Add language example sentences (see #1107)

da, de, en, es, fr, he, it, nb, pl, pt, sv
This commit is contained in:
ines 2017-08-19 12:22:26 +02:00
parent 97aabafb5f
commit 1fe5e1a4d1
11 changed files with 230 additions and 0 deletions

spacy/lang/da/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
Example sentences to test spaCy and its language models.
>>> from spacy.lang.da.examples import sentences
>>> docs = nlp.pipe(sentences)
sentences = [
"Apple overvejer at købe et britisk statup for 1 milliard dollar",
"Selvkørende biler flytter forsikringsansvaret over på producenterne",
"San Francisco overvejer at forbyde leverandørrobotter på fortov",
"London er en stor by i Storbritannien"

spacy/lang/de/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
Example sentences to test spaCy and its language models.
>>> from import sentences
>>> docs = nlp.pipe(sentences)
sentences = [
"Die ganze Stadt ist ein Startup: Shenzhen ist das Silicon Valley für Hardware-Firmen",
"Wie deutsche Startups die Technologie vorantreiben wollen: Künstliche Intelligenz",
"Trend zum Urlaub in Deutschland beschert Gastwirten mehr Umsatz",
"Bundesanwaltschaft erhebt Anklage gegen mutmaßlichen Schweizer Spion",
"San Francisco erwägt Verbot von Lieferrobotern",
"Autonome Fahrzeuge verlagern Haftpflicht auf Hersteller",
"Wo bist du?",
"Was ist die Hauptstadt von Deutschland?"

spacy/lang/en/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
Example sentences to test spaCy and its language models.
>>> from spacy.lang.en.examples import sentences
>>> docs = nlp.pipe(sentences)
sentences = [
"Apple is looking at buying U.K. startup for $1 billion",
"Autonomous cars shift insurance liability toward manufacturers",
"San Francisco considers banning sidewalk delivery robots",
"London is a big city in the United Kingdom.",
"Where are you?",
"Who is the president of France?",
"What is the capital of the United States?",
"When was Barack Obama born?"

spacy/lang/es/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
Example sentences to test spaCy and its language models.
>>> from import sentences
>>> docs = nlp.pipe(sentences)
sentences = [
"Apple está buscando comprar una startup del Reino Unido por mil millones de dólares",
"Los coches autónomos delegan la responsabilidad del seguro en sus fabricantes",
"San Francisco analiza prohibir los robots delivery",
"Londres es una gran ciudad del Reino Unido",
"El gato come pescado",
"Veo al hombre con el telescopio",
"La araña come moscas",
"El pingüino incuba en su nido"

spacy/lang/fr/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
Example sentences to test spaCy and its language models.
>>> from import sentences
>>> docs = nlp.pipe(sentences)
sentences = [
"Apple cherche a acheter une startup anglaise pour 1 milliard de dollard",
"Les voitures autonomes voient leur assurances décalées vers les constructeurs",
"San Francisco envisage d'interdire les robots coursiers",
"Londres est une grande ville du Royaume-Uni",
"LItalie choisit ArcelorMittal pour reprendre la plus grande aciérie dEurope",
"Apple lance HomePod parce qu'il se sent menacé par l'Echo d'Amazon",
"La France ne devrait pas manquer d'électricité cet été, même en cas de canicule",
"Nouvelles attaques de Trump contre le maire de Londres",
"Où es-tu ?",
"Qui est le président de la France ?",
"Où est la capitale des Etats-Unis ?",
"Quand est né Barack Obama ?"

spacy/lang/he/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
Example sentences to test spaCy and its language models.
>>> from spacy.lang.he.examples import sentences
>>> docs = nlp.pipe(sentences)
sentences = [
'סין מקימה קרן של 440 מיליון דולר להשקעה בהייטק בישראל',
'רה"מ הודיע כי יחרים טקס בחסותו',
'הכנסת צפויה לאשר איכון אוטומטי של שיחות למוקד 100',
'תוכנית לאומית תהפוך את ישראל למעצמה דיגיטלית',
'סע לשלום, המפתחות בפנים.',
'מלצר, פעמיים טורקי!',
'ואהבת לרעך כמוך.',
'היום נעשה משהו בלתי נשכח.',
'איפה הילד?',
'מיהו נשיא צרפת?',
'מהי בירת ארצות הברית?',
"איך קוראים בעברית לצ'ופצ'יק של הקומקום?",
'מה הייתה הדקה?',
'מי אומר שלום ראשון, זה שעולה או זה שיורד?'

spacy/lang/it/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
Example sentences to test spaCy and its language models.
>>> from import sentences
>>> docs = nlp.pipe(sentences)
sentences = [
"Apple vuole comprare una startup del Regno Unito per un miliardo di dollari",
"Le automobili a guida autonoma spostano la responsabilità assicurativa verso i produttori",
"San Francisco prevede di bandire i robot di consegna porta a porta",
"Londra è una grande città del Regno Unito."

spacy/lang/nb/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
Example sentences to test spaCy and its language models.
>>> from spacy.lang.nb.examples import sentences
>>> docs = nlp.pipe(sentences)
sentences = [
"Apple vurderer å kjøpe britisk oppstartfirma for en milliard dollar",
"Selvkjørende biler flytter forsikringsansvaret over på produsentene ",
"San Francisco vurderer å forby robotbud på fortauene",
"London er en stor by i Storbritannia."

spacy/lang/pl/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
Example sentences to test spaCy and its language models.
>>> from import sentences
>>> docs = nlp.pipe(sentences)
sentences = [
"Poczuł przyjemną woń mocnej kawy.",
"Istnieje wiele dróg oddziaływania substancji psychoaktywnej na układ nerwowy.",
"Powitał mnie biało-czarny kot, płosząc siedzące na płocie trzy dorodne dudki.",
"Nowy abonament pod lupą Komisji Europejskiej",
"Czy w ciągu ostatnich 48 godzin spożyłeś leki zawierające paracetamol?",
"Kto ma ochotę zapoznać się z innymi niż w książkach przygodami Muminków i ich przyjaciół, temu polecam komiks Tove Jansson „Muminki i morze”."

spacy/lang/pt/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
Example sentences to test spaCy and its language models.
>>> from import sentences
>>> docs = nlp.pipe(sentences)
sentences = [
"Apple está querendo comprar uma startup do Reino Unido por 100 milhões de dólares",
"Carros autônomos empurram a responsabilidade do seguro para os fabricantes."
"São Francisco considera banir os robôs de entrega que andam pelas calçadas",
"Londres é a maior cidade do Reino Unido"

spacy/lang/sv/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
Example sentences to test spaCy and its language models.
>>> from import sentences
>>> docs = nlp.pipe(sentences)
sentences = [
"Apple överväger att köpa brittisk startup för 1 miljard dollar.",
"Självkörande bilar förskjuter försäkringsansvar mot tillverkare.",
"San Fransisco överväger förbud mot leveransrobotar på trottoarer.".
"London är en storstad i Storbritannien."