Use collapsible sections for pos/dep scheme and update

Will ensure better overview as we add more schemes for more languages
This commit is contained in:
ines 2017-11-05 16:09:30 +01:00
parent a9c77e01b4
commit 2d59dd374b
4 changed files with 242 additions and 228 deletions

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@ -1,108 +1,112 @@
+h(3, "dependency-parsing-english") English dependency labels
p p
| The English dependency labels use the #[+a("") ClearNLP] | This section lists the syntactic dependency labels assigned by
| #[+a("") CLEAR Style]. | spaCy's #[+a("/models") models]. The individual labels are
| language-specific and depend on the training corpus.
+table(["Label", "Description"]) +accordion("English", "dependency-parsing-english")
+dep-row("acomp", "adjectival complement") p
+dep-row("advcl", "adverbial clause modifier") | The English dependency labels use the
+dep-row("advmod", "adverbial modifier") | #[+a("") CLEAR Style]
+dep-row("agent", "agent") | by #[+a("") ClearNLP].
+dep-row("amod", "adjectival modifier")
+dep-row("appos", "appositional modifier")
+dep-row("attr", "attribute")
+dep-row("aux", "auxiliary")
+dep-row("auxpass", "auxiliary (passive)")
+dep-row("cc", "coordinating conjunction")
+dep-row("ccomp", "clausal complement")
+dep-row("complm", "complementizer")
+dep-row("conj", "conjunct")
+dep-row("cop", "copula")
+dep-row("csubj", "clausal subject")
+dep-row("csubjpass", "clausal subject (passive)")
+dep-row("dep", "unclassified dependent")
+dep-row("det", "determiner")
+dep-row("dobj", "direct object")
+dep-row("expl", "expletive")
+dep-row("hmod", "modifier in hyphenation")
+dep-row("hyph", "hyphen")
+dep-row("infmod", "infinitival modifier")
+dep-row("intj", "interjection")
+dep-row("iobj", "indirect object")
+dep-row("mark", "marker")
+dep-row("meta", "meta modifier")
+dep-row("neg", "negation modifier")
+dep-row("nmod", "modifier of nominal")
+dep-row("nn", "noun compound modifier")
+dep-row("npadvmod", "noun phrase as adverbial modifier")
+dep-row("nsubj", "nominal subject")
+dep-row("nsubjpass", "nominal subject (passive)")
+dep-row("num", "number modifier")
+dep-row("number", "number compound modifier")
+dep-row("oprd", "object predicate")
+dep-row("obj", "object")
+dep-row("obl", "oblique nominal")
+dep-row("parataxis", "parataxis")
+dep-row("partmod", "participal modifier")
+dep-row("pcomp", "complement of preposition")
+dep-row("pobj", "object of preposition")
+dep-row("poss", "possession modifier")
+dep-row("possessive", "possessive modifier")
+dep-row("preconj", "pre-correlative conjunction")
+dep-row("prep", "prepositional modifier")
+dep-row("prt", "particle")
+dep-row("punct", "punctuation")
+dep-row("quantmod", "modifier of quantifier")
+dep-row("rcmod", "relative clause modifier")
+dep-row("root", "root")
+dep-row("xcomp", "open clausal complement")
+h(3, "dependency-parsing-german") German dependency labels +table(["Label", "Description"])
+dep-row("acomp", "adjectival complement")
+dep-row("advcl", "adverbial clause modifier")
+dep-row("advmod", "adverbial modifier")
+dep-row("agent", "agent")
+dep-row("amod", "adjectival modifier")
+dep-row("appos", "appositional modifier")
+dep-row("attr", "attribute")
+dep-row("aux", "auxiliary")
+dep-row("auxpass", "auxiliary (passive)")
