diff --git a/spacy/vocab.pyx b/spacy/vocab.pyx
index badd291ed..58036fffa 100644
--- a/spacy/vocab.pyx
+++ b/spacy/vocab.pyx
@@ -354,8 +354,9 @@ cdef class Vocab:
def get_vector(self, orth):
"""Retrieve a vector for a word in the vocabulary. Words can be looked
- up by string or int ID. If no vectors data is loaded, ValueError is
- raised.
+ up by string or int ID. If the current vectors do not contain an entry
+ for the word, a 0-vector with the same number of dimensions as the
+ current vectors is returned.
orth (int / unicode): The hash value of a word, or its unicode string.
RETURNS (numpy.ndarray or cupy.ndarray): A word vector. Size
diff --git a/website/docs/api/vocab.md b/website/docs/api/vocab.md
index c0a269d95..4698c68c3 100644
--- a/website/docs/api/vocab.md
+++ b/website/docs/api/vocab.md
@@ -168,22 +168,19 @@ cosines are calculated in minibatches to reduce memory usage.
## Vocab.get_vector {#get_vector tag="method" new="2"}
Retrieve a vector for a word in the vocabulary. Words can be looked up by string
-or hash value. If no vectors data is loaded, a `ValueError` is raised. If `minn`
-is defined, then the resulting vector uses [FastText](https://fasttext.cc/)'s
-subword features by average over n-grams of `orth` (introduced in spaCy `v2.1`).
+or hash value. If the current vectors do not contain an entry for the word, a
+0-vector with the same number of dimensions
+([`Vocab.vectors_length`](#attributes)) as the current vectors is returned.
> #### Example
> ```python
> nlp.vocab.get_vector("apple")
-> nlp.vocab.get_vector("apple", minn=1, maxn=5)
> ```
| Name | Description |
| ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `orth` | The hash value of a word, or its unicode string. ~~Union[int, str]~~ |
-| `minn` 2.1 | Minimum n-gram length used for FastText's n-gram computation. Defaults to the length of `orth`. ~~int~~ |
-| `maxn` 2.1 | Maximum n-gram length used for FastText's n-gram computation. Defaults to the length of `orth`. ~~int~~ |
| **RETURNS** | A word vector. Size and shape are determined by the `Vocab.vectors` instance. ~~numpy.ndarray[ndim=1, dtype=float32]~~ |
## Vocab.set_vector {#set_vector tag="method" new="2"}