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synced 2025-03-23 03:14:24 +03:00
WIP on refactoring and fixing vectors
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,6 +29,12 @@ from . import util
VECTORS_KEY = 'spacy_pretrained_vectors'
def cosine(vec1, vec2):
norm1 = (vec1**2).sum() ** 0.5
norm2 = (vec2**2).sum() ** 0.5
return vec1.dot(vec2) / (norm1 * norm2)
def _flatten_add_lengths(seqs, pad=0, drop=0.):
ops = Model.ops
@ -198,11 +204,11 @@ class PrecomputableAffine(Model):
def link_vectors_to_models(vocab):
vectors = vocab.vectors
ops = Model.ops
for word in vocab:
if word.orth in vectors.key2row:
word.rank = vectors.key2row[word.orth]
word.rank = 0
#for word in vocab:
# if word.orth in vectors.key2row:
# word.rank = vectors.key2row[word.orth]
# else:
# word.rank = 0
data = ops.asarray(vectors.data)
# Set an entry here, so that vectors are accessed by StaticVectors
# (unideal, I know)
@ -94,6 +94,11 @@ def train(cmd, lang, output_dir, train_data, dev_data, n_iter=30, n_sents=0,
if vectors:
util.load_model(vectors, vocab=nlp.vocab)
if vectors_limit is not None:
remap = nlp.vocab.prune_vectors(vectors_limit)
print('remap', len(remap))
for key, (value, sim) in remap.items():
print(repr(key), repr(value), sim)
for name in pipeline:
nlp.add_pipe(nlp.create_pipe(name), name=name)
optimizer = nlp.begin_training(lambda: corpus.train_tuples, device=use_gpu)
@ -3,13 +3,41 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import numpy
import pytest
from ...vocab import Vocab
from ..._ml import cosine
@pytest.mark.parametrize('text', ["Hello"])
def test_vocab_add_vector(en_vocab, text):
lex = en_vocab[text]
lex.vector = numpy.ndarray((10,), dtype='float32')
lex = en_vocab[text]
assert lex.vector.shape == (10,)
def test_vocab_add_vector():
vocab = Vocab()
data = numpy.ndarray((5,3), dtype='f')
data[0] = 1.
data[1] = 2.
vocab.set_vector(u'cat', data[0])
vocab.set_vector(u'dog', data[1])
cat = vocab[u'cat']
assert list(cat.vector) == [1., 1., 1.]
dog = vocab[u'dog']
assert list(dog.vector) == [2., 2., 2.]
for lex in vocab:
def test_vocab_prune_vectors():
vocab = Vocab()
_ = vocab[u'cat']
_ = vocab[u'dog']
_ = vocab[u'kitten']
data = numpy.ndarray((5,3), dtype='f')
data[0] = 1.
data[1] = 2.
data[2] = 1.1
vocab.set_vector(u'cat', data[0])
vocab.set_vector(u'dog', data[1])
vocab.set_vector(u'kitten', data[2])
for lex in vocab:
remap = vocab.prune_vectors(2)
assert remap == {u'kitten': (u'cat', cosine(data[0], data[2]))}
@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ cdef class Vectors:
cdef public object data
cdef readonly StringStore strings
cdef public object key2row
cdef public object keys
cdef public int i
cdef public int _i_vec
def __init__(self, strings, width=0, data=None):
"""Create a new vector store. To keep the vector table empty, pass
@ -51,13 +50,13 @@ cdef class Vectors:
self.data = numpy.asarray(data, dtype='f')
self.data = numpy.zeros((len(self.strings), width), dtype='f')
self.i = 0
self._i_vec = 0
self.key2row = {}
self.keys = numpy.zeros((self.data.shape[0],), dtype='uint64')
for i, string in enumerate(self.strings):
if i >= self.data.shape[0]:
self.add(self.strings[string], self.data[i])
if data is not None:
for i, string in enumerate(self.strings):
if i >= self.data.shape[0]:
self.add(self.strings[string], vector=self.data[i])
def __reduce__(self):
return (Vectors, (self.strings, self.data))
@ -122,16 +121,15 @@ cdef class Vectors:
if isinstance(key, basestring_):
key = self.strings.add(key)
if key not in self.key2row:
i = self.i
if i >= self.keys.shape[0]:
self.data.resize((self.data.shape[0]*2, self.data.shape[1]))
self.key2row[key] = self.i
self.keys[self.i] = key
self.i += 1
i = self.key2row[key]
if row is None and key in self.key2row:
row = self.key2row[key]
elif row is None:
row = self._i_vec
self._i_vec += 1
if row >= self.data.shape[0]:
self.data.resize((row*2, self.data.shape[1]))
self.key2row[key] = row
if vector is not None:
self.data[i] = vector
return i
@ -141,9 +139,9 @@ cdef class Vectors:
YIELDS (tuple): A key/vector pair.