+dep-row("cc", "coordinating conjunction")
+dep-row("ccomp", "clausal complement")
+dep-row("complm", "complementizer")
+dep-row("conj", "conjunct")
+dep-row("cop", "copula")
+dep-row("csubj", "clausal subject")
+dep-row("csubjpass", "clausal subject (passive)")
+dep-row("dep", "unclassified dependent")
+dep-row("det", "determiner")
+dep-row("dobj", "direct object")
+dep-row("expl", "expletive")
+dep-row("hmod", "modifier in hyphenation")
+dep-row("hyph", "hyphen")
+dep-row("infmod", "infinitival modifier")
+dep-row("intj", "interjection")
+dep-row("iobj", "indirect object")
+dep-row("mark", "marker")
+dep-row("meta", "meta modifier")
+dep-row("neg", "negation modifier")
+dep-row("nmod", "modifier of nominal")
+dep-row("nn", "noun compound modifier")
+dep-row("npadvmod", "noun phrase as adverbial modifier")
+dep-row("nsubj", "nominal subject")
+dep-row("nsubjpass", "nominal subject (passive)")
+dep-row("num", "number modifier")
+dep-row("number", "number compound modifier")
+dep-row("oprd", "object predicate")
+dep-row("obj", "object")
+dep-row("obl", "oblique nominal")
+dep-row("parataxis", "parataxis")
+dep-row("partmod", "participal modifier")
+dep-row("pcomp", "complement of preposition")
+dep-row("pobj", "object of preposition")
+dep-row("poss", "possession modifier")
+dep-row("possessive", "possessive modifier")
+dep-row("preconj", "pre-correlative conjunction")
+dep-row("prep", "prepositional modifier")
+dep-row("prt", "particle")
+dep-row("punct", "punctuation")
+dep-row("quantmod", "modifier of quantifier")
+dep-row("rcmod", "relative clause modifier")
+dep-row("root", "root")
+dep-row("xcomp", "open clausal complement")
p +accordion("German", "dependency-parsing-german")
| The German dependency labels use the p
| #[+a("") TIGER Treebank] | The German dependency labels use the
| annotation scheme. | #[+a("") TIGER Treebank]
| annotation scheme.
+table(["Label", "Description"]) +table(["Label", "Description"])
+dep-row("ac", "adpositional case marker") +dep-row("ac", "adpositional case marker")
+dep-row("adc", "adjective component") +dep-row("adc", "adjective component")
+dep-row("ag", "genitive attribute") +dep-row("ag", "genitive attribute")
+dep-row("ams", "measure argument of adjective") +dep-row("ams", "measure argument of adjective")
+dep-row("app", "apposition") +dep-row("app", "apposition")
+dep-row("avc", "adverbial phrase component") +dep-row("avc", "adverbial phrase component")
+dep-row("cc", "comparative complement") +dep-row("cc", "comparative complement")
+dep-row("cd", "coordinating conjunction") +dep-row("cd", "coordinating conjunction")
+dep-row("cj", "conjunct") +dep-row("cj", "conjunct")
+dep-row("cm", "comparative conjunction") +dep-row("cm", "comparative conjunction")
+dep-row("cp", "complementizer") +dep-row("cp", "complementizer")
+dep-row("cvc", "collocational verb construction") +dep-row("cvc", "collocational verb construction")
+dep-row("da", "dative") +dep-row("da", "dative")
+dep-row("dh", "discourse-level head") +dep-row("dh", "discourse-level head")
+dep-row("dm", "discourse marker") +dep-row("dm", "discourse marker")
+dep-row("ep", "expletive es") +dep-row("ep", "expletive es")
+dep-row("hd", "head") +dep-row("hd", "head")
+dep-row("ju", "junctor") +dep-row("ju", "junctor")
