Update adding languages docs

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ines 2017-05-13 12:39:36 +02:00
parent 8c2a0c026d
commit 3665acc0de

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@ -159,12 +159,22 @@ p
+cell #[code LEMMA_RULES], #[code LEMMA_INDEX], #[code LEMMA_EXC] (dicts)
+cell Lemmatization rules, keyed by part of speech.
+aside("Should I ever update the global data?")
| Reuseable language data is collected as atomic pieces in the root of the
| #[+src(gh("spaCy", "lang")) spacy.lang] package. Often, when a new
| language is added, you'll find a pattern or symbol that's missing. Even
| if it isn't common in other languages, it might be best to add it to the
| shared language data, unless it has some conflicting interpretation. For
| instance, we don't expect to see guillemot quotation symbols
| (#[code »] and #[code «]) in English text. But if we do see
| them, we'd probably prefer the tokenizer to split them off.
+infobox("For languages with non-latin characters")
| In order for the tokenizer to split suffixes, prefixes and infixes, spaCy
| needs to know the language's character set. If the language you're adding
| uses non-latin characters, you might need to add the required character
| classes to the global
| #[+src(gh("spacy", "spacy/lang/punctuation.py")) punctuation.py].
| #[+src(gh("spacy", "spacy/lang/char_classes.py")) char_classes.py].
| spaCy uses the #[+a("https://pypi.python.org/pypi/regex/") #[code regex] library]
| to keep this simple and readable. If the language requires very specific
| punctuation rules, you should consider overwriting the default regular
@ -210,7 +220,7 @@ p
| Tokenizer exceptions can be added in the following format:
+code("tokenizer_exceptions.py (excerpt)").
"don't": [
{ORTH: "do", LEMMA: "do"},
@ -280,23 +290,6 @@ p
| novel symbol, #[code.u-nowrap -PRON-], which is used as the lemma for
| all personal pronouns.
+h(3, "shared-data") Shared language data
| Because languages can vary in quite arbitrary ways, spaCy avoids
| organising the language data into an explicit inheritance hierarchy.
| Instead, reuseable functions and data are collected as atomic pieces in
| the root of the #[+src(gh("spaCy", "lang")) spacy.lang] package.
| Often, when a new language is added, you'll find a pattern or symbol
| that's missing. Even if this pattern or symbol isn't common in other
| languages, it might be best to add it to the base expressions, unless it
| has some conflicting interpretation. For instance, we don't expect to
| see guillemot quotation symbols (#[code »] and #[code «]) in
| English text. But if we do see them, we'd probably prefer the tokenizer
| to split it off.
+h(3, "lex-attrs") Lexical attributes