(bytes_data, deserialize, exclude)
- return self
- def to_disk(self, path, *, exclude=tuple()):
- """Serialize the pipe to disk.
- path (str / Path): Path to a directory.
- exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
- DOCS: https://nightly.spacy.io/api/morphologizer#to_disk
- """
- serialize = {
- "vocab": lambda p: self.vocab.to_disk(p),
- "model": lambda p: p.open("wb").write(self.model.to_bytes()),
- "cfg": lambda p: srsly.write_json(p, self.cfg),
- }
- util.to_disk(path, serialize, exclude)
- def from_disk(self, path, *, exclude=tuple()):
- """Load the pipe from disk. Modifies the object in place and returns it.
- path (str / Path): Path to a directory.
- exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
- RETURNS (Morphologizer): The modified Morphologizer object.
- DOCS: https://nightly.spacy.io/api/morphologizer#from_disk
- """
- def load_model(p):
- with p.open("rb") as file_:
- try:
- self.model.from_bytes(file_.read())
- except AttributeError:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E149) from None
- deserialize = {
- "vocab": lambda p: self.vocab.from_disk(p),
- "cfg": lambda p: self.cfg.update(deserialize_config(p)),
- "model": load_model,
- }
- util.from_disk(path, deserialize, exclude)
- return self
diff --git a/spacy/pipeline/senter.pyx b/spacy/pipeline/senter.pyx
index 00664131b..a7eb721fd 100644
--- a/spacy/pipeline/senter.pyx
+++ b/spacy/pipeline/senter.pyx
@@ -170,79 +170,3 @@ class SentenceRecognizer(Tagger):
results = Scorer.score_spans(examples, "sents", **kwargs)
del results["sents_per_type"]
return results
- def to_bytes(self, *, exclude=tuple()):
- """Serialize the pipe to a bytestring.
- exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
- RETURNS (bytes): The serialized object.
- DOCS: https://nightly.spacy.io/api/sentencerecognizer#to_bytes
- """
- serialize = {}
- serialize["model"] = self.model.to_bytes
- serialize["vocab"] = self.vocab.to_bytes
- serialize["cfg"] = lambda: srsly.json_dumps(self.cfg)
- return util.to_bytes(serialize, exclude)
- def from_bytes(self, bytes_data, *, exclude=tuple()):
- """Load the pipe from a bytestring.
- bytes_data (bytes): The serialized pipe.
- exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
- RETURNS (Tagger): The loaded SentenceRecognizer.
- DOCS: https://nightly.spacy.io/api/sentencerecognizer#from_bytes
- """
- def load_model(b):
- try:
- self.model.from_bytes(b)
- except AttributeError:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E149) from None
- deserialize = {
- "vocab": lambda b: self.vocab.from_bytes(b),
- "cfg": lambda b: self.cfg.update(srsly.json_loads(b)),
- "model": lambda b: load_model(b),
- }
- util.from_bytes(bytes_data, deserialize, exclude)
- return self
- def to_disk(self, path, *, exclude=tuple()):
- """Serialize the pipe to disk.
- path (str / Path): Path to a directory.
- exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
- DOCS: https://nightly.spacy.io/api/sentencerecognizer#to_disk
- """
- serialize = {
- "vocab": lambda p: self.vocab.to_disk(p),
- "model": lambda p: p.open("wb").write(self.model.to_bytes()),
- "cfg": lambda p: srsly.write_json(p, self.cfg),
- }
- util.to_disk(path, serialize, exclude)
- def from_disk(self, path, *, exclude=tuple()):
- """Load the pipe from disk. Modifies the object in place and returns it.
- path (str / Path): Path to a directory.
- exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
- RETURNS (Tagger): The modified SentenceRecognizer object.
- DOCS: https://nightly.spacy.io/api/sentencerecognizer#from_disk
- """
- def load_model(p):
- with p.open("rb") as file_:
- try:
- self.model.from_bytes(file_.read())
- except AttributeError:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E149) from None
- deserialize = {
- "vocab": lambda p: self.vocab.from_disk(p),
- "cfg": lambda p: self.cfg.update(deserialize_config(p)),
- "model": load_model,
- }
- util.from_disk(path, deserialize, exclude)
- return self
diff --git a/spacy/pipeline/tagger.pyx b/spacy/pipeline/tagger.pyx
index 1f8b4eb7a..0d78047ae 100644
--- a/spacy/pipeline/tagger.pyx
+++ b/spacy/pipeline/tagger.pyx
@@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ class Tagger(Pipe):
# Don't clobber preset POS tags
if doc.c[j].tag == 0:
doc.c[j].tag = self.vocab.strings[self.labels[tag_id]]
- doc.is_tagged = True
def update(self, examples, *, drop=0., sgd=None, losses=None, set_annotations=False):
"""Learn from a batch of documents and gold-standard information,
diff --git a/spacy/tests/doc/test_doc_api.py b/spacy/tests/doc/test_doc_api.py
index b37a31e43..ce979d3d1 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/doc/test_doc_api.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/doc/test_doc_api.py
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ def test_doc_api_serialize(en_tokenizer, text):
tokens = en_tokenizer(text)
tokens[0].lemma_ = "lemma"
tokens[0].norm_ = "norm"
+ tokens.ents = [(tokens.vocab.strings["PRODUCT"], 0, 1)]
tokens[0].ent_kb_id_ = "ent_kb_id"
new_tokens = Doc(tokens.vocab).from_bytes(tokens.to_bytes())
assert tokens.text == new_tokens.text
@@ -144,7 +145,6 @@ def test_doc_api_set_ents(en_tokenizer):
def test_doc_api_sents_empty_string(en_tokenizer):
doc = en_tokenizer("")
- doc.is_parsed = True
sents = list(doc.sents)
assert len(sents) == 0
@@ -181,10 +181,11 @@ def test_doc_api_right_edge(en_tokenizer):
text = "I have proposed to myself, for the sake of such as live under the government of the Romans, to translate those books into the Greek tongue."
heads = [2, 1, 0, -1, -1, -3, 15, 1, -2, -1, 1, -3, -1, -1, 1, -2, -1, 1,
-2, -7, 1, -19, 1, -2, -3, 2, 1, -3, -26]
+ deps = ["dep"] * len(heads)
# fmt: on
tokens = en_tokenizer(text)
- doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads)
+ doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads, deps=deps)
assert doc[6].text == "for"
subtree = [w.text for w in doc[6].subtree]
# fmt: off
@@ -240,7 +241,9 @@ def test_doc_api_similarity_match():
def test_lowest_common_ancestor(en_tokenizer, sentence, heads, lca_matrix):
tokens = en_tokenizer(sentence)
- doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, [t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads)
+ doc = get_doc(
+ tokens.vocab, [t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads, deps=["dep"] * len(heads)
+ )
lca = doc.get_lca_matrix()
assert (lca == lca_matrix).all()
assert lca[1, 1] == 1
@@ -251,51 +254,55 @@ def test_lowest_common_ancestor(en_tokenizer, sentence, heads, lca_matrix):
def test_doc_is_nered(en_vocab):
words = ["I", "live", "in", "New", "York"]
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=words)
- assert not doc.is_nered
+ assert not doc.has_annotation("ENT_IOB")
doc.ents = [Span(doc, 3, 5, label="GPE")]
- assert doc.is_nered
+ assert doc.has_annotation("ENT_IOB")
# Test creating doc from array with unknown values
arr = numpy.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [384, 3], [384, 1]], dtype="uint64")
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=words).from_array([ENT_TYPE, ENT_IOB], arr)
- assert doc.is_nered
+ assert doc.has_annotation("ENT_IOB")
# Test serialization
new_doc = Doc(en_vocab).from_bytes(doc.to_bytes())
- assert new_doc.is_nered
+ assert new_doc.has_annotation("ENT_IOB")
def test_doc_from_array_sent_starts(en_vocab):
words = ["I", "live", "in", "New", "York", ".", "I", "like", "cats", "."]
- heads = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 6, 6]
+ heads = [0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, 0, -1, -2, -3]
# fmt: off
- deps = ["ROOT", "dep", "dep", "dep", "dep", "dep", "ROOT", "dep", "dep", "dep", "dep"]
+ deps = ["ROOT", "dep", "dep", "dep", "dep", "dep", "ROOT", "dep", "dep", "dep"]
# fmt: on
- doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=words)
- for i, (dep, head) in enumerate(zip(deps, heads)):
- doc[i].dep_ = dep
- doc[i].head = doc[head]
- if head == i:
- doc[i].is_sent_start = True
- doc.is_parsed
+ doc = get_doc(en_vocab, words=words, heads=heads, deps=deps)
+ # HEAD overrides SENT_START with warning
attrs = [SENT_START, HEAD]
arr = doc.to_array(attrs)
new_doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=words)
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
new_doc.from_array(attrs, arr)
- attrs = [SENT_START, DEP]
+ # no warning using default attrs
+ attrs = doc._get_array_attrs()
+ arr = doc.to_array(attrs)
+ with pytest.warns(None) as record:
+ new_doc.from_array(attrs, arr)
+ assert len(record) == 0
+ attrs = [SENT_START]
arr = doc.to_array(attrs)
new_doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=words)
new_doc.from_array(attrs, arr)
assert [t.is_sent_start for t in doc] == [t.is_sent_start for t in new_doc]
- assert not new_doc.is_parsed
+ assert not new_doc.has_annotation("DEP")
+ # only HEAD uses HEAD
attrs = [HEAD, DEP]
arr = doc.to_array(attrs)
new_doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=words)
new_doc.from_array(attrs, arr)
assert [t.is_sent_start for t in doc] == [t.is_sent_start for t in new_doc]
- assert new_doc.is_parsed
+ assert new_doc.has_annotation("DEP")
def test_doc_from_array_morph(en_vocab):
@@ -365,9 +372,6 @@ def test_doc_api_from_docs(en_tokenizer, de_tokenizer):
assert m_doc[9].idx == think_idx
m_doc = Doc.from_docs(en_docs, attrs=["lemma", "length", "pos"])
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- # important attributes from sentenziser or parser are missing
- assert list(m_doc.sents)
assert len(str(m_doc)) > len(en_texts[0]) + len(en_texts[1])
# space delimiter considered, although spacy attribute was missing
assert str(m_doc) == " ".join(en_texts_without_empty)
@@ -379,6 +383,15 @@ def test_doc_api_from_docs(en_tokenizer, de_tokenizer):
assert m_doc[9].idx == think_idx
+def test_doc_api_from_docs_ents(en_tokenizer):
+ texts = ["Merging the docs is fun.", "They don't think alike."]
+ docs = [en_tokenizer(t) for t in texts]
+ docs[0].ents = ()
+ docs[1].ents = (Span(docs[1], 0, 1, label="foo"),)
+ doc = Doc.from_docs(docs)
+ assert len(doc.ents) == 1
def test_doc_lang(en_vocab):
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=["Hello", "world"])
assert doc.lang_ == "en"
@@ -399,3 +412,45 @@ def test_token_lexeme(en_vocab):
assert isinstance(token.lex, Lexeme)
assert token.lex.text == token.text
assert en_vocab[token.orth] == token.lex
+def test_has_annotation(en_vocab):
+ doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=["Hello", "world"])
+ attrs = ("TAG", "POS", "MORPH", "LEMMA", "DEP", "HEAD", "ENT_IOB", "ENT_TYPE")
+ for attr in attrs:
+ assert not doc.has_annotation(attr)
+ doc[0].tag_ = "A"
+ doc[0].pos_ = "X"
+ doc[0].morph_ = "Feat=Val"
+ doc[0].lemma_ = "a"
+ doc[0].dep_ = "dep"
+ doc[0].head = doc[1]
+ doc.ents = [Span(doc, 0, 1, label="HELLO")]
+ for attr in attrs:
+ assert doc.has_annotation(attr)
+ assert not doc.has_annotation(attr, require_complete=True)
+ doc[1].tag_ = "A"
+ doc[1].pos_ = "X"
+ doc[1].morph_ = ""
+ doc[1].lemma_ = "a"
+ doc[1].dep_ = "dep"
+ doc.ents = [Span(doc, 0, 2, label="HELLO")]
+ for attr in attrs:
+ assert doc.has_annotation(attr)
+ assert doc.has_annotation(attr, require_complete=True)
+def test_is_flags_deprecated(en_tokenizer):
+ doc = en_tokenizer("test")
+ with pytest.deprecated_call():
+ doc.is_tagged
+ with pytest.deprecated_call():
+ doc.is_parsed
+ with pytest.deprecated_call():
+ doc.is_nered
+ with pytest.deprecated_call():
+ doc.is_sentenced
diff --git a/spacy/tests/doc/test_span.py b/spacy/tests/doc/test_span.py
index 1e9623484..ad4f49042 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/doc/test_span.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/doc/test_span.py
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ def doc_not_parsed(en_tokenizer):
text = "This is a sentence. This is another sentence. And a third."
tokens = en_tokenizer(text)
doc = Doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens])
- doc.is_parsed = False
return doc
@@ -71,8 +70,9 @@ def test_spans_string_fn(doc):
def test_spans_root2(en_tokenizer):
text = "through North and South Carolina"
heads = [0, 3, -1, -2, -4]
+ deps = ["dep"] * len(heads)
tokens = en_tokenizer(text)
- doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads)
+ doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads, deps=deps)
assert doc[-2:].root.text == "Carolina"
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ def test_spans_span_sent(doc, doc_not_parsed):
def test_spans_lca_matrix(en_tokenizer):
"""Test span's lca matrix generation"""
tokens = en_tokenizer("the lazy dog slept")
- doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=[2, 1, 1, 0])
+ doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=[2, 1, 1, 0], deps=["dep"] * 4)
lca = doc[:2].get_lca_matrix()
assert lca.shape == (2, 2)
assert lca[0, 0] == 0 # the & the -> the
diff --git a/spacy/tests/doc/test_token_api.py b/spacy/tests/doc/test_token_api.py
index be56c9b71..1308df67b 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/doc/test_token_api.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/doc/test_token_api.py
@@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ def test_doc_token_api_ancestors(en_tokenizer):
def test_doc_token_api_head_setter(en_tokenizer):
- # the structure of this sentence depends on the English annotation scheme
text = "Yesterday I saw a dog that barked loudly."
heads = [2, 1, 0, 1, -2, 1, -2, -1, -6]
+ deps = ["dep"] * len(heads)
tokens = en_tokenizer(text)
- doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads)
+ doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads, deps=deps)
assert doc[6].n_lefts == 1
assert doc[6].n_rights == 1
@@ -169,13 +169,46 @@ def test_doc_token_api_head_setter(en_tokenizer):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
doc[0].head = doc2[0]
+ # test sentence starts when two sentences are joined
+ text = "This is one sentence. This is another sentence."