+dep-row("mnr", "postnominal modifier") +dep-row("mnr", "postnominal modifier")
+dep-row("mo", "modifier") +dep-row("mo", "modifier")
+dep-row("ng", "negation") +dep-row("ng", "negation")
+dep-row("nk", "noun kernel element") +dep-row("nk", "noun kernel element")
+dep-row("nmc", "numerical component") +dep-row("nmc", "numerical component")
+dep-row("oa", "accusative object") +dep-row("oa", "accusative object")
+dep-row("oa", "second accusative object") +dep-row("oa", "second accusative object")
+dep-row("oc", "clausal object") +dep-row("oc", "clausal object")
+dep-row("og", "genitive object") +dep-row("og", "genitive object")
+dep-row("op", "prepositional object") +dep-row("op", "prepositional object")
+dep-row("par", "parenthetical element") +dep-row("par", "parenthetical element")
+dep-row("pd", "predicate") +dep-row("pd", "predicate")
+dep-row("pg", "phrasal genitive") +dep-row("pg", "phrasal genitive")
+dep-row("ph", "placeholder") +dep-row("ph", "placeholder")
+dep-row("pm", "morphological particle") +dep-row("pm", "morphological particle")
+dep-row("pnc", "proper noun component") +dep-row("pnc", "proper noun component")
+dep-row("rc", "relative clause") +dep-row("rc", "relative clause")
+dep-row("re", "repeated element") +dep-row("re", "repeated element")
+dep-row("rs", "reported speech") +dep-row("rs", "reported speech")
+dep-row("sb", "subject") +dep-row("sb", "subject")

View File

@ -1,134 +1,138 @@
+h(3, "pos-tagging-english") English part-of-speech tag scheme
p p
| The English part-of-speech tagger uses the | This section lists the fine-grained and coarse-grained part-of-speech
| #[+a("") OntoNotes 5] version of | tags assigned by spaCy's #[+a("/models") models]. The individual mapping
| the Penn Treebank tag set. We also map the tags to the simpler Google | is specific to the training corpus and can be defined in the respective
| Universal POS tag set. | language data's #[+a("/usage/adding-languages#tag-map") #[code]].
+table(["Tag", "POS", "Morphology", "Description"]) +accordion("English", "pos-tagging-english")
+pos-row("-LRB-", "PUNCT", "PunctType=brck PunctSide=ini", "left round bracket") p
+pos-row("-PRB-", "PUNCT", "PunctType=brck PunctSide=fin", "right round bracket") | The English part-of-speech tagger uses the
+pos-row(",", "PUNCT", "PunctType=comm", "punctuation mark, comma") | #[+a("") OntoNotes 5] version of
+pos-row(":", "PUNCT", "", "punctuation mark, colon or ellipsis") | the Penn Treebank tag set. We also map the tags to the simpler Google
+pos-row(".", "PUNCT", "PunctType=peri", "punctuation mark, sentence closer") | Universal POS tag set.
+pos-row("''", "PUNCT", "PunctType=quot PunctSide=fin", "closing quotation mark")
+pos-row("\"\"", "PUNCT", "PunctType=quot PunctSide=fin", "closing quotation mark")
+pos-row("#", "SYM", "SymType=numbersign", "symbol, number sign")
+pos-row("``", "PUNCT", "PunctType=quot PunctSide=ini", "opening quotation mark")
+pos-row("$", "SYM", "SymType=currency", "symbol, currency")
+pos-row("ADD", "X", "", "email")
+pos-row("AFX", "ADJ", "Hyph=yes", "affix")
+pos-row("BES", "VERB", "", 'auxiliary "be"')
+pos-row("CC", "CONJ", "ConjType=coor", "conjunction, coordinating")
+pos-row("CD", "NUM", "NumType=card", "cardinal number")
+pos-row("DT", "DET", "determiner")