for i, key in enumerate(self.keys):
for key, row in self.key2row.items():
string = self.strings[key]
yield string, self.data[i]
yield string, self.data[row]
def shape(self):
@ -202,7 +200,7 @@ cdef class Vectors:
save_array = lambda arr, file_: xp.save(file_, arr)
serializers = OrderedDict((
('vectors', lambda p: save_array(self.data, p.open('wb'))),
('keys', lambda p: xp.save(p.open('wb'), self.keys))
('key2row', lambda p: msgpack.dump(self.key2row, p.open('wb')))
return util.to_disk(path, serializers, exclude)
@ -215,10 +213,7 @@ cdef class Vectors:
def load_keys(path):
if path.exists():
self.keys = numpy.load(path2str(path))
for i, key in enumerate(self.keys):
self.keys[i] = key
self.key2row[key] = i
self.key2row = msgpack.load(path.open('rb'))
def load_vectors(path):
xp = Model.ops.xp
@ -226,7 +221,7 @@ cdef class Vectors:
self.data = xp.load(path)
serializers = OrderedDict((
('keys', load_keys),
('key2row', load_keys),
('vectors', load_vectors),
util.from_disk(path, serializers, exclude)
@ -244,7 +239,7 @@ cdef class Vectors:
return msgpack.dumps(self.data)
serializers = OrderedDict((
('keys', lambda: msgpack.dumps(self.keys)),
('key2row', lambda: msgpack.dumps(self.key2row)),
('vectors', serialize_weights)
return util.to_bytes(serializers, exclude)
@ -262,14 +257,8 @@ cdef class Vectors:
self.data = msgpack.loads(b)
def load_keys(keys):
for i, key in enumerate(keys):
self.keys[i] = key
self.key2row[key] = i
deserializers = OrderedDict((
('keys', lambda b: load_keys(msgpack.loads(b))),
('key2row', lambda b: self.key2row.update(msgpack.loads(b))),
('vectors', deserialize_weights)
util.from_bytes(data, deserializers, exclude)
@ -190,10 +190,11 @@ cdef class Vocab:
YIELDS (Lexeme): An entry in the vocabulary.
cdef attr_t orth
cdef attr_t key
cdef size_t addr
for orth, addr in self._by_orth.items():
yield Lexeme(self, orth)
for key, addr in self._by_orth.items():
lex = Lexeme(self, key)
yield lex
def __getitem__(self, id_or_string):
"""Retrieve a lexeme, given an int ID or a unicode string. If a
@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ cdef class Vocab:
>>> assert nlp.vocab[apple] == nlp.vocab[u'apple']
cdef attr_t orth
if type(id_or_string) == unicode:
if isinstance(id_or_string, unicode):
orth = self.strings.add(id_or_string)
orth = id_or_string
@ -242,9 +243,69 @@ cdef class Vocab:
"""Drop the current vector table. Because all vectors must be the same
width, you have to call this to change the size of the vectors.
if new_dim is None:
new_dim = self.vectors.data.shape[1]
self.vectors = Vectors(self.strings, width=new_dim)
if width is None:
width = self.vectors.data.shape[1]
self.vectors = Vectors(self.strings, width=width)
def prune_vectors(self, nr_row, batch_size=8):
"""Reduce the current vector table to `nr_row` unique entries. Words
mapped to the discarded vectors will be remapped to the closest vector
among those remaining.
For example, suppose the original table had vectors for the words:
['sat', 'cat', 'feline', 'reclined']. If we prune the vector table to,
two rows, we would discard the vectors for 'feline' and 'reclined'.
These words would then be remapped to the closest remaining vector
-- so "feline" would have the same vector as "cat", and "reclined"
would have the same vector as "sat".
The similarities are judged by cosine. The original vectors may
be large, so the cosines are calculated in minibatches, to reduce
memory usage.
nr_row (int): The number of rows to keep in the vector table.
batch_size (int): Batch of vectors for calculating the similarities.
Larger batch sizes might be faster, while temporarily requiring
more memory.
RETURNS (dict): A dictionary keyed by removed words mapped to
`(string, score)` tuples, where `string` is the entry the removed
word was mapped to, and `score` the similarity score between the
two words.
xp = get_array_module(self.vectors.data)
# Work in batches, to avoid memory problems.
keep = self.vectors.data[:nr_row]
keep_keys = [key for key, row in self.vectors.key2row.items() if row < nr_row]
toss = self.vectors.data[nr_row:]
# Normalize the vectors, so cosine similarity is just dot product.
# Note we can't modify the ones we're keeping in-place...
keep = keep / (xp.linalg.norm(keep, axis=1, keepdims=True)+1e-8)
keep = xp.ascontiguousarray(keep.T)
neighbours = xp.zeros((toss.shape[0],), dtype='i')
scores = xp.zeros((toss.shape[0],), dtype='f')
for i in range(0, toss.shape[0]//2, batch_size):
batch = toss[i : i+batch_size]
batch /= xp.linalg.norm(batch, axis=1, keepdims=True)+1e-8
sims = xp.dot(batch, keep)
matches = sims.argmax(axis=1)
neighbours[i:i+batch_size] = matches
scores[i:i+batch_size] = sims.max(axis=1)
i2k = {i: key for key, i in self.vectors.key2row.items()}
remap = {}
for lex in list(self):
# If we're losing the vector for this word, map it to the nearest
# vector we're keeping.
if lex.rank >= nr_row:
lex.rank = neighbours[lex.rank-nr_row]
self.vectors.add(lex.orth, row=lex.rank)
remap[lex.orth_] = (i2k[lex.rank], scores[lex.rank])
for key, row in self.vectors.key2row.items():
if row >= nr_row:
self.vectors.key2row[key] = neighbours[row-nr_row]
# Make copy, to encourage the original table to be garbage collected.
self.vectors.data = xp.ascontiguousarray(self.vectors.data[:nr_row])
return remap
def get_vector(self, orth):
"""Retrieve a vector for a word in the vocabulary. Words can be looked
@ -266,9 +327,11 @@ cdef class Vocab:
"""Set a vector for a word in the vocabulary. Words can be referenced
by string or int ID.
if not isinstance(orth, basestring_):
orth = self.strings[orth]
if self.vectors.data.size == 0:
lex = self[orth]
self.vectors.add(orth, vector=vector)
lex.rank = self.vectors.key2row[lex.orth]
def has_vector(self, orth):
"""Check whether a word has a vector. Returns False if no vectors have
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