+ heads = [0, -1, -2, -3, -4, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4]
+ tokens = en_tokenizer(text)
+ doc = get_doc(
+ tokens.vocab,
+ words=[t.text for t in tokens],
+ heads=heads,
+ deps=["dep"] * len(heads),
+ )
+ # initially two sentences
+ assert doc[0].is_sent_start
+ assert doc[5].is_sent_start
+ assert doc[0].left_edge == doc[0]
+ assert doc[0].right_edge == doc[4]
+ assert doc[5].left_edge == doc[5]
+ assert doc[5].right_edge == doc[9]
+ # modifying with a sentence doesn't change sent starts
+ doc[2].head = doc[3]
+ assert doc[0].is_sent_start
+ assert doc[5].is_sent_start
+ assert doc[0].left_edge == doc[0]
+ assert doc[0].right_edge == doc[4]
+ assert doc[5].left_edge == doc[5]
+ assert doc[5].right_edge == doc[9]
+ # attach the second sentence to the first, resulting in one sentence
+ doc[5].head = doc[0]
+ assert doc[0].is_sent_start
+ assert not doc[5].is_sent_start
+ assert doc[0].left_edge == doc[0]
+ assert doc[0].right_edge == doc[9]
def test_is_sent_start(en_tokenizer):
doc = en_tokenizer("This is a sentence. This is another.")
assert doc[5].is_sent_start is None
doc[5].is_sent_start = True
assert doc[5].is_sent_start is True
- doc.is_parsed = True
assert len(list(doc.sents)) == 2
@@ -184,7 +217,6 @@ def test_is_sent_end(en_tokenizer):
assert doc[4].is_sent_end is None
doc[5].is_sent_start = True
assert doc[4].is_sent_end is True
- doc.is_parsed = True
assert len(list(doc.sents)) == 2
@@ -209,14 +241,14 @@ def test_token0_has_sent_start_true():
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=["hello", "world"])
assert doc[0].is_sent_start is True
assert doc[1].is_sent_start is None
- assert not doc.is_sentenced
+ assert not doc.has_annotation("SENT_START")
def test_tokenlast_has_sent_end_true():
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=["hello", "world"])
assert doc[0].is_sent_end is None
assert doc[1].is_sent_end is True
- assert not doc.is_sentenced
+ assert not doc.has_annotation("SENT_START")
def test_token_api_conjuncts_chain(en_vocab):
diff --git a/spacy/tests/lang/de/test_noun_chunks.py b/spacy/tests/lang/de/test_noun_chunks.py
index ff9f8d5e5..0ed12d208 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/lang/de/test_noun_chunks.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/lang/de/test_noun_chunks.py
@@ -3,11 +3,7 @@ import pytest
def test_noun_chunks_is_parsed_de(de_tokenizer):
"""Test that noun_chunks raises Value Error for 'de' language if Doc is not parsed.
- To check this test, we're constructing a Doc
- with a new Vocab here and forcing is_parsed to 'False'
- to make sure the noun chunks don't run.
doc = de_tokenizer("Er lag auf seinem")
- doc.is_parsed = False
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
diff --git a/spacy/tests/lang/el/test_noun_chunks.py b/spacy/tests/lang/el/test_noun_chunks.py
index 38e72b0b2..2d376c612 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/lang/el/test_noun_chunks.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/lang/el/test_noun_chunks.py
@@ -3,11 +3,7 @@ import pytest
def test_noun_chunks_is_parsed_el(el_tokenizer):
"""Test that noun_chunks raises Value Error for 'el' language if Doc is not parsed.
- To check this test, we're constructing a Doc
- with a new Vocab here and forcing is_parsed to 'False'
- to make sure the noun chunks don't run.
doc = el_tokenizer("είναι χώρα της νοτιοανατολικής")
- doc.is_parsed = False
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
diff --git a/spacy/tests/lang/en/test_noun_chunks.py b/spacy/tests/lang/en/test_noun_chunks.py
index 5395dbabe..fa3a134bd 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/lang/en/test_noun_chunks.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/lang/en/test_noun_chunks.py
@@ -11,12 +11,8 @@ from ...util import get_doc
def test_noun_chunks_is_parsed(en_tokenizer):
"""Test that noun_chunks raises Value Error for 'en' language if Doc is not parsed.
- To check this test, we're constructing a Doc
- with a new Vocab here and forcing is_parsed to 'False'
- to make sure the noun chunks don't run.
doc = en_tokenizer("This is a sentence")
- doc.is_parsed = False
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
diff --git a/spacy/tests/lang/en/test_sbd.py b/spacy/tests/lang/en/test_sbd.py
index 38c8d94d8..ee1e6be17 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/lang/en/test_sbd.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/lang/en/test_sbd.py
@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@ from ...util import get_doc, apply_transition_sequence
@pytest.mark.parametrize("punct", [".", "!", "?", ""])
def test_en_sbd_single_punct(en_tokenizer, text, punct):
heads = [2, 1, 0, -1] if punct else [2, 1, 0]
+ deps = ["dep"] * len(heads)
tokens = en_tokenizer(text + punct)
- doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads)
+ doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads, deps=deps)
assert len(doc) == 4 if punct else 3
assert len(list(doc.sents)) == 1
assert sum(len(sent) for sent in doc.sents) == len(doc)
diff --git a/spacy/tests/lang/es/test_noun_chunks.py b/spacy/tests/lang/es/test_noun_chunks.py
index a7ec4e562..db89fd903 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/lang/es/test_noun_chunks.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/lang/es/test_noun_chunks.py
@@ -3,11 +3,7 @@ import pytest
def test_noun_chunks_is_parsed_es(es_tokenizer):
"""Test that noun_chunks raises Value Error for 'es' language if Doc is not parsed.
- To check this test, we're constructing a Doc
- with a new Vocab here and forcing is_parsed to 'False'
- to make sure the noun chunks don't run.
doc = es_tokenizer("en Oxford este verano")
- doc.is_parsed = False
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
diff --git a/spacy/tests/lang/fa/test_noun_chunks.py b/spacy/tests/lang/fa/test_noun_chunks.py
index 767e91f6b..53b39d9a1 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/lang/fa/test_noun_chunks.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/lang/fa/test_noun_chunks.py
@@ -3,12 +3,8 @@ import pytest
def test_noun_chunks_is_parsed_fa(fa_tokenizer):
"""Test that noun_chunks raises Value Error for 'fa' language if Doc is not parsed.
- To check this test, we're constructing a Doc
- with a new Vocab here and forcing is_parsed to 'False'
- to make sure the noun chunks don't run.
doc = fa_tokenizer("این یک جمله نمونه می باشد.")
- doc.is_parsed = False
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
diff --git a/spacy/tests/lang/fr/test_noun_chunks.py b/spacy/tests/lang/fr/test_noun_chunks.py
index 5fd6897f7..d81199a3e 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/lang/fr/test_noun_chunks.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/lang/fr/test_noun_chunks.py
@@ -3,11 +3,7 @@ import pytest
def test_noun_chunks_is_parsed_fr(fr_tokenizer):
"""Test that noun_chunks raises Value Error for 'fr' language if Doc is not parsed.
- To check this test, we're constructing a Doc
- with a new Vocab here and forcing is_parsed to 'False'
- to make sure the noun chunks don't run.
doc = fr_tokenizer("trouver des travaux antérieurs")
- doc.is_parsed = False
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
diff --git a/spacy/tests/lang/id/test_noun_chunks.py b/spacy/tests/lang/id/test_noun_chunks.py
index 445643933..fef1524f1 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/lang/id/test_noun_chunks.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/lang/id/test_noun_chunks.py
@@ -3,11 +3,7 @@ import pytest
def test_noun_chunks_is_parsed_id(id_tokenizer):
"""Test that noun_chunks raises Value Error for 'id' language if Doc is not parsed.
- To check this test, we're constructing a Doc
- with a new Vocab here and forcing is_parsed to 'False'
- to make sure the noun chunks don't run.
doc = id_tokenizer("sebelas")
- doc.is_parsed = False
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
diff --git a/spacy/tests/lang/nb/test_noun_chunks.py b/spacy/tests/lang/nb/test_noun_chunks.py
index c6a00354b..9965fcd14 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/lang/nb/test_noun_chunks.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/lang/nb/test_noun_chunks.py
@@ -3,11 +3,7 @@ import pytest
def test_noun_chunks_is_parsed_nb(nb_tokenizer):
"""Test that noun_chunks raises Value Error for 'nb' language if Doc is not parsed.
- To check this test, we're constructing a Doc
- with a new Vocab here and forcing is_parsed to 'False'
- to make sure the noun chunks don't run.
doc = nb_tokenizer("Smørsausen brukes bl.a. til")
- doc.is_parsed = False
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
diff --git a/spacy/tests/lang/sv/test_noun_chunks.py b/spacy/tests/lang/sv/test_noun_chunks.py
index f352ca648..458cdadd5 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/lang/sv/test_noun_chunks.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/lang/sv/test_noun_chunks.py
@@ -5,12 +5,8 @@ from ...util import get_doc
def test_noun_chunks_is_parsed_sv(sv_tokenizer):
"""Test that noun_chunks raises Value Error for 'sv' language if Doc is not parsed.
- To check this test, we're constructing a Doc
- with a new Vocab here and forcing is_parsed to 'False'
- to make sure the noun chunks don't run.