+pos-row("EX", "ADV", "AdvType=ex", "existential there")
+pos-row("FW", "X", "Foreign=yes", "foreign word")
+pos-row("GW", "X", "", "additional word in multi-word expression")
+pos-row("HVS", "VERB", "", 'forms of "have"')
+pos-row("HYPH", "PUNCT", "PunctType=dash", "punctuation mark, hyphen")
+pos-row("IN", "ADP", "", "conjunction, subordinating or preposition")
+pos-row("JJ", "ADJ", "Degree=pos", "adjective")
+pos-row("JJR", "ADJ", "Degree=comp", "adjective, comparative")
+pos-row("JJS", "ADJ", "Degree=sup", "adjective, superlative")
+pos-row("LS", "PUNCT", "NumType=ord", "list item marker")
+pos-row("MD", "VERB", "VerbType=mod", "verb, modal auxiliary")
+pos-row("NFP", "PUNCT", "", "superfluous punctuation")
+pos-row("NIL", "", "", "missing tag")
+pos-row("NN", "NOUN", "Number=sing", "noun, singular or mass")
+pos-row("NNP", "PROPN", "NounType=prop Number=sign", "noun, proper singular")
+pos-row("NNPS", "PROPN", "NounType=prop Number=plur", "noun, proper plural")
+pos-row("NNS", "NOUN", "Number=plur", "noun, plural")
+pos-row("PDT", "ADJ", "AdjType=pdt PronType=prn", "predeterminer")
+pos-row("POS", "PART", "Poss=yes", "possessive ending")
+pos-row("PRP", "PRON", "PronType=prs", "pronoun, personal")
+pos-row("PRP$", "ADJ", "PronType=prs Poss=yes", "pronoun, possessive")
+pos-row("RB", "ADV", "Degree=pos", "adverb")
+pos-row("RBR", "ADV", "Degree=comp", "adverb, comparative")
+pos-row("RBS", "ADV", "Degree=sup", "adverb, superlative")
+pos-row("RP", "PART", "", "adverb, particle")
+pos-row("SP", "SPACE", "", "space")
+pos-row("SYM", "SYM", "", "symbol")
+pos-row("TO", "PART", "PartType=inf VerbForm=inf", "infinitival to")
+pos-row("UH", "INTJ", "", "interjection")
+pos-row("VB", "VERB", "VerbForm=inf", "verb, base form")
+pos-row("VBD", "VERB", "VerbForm=fin Tense=past", "verb, past tense")
+pos-row("VBG", "VERB", "VerbForm=part Tense=pres Aspect=prog", "verb, gerund or present participle")
+pos-row("VBN", "VERB", "VerbForm=part Tense=past Aspect=perf", "verb, past participle")
+pos-row("VBP", "VERB", "VerbForm=fin Tense=pres", "verb, non-3rd person singular present")
+pos-row("VBZ", "VERB", "VerbForm=fin Tense=pres Number=sing Person=3", "verb, 3rd person singular present")
+pos-row("WDT", "ADJ", "PronType=int|rel", "wh-determiner")
+pos-row("WP", "NOUN", "PronType=int|rel", "wh-pronoun, personal")
+pos-row("WP$", "ADJ", "Poss=yes PronType=int|rel", "wh-pronoun, possessive")
+pos-row("WRB", "ADV", "PronType=int|rel", "wh-adverb")
+pos-row("XX", "X", "", "unknown")
+h(3, "pos-tagging-german") German part-of-speech tag scheme +table(["Tag", "POS", "Morphology", "Description"])
+pos-row("-LRB-", "PUNCT", "PunctType=brck PunctSide=ini", "left round bracket")
+pos-row("-PRB-", "PUNCT", "PunctType=brck PunctSide=fin", "right round bracket")
+pos-row(",", "PUNCT", "PunctType=comm", "punctuation mark, comma")
+pos-row(":", "PUNCT", "", "punctuation mark, colon or ellipsis")
+pos-row(".", "PUNCT", "PunctType=peri", "punctuation mark, sentence closer")
+pos-row("''", "PUNCT", "PunctType=quot PunctSide=fin", "closing quotation mark")
+pos-row("\"\"", "PUNCT", "PunctType=quot PunctSide=fin", "closing quotation mark")
+pos-row("#", "SYM", "SymType=numbersign", "symbol, number sign")
