mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 10:55:52 +03:00
Switch to new gold.align method (#5334)
* Switch from original `_align` to new simpler alignment algorithm from #4526 * Remove alignment normalizations beyond whitespace and lowercasing
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ PACKAGES = find_packages()
@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
# cython: infer_types=True
'''Do Levenshtein alignment, for evaluation of tokenized input.
Random notes:
r i n g
0 1 2 3 4
r 1 0 1 2 3
a 2 1 1 2 3
n 3 2 2 1 2
g 4 3 3 2 1
0,0: (1,1)=min(0+0,1+1,1+1)=0 S
1,0: (2,1)=min(1+1,0+1,2+1)=1 D
2,0: (3,1)=min(2+1,3+1,1+1)=2 D
3,0: (4,1)=min(3+1,4+1,2+1)=3 D
0,1: (1,2)=min(1+1,2+1,0+1)=1 D
1,1: (2,2)=min(0+1,1+1,1+1)=1 S
2,1: (3,2)=min(1+1,1+1,2+1)=2 S or I
3,1: (4,2)=min(2+1,2+1,3+1)=3 S or I
0,2: (1,3)=min(2+1,3+1,1+1)=2 I
1,2: (2,3)=min(1+1,2+1,1+1)=2 S or I
2,2: (3,3)
3,2: (4,3)
At state (i, j) we're asking "How do I transform S[:i+1] to T[:j+1]?"
We know the costs to transition:
S[:i] -> T[:j] (at D[i,j])
S[:i+1] -> T[:j] (at D[i+1,j])
S[:i] -> T[:j+1] (at D[i,j+1])
Further, now we can transform:
S[:i+1] -> S[:i] (DEL) for 1,
T[:j+1] -> T[:j] (INS) for 1.
S[i+1] -> T[j+1] (SUB) for 0 or 1
Therefore we have the costs:
SUB: Cost(S[:i]->T[:j]) + Cost(S[i]->S[j])
i.e. D[i, j] + S[i+1] != T[j+1]
INS: Cost(S[:i+1]->T[:j]) + Cost(T[:j+1]->T[:j])
i.e. D[i+1,j] + 1
DEL: Cost(S[:i]->T[