doc = sv_tokenizer("Studenten läste den bästa boken")
- doc.is_parsed = False
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
diff --git a/spacy/tests/lang/test_lemmatizers.py b/spacy/tests/lang/test_lemmatizers.py
index 14c59659a..6e7f82341 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/lang/test_lemmatizers.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/lang/test_lemmatizers.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from spacy.util import get_lang_class
# Only include languages with no external dependencies
# excluded: ru, uk
# excluded for custom tables: pl
-LANGUAGES = ["el", "en", "fr", "nl"]
+LANGUAGES = ["bn", "el", "en", "fa", "fr", "nb", "nl", "sv"]
# fmt: on
diff --git a/spacy/tests/matcher/test_matcher_api.py b/spacy/tests/matcher/test_matcher_api.py
index e0f335a19..04f9585f1 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/matcher/test_matcher_api.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/matcher/test_matcher_api.py
@@ -301,11 +301,14 @@ def test_matcher_basic_check(en_vocab):
def test_attr_pipeline_checks(en_vocab):
doc1 = Doc(en_vocab, words=["Test"])
- doc1.is_parsed = True
+ doc1[0].dep_ = "ROOT"
doc2 = Doc(en_vocab, words=["Test"])
- doc2.is_tagged = True
+ doc2[0].tag_ = "TAG"
+ doc2[0].pos_ = "X"
+ doc2[0].morph_ = "Feat=Val"
+ doc2[0].lemma_ = "LEMMA"
doc3 = Doc(en_vocab, words=["Test"])
- # DEP requires is_parsed
+ # DEP requires DEP
matcher = Matcher(en_vocab)
matcher.add("TEST", [[{"DEP": "a"}]])
@@ -313,7 +316,7 @@ def test_attr_pipeline_checks(en_vocab):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- # TAG, POS, LEMMA require is_tagged
+ # TAG, POS, LEMMA require those values
for attr in ("TAG", "POS", "LEMMA"):
matcher = Matcher(en_vocab)
matcher.add("TEST", [[{attr: "a"}]])
diff --git a/spacy/tests/matcher/test_phrase_matcher.py b/spacy/tests/matcher/test_phrase_matcher.py
index 4b7027f87..9caf284a3 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/matcher/test_phrase_matcher.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/matcher/test_phrase_matcher.py
@@ -187,9 +187,11 @@ def test_phrase_matcher_bool_attrs(en_vocab):
def test_phrase_matcher_validation(en_vocab):
doc1 = Doc(en_vocab, words=["Test"])
- doc1.is_parsed = True
+ doc1[0].dep_ = "ROOT"
doc2 = Doc(en_vocab, words=["Test"])
- doc2.is_tagged = True
+ doc2[0].tag_ = "TAG"
+ doc2[0].pos_ = "X"
+ doc2[0].morph_ = "Feat=Val"
doc3 = Doc(en_vocab, words=["Test"])
matcher = PhraseMatcher(en_vocab, validate=True)
with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
@@ -212,18 +214,21 @@ def test_attr_validation(en_vocab):
def test_attr_pipeline_checks(en_vocab):
doc1 = Doc(en_vocab, words=["Test"])
- doc1.is_parsed = True
+ doc1[0].dep_ = "ROOT"
doc2 = Doc(en_vocab, words=["Test"])
- doc2.is_tagged = True
+ doc2[0].tag_ = "TAG"
+ doc2[0].pos_ = "X"
+ doc2[0].morph_ = "Feat=Val"
+ doc2[0].lemma_ = "LEMMA"
doc3 = Doc(en_vocab, words=["Test"])
- # DEP requires is_parsed
+ # DEP requires DEP
matcher = PhraseMatcher(en_vocab, attr="DEP")
matcher.add("TEST1", [doc1])
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
matcher.add("TEST2", [doc2])
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
matcher.add("TEST3", [doc3])
- # TAG, POS, LEMMA require is_tagged
+ # TAG, POS, LEMMA require those values
for attr in ("TAG", "POS", "LEMMA"):
matcher = PhraseMatcher(en_vocab, attr=attr)
matcher.add("TEST2", [doc2])
diff --git a/spacy/tests/parser/test_parse.py b/spacy/tests/parser/test_parse.py
index 8d45e2132..9e760c1e7 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/parser/test_parse.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/parser/test_parse.py
@@ -67,8 +67,9 @@ def test_parser_initial(en_tokenizer, en_parser):
def test_parser_parse_subtrees(en_tokenizer, en_parser):
text = "The four wheels on the bus turned quickly"
heads = [2, 1, 4, -1, 1, -2, 0, -1]
+ deps = ["dep"] * len(heads)
tokens = en_tokenizer(text)
- doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads)
+ doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads, deps=deps)
assert len(list(doc[2].lefts)) == 2
assert len(list(doc[2].rights)) == 1
assert len(list(doc[2].children)) == 3
@@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ def test_parser_set_sent_starts(en_vocab):
if i == 0 or i == 3:
assert doc[i].is_sent_start is True
- assert doc[i].is_sent_start is None
+ assert doc[i].is_sent_start is False
for sent in doc.sents:
for token in sent:
assert token.head in sent
diff --git a/spacy/tests/parser/test_parse_navigate.py b/spacy/tests/parser/test_parse_navigate.py
index f42601a85..db1e98ba0 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/parser/test_parse_navigate.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/parser/test_parse_navigate.py
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def test_parser_parse_navigate_consistency(en_tokenizer, text, heads):
def test_parser_parse_navigate_child_consistency(en_tokenizer, text, heads):
tokens = en_tokenizer(text)
- doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads)
+ doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads, deps=["dep"] * len(heads))
lefts = {}
rights = {}
diff --git a/spacy/tests/parser/test_space_attachment.py b/spacy/tests/parser/test_space_attachment.py
index 3a0a6b943..3672dabea 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/parser/test_space_attachment.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/parser/test_space_attachment.py
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ from ..util import get_doc, apply_transition_sequence
def test_parser_space_attachment(en_tokenizer):
text = "This is a test.\nTo ensure spaces are attached well."
heads = [1, 0, 1, -2, -3, -1, 1, 4, -1, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2]
+ deps = ["dep"] * len(heads)
tokens = en_tokenizer(text)
- doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads)
+ doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads, deps=deps)
for sent in doc.sents:
if len(sent) == 1:
assert not sent[-1].is_space
diff --git a/spacy/tests/pipeline/test_attributeruler.py b/spacy/tests/pipeline/test_attributeruler.py
index 9254688cc..a66b34bc0 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/pipeline/test_attributeruler.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/pipeline/test_attributeruler.py
@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ def test_attributeruler_init(nlp, pattern_dicts):
assert doc[2].morph_ == "Case=Nom|Number=Plur"
assert doc[3].lemma_ == "cat"
assert doc[3].morph_ == "Case=Nom|Number=Sing"
+ assert doc.has_annotation("LEMMA")
+ assert doc.has_annotation("MORPH")
def test_attributeruler_init_patterns(nlp, pattern_dicts):
@@ -82,6 +84,8 @@ def test_attributeruler_init_patterns(nlp, pattern_dicts):
assert doc[2].morph_ == "Case=Nom|Number=Plur"
assert doc[3].lemma_ == "cat"
assert doc[3].morph_ == "Case=Nom|Number=Sing"
+ assert doc.has_annotation("LEMMA")
+ assert doc.has_annotation("MORPH")
# initialize with patterns from asset
@@ -93,6 +97,8 @@ def test_attributeruler_init_patterns(nlp, pattern_dicts):
assert doc[2].morph_ == "Case=Nom|Number=Plur"
assert doc[3].lemma_ == "cat"
assert doc[3].morph_ == "Case=Nom|Number=Sing"
+ assert doc.has_annotation("LEMMA")
+ assert doc.has_annotation("MORPH")
def test_attributeruler_score(nlp, pattern_dicts):
diff --git a/spacy/tests/pipeline/test_functions.py b/spacy/tests/pipeline/test_functions.py
index 0ec8a5ec2..ee9e34df3 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/pipeline/test_functions.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/pipeline/test_functions.py
@@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ def doc2(en_tokenizer):
doc.ents = [Span(doc, 2, 4, doc.vocab.strings["GPE"])]
- doc.is_parsed = True
- doc.is_tagged = True
return doc
diff --git a/spacy/tests/pipeline/test_pipe_factories.py b/spacy/tests/pipeline/test_pipe_factories.py
index f75c9ec8c..1cf06d97f 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/pipeline/test_pipe_factories.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/pipeline/test_pipe_factories.py
@@ -345,7 +345,10 @@ def test_language_factories_invalid():
[{"a": 100, "b": 400}, {"c": 0.5, "d": 0.5}],
{"a": 0.1, "b": 0.4, "c": 0.25, "d": 0.25},
- ([{"a": 0.5, "b": 0.5}, {"b": 1.0}], {"a": 0.25, "b": 0.75},),
+ (
+ [{"a": 0.5, "b": 0.5}, {"b": 1.0}],
+ {"a": 0.25, "b": 0.75},
+ ),
def test_language_factories_combine_score_weights(weights, expected):
@@ -360,10 +363,16 @@ def test_language_factories_scores():
weights1 = {"a1": 0.5, "a2": 0.5}
weights2 = {"b1": 0.2, "b2": 0.7, "b3": 0.1}
- f"{name}1", scores=list(weights1), default_score_weights=weights1, func=func,
+ f"{name}1",
+ scores=list(weights1),
+ default_score_weights=weights1,
+ func=func,
- f"{name}2", scores=list(weights2), default_score_weights=weights2, func=func,
+ f"{name}2",
+ scores=list(weights2),
+ default_score_weights=weights2,
+ func=func,
meta1 = Language.get_factory_meta(f"{name}1")
assert meta1.default_score_weights == weights1
@@ -461,3 +470,21 @@ def test_pipe_factories_decorator_idempotent():
nlp = Language()
Language.component(name2, func=func2)
+def test_pipe_factories_config_excludes_nlp():
+ """Test that the extra values we temporarily add to component config
+ blocks/functions are removed and not copied around.
+ """
+ name = "test_pipe_factories_config_excludes_nlp"
+ func = lambda nlp, name: lambda doc: doc
+ Language.factory(name, func=func)
+ config = {
+ "nlp": {"lang": "en", "pipeline": [name]},
+ "components": {name: {"factory": name}},
+ }
+ nlp = English.from_config(config)
+ assert nlp.pipe_names == [name]
+ pipe_cfg = nlp.get_pipe_config(name)
+ pipe_cfg == {"factory": name}
+ assert nlp._pipe_configs[name] == {"factory": name}
diff --git a/spacy/tests/pipeline/test_sentencizer.py b/spacy/tests/pipeline/test_sentencizer.py
index 1b1c51f34..5dd0fef43 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/pipeline/test_sentencizer.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/pipeline/test_sentencizer.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ def test_sentencizer(en_vocab):
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=["Hello", "!", "This", "is", "a", "test", "."])
sentencizer = Sentencizer(punct_chars=None)
doc = sentencizer(doc)
- assert doc.is_sentenced
+ assert doc.has_annotation("SENT_START")
sent_starts = [t.is_sent_start for t in doc]
sent_ends = [t.is_sent_end for t in doc]
assert sent_starts == [True, False, True, False, False, False, False]
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ def test_sentencizer_pipe():
nlp = English()
for doc in nlp.pipe(texts):
- assert doc.is_sentenced
+ assert doc.has_annotation("SENT_START")
sent_starts = [t.is_sent_start for t in doc]
assert sent_starts == [True, False, True, False, False, False, False]
assert len(list(doc.sents)) == 2
for ex in nlp.pipe(texts):
doc = ex.doc
- assert doc.is_sentenced
+ assert doc.has_annotation("SENT_START")
sent_starts = [t.is_sent_start for t in doc]
assert sent_starts == [True, False, True, False, False, False, False]
assert len(list(doc.sents)) == 2
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def test_sentencizer_empty_docs():
for texts in [one_empty_text, many_empty_texts, some_empty_texts]:
for doc in nlp.pipe(texts):
- assert doc.is_sentenced
+ assert doc.has_annotation("SENT_START")
sent_starts = [t.is_sent_start for t in doc]
if len(doc) == 0:
assert sent_starts == []
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def test_sentencizer_complex(en_vocab, words, sent_starts, sent_ends, n_sents):
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=words)
sentencizer = Sentencizer(punct_chars=None)
doc = sentencizer(doc)
- assert doc.is_sentenced
+ assert doc.has_annotation("SENT_START")
assert [t.is_sent_start for t in doc] == sent_starts
assert [t.is_sent_end for t in doc] == sent_ends
assert len(list(doc.sents)) == n_sents
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ def test_sentencizer_custom_punct(
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=words)
sentencizer = Sentencizer(punct_chars=punct_chars)
doc = sentencizer(doc)
- assert doc.is_sentenced
+ assert doc.has_annotation("SENT_START")
assert [t.is_sent_start for t in doc] == sent_starts
assert [t.is_sent_end for t in doc] == sent_ends
assert len(list(doc.sents)) == n_sents
diff --git a/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue1-1000.py b/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue1-1000.py
index ed5bcc1a5..30f66fb1d 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue1-1000.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue1-1000.py
@@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ def test_issue309(en_tokenizer):
doc = get_doc(
tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=[0], deps=["ROOT"]
- doc.is_parsed = True
assert len(doc) == 1
sents = list(doc.sents)
assert len(sents) == 1
@@ -170,11 +169,9 @@ def test_issue595():
def test_issue599(en_vocab):
doc = Doc(en_vocab)
- doc.is_tagged = True
- doc.is_parsed = True
doc2 = Doc(doc.vocab)
- assert doc2.is_parsed
+ assert doc2.has_annotation("DEP")
def test_issue600():
diff --git a/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue1501-2000.py b/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue1501-2000.py
index c1d726db6..e226c8524 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue1501-2000.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue1501-2000.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from spacy.tokens import Doc, Span, Token
from spacy.attrs import HEAD, DEP
from spacy.matcher import Matcher
-from ..util import make_tempdir
+from ..util import make_tempdir, get_doc
def test_issue1506():
@@ -198,17 +198,26 @@ def test_issue1834():
"""Test that sentence boundaries & parse/tag flags are not lost
during serialization."""
string = "This is a first sentence . And another one"
- doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=string.split())
- doc[6].sent_start = True
+ words = string.split()
+ doc = get_doc(Vocab(), words=words)
+ doc[6].is_sent_start = True
new_doc = Doc(doc.vocab).from_bytes(doc.to_bytes())
assert new_doc[6].sent_start
- assert not new_doc.is_parsed
- assert not new_doc.is_tagged
- doc.is_parsed = True
- doc.is_tagged = True
+ assert not new_doc.has_annotation("DEP")
+ assert not new_doc.has_annotation("TAG")
+ doc = get_doc(
+ Vocab(),
+ words=words,
+ tags=["TAG"] * len(words),
+ heads=[0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, 0, -1, -2],
+ deps=["dep"] * len(words),
+ )
+ print(doc.has_annotation("DEP"), [t.head.i for t in doc], [t.is_sent_start for t in doc])
new_doc = Doc(doc.vocab).from_bytes(doc.to_bytes())
- assert new_doc.is_parsed
- assert new_doc.is_tagged
+ print(new_doc.has_annotation("DEP"), [t.head.i for t in new_doc], [t.is_sent_start for t in new_doc])
+ assert new_doc[6].sent_start
+ assert new_doc.has_annotation("DEP")
+ assert new_doc.has_annotation("TAG")
def test_issue1868():
diff --git a/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue2001-2500.py b/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue2001-2500.py
index 357fbb84e..3bea5d3f6 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue2001-2500.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue2001-2500.py
@@ -72,8 +72,6 @@ def test_issue2219(en_vocab):
def test_issue2361(de_tokenizer):
chars = ("<", ">", "&", """)
doc = de_tokenizer('< > & " ')
- doc.is_parsed = True
- doc.is_tagged = True
html = render(doc)
for char in chars:
assert char in html
@@ -108,6 +106,7 @@ def test_issue2385_biluo(tags):
def test_issue2396(en_vocab):
words = ["She", "created", "a", "test", "for", "spacy"]
heads = [1, 0, 1, -2, -1, -1]
+ deps = ["dep"] * len(heads)
matrix = numpy.array(
[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
@@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ def test_issue2396(en_vocab):
- doc = get_doc(en_vocab, words=words, heads=heads)
+ doc = get_doc(en_vocab, words=words, heads=heads, deps=deps)
span = doc[:]
assert (doc.get_lca_matrix() == matrix).all()
assert (span.get_lca_matrix() == matrix).all()
diff --git a/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue2501-3000.py b/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue2501-3000.py
index beb8faca1..9267a7346 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue2501-3000.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue2501-3000.py
@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@ from ..util import get_doc
def test_issue2564():
- """Test the tagger sets is_tagged correctly when used via Language.pipe."""