+pos-row("``", "PUNCT", "PunctType=quot PunctSide=ini", "opening quotation mark")
+pos-row("$", "SYM", "SymType=currency", "symbol, currency")
+pos-row("ADD", "X", "", "email")
+pos-row("AFX", "ADJ", "Hyph=yes", "affix")
+pos-row("BES", "VERB", "", 'auxiliary "be"')
+pos-row("CC", "CONJ", "ConjType=coor", "conjunction, coordinating")
+pos-row("CD", "NUM", "NumType=card", "cardinal number")
+pos-row("DT", "DET", "determiner")
+pos-row("EX", "ADV", "AdvType=ex", "existential there")
+pos-row("FW", "X", "Foreign=yes", "foreign word")
+pos-row("GW", "X", "", "additional word in multi-word expression")
+pos-row("HVS", "VERB", "", 'forms of "have"')
+pos-row("HYPH", "PUNCT", "PunctType=dash", "punctuation mark, hyphen")
+pos-row("IN", "ADP", "", "conjunction, subordinating or preposition")
+pos-row("JJ", "ADJ", "Degree=pos", "adjective")
+pos-row("JJR", "ADJ", "Degree=comp", "adjective, comparative")
+pos-row("JJS", "ADJ", "Degree=sup", "adjective, superlative")
+pos-row("LS", "PUNCT", "NumType=ord", "list item marker")
+pos-row("MD", "VERB", "VerbType=mod", "verb, modal auxiliary")
+pos-row("NFP", "PUNCT", "", "superfluous punctuation")
+pos-row("NIL", "", "", "missing tag")
+pos-row("NN", "NOUN", "Number=sing", "noun, singular or mass")
+pos-row("NNP", "PROPN", "NounType=prop Number=sign", "noun, proper singular")
+pos-row("NNPS", "PROPN", "NounType=prop Number=plur", "noun, proper plural")
+pos-row("NNS", "NOUN", "Number=plur", "noun, plural")
+pos-row("PDT", "ADJ", "AdjType=pdt PronType=prn", "predeterminer")
+pos-row("POS", "PART", "Poss=yes", "possessive ending")
+pos-row("PRP", "PRON", "PronType=prs", "pronoun, personal")
+pos-row("PRP$", "ADJ", "PronType=prs Poss=yes", "pronoun, possessive")
+pos-row("RB", "ADV", "Degree=pos", "adverb")
+pos-row("RBR", "ADV", "Degree=comp", "adverb, comparative")
+pos-row("RBS", "ADV", "Degree=sup", "adverb, superlative")
+pos-row("RP", "PART", "", "adverb, particle")
+pos-row("SP", "SPACE", "", "space")
+pos-row("SYM", "SYM", "", "symbol")
+pos-row("TO", "PART", "PartType=inf VerbForm=inf", "infinitival to")
+pos-row("UH", "INTJ", "", "interjection")
+pos-row("VB", "VERB", "VerbForm=inf", "verb, base form")
+pos-row("VBD", "VERB", "VerbForm=fin Tense=past", "verb, past tense")
+pos-row("VBG", "VERB", "VerbForm=part Tense=pres Aspect=prog", "verb, gerund or present participle")
+pos-row("VBN", "VERB", "VerbForm=part Tense=past Aspect=perf", "verb, past participle")
+pos-row("VBP", "VERB", "VerbForm=fin Tense=pres", "verb, non-3rd person singular present")
+pos-row("VBZ", "VERB", "VerbForm=fin Tense=pres Number=sing Person=3", "verb, 3rd person singular present")
+pos-row("WDT", "ADJ", "PronType=int|rel", "wh-determiner")
+pos-row("WP", "NOUN", "PronType=int|rel", "wh-pronoun, personal")
+pos-row("WP$", "ADJ", "Poss=yes PronType=int|rel", "wh-pronoun, possessive")
+pos-row("WRB", "ADV", "PronType=int|rel", "wh-adverb")
+pos-row("XX", "X", "", "unknown")
p +accordion("German", "pos-tagging-german")
| The German part-of-speech tagger uses the p
| #[+a("") TIGER Treebank] | The German part-of-speech tagger uses the
| annotation scheme. We also map the tags to the simpler Google | #[+a("") TIGER Treebank]
| Universal POS tag set. | annotation scheme. We also map the tags to the simpler Google
| Universal POS tag set.
+table(["Tag", "POS", "Morphology", "Description"]) +table(["Tag", "POS", "Morphology", "Description"])
+pos-row("$(", "PUNCT", "PunctType=brck", "other sentence-internal punctuation mark") +pos-row("$(", "PUNCT", "PunctType=brck", "other sentence-internal punctuation mark")
+pos-row("$,", "PUNCT", "PunctType=comm", "comma") +pos-row("$,", "PUNCT", "PunctType=comm", "comma")
+pos-row("$.", "PUNCT", "PunctType=peri", "sentence-final punctuation mark") +pos-row("$.", "PUNCT", "PunctType=peri", "sentence-final punctuation mark")
+pos-row("ADJA", "ADJ", "", "adjective, attributive") +pos-row("ADJA", "ADJ", "", "adjective, attributive")
+pos-row("ADJD", "ADJ", "Variant=short", "adjective, adverbial or predicative") +pos-row("ADJD", "ADJ", "Variant=short", "adjective, adverbial or predicative")
+pos-row("ADV", "ADV", "", "adverb") +pos-row("ADV", "ADV", "", "adverb")
+pos-row("APPO", "ADP", "AdpType=post", "postposition") +pos-row("APPO", "ADP", "AdpType=post", "postposition")
+pos-row("APPR", "ADP", "AdpType=prep", "preposition; circumposition left") +pos-row("APPR", "ADP", "AdpType=prep", "preposition; circumposition left")
+pos-row("APPRART", "ADP", "AdpType=prep PronType=art", "preposition with article") +pos-row("APPRART", "ADP", "AdpType=prep PronType=art", "preposition with article")
+pos-row("APZR", "ADP", "AdpType=circ", "circumposition right") +pos-row("APZR", "ADP", "AdpType=circ", "circumposition right")
+pos-row("ART", "DET", "PronType=art", "definite or indefinite article") +pos-row("ART", "DET", "PronType=art", "definite or indefinite article")
+pos-row("CARD", "NUM", "NumType=card", "cardinal number") +pos-row("CARD", "NUM", "NumType=card", "cardinal number")
+pos-row("FM", "X", "Foreign=yes", "foreign language material") +pos-row("FM", "X", "Foreign=yes", "foreign language material")
+pos-row("ITJ", "INTJ", "", "interjection") +pos-row("ITJ", "INTJ", "", "interjection")
+pos-row("KOKOM", "CONJ", "ConjType=comp", "comparative conjunction") +pos-row("KOKOM", "CONJ", "ConjType=comp", "comparative conjunction")
+pos-row("KON", "CONJ", "", "coordinate conjunction") +pos-row("KON", "CONJ", "", "coordinate conjunction")
+pos-row("KOUI", "SCONJ", "", 'subordinate conjunction with "zu" and infinitive') +pos-row("KOUI", "SCONJ", "", 'subordinate conjunction with "zu" and infinitive')
+pos-row("KOUS", "SCONJ", "", "subordinate conjunction with sentence") +pos-row("KOUS", "SCONJ", "", "subordinate conjunction with sentence")
+pos-row("NE", "PROPN", "", "proper noun") +pos-row("NE", "PROPN", "", "proper noun")
+pos-row("NNE", "PROPN", "", "proper noun") +pos-row("NNE", "PROPN", "", "proper noun")
+pos-row("NN", "NOUN", "", "noun, singular or mass") +pos-row("NN", "NOUN", "", "noun, singular or mass")
+pos-row("PAV", "ADV", "PronType=dem", "pronominal adverb") +pos-row("PAV", "ADV", "PronType=dem", "pronominal adverb")
+pos-row("PROAV", "ADV", "PronType=dem", "pronominal adverb") +pos-row("PROAV", "ADV", "PronType=dem", "pronominal adverb")