+ """Test the tagger sets has_annotation("TAG") correctly when used via Language.pipe."""
nlp = Language()
tagger = nlp.add_pipe("tagger")
doc = nlp("hello world")
- assert doc.is_tagged
+ assert doc.has_annotation("TAG")
docs = nlp.pipe(["hello", "world"])
piped_doc = next(docs)
- assert piped_doc.is_tagged
+ assert piped_doc.has_annotation("TAG")
def test_issue2569(en_tokenizer):
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ def test_issue2772(en_vocab):
heads = [4, 1, 7, -1, -2, -1, 3, 2, 1, 0, 2, 1, -3, -4]
deps = ["dep"] * len(heads)
doc = get_doc(en_vocab, words=words, heads=heads, deps=deps)
- assert doc[1].is_sent_start is None
+ assert doc[1].is_sent_start is False
@pytest.mark.parametrize("text", ["-0.23", "+123,456", "±1"])
diff --git a/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue3001-3500.py b/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue3001-3500.py
index 3059eb5ab..d848467dd 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue3001-3500.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue3001-3500.py
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def test_issue3012(en_vocab):
pos = ["DET", "VERB", "NUM", "NOUN", "PUNCT"]
ents = [(2, 4, "PERCENT")]
doc = get_doc(en_vocab, words=words, tags=tags, pos=pos, ents=ents)
- assert doc.is_tagged
+ assert doc.has_annotation("TAG")
expected = ("10", "NUM", "CD", "PERCENT")
assert (doc[2].text, doc[2].pos_, doc[2].tag_, doc[2].ent_type_) == expected
@@ -83,10 +83,14 @@ def test_issue3012(en_vocab):
def test_issue3199():
"""Test that Span.noun_chunks works correctly if no noun chunks iterator
is available. To make this test future-proof, we're constructing a Doc
- with a new Vocab here and setting is_parsed to make sure the noun chunks run.
+ with a new Vocab here and a parse tree to make sure the noun chunks run.
- doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=["This", "is", "a", "sentence"])
- doc.is_parsed = True
+ doc = get_doc(
+ Vocab(),
+ words=["This", "is", "a", "sentence"],
+ heads=[0, -1, -2, -3],
+ deps=["dep"] * 4,
+ )
assert list(doc[0:3].noun_chunks) == []
@@ -250,16 +254,16 @@ def test_issue3456():
def test_issue3468():
- """Test that sentence boundaries are set correctly so Doc.is_sentenced can
+ """Test that sentence boundaries are set correctly so Doc.has_annotation("SENT_START") can
be restored after serialization."""
nlp = English()
doc = nlp("Hello world")
assert doc[0].is_sent_start
- assert doc.is_sentenced
+ assert doc.has_annotation("SENT_START")
assert len(list(doc.sents)) == 1
doc_bytes = doc.to_bytes()
new_doc = Doc(nlp.vocab).from_bytes(doc_bytes)
assert new_doc[0].is_sent_start
- assert new_doc.is_sentenced
+ assert new_doc.has_annotation("SENT_START")
assert len(list(new_doc.sents)) == 1
diff --git a/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue3501-4000.py b/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue3501-4000.py
index d36e693c7..8c483d877 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue3501-4000.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue3501-4000.py
@@ -356,7 +356,6 @@ def test_issue3882(en_vocab):
copy of the Doc.
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=["Hello", "world"])
- doc.is_parsed = True
doc.user_data["test"] = set()
@@ -386,7 +385,6 @@ def test_issue3959():
doc[0].pos_ = "NOUN"
assert doc[0].pos_ == "NOUN"
# usually this is already True when starting from proper models instead of blank English
- doc.is_tagged = True
with make_tempdir() as tmp_dir:
file_path = tmp_dir / "my_doc"
diff --git a/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue4001-4500.py b/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue4001-4500.py
index 2beccedcf..4e58c347e 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue4001-4500.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/regression/test_issue4001-4500.py
@@ -189,7 +189,6 @@ def test_issue4133(en_vocab):
for i, token in enumerate(doc):
token.pos_ = pos[i]
# usually this is already True when starting from proper models instead of blank English
- doc.is_tagged = True
doc_bytes = doc.to_bytes()
vocab = Vocab()
vocab = vocab.from_bytes(vocab_bytes)
@@ -249,7 +248,7 @@ def test_issue4267():
assert "ner" in nlp.pipe_names
# assert that we have correct IOB annotations
doc1 = nlp("hi")
- assert doc1.is_nered
+ assert doc1.has_annotation("ENT_IOB")
for token in doc1:
assert token.ent_iob == 2
# add entity ruler and run again
@@ -260,7 +259,7 @@ def test_issue4267():
assert "ner" in nlp.pipe_names
# assert that we still have correct IOB annotations
doc2 = nlp("hi")
- assert doc2.is_nered
+ assert doc2.has_annotation("ENT_IOB")
for token in doc2:
assert token.ent_iob == 2
diff --git a/spacy/tests/test_language.py b/spacy/tests/test_language.py
index 840d878c2..2a24d368a 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/test_language.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/test_language.py
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ from spacy.tokens import Doc, Span
from spacy.vocab import Vocab
from spacy.training import Example
from spacy.lang.en import English
+from spacy.lang.de import German
from spacy.util import registry
+import spacy
from .util import add_vecs_to_vocab, assert_docs_equal
@@ -266,3 +268,34 @@ def test_language_custom_tokenizer():
assert [t.text for t in doc] == ["_hello", "_world"]
doc = list(nlp.pipe(["hello world"]))[0]
assert [t.text for t in doc] == ["_hello", "_world"]
+def test_language_from_config_invalid_lang():
+ """Test that calling Language.from_config raises an error and lang defined
+ in config needs to match language-specific subclasses."""
+ config = {"nlp": {"lang": "en"}}
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ Language.from_config(config)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ German.from_config(config)
+def test_spacy_blank():
+ nlp = spacy.blank("en")
+ assert nlp.config["training"]["dropout"] == 0.1
+ config = {"training": {"dropout": 0.2}}
+ meta = {"name": "my_custom_model"}
+ nlp = spacy.blank("en", config=config, meta=meta)
+ assert nlp.config["training"]["dropout"] == 0.2
+ assert nlp.meta["name"] == "my_custom_model"
+ "value",
+ [False, None, ["x", "y"], Language, Vocab],
+def test_language_init_invalid_vocab(value):
+ err_fragment = "invalid value"
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
+ Language(value)
+ assert err_fragment in str(e.value)
diff --git a/spacy/tests/test_scorer.py b/spacy/tests/test_scorer.py
index fb96c0361..6e3604ce8 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/test_scorer.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/test_scorer.py
@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ def tagged_doc():
doc[i].morph_ = morphs[i]
if i > 0:
doc[i].is_sent_start = False
- doc.is_tagged = True
return doc
diff --git a/spacy/tests/test_tok2vec.py b/spacy/tests/test_tok2vec.py
index fb30c6ae5..f3f35e4a7 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/test_tok2vec.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/test_tok2vec.py
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ def test_tok2vec_batch_sizes(batch_size, width, embed_size):
(8, MultiHashEmbed, {"rows": 100, "also_embed_subwords": True, "also_use_static_vectors": False}, MaxoutWindowEncoder, {"window_size": 1, "maxout_pieces": 3, "depth": 2}),
(8, MultiHashEmbed, {"rows": 100, "also_embed_subwords": True, "also_use_static_vectors": False}, MishWindowEncoder, {"window_size": 1, "depth": 6}),
- (8, CharacterEmbed, {"rows": 100, "nM": 64, "nC": 8}, MaxoutWindowEncoder, {"window_size": 1, "maxout_pieces": 3, "depth": 3}),
- (8, CharacterEmbed, {"rows": 100, "nM": 16, "nC": 2}, MishWindowEncoder, {"window_size": 1, "depth": 3}),
+ (8, CharacterEmbed, {"rows": 100, "nM": 64, "nC": 8, "also_use_static_vectors": False}, MaxoutWindowEncoder, {"window_size": 1, "maxout_pieces": 3, "depth": 3}),
+ (8, CharacterEmbed, {"rows": 100, "nM": 16, "nC": 2, "also_use_static_vectors": False}, MishWindowEncoder, {"window_size": 1, "depth": 3}),
# fmt: on
diff --git a/spacy/tests/test_training.py b/spacy/tests/test_training.py
index 1926aca1f..5fd40a0dc 100644
--- a/spacy/tests/test_training.py
+++ b/spacy/tests/test_training.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from thinc.api import compounding
import pytest
import srsly
-from .util import make_tempdir
+from .util import make_tempdir, get_doc
@@ -26,24 +26,16 @@ def doc():
"NounType=prop|Number=sing", "PunctType=peri"]
# head of '.' is intentionally nonprojective for testing
heads = [2, 0, 3, 3, 3, 6, 4, 3, 7, 5]
+ heads = [head - i for i, head in enumerate(heads)]
deps = ["poss", "case", "nsubj", "ROOT", "prep", "compound", "pobj", "prep", "pobj", "punct"]
lemmas = ["Sarah", "'s", "sister", "fly", "to", "Silicon", "Valley", "via", "London", "."]
- biluo_tags = ["U-PERSON", "O", "O", "O", "O", "B-LOC", "L-LOC", "O", "U-GPE", "O"]
+ ents = ((0, 2, "PERSON"), (5, 7, "LOC"), (8, 9, "GPE"))
cats = {"TRAVEL": 1.0, "BAKING": 0.0}
# fmt: on
nlp = English()
- doc = nlp(text)
- for i in range(len(tags)):
- doc[i].tag_ = tags[i]
- doc[i].pos_ = pos[i]
- doc[i].morph_ = morphs[i]
- doc[i].lemma_ = lemmas[i]
- doc[i].dep_ = deps[i]
- doc[i].head = doc[heads[i]]
- doc.ents = spans_from_biluo_tags(doc, biluo_tags)
+ words = [t.text for t in nlp.make_doc(text)]
+ doc = get_doc(nlp.vocab, words=words, tags=tags, pos=pos, morphs=morphs, heads=heads, deps=deps, lemmas=lemmas, ents=ents)
doc.cats = cats
- doc.is_tagged = True
- doc.is_parsed = True
return doc
@@ -194,7 +186,7 @@ def test_json2docs_no_ner(en_vocab):
docs = json2docs(data)
assert len(docs) == 1
for doc in docs:
- assert not doc.is_nered
+ assert not doc.has_annotation("ENT_IOB")
for token in doc:
assert token.ent_iob == 0
eg = Example(
diff --git a/spacy/tokens/_retokenize.pyx b/spacy/tokens/_retokenize.pyx
index 9323bb579..cd1e73a2b 100644
--- a/spacy/tokens/_retokenize.pyx
+++ b/spacy/tokens/_retokenize.pyx
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ def _merge(Doc doc, merges):
for i in range(doc.length):
doc.c[i].head -= i
# Set the left/right children, left/right edges
- set_children_from_heads(doc.c, doc.length)
+ set_children_from_heads(doc.c, 0, doc.length)
# Make sure ent_iob remains consistent
make_iob_consistent(doc.c, doc.length)
# Return the merged Python object
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ def _split(Doc doc, int token_index, orths, heads, attrs):
for i in range(doc.length):
doc.c[i].head -= i
# set children from head
- set_children_from_heads(doc.c, doc.length)
+ set_children_from_heads(doc.c, 0, doc.length)
def _validate_extensions(extensions):
@@ -408,7 +408,6 @@ cdef make_iob_consistent(TokenC* tokens, int length):
def normalize_token_attrs(Vocab vocab, attrs):
if "_" in attrs: # Extension attributes
extensions = attrs["_"]
- print("EXTENSIONS", extensions)
attrs = {key: value for key, value in attrs.items() if key != "_"}
attrs = intify_attrs(attrs, strings_map=vocab.strings)
diff --git a/spacy/tokens/_serialize.py b/spacy/tokens/_serialize.py
index cd8c81939..c9a20f6c0 100644
--- a/spacy/tokens/_serialize.py
+++ b/spacy/tokens/_serialize.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from ..errors import Errors
from ..util import ensure_path, SimpleFrozenList
# fmt: off
# fmt: on
diff --git a/spacy/tokens/doc.pxd b/spacy/tokens/doc.pxd
index 2775aa97e..08f795b1a 100644
--- a/spacy/tokens/doc.pxd
+++ b/spacy/tokens/doc.pxd
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ ctypedef fused LexemeOrToken:
-cdef int set_children_from_heads(TokenC* tokens, int length) except -1
+cdef int set_children_from_heads(TokenC* tokens, int start, int end) except -1
-cdef int _set_lr_kids_and_edges(TokenC* tokens, int length, int loop_count) except -1
+cdef int _set_lr_kids_and_edges(TokenC* tokens, int start, int end, int loop_count) except -1
cdef int token_by_start(const TokenC* tokens, int length, int start_char) except -2
@@ -31,9 +31,6 @@ cdef int token_by_start(const TokenC* tokens, int length, int start_char) except
cdef int token_by_end(const TokenC* tokens, int length, int end_char) except -2
-cdef int set_children_from_heads(TokenC* tokens, int length) except -1
cdef int [:,:] _get_lca_matrix(Doc, int start, int end)
cdef class Doc:
@@ -49,10 +46,6 @@ cdef class Doc:
cdef TokenC* c
- cdef public bint is_tagged
- cdef public bint is_parsed
- cdef public bint is_morphed
cdef public float sentiment
cdef public dict user_hooks
@@ -74,5 +67,3 @@ cdef class Doc:
cdef int push_back(self, LexemeOrToken lex_or_tok, bint has_space) except -1
cpdef np.ndarray to_array(self, object features)
- cdef void set_parse(self, const TokenC* parsed) nogil
diff --git a/spacy/tokens/doc.pyx b/spacy/tokens/doc.pyx
index 93520aeda..5c5443258 100644
--- a/spacy/tokens/doc.pyx
+++ b/spacy/tokens/doc.pyx
@@ -1,37 +1,34 @@
# cython: infer_types=True, bounds_check=False, profile=True
cimport cython
cimport numpy as np
-from libc.string cimport memcpy, memset
+from libc.string cimport memcpy
from libc.math cimport sqrt
from libc.stdint cimport int32_t, uint64_t
import copy
from collections import Counter
import numpy
-import numpy.linalg
-import struct
import srsly
from thinc.api import get_array_module
from thinc.util import copy_array
import warnings
-import copy
from .span cimport Span
from .token cimport Token
from ..lexeme cimport Lexeme, EMPTY_LEXEME
from ..typedefs cimport attr_t, flags_t
+from ..attrs cimport attr_id_t
-from ..attrs cimport ENT_TYPE, ENT_ID, ENT_KB_ID, SENT_START, IDX, attr_id_t
-from ..parts_of_speech cimport CCONJ, PUNCT, NOUN, univ_pos_t
+from ..attrs cimport ENT_TYPE, ENT_ID, ENT_KB_ID, SENT_START, IDX, NORM
-from ..attrs import intify_attr, intify_attrs, IDS
-from ..util import normalize_slice
+from ..attrs import intify_attr, IDS
from ..compat import copy_reg, pickle
from ..errors import Errors, Warnings
+from ..morphology import Morphology
from .. import util
from .underscore import Underscore, get_ext_args
from ._retokenize import Retokenizer
+from ._serialize import ALL_ATTRS as DOCBIN_ALL_ATTRS
@@ -190,8 +187,6 @@ cdef class Doc:
self.c = data_start + PADDING
self.max_length = size
self.length = 0
- self.is_tagged = False
- self.is_parsed = False
self.sentiment = 0.0
self.cats = {}
self.user_hooks = {}
@@ -221,11 +216,6 @@ cdef class Doc:
lexeme = self.vocab.get_by_orth(self.mem, word)
self.push_back(lexeme, has_space)
- # Tough to decide on policy for this. Is an empty doc tagged and parsed?
- # There's no information we'd like to add to it, so I guess so?
- if self.length == 0:
- self.is_tagged = True
- self.is_parsed = True
def _(self):
@@ -233,37 +223,61 @@ cdef class Doc:
return Underscore(Underscore.doc_extensions, self)
- def is_sentenced(self):
- """Check if the document has sentence boundaries assigned. This is
- defined as having at least one of the following:
+ def is_tagged(self):
+ warnings.warn(Warnings.W107.format(prop="is_tagged", attr="TAG"), DeprecationWarning)
+ return self.has_annotation("TAG")
- a) An entry "sents" in doc.user_hooks";
- b) Doc.is_parsed is set to True;
- c) At least one token other than the first where sent_start is not None.
- """
- if "sents" in self.user_hooks:
- return True
- if self.is_parsed:
- return True
- if len(self) < 2:
- return True
- for i in range(1, self.length):
- if self.c[i].sent_start == -1 or self.c[i].sent_start == 1:
- return True
- return False
+ @property
+ def is_parsed(self):
+ warnings.warn(Warnings.W107.format(prop="is_parsed", attr="DEP"), DeprecationWarning)
+ return self.has_annotation("DEP")
def is_nered(self):
- """Check if the document has named entities set. Will return True if
- *any* of the tokens has a named entity tag set (even if the others are
- unknown values), or if the document is empty.
+ warnings.warn(Warnings.W107.format(prop="is_nered", attr="ENT_IOB"), DeprecationWarning)
+ return self.has_annotation("ENT_IOB")
+ @property
+ def is_sentenced(self):
+ warnings.warn(Warnings.W107.format(prop="is_sentenced", attr="SENT_START"), DeprecationWarning)
+ return self.has_annotation("SENT_START")
+ def has_annotation(self, attr, *, require_complete=False):
+ """Check whether the doc contains annotation on a token attribute.
+ attr (Union[int, str]): The attribute string name or int ID.
+ require_complete (bool): Whether to check that the attribute is set on
+ every token in the doc.
+ RETURNS (bool): Whether annotation is present.
+ DOCS: https://nightly.spacy.io/api/doc#has_annotation
- if len(self) == 0:
+ # empty docs are always annotated
+ if self.length == 0:
return True
- for i in range(self.length):
- if self.c[i].ent_iob != 0:
+ cdef int i
+ cdef int range_start = 0
+ attr = intify_attr(attr)
+ # adjust attributes
+ if attr == HEAD:
+ # HEAD does not have an unset state, so rely on DEP
+ attr = DEP
+ elif attr == self.vocab.strings["IS_SENT_START"]:
+ # as in Matcher, allow IS_SENT_START as an alias of SENT_START
+ attr = SENT_START
+ # special cases for sentence boundaries
+ if attr == SENT_START:
+ if "sents" in self.user_hooks:
return True
- return False
+ # docs of length 1 always have sentence boundaries
+ if self.length == 1:
+ return True
+ range_start = 1
+ if require_complete:
+ return all(Token.get_struct_attr(&self.c[i], attr) for i in range(range_start, self.length))
+ else:
+ return any(Token.get_struct_attr(&self.c[i], attr) for i in range(range_start, self.length))
def __getitem__(self, object i):
"""Get a `Token` or `Span` object.
@@ -291,7 +305,7 @@ cdef class Doc:
DOCS: https://nightly.spacy.io/api/doc#getitem
if isinstance(i, slice):
- start, stop = normalize_slice(len(self), i.start, i.stop, i.step)
+ start, stop = util.normalize_slice(len(self), i.start, i.stop, i.step)
return Span(self, start, stop, label=0)
if i < 0:
i = self.length + i
@@ -627,16 +641,13 @@ cdef class Doc:
def sents(self):
"""Iterate over the sentences in the document. Yields sentence `Span`
- objects. Sentence spans have no label. To improve accuracy on informal
- texts, spaCy calculates sentence boundaries from the syntactic
- dependency parse. If the parser is disabled, the `sents` iterator will
- be unavailable.
+ objects. Sentence spans have no label.
YIELDS (Span): Sentences in the document.
DOCS: https://nightly.spacy.io/api/doc#sents
- if not self.is_sentenced:
+ if not self.has_annotation("SENT_START"):
raise ValueError(Errors.E030)
if "sents" in self.user_hooks:
yield from self.user_hooks["sents"](self)
@@ -660,10 +671,6 @@ cdef class Doc:
return self.vocab.lang
cdef int push_back(self, LexemeOrToken lex_or_tok, bint has_space) except -1:
- if self.length == 0:
- # Flip these to false when we see the first token.
- self.is_tagged = False
- self.is_parsed = False
if self.length == self.max_length:
self._realloc(self.length * 2)
cdef TokenC* t = &self.c[self.length]
@@ -786,14 +793,6 @@ cdef class Doc:
for i in range(self.length, self.max_length + PADDING):
self.c[i].lex = &EMPTY_LEXEME
- cdef void set_parse(self, const TokenC* parsed) nogil:
- # TODO: This method is fairly misleading atm. It's used by Parser
- # to actually apply the parse calculated. Need to rethink this.
- # Probably we should use from_array?
- self.is_parsed = True
- for i in range(self.length):
- self.c[i] = parsed[i]
def from_array(self, attrs, array):
"""Load attributes from a numpy array. Write to a `Doc` object, from an
`(M, N)` array of attributes.
@@ -818,8 +817,8 @@ cdef class Doc:
if array.dtype != numpy.uint64:
- if SENT_START in attrs and HEAD in attrs:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E032)
+ if set(attrs) != set(Doc._get_array_attrs()) and SENT_START in attrs and HEAD in attrs:
+ warnings.warn(Warnings.W106)
cdef int i, col
cdef int32_t abs_head_index
cdef attr_id_t attr_id
@@ -879,18 +878,17 @@ cdef class Doc:
# add morph to morphology table
Token.set_struct_attr(token, attr_ids[j], value)
- # Set flags
- self.is_parsed = bool(self.is_parsed or HEAD in attrs)
- self.is_tagged = bool(self.is_tagged or TAG in attrs or POS in attrs)
- # If document is parsed, set children
- if self.is_parsed:
- set_children_from_heads(self.c, length)
+ # If document is parsed, set children and sentence boundaries
+ if HEAD in attrs and DEP in attrs:
+ col = attrs.index(DEP)
+ if array[:, col].any():
+ set_children_from_heads(self.c, 0, length)
return self
def from_docs(docs, ensure_whitespace=True, attrs=None):
- """Concatenate multiple Doc objects to form a new one. Raises an error if the `Doc` objects do not all share
- the same `Vocab`.
+ """Concatenate multiple Doc objects to form a new one. Raises an error
+ if the `Doc` objects do not all share the same `Vocab`.
docs (list): A list of Doc objects.
ensure_whitespace (bool): Insert a space between two adjacent docs whenever the first doc does not end in whitespace.
@@ -908,16 +906,7 @@ cdef class Doc:
(vocab,) = vocab
if attrs is None:
- attrs = [LEMMA, NORM]
- if all(doc.is_nered for doc in docs):
- attrs.extend([ENT_IOB, ENT_KB_ID, ENT_TYPE])
- # TODO: separate for is_morphed?
- if all(doc.is_tagged for doc in docs):
- attrs.extend([TAG, POS, MORPH])
- if all(doc.is_parsed for doc in docs):
- attrs.extend([HEAD, DEP])
- else:
- attrs.append(SENT_START)
+ attrs = Doc._get_array_attrs()
if any(isinstance(attr, str) for attr in attrs): # resolve attribute names
attrs = [intify_attr(attr) for attr in attrs] # intify_attr returns None for invalid attrs
@@ -989,9 +978,6 @@ cdef class Doc:
other.tensor = copy.deepcopy(self.tensor)
other.cats = copy.deepcopy(self.cats)
other.user_data = copy.deepcopy(self.user_data)
- other.is_tagged = self.is_tagged
- other.is_parsed = self.is_parsed
- other.is_morphed = self.is_morphed
other.sentiment = self.sentiment
other.has_unknown_spaces = self.has_unknown_spaces
other.user_hooks = dict(self.user_hooks)
@@ -1065,22 +1051,16 @@ cdef class Doc:
DOCS: https://nightly.spacy.io/api/doc#to_bytes
- if self.is_tagged:
- array_head.extend([TAG, POS])
- # If doc parsed add head and dep attribute
- if self.is_parsed:
- array_head.extend([HEAD, DEP])
- # Otherwise add sent_start
- else:
- array_head.append(SENT_START)
+ array_head = Doc._get_array_attrs()
strings = set()
for token in self:
+ strings.add(token.morph_)
+ strings.add(token.ent_id_)
# Msgpack doesn't distinguish between lists and tuples, which is
# vexing for user data. As a best guess, we *know* that within
@@ -1230,22 +1210,29 @@ cdef class Doc:
DOCS: https://nightly.spacy.io/api/doc#to_json
data = {"text": self.text}
- if self.is_nered:
+ if self.has_annotation("ENT_IOB"):
data["ents"] = [{"start": ent.start_char, "end": ent.end_char,
"label": ent.label_} for ent in self.ents]
- if self.is_sentenced:
+ if self.has_annotation("SENT_START"):
sents = list(self.sents)
data["sents"] = [{"start": sent.start_char, "end": sent.end_char}
for sent in sents]
if self.cats:
data["cats"] = self.cats
data["tokens"] = []
+ attrs = ["TAG", "MORPH", "POS", "LEMMA", "DEP"]
+ include_annotation = {attr: self.has_annotation(attr) for attr in attrs}
for token in self:
token_data = {"id": token.i, "start": token.idx, "end": token.idx + len(token)}
- if self.is_tagged:
- token_data["pos"] = token.pos_
+ if include_annotation["TAG"]:
token_data["tag"] = token.tag_
- if self.is_parsed:
+ if include_annotation["POS"]:
+ token_data["pos"] = token.pos_
+ if include_annotation["MORPH"]:
+ token_data["morph"] = token.morph_
+ if include_annotation["LEMMA"]:
+ token_data["lemma"] = token.lemma_
+ if include_annotation["DEP"]:
token_data["dep"] = token.dep_
token_data["head"] = token.head.i
@@ -1291,6 +1278,12 @@ cdef class Doc:
j += 1
return output
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_array_attrs():
+ attrs = [LENGTH, SPACY]
+ attrs.extend(intify_attr(x) for x in DOCBIN_ALL_ATTRS)
+ return tuple(attrs)
cdef int token_by_start(const TokenC* tokens, int length, int start_char) except -2:
cdef int i = token_by_char(tokens, length, start_char)
@@ -1321,13 +1314,13 @@ cdef int token_by_char(const TokenC* tokens, int length, int char_idx) except -2
return mid
return -1
-cdef int set_children_from_heads(TokenC* tokens, int length) except -1:
+cdef int set_children_from_heads(TokenC* tokens, int start, int end) except -1:
+ # note: end is exclusive
cdef TokenC* head
cdef TokenC* child
cdef int i
# Set number of left/right children to 0. We'll increment it in the loops.
- for i in range(length):
+ for i in range(start, end):
tokens[i].l_kids = 0
tokens[i].r_kids = 0
tokens[i].l_edge = i
@@ -1341,38 +1334,40 @@ cdef int set_children_from_heads(TokenC* tokens, int length) except -1:
# without risking getting stuck in an infinite loop if something is
# terribly malformed.
while not heads_within_sents:
- heads_within_sents = _set_lr_kids_and_edges(tokens, length, loop_count)
+ heads_within_sents = _set_lr_kids_and_edges(tokens, start, end, loop_count)
if loop_count > 10:
loop_count += 1
# Set sentence starts
- for i in range(length):
- if tokens[i].head == 0 and tokens[i].dep != 0:
- tokens[tokens[i].l_edge].sent_start = True
+ for i in range(start, end):
+ tokens[i].sent_start = -1
+ for i in range(start, end):
+ if tokens[i].head == 0:
+ tokens[tokens[i].l_edge].sent_start = 1
-cdef int _set_lr_kids_and_edges(TokenC* tokens, int length, int loop_count) except -1:
+cdef int _set_lr_kids_and_edges(TokenC* tokens, int start, int end, int loop_count) except -1:
# May be called multiple times due to non-projectivity. See issues #3170
# and #4688.
# Set left edges
cdef TokenC* head
cdef TokenC* child
cdef int i, j
- for i in range(length):
+ for i in range(start, end):
child = &tokens[i]
head = &tokens[i + child.head]
- if child < head and loop_count == 0:
+ if loop_count == 0 and child < head:
head.l_kids += 1
if child.l_edge < head.l_edge:
head.l_edge = child.l_edge
if child.r_edge > head.r_edge:
head.r_edge = child.r_edge
# Set right edges - same as above, but iterate in reverse
- for i in range(length-1, -1, -1):
+ for i in range(end-1, start-1, -1):
child = &tokens[i]
head = &tokens[i + child.head]
- if child > head and loop_count == 0:
+ if loop_count == 0 and child > head:
head.r_kids += 1
if child.r_edge > head.r_edge:
head.r_edge = child.r_edge
@@ -1380,14 +1375,14 @@ cdef int _set_lr_kids_and_edges(TokenC* tokens, int length, int loop_count) exce
head.l_edge = child.l_edge
# Get sentence start positions according to current state
sent_starts = set()
- for i in range(length):
- if tokens[i].head == 0 and tokens[i].dep != 0:
+ for i in range(start, end):
+ if tokens[i].head == 0:
cdef int curr_sent_start = 0
cdef int curr_sent_end = 0
# Check whether any heads are not within the current sentence
- for i in range(length):
- if (i > 0 and i in sent_starts) or i == length - 1:
+ for i in range(start, end):
+ if (i > 0 and i in sent_starts) or i == end - 1:
curr_sent_end = i
for j in range(curr_sent_start, curr_sent_end):
if tokens[j].head + j < curr_sent_start or tokens[j].head + j >= curr_sent_end + 1:
@@ -1436,6 +1431,7 @@ cdef int [:,:] _get_lca_matrix(Doc doc, int start, int end):
with shape (n, n), where n = len(doc).
cdef int [:,:] lca_matrix
+ cdef int j, k
n_tokens= end - start
lca_mat = numpy.empty((n_tokens, n_tokens), dtype=numpy.int32)
diff --git a/spacy/tokens/span.pyx b/spacy/tokens/span.pyx
index f06f3307d..781474d3a 100644
--- a/spacy/tokens/span.pyx
+++ b/spacy/tokens/span.pyx
@@ -4,13 +4,10 @@ cimport numpy as np
from libc.math cimport sqrt
import numpy
-import numpy.linalg
from thinc.api import get_array_module
-from collections import defaultdict
import warnings
from .doc cimport token_by_start, token_by_end, get_token_attr, _get_lca_matrix
-from .token cimport TokenC
from ..structs cimport TokenC, LexemeC
from ..typedefs cimport flags_t, attr_t, hash_t
from ..attrs cimport attr_id_t
@@ -204,7 +201,7 @@ cdef class Span:
return Underscore(Underscore.span_extensions, self,
start=self.start_char, end=self.end_char)
- def as_doc(self, bint copy_user_data=False):
+ def as_doc(self, *, bint copy_user_data=False):
"""Create a `Doc` object with a copy of the `Span`'s data.
copy_user_data (bool): Whether or not to copy the original doc's user data.
@@ -212,19 +209,10 @@ cdef class Span:
DOCS: https://nightly.spacy.io/api/span#as_doc
- # TODO: make copy_user_data a keyword-only argument (Python 3 only)
words = [t.text for t in self]
spaces = [bool(t.whitespace_) for t in self]
cdef Doc doc = Doc(self.doc.vocab, words=words, spaces=spaces)
- if self.doc.is_tagged:
- array_head.append(TAG)
- # If doc parsed add head and dep attribute
- if self.doc.is_parsed:
- array_head.extend([HEAD, DEP])
- # Otherwise add sent_start
- else:
- array_head.append(SENT_START)
+ array_head = self.doc._get_array_attrs()
array = self.doc.to_array(array_head)
array = array[self.start : self.end]
self._fix_dep_copy(array_head, array)
@@ -378,7 +366,7 @@ cdef class Span:
# Use `sent_start` token attribute to find sentence boundaries
cdef int n = 0
- if self.doc.is_sentenced:
+ if self.doc.has_annotation("SENT_START"):
# Find start of the sentence
start = self.start
while self.doc.c[start].sent_start != 1 and start > 0:
@@ -510,8 +498,6 @@ cdef class Span:
DOCS: https://nightly.spacy.io/api/span#noun_chunks
- if not self.doc.is_parsed:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E029)
# Accumulate the result before beginning to iterate over it. This
# prevents the tokenisation from being changed out from under us
# during the iteration. The tricky thing here is that Span accepts
diff --git a/spacy/tokens/token.pyx b/spacy/tokens/token.pyx
index 2474f0637..239de4559 100644
--- a/spacy/tokens/token.pyx
+++ b/spacy/tokens/token.pyx
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
# cython: infer_types=True
-from libc.string cimport memcpy
-from cpython.mem cimport PyMem_Malloc, PyMem_Free
# Compiler crashes on memory view coercion without this. Should report bug.
from cython.view cimport array as cvarray
cimport numpy as np
@@ -14,14 +12,13 @@ from ..typedefs cimport hash_t
from ..lexeme cimport Lexeme
-from ..attrs cimport LENGTH, CLUSTER, LEMMA, POS, TAG, DEP
+from ..attrs cimport IS_TITLE, IS_UPPER, IS_CURRENCY, IS_STOP
+from ..attrs cimport LIKE_URL, LIKE_NUM, LIKE_EMAIL
from ..symbols cimport conj
from .morphanalysis cimport MorphAnalysis
+from .doc cimport set_children_from_heads
from .. import parts_of_speech
-from .. import util
from ..errors import Errors, Warnings
from .underscore import Underscore, get_ext_args
@@ -489,7 +486,7 @@ cdef class Token:
return True
def __set__(self, value):
- if self.doc.is_parsed:
+ if self.doc.has_annotation("DEP"):
raise ValueError(Errors.E043)
if value is None:
self.c.sent_start = 0
@@ -658,78 +655,19 @@ cdef class Token:
# Do nothing if old head is new head
if self.i + self.c.head == new_head.i:
- cdef Token old_head = self.head
- cdef int rel_newhead_i = new_head.i - self.i
- # Is the new head a descendant of the old head
- cdef bint is_desc = old_head.is_ancestor(new_head)
- cdef int new_edge
- cdef Token anc, child
- # Update number of deps of old head
- if self.c.head > 0: # left dependent
- old_head.c.l_kids -= 1
- if self.c.l_edge == old_head.c.l_edge:
- # The token dominates the left edge so the left edge of
- # the head may change when the token is reattached, it may
- # not change if the new head is a descendant of the current
- # head.
- new_edge = self.c.l_edge
- # The new l_edge is the left-most l_edge on any of the
- # other dependents where the l_edge is left of the head,
- # otherwise it is the head
- if not is_desc:
- new_edge = old_head.i
- for child in old_head.children:
- if child == self:
- continue
- if child.c.l_edge < new_edge:
- new_edge = child.c.l_edge
- old_head.c.l_edge = new_edge
- # Walk up the tree from old_head and assign new l_edge to
- # ancestors until an ancestor already has an l_edge that's
- # further left
- for anc in old_head.ancestors:
- if anc.c.l_edge <= new_edge:
- break
- anc.c.l_edge = new_edge
- elif self.c.head < 0: # right dependent
- old_head.c.r_kids -= 1
- # Do the same thing as for l_edge
- if self.c.r_edge == old_head.c.r_edge:
- new_edge = self.c.r_edge
- if not is_desc:
- new_edge = old_head.i
- for child in old_head.children:
- if child == self:
- continue
- if child.c.r_edge > new_edge:
- new_edge = child.c.r_edge
- old_head.c.r_edge = new_edge
- for anc in old_head.ancestors:
- if anc.c.r_edge >= new_edge:
- break
- anc.c.r_edge = new_edge
- # Update number of deps of new head
- if rel_newhead_i > 0: # left dependent
- new_head.c.l_kids += 1
- # Walk up the tree from new head and set l_edge to self.l_edge
- # until you hit a token with an l_edge further to the left
- if self.c.l_edge < new_head.c.l_edge:
- new_head.c.l_edge = self.c.l_edge
- for anc in new_head.ancestors:
- if anc.c.l_edge <= self.c.l_edge:
- break
- anc.c.l_edge = self.c.l_edge
- elif rel_newhead_i < 0: # right dependent
- new_head.c.r_kids += 1
- # Do the same as for l_edge
- if self.c.r_edge > new_head.c.r_edge:
- new_head.c.r_edge = self.c.r_edge
- for anc in new_head.ancestors:
- if anc.c.r_edge >= self.c.r_edge:
- break
- anc.c.r_edge = self.c.r_edge
+ # Find the widest l/r_edges of the roots of the two tokens involved
+ # to limit the number of tokens for set_children_from_heads
+ cdef Token self_root, new_head_root
+ self_ancestors = list(self.ancestors)
+ new_head_ancestors = list(new_head.ancestors)
+ self_root = self_ancestors[-1] if self_ancestors else self
+ new_head_root = new_head_ancestors[-1] if new_head_ancestors else new_head
+ start = self_root.c.l_edge if self_root.c.l_edge < new_head_root.c.l_edge else new_head_root.c.l_edge
+ end = self_root.c.r_edge if self_root.c.r_edge > new_head_root.c.r_edge else new_head_root.c.r_edge
# Set new head
- self.c.head = rel_newhead_i
+ self.c.head = new_head.i - self.i
+ # Adjust parse properties and sentence starts
+ set_children_from_heads(self.doc.c, start, end + 1)
def conjuncts(self):
diff --git a/spacy/training/converters/conllu2docs.py b/spacy/training/converters/conllu2docs.py
index 85afdeef3..ebd123375 100644
--- a/spacy/training/converters/conllu2docs.py
+++ b/spacy/training/converters/conllu2docs.py
@@ -212,8 +212,6 @@ def doc_from_conllu_sentence(
doc[i]._.merged_spaceafter = spaces[i]
ents = get_entities(lines, ner_tag_pattern, ner_map)
doc.ents = spans_from_biluo_tags(doc, ents)
- doc.is_parsed = True
- doc.is_tagged = True
if merge_subtokens:
doc = merge_conllu_subtokens(lines, doc)
@@ -243,8 +241,6 @@ def doc_from_conllu_sentence(
doc_x[i].dep_ = deps[i]
doc_x[i].head = doc_x[heads[i]]
doc_x.ents = [Span(doc_x, ent.start, ent.end, label=ent.label) for ent in doc.ents]
- doc_x.is_parsed = True
- doc_x.is_tagged = True
return doc_x
diff --git a/spacy/training/gold_io.pyx b/spacy/training/gold_io.pyx
index 5dc39eb31..b58df0d71 100644
--- a/spacy/training/gold_io.pyx
+++ b/spacy/training/gold_io.pyx
@@ -33,19 +33,25 @@ def docs_to_json(docs, doc_id=0, ner_missing_tag="O"):
link_dict = {(ent.start_char, ent.end_char): {ent.kb_id_: 1.0}}
biluo_tags = biluo_tags_from_offsets(doc, json_para["entities"], missing=ner_missing_tag)
+ attrs = ("TAG", "POS", "MORPH", "LEMMA", "DEP", "ENT_IOB")
+ include_annotation = {attr: doc.has_annotation(attr) for attr in attrs}
for j, sent in enumerate(doc.sents):
json_sent = {"tokens": [], "brackets": []}
for token in sent:
json_token = {"id": token.i, "orth": token.text, "space": token.whitespace_}
- if doc.is_tagged:
+ if include_annotation["TAG"]:
json_token["tag"] = token.tag_
+ if include_annotation["POS"]:
json_token["pos"] = token.pos_
+ if include_annotation["MORPH"]:
json_token["morph"] = token.morph_
+ if include_annotation["LEMMA"]:
json_token["lemma"] = token.lemma_
- if doc.is_parsed:
+ if include_annotation["DEP"]:
json_token["head"] = token.head.i-token.i
json_token["dep"] = token.dep_
- json_token["ner"] = biluo_tags[token.i]
+ if include_annotation["ENT_IOB"]:
+ json_token["ner"] = biluo_tags[token.i]
diff --git a/spacy/training/loggers.py b/spacy/training/loggers.py
index 66fe25ed6..92b598033 100644
--- a/spacy/training/loggers.py
+++ b/spacy/training/loggers.py
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def wandb_logger(project_name: str, remove_config_values: List[str] = []):
for field in remove_config_values:
del config_dot[field]
config = util.dot_to_dict(config_dot)
- wandb.init(project=project_name, config=config)
+ wandb.init(project=project_name, config=config, reinit=True)
console_log_step, console_finalize = console(nlp)
def log_step(info: Dict[str, Any]):
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ def wandb_logger(project_name: str, remove_config_values: List[str] = []):
def finalize():
- pass
+ wandb.join()
return log_step, finalize
diff --git a/website/docs/api/cli.md b/website/docs/api/cli.md
index 8449d23e1..4a3541d63 100644
--- a/website/docs/api/cli.md
+++ b/website/docs/api/cli.md
@@ -121,18 +121,19 @@ customize those settings in your config file later.