+pos-row("PDAT", "DET", "PronType=dem", "attributive demonstrative pronoun") +pos-row("PDAT", "DET", "PronType=dem", "attributive demonstrative pronoun")
+pos-row("PDS", "PRON", "PronType=dem", "substituting demonstrative pronoun") +pos-row("PDS", "PRON", "PronType=dem", "substituting demonstrative pronoun")
+pos-row("PIAT", "DET", "PronType=ind|neg|tot", "attributive indefinite pronoun without determiner") +pos-row("PIAT", "DET", "PronType=ind|neg|tot", "attributive indefinite pronoun without determiner")
+pos-row("PIDAT", "DET", "AdjType=pdt PronType=ind|neg|tot", "attributive indefinite pronoun with determiner") +pos-row("PIDAT", "DET", "AdjType=pdt PronType=ind|neg|tot", "attributive indefinite pronoun with determiner")
+pos-row("PIS", "PRON", "PronType=ind|neg|tot", "substituting indefinite pronoun") +pos-row("PIS", "PRON", "PronType=ind|neg|tot", "substituting indefinite pronoun")
+pos-row("PPER", "PRON", "PronType=prs", "non-reflexive personal pronoun") +pos-row("PPER", "PRON", "PronType=prs", "non-reflexive personal pronoun")
+pos-row("PPOSAT", "DET", "Poss=yes PronType=prs", "attributive possessive pronoun") +pos-row("PPOSAT", "DET", "Poss=yes PronType=prs", "attributive possessive pronoun")
+pos-row("PPOSS", "PRON", "PronType=rel", "substituting possessive pronoun") +pos-row("PPOSS", "PRON", "PronType=rel", "substituting possessive pronoun")
+pos-row("PRELAT", "DET", "PronType=rel", "attributive relative pronoun") +pos-row("PRELAT", "DET", "PronType=rel", "attributive relative pronoun")
+pos-row("PRELS", "PRON", "PronType=rel", "substituting relative pronoun") +pos-row("PRELS", "PRON", "PronType=rel", "substituting relative pronoun")
+pos-row("PRF", "PRON", "PronType=prs Reflex=yes", "reflexive personal pronoun") +pos-row("PRF", "PRON", "PronType=prs Reflex=yes", "reflexive personal pronoun")
+pos-row("PTKA", "PART", "", "particle with adjective or adverb") +pos-row("PTKA", "PART", "", "particle with adjective or adverb")
+pos-row("PTKANT", "PART", "PartType=res", "answer particle") +pos-row("PTKANT", "PART", "PartType=res", "answer particle")
+pos-row("PTKNEG", "PART", "Negative=yes", "negative particle") +pos-row("PTKNEG", "PART", "Negative=yes", "negative particle")
+pos-row("PTKVZ", "PART", "PartType=vbp", "separable verbal particle") +pos-row("PTKVZ", "PART", "PartType=vbp", "separable verbal particle")
+pos-row("PTKZU", "PART", "PartType=inf", '"zu" before infinitive') +pos-row("PTKZU", "PART", "PartType=inf", '"zu" before infinitive')
+pos-row("PWAT", "DET", "PronType=int", "attributive interrogative pronoun") +pos-row("PWAT", "DET", "PronType=int", "attributive interrogative pronoun")
+pos-row("PWAV", "ADV", "PronType=int", "adverbial interrogative or relative pronoun") +pos-row("PWAV", "ADV", "PronType=int", "adverbial interrogative or relative pronoun")
+pos-row("PWS", "PRON", "PronType=int", "substituting interrogative pronoun") +pos-row("PWS", "PRON", "PronType=int", "substituting interrogative pronoun")