> ```
-$ python -m spacy init config [output_file] [--lang] [--pipeline] [--optimize] [--cpu]
+$ python -m spacy init config [output_file] [--lang] [--pipeline] [--optimize] [--cpu] [--pretraining]
-| Name | Description |
-| ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `output_file` | Path to output `.cfg` file or `-` to write the config to stdout (so you can pipe it forward to a file). Note that if you're writing to stdout, no additional logging info is printed. ~~Path (positional)~~ |
-| `--lang`, `-l` | Optional code of the [language](/usage/models#languages) to use. Defaults to `"en"`. ~~str (option)~~ |
-| `--pipeline`, `-p` | Comma-separated list of trainable [pipeline components](/usage/processing-pipelines#built-in) to include. Defaults to `"tagger,parser,ner"`. ~~str (option)~~ |
-| `--optimize`, `-o` | `"efficiency"` or `"accuracy"`. Whether to optimize for efficiency (faster inference, smaller model, lower memory consumption) or higher accuracy (potentially larger and slower model). This will impact the choice of architecture, pretrained weights and related hyperparameters. Defaults to `"efficiency"`. ~~str (option)~~ |
-| `--cpu`, `-C` | Whether the model needs to run on CPU. This will impact the choice of architecture, pretrained weights and related hyperparameters. ~~bool (flag)~~ |
-| `--help`, `-h` | Show help message and available arguments. ~~bool (flag)~~ |
-| **CREATES** | The config file for training. |
+| Name | Description |
+| ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `output_file` | Path to output `.cfg` file or `-` to write the config to stdout (so you can pipe it forward to a file). Note that if you're writing to stdout, no additional logging info is printed. ~~Path (positional)~~ |
+| `--lang`, `-l` | Optional code of the [language](/usage/models#languages) to use. Defaults to `"en"`. ~~str (option)~~ |
+| `--pipeline`, `-p` | Comma-separated list of trainable [pipeline components](/usage/processing-pipelines#built-in) to include. Defaults to `"tagger,parser,ner"`. ~~str (option)~~ |
+| `--optimize`, `-o` | `"efficiency"` or `"accuracy"`. Whether to optimize for efficiency (faster inference, smaller model, lower memory consumption) or higher accuracy (potentially larger and slower model). This will impact the choice of architecture, pretrained weights and related hyperparameters. Defaults to `"efficiency"`. ~~str (option)~~ |
+| `--cpu`, `-C` | Whether the model needs to run on CPU. This will impact the choice of architecture, pretrained weights and related hyperparameters. ~~bool (flag)~~ |
+| `--pretraining`, `-pt` | Include config for pretraining (with [`spacy pretrain`](/api/cli#pretrain)). Defaults to `False`. ~~bool (flag)~~ |
+| `--help`, `-h` | Show help message and available arguments. ~~bool (flag)~~ |
+| **CREATES** | The config file for training. |
### init fill-config {#init-fill-config new="3"}
@@ -160,13 +161,14 @@ validation error with more details.
$ python -m spacy init fill-config [base_path] [output_file] [--diff]
-| Name | Description |
-| -------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `base_path` | Path to base config to fill, e.g. generated by the [quickstart widget](/usage/training#quickstart). ~~Path (positional)~~ |
-| `output_file` | Path to output `.cfg` file. If not set, the config is written to stdout so you can pipe it forward to a file. ~~Path (positional)~~ |
-| `--diff`, `-D` | Print a visual diff highlighting the changes. ~~bool (flag)~~ |
-| `--help`, `-h` | Show help message and available arguments. ~~bool (flag)~~ |
-| **CREATES** | Complete and auto-filled config file for training. |
+| Name | Description |
+| --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `base_path` | Path to base config to fill, e.g. generated by the [quickstart widget](/usage/training#quickstart). ~~Path (positional)~~ |
+| `output_file` | Path to output `.cfg` file. If not set, the config is written to stdout so you can pipe it forward to a file. ~~Path (positional)~~ |
+| `--pretraining`, `-pt` | Include config for pretraining (with [`spacy pretrain`](/api/cli#pretrain)). Defaults to `False`. ~~bool (flag)~~ |
+| `--diff`, `-D` | Print a visual diff highlighting the changes. ~~bool (flag)~~ |
+| `--help`, `-h` | Show help message and available arguments. ~~bool (flag)~~ |
+| **CREATES** | Complete and auto-filled config file for training. |
### init vocab {#init-vocab new="3" tag="command"}
diff --git a/website/docs/api/doc.md b/website/docs/api/doc.md
index 88dc62c2a..380f6a172 100644
--- a/website/docs/api/doc.md
+++ b/website/docs/api/doc.md
@@ -267,6 +267,17 @@ ancestor is found, e.g. if span excludes a necessary ancestor.
| ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **RETURNS** | The lowest common ancestor matrix of the `Doc`. ~~numpy.ndarray[ndim=2, dtype=int32]~~ |
+## Doc.has_annotation {#has_annotation tag="method"}
+Check whether the doc contains annotation on a token attribute.
+| Name | Description |
+| ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `attr` | The attribute string name or int ID. ~~Union[int, str]~~ |
+| _keyword-only_ | |
+| `require_complete` | Whether to check that the attribute is set on every token in the doc. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
+| **RETURNS** | Whether specified annotation is present in the doc. ~~bool~~ |
## Doc.to_array {#to_array tag="method"}
Export given token attributes to a numpy `ndarray`. If `attr_ids` is a sequence
@@ -609,26 +620,22 @@ The L2 norm of the document's vector representation.
## Attributes {#attributes}
-| Name | Description |
-| --------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `text` | A string representation of the document text. ~~str~~ |
-| `text_with_ws` | An alias of `Doc.text`, provided for duck-type compatibility with `Span` and `Token`. ~~str~~ |
-| `mem` | The document's local memory heap, for all C data it owns. ~~cymem.Pool~~ |
-| `vocab` | The store of lexical types. ~~Vocab~~ |
-| `tensor` 2 | Container for dense vector representations. ~~numpy.ndarray~~ |
-| `cats` 2 | Maps a label to a score for categories applied to the document. The label is a string and the score should be a float. ~~Dict[str, float]~~ |
-| `user_data` | A generic storage area, for user custom data. ~~Dict[str, Any]~~ |
-| `lang` 2.1 | Language of the document's vocabulary. ~~int~~ |
-| `lang_` 2.1 | Language of the document's vocabulary. ~~str~~ |
-| `is_tagged` | A flag indicating that the document has been part-of-speech tagged. Returns `True` if the `Doc` is empty. ~~bool~~ |
-| `is_parsed` | A flag indicating that the document has been syntactically parsed. Returns `True` if the `Doc` is empty. ~~bool~~ |
-| `is_sentenced` | A flag indicating that sentence boundaries have been applied to the document. Returns `True` if the `Doc` is empty. ~~bool~~ |
-| `is_nered` 2.1 | A flag indicating that named entities have been set. Will return `True` if the `Doc` is empty, or if _any_ of the tokens has an entity tag set, even if the others are unknown. ~~bool~~ |
-| `sentiment` | The document's positivity/negativity score, if available. ~~float~~ |
-| `user_hooks` | A dictionary that allows customization of the `Doc`'s properties. ~~Dict[str, Callable]~~ |
-| `user_token_hooks` | A dictionary that allows customization of properties of `Token` children. ~~Dict[str, Callable]~~ |
-| `user_span_hooks` | A dictionary that allows customization of properties of `Span` children. ~~Dict[str, Callable]~~ |
-| `_` | User space for adding custom [attribute extensions](/usage/processing-pipelines#custom-components-attributes). ~~Underscore~~ |
+| Name | Description |
+| ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `text` | A string representation of the document text. ~~str~~ |
+| `text_with_ws` | An alias of `Doc.text`, provided for duck-type compatibility with `Span` and `Token`. ~~str~~ |
+| `mem` | The document's local memory heap, for all C data it owns. ~~cymem.Pool~~ |
+| `vocab` | The store of lexical types. ~~Vocab~~ |
+| `tensor` 2 | Container for dense vector representations. ~~numpy.ndarray~~ |
+| `cats` 2 | Maps a label to a score for categories applied to the document. The label is a string and the score should be a float. ~~Dict[str, float]~~ |
+| `user_data` | A generic storage area, for user custom data. ~~Dict[str, Any]~~ |
+| `lang` 2.1 | Language of the document's vocabulary. ~~int~~ |
+| `lang_` 2.1 | Language of the document's vocabulary. ~~str~~ |
+| `sentiment` | The document's positivity/negativity score, if available. ~~float~~ |
+| `user_hooks` | A dictionary that allows customization of the `Doc`'s properties. ~~Dict[str, Callable]~~ |
+| `user_token_hooks` | A dictionary that allows customization of properties of `Token` children. ~~Dict[str, Callable]~~ |
+| `user_span_hooks` | A dictionary that allows customization of properties of `Span` children. ~~Dict[str, Callable]~~ |
+| `_` | User space for adding custom [attribute extensions](/usage/processing-pipelines#custom-components-attributes). ~~Underscore~~ |
## Serialization fields {#serialization-fields}
diff --git a/website/docs/api/language.md b/website/docs/api/language.md
index c24023177..ffdae9ec6 100644
--- a/website/docs/api/language.md
+++ b/website/docs/api/language.md
@@ -17,7 +17,10 @@ return it.
## Language.\_\_init\_\_ {#init tag="method"}
-Initialize a `Language` object.
+Initialize a `Language` object. Note that the `meta` is only used for meta
+information in [`Language.meta`](/api/language#meta) and not to configure the
+`nlp` object or to override the config. To initialize from a config, use
+[`Language.from_config`](/api/language#from_config) instead.
> #### Example
@@ -37,7 +40,7 @@ Initialize a `Language` object.
| `vocab` | A `Vocab` object. If `True`, a vocab is created using the default language data settings. ~~Vocab~~ |
| _keyword-only_ | |
| `max_length` | Maximum number of characters allowed in a single text. Defaults to `10 ** 6`. ~~int~~ |
-| `meta` | Custom meta data for the `Language` class. Is written to by pipelines to add meta data. ~~dict~~ |
+| `meta` | [Meta data](/api/data-formats#meta) overrides. ~~Dict[str, Any]~~ |
| `create_tokenizer` | Optional function that receives the `nlp` object and returns a tokenizer. ~~Callable[[Language], Callable[[str], Doc]]~~ |
## Language.from_config {#from_config tag="classmethod" new="3"}
@@ -58,14 +61,17 @@ model under the hood based on its [`config.cfg`](/api/data-formats#config).
> nlp = Language.from_config(config)
> ```
-| Name | Description |
-| -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `config` | The loaded config. ~~Union[Dict[str, Any], Config]~~ |
-| _keyword-only_ | |
-| `disable` | List of pipeline component names to disable. ~~Iterable[str]~~ |
-| `auto_fill` | Whether to automatically fill in missing values in the config, based on defaults and function argument annotations. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
-| `validate` | Whether to validate the component config and arguments against the types expected by the factory. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
-| **RETURNS** | The initialized object. ~~Language~~ |
+| Name | Description |
+| -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| `config` | The loaded config. ~~Union[Dict[str, Any], Config]~~ |
+| _keyword-only_ | |
+| `vocab` | A `Vocab` object. If `True`, a vocab is created using the default language data settings. ~~Vocab~~ |
+| `disable` | Names of pipeline components to [disable](/usage/processing-pipelines#disabling). Disabled pipes will be loaded but they won't be run unless you explicitly enable them by calling [`nlp.enable_pipe`](/api/language#enable_pipe). ~~List[str]~~ |
+| `exclude` | Names of pipeline components to [exclude](/usage/processing-pipelines#disabling). Excluded components won't be loaded. ~~List[str]~~ |
+| `meta` | [Meta data](/api/data-formats#meta) overrides. ~~Dict[str, Any]~~ |
+| `auto_fill` | Whether to automatically fill in missing values in the config, based on defaults and function argument annotations. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
+| `validate` | Whether to validate the component config and arguments against the types expected by the factory. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
+| **RETURNS** | The initialized object. ~~Language~~ |
## Language.component {#component tag="classmethod" new="3"}
@@ -797,10 +803,19 @@ token.ent_iob, token.ent_type
## Language.meta {#meta tag="property"}
-Custom meta data for the Language class. If a trained pipeline is loaded, this
+Meta data for the `Language` class, including name, version, data sources,
+license, author information and more. If a trained pipeline is loaded, this
contains meta data of the pipeline. The `Language.meta` is also what's
-serialized as the [`meta.json`](/api/data-formats#meta) when you save an `nlp`
-object to disk.
+serialized as the `meta.json` when you save an `nlp` object to disk. See the
+[meta data format](/api/data-formats#meta) for more details.
+As of v3.0, the meta only contains **meta information** about the pipeline and
+isn't used to construct the language class and pipeline components. This
+information is expressed in the [`config.cfg`](/api/data-formats#config).
> #### Example
diff --git a/website/docs/api/top-level.md b/website/docs/api/top-level.md
index deae39f3d..f52c63f18 100644
--- a/website/docs/api/top-level.md
+++ b/website/docs/api/top-level.md
@@ -78,10 +78,14 @@ Create a blank pipeline of a given language class. This function is the twin of
> nlp_de = spacy.blank("de") # equivalent to German()
> ```
-| Name | Description |
-| ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `name` | [ISO code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes) of the language class to load. ~~str~~ |
-| **RETURNS** | An empty `Language` object of the appropriate subclass. ~~Language~~ |
+| Name | Description |
+| ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| `name` | [ISO code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes) of the language class to load. ~~str~~ |
+| _keyword-only_ | |
+| `vocab` 3 | Optional shared vocab to pass in on initialization. If `True` (default), a new `Vocab` object will be created. ~~Union[Vocab, bool]~~. |
+| `config` 3 | Optional config overrides, either as nested dict or dict keyed by section value in dot notation, e.g. `"components.name.value"`. ~~Union[Dict[str, Any], Config]~~ |
+| `meta` 3 | Optional meta overrides for [`nlp.meta`](/api/language#meta). ~~Dict[str, Any]~~ |
+| **RETURNS** | An empty `Language` object of the appropriate subclass. ~~Language~~ |
### spacy.info {#spacy.info tag="function"}
@@ -744,14 +748,14 @@ and create a `Language` object. The model data will then be loaded in via
> nlp = util.load_model("/path/to/data")
> ```
-| Name | Description |
-| ------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `name` | Package name or path. ~~str~~ |
-| `vocab` 3 | Optional shared vocab to pass in on initialization. If `True` (default), a new `Vocab` object will be created. ~~Union[Vocab, bool]~~. |
-| `disable` | Names of pipeline components to [disable](/usage/processing-pipelines#disabling). Disabled pipes will be loaded but they won't be run unless you explicitly enable them by calling [nlp.enable_pipe](/api/language#enable_pipe). ~~List[str]~~ |
-| `exclude` 3 | Names of pipeline components to [exclude](/usage/processing-pipelines#disabling). Excluded components won't be loaded. ~~List[str]~~ |
-| `config` 3 | Config overrides as nested dict or flat dict keyed by section values in dot notation, e.g. `"nlp.pipeline"`. ~~Union[Dict[str, Any], Config]~~ |
-| **RETURNS** | `Language` class with the loaded pipeline. ~~Language~~ |
+| Name | Description |
+| ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| `name` | Package name or path. ~~str~~ |
+| `vocab` 3 | Optional shared vocab to pass in on initialization. If `True` (default), a new `Vocab` object will be created. ~~Union[Vocab, bool]~~. |
+| `disable` | Names of pipeline components to [disable](/usage/processing-pipelines#disabling). Disabled pipes will be loaded but they won't be run unless you explicitly enable them by calling [`nlp.enable_pipe`](/api/language#enable_pipe). ~~List[str]~~ |
+| `exclude` 3 | Names of pipeline components to [exclude](/usage/processing-pipelines#disabling). Excluded components won't be loaded. ~~List[str]~~ |
+| `config` 3 | Config overrides as nested dict or flat dict keyed by section values in dot notation, e.g. `"nlp.pipeline"`. ~~Union[Dict[str, Any], Config]~~ |
+| **RETURNS** | `Language` class with the loaded pipeline. ~~Language~~ |
### util.load_model_from_init_py {#util.load_model_from_init_py tag="function" new="2"}
diff --git a/website/docs/usage/index.md b/website/docs/usage/index.md
index 170e16591..ad2614175 100644
--- a/website/docs/usage/index.md
+++ b/website/docs/usage/index.md
@@ -170,27 +170,52 @@ Compared to regular install via pip, the
developer dependencies such as Cython. See the [quickstart widget](#quickstart)
to get the right commands for your platform and Python version.
-#### Ubuntu {#source-ubuntu}
-Install system-level dependencies via `apt-get`:
+- **Ubuntu:** Install system-level dependencies via `apt-get`:
+ `sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev git`
+- **macOS / OS X:** Install a recent version of
+ [XCode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/), including the so-called "Command
+ Line Tools". macOS and OS X ship with Python and git preinstalled.
+- **Windows:** Install a version of the
+ [Visual C++ Build Tools](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/)
+ or
+ [Visual Studio Express](https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/visual-studio-express/)
+ that matches the version that was used to compile your Python interpreter.
+### Building an executable {#executable}
+The spaCy repository includes a [`Makefile`](%%GITHUB_SPACY/Makefile) that
+builds an executable zip file using [`pex`](https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex)
+(**P**ython **Ex**ecutable). The executable includes spaCy and all its package
+dependencies and only requires the system Python at runtime. Building an
+executable `.pex` file is often the most convenient way to deploy spaCy, as it
+lets you separate the build from the deployment process.
+> #### Usage
+> To use a `.pex` file, just replace `python` with the path to the file when you
+> execute your code or CLI commands. This is equivalent to running Python in a
+> virtual environment with spaCy installed.
+> ```bash
+> $ ./spacy.pex my_script.py
+> $ ./spacy.pex -m spacy info
+> ```
-$ sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev git
+$ git clone https://github.com/explosion/spaCy
+$ cd spaCy
+$ make
-#### macOS / OS X {#source-osx}
+You can configure the build process with the following environment variables:
-Install a recent version of [XCode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/),
-including the so-called "Command Line Tools". macOS and OS X ship with Python
-and git preinstalled.
-#### Windows {#source-windows}
-Install a version of the
-[Visual C++ Build Tools](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/)
-[Visual Studio Express](https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/visual-studio-express/)
-that matches the version that was used to compile your Python interpreter.
+| Variable | Description |
+| -------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `SPACY_EXTRAS` | Additional Python packages to install alongside spaCy with optional version specifications. Should be a string that can be passed to `pip install`. See [`Makefile`](%%GITHUB_SPACY/Makefile) for defaults. |
+| `PYVER` | The Python version to build against. This version needs to be available on your build and runtime machines. Defaults to `3.6`. |
+| `WHEELHOUSE` | Directory to store the wheel files during compilation. Defaults to `./wheelhouse`. |
### Run tests {#run-tests}
diff --git a/website/docs/usage/v3.md b/website/docs/usage/v3.md
index 4d30477e1..24babc9bd 100644
--- a/website/docs/usage/v3.md
+++ b/website/docs/usage/v3.md
@@ -346,6 +346,8 @@ A pattern added to the dependency matcher consists of a **list of
dictionaries**, with each dictionary describing a **token to match** and its
**relation to an existing token** in the pattern.
- **Usage:**
@@ -408,6 +410,7 @@ The following methods, attributes and commands are new in spaCy v3.0.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [`Token.lex`](/api/token#attributes) | Access a token's [`Lexeme`](/api/lexeme). |
| [`Token.morph`](/api/token#attributes), [`Token.morph_`](/api/token#attributes) | Access a token's morphological analysis. |
+| [`Doc.has_annotation`](/api/doc#has_annotation) | Check whether a doc has annotation on a token attribute. |
| [`Language.select_pipes`](/api/language#select_pipes) | Context manager for enabling or disabling specific pipeline components for a block. |
| [`Language.disable_pipe`](/api/language#disable_pipe), [`Language.enable_pipe`](/api/language#enable_pipe) | Disable or enable a loaded pipeline component (but don't remove it). |
| [`Language.analyze_pipes`](/api/language#analyze_pipes) | [Analyze](/usage/processing-pipelines#analysis) components and their interdependencies. |
@@ -538,6 +541,9 @@ Note that spaCy v3.0 now requires **Python 3.6+**.
doesn't provide lemmas by default or switch automatically between lookup and
rule-based lemmas. You can now add it to your pipeline explicitly and set its
mode on initialization.
+- Various keyword arguments across functions and methods are now explicitly
+ declared as _keyword-only_ arguments. Those arguments are documented
+ accordingly across the API reference.
### Removed or renamed API {#incompat-removed}
@@ -704,6 +710,48 @@ nlp = spacy.blank("en")
+ nlp.add_pipe("ner", source=source_nlp)
+#### Configuring pipeline components with settings {#migrating-configure-pipe}
+Because pipeline components are now added using their string names, you won't
+have to instantiate the [component classes](/api/#architecture-pipeline)
+directly anynore. To configure the component, you can now use the `config`
+argument on [`nlp.add_pipe`](/api/language#add_pipe).
+> #### config.cfg (excerpt)
+> ```ini
+> [components.sentencizer]
+> factory = "sentencizer"
+> punct_chars = ["!", ".", "?"]
+> ```
+punct_chars = ["!", ".", "?"]
+- sentencizer = Sentencizer(punct_chars=punct_chars)
++ sentencizer = nlp.add_pipe("sentencizer", config={"punct_chars": punct_chars})
+The `config` corresponds to the component settings in the
+[`config.cfg`](/usage/training#config-components) and will overwrite the default
+config defined by the components.
+Config values you pass to components **need to be JSON-serializable** and can't
+be arbitrary Python objects. Otherwise, the settings you provide can't be
+represented in the `config.cfg` and spaCy has no way of knowing how to re-create
+your component with the same settings when you load the pipeline back in. If you
+need to pass arbitrary objects to a component, use a
+[registered function](/usage/processing-pipelines#example-stateful-components):
+- config = {"model": MyTaggerModel()}
++ config= {"model": {"@architectures": "MyTaggerModel"}}
+tagger = nlp.add_pipe("tagger", config=config)
### Adding match patterns {#migrating-matcher}
The [`Matcher.add`](/api/matcher#add),
@@ -758,6 +806,25 @@ nlp = spacy.blank("en")
+ ruler.load_from_tag_map(YOUR_TAG_MAP)
+### Migrating Doc flags {#migrating-doc-flags}
+The `Doc` flags `Doc.is_tagged`, `Doc.is_parsed`, `Doc.is_nered` and
+`Doc.is_sentenced` are deprecated in v3 and replaced by
+[`Doc.has_annotation`](/api/doc#has_annotation) method, which refers to the
+token attribute symbols (the same symbols used in `Matcher` patterns):
+doc = nlp(text)
+- doc.is_parsed
++ doc.has_annotation("DEP")
+- doc.is_tagged
++ doc.has_annotation("TAG")
+- doc.is_sentenced
++ doc.has_annotation("SENT_START")
+- doc.is_nered
++ doc.has_annotation("ENT_IOB")
### Training pipelines and models {#migrating-training}
To train your pipelines, you should now pretty much always use the