+pos-row("TRUNC", "X", "Hyph=yes", "word remnant") +pos-row("TRUNC", "X", "Hyph=yes", "word remnant")
+pos-row("VAFIN", "AUX", "Mood=ind VerbForm=fin", "finite verb, auxiliary") +pos-row("VAFIN", "AUX", "Mood=ind VerbForm=fin", "finite verb, auxiliary")
+pos-row("VAIMP", "AUX", "Mood=imp VerbForm=fin", "imperative, auxiliary") +pos-row("VAIMP", "AUX", "Mood=imp VerbForm=fin", "imperative, auxiliary")
+pos-row("VAINF", "AUX", "VerbForm=inf", "infinitive, auxiliary") +pos-row("VAINF", "AUX", "VerbForm=inf", "infinitive, auxiliary")
+pos-row("VAPP", "AUX", "Aspect=perf VerbForm=fin", "perfect participle, auxiliary") +pos-row("VAPP", "AUX", "Aspect=perf VerbForm=fin", "perfect participle, auxiliary")
+pos-row("VMFIN", "VERB", "Mood=ind VerbForm=fin VerbType=mod", "finite verb, modal") +pos-row("VMFIN", "VERB", "Mood=ind VerbForm=fin VerbType=mod", "finite verb, modal")
+pos-row("VMINF", "VERB", "VerbForm=fin VerbType=mod", "infinitive, modal") +pos-row("VMINF", "VERB", "VerbForm=fin VerbType=mod", "infinitive, modal")
+pos-row("VMPP", "VERB", "Aspect=perf VerbForm=part VerbType=mod", "perfect participle, modal") +pos-row("VMPP", "VERB", "Aspect=perf VerbForm=part VerbType=mod", "perfect participle, modal")
+pos-row("VVFIN", "VERB", "Mood=ind VerbForm=fin", "finite verb, full") +pos-row("VVFIN", "VERB", "Mood=ind VerbForm=fin", "finite verb, full")
+pos-row("VVIMP", "VERB", "Mood=imp VerbForm=fin", "imperative, full") +pos-row("VVIMP", "VERB", "Mood=imp VerbForm=fin", "imperative, full")
+pos-row("VVINF", "VERB", "VerbForm=inf", "infinitive, full") +pos-row("VVINF", "VERB", "VerbForm=inf", "infinitive, full")
+pos-row("VVIZU", "VERB", "VerbForm=inf", 'infinitive with "zu", full') +pos-row("VVIZU", "VERB", "VerbForm=inf", 'infinitive with "zu", full')
+pos-row("VVPP", "VERB", "Aspect=perf VerbForm=part", "perfect participle, full") +pos-row("VVPP", "VERB", "Aspect=perf VerbForm=part", "perfect participle, full")
+pos-row("XY", "X", "", "non-word containing non-letter") +pos-row("XY", "X", "", "non-word containing non-letter")
+pos-row("SP", "SPACE", "", "space") +pos-row("SP", "SPACE", "", "space")

View File

@ -181,6 +181,10 @@ p
+annotation-row(["their", "ADJ", "poss", "requests"], style) +annotation-row(["their", "ADJ", "poss", "requests"], style)
+annotation-row(["requests", "NOUN", "dobj", "submit"], style) +annotation-row(["requests", "NOUN", "dobj", "submit"], style)
+h(3, "dep-scheme") Dependency label scheme
include ../../api/_annotation/_dep-labels
+h(3, "displacy") Visualizing dependencies +h(3, "displacy") Visualizing dependencies
p p

View File

@ -68,4 +68,6 @@ p
| list-based exception files, acquired from | list-based exception files, acquired from
| #[+a("") WordNet]. | #[+a("") WordNet].
+h(3, "pos-scheme") Part-of-speech tag scheme
include ../../api/_annotation/_pos-tags include ../../api/_annotation/_pos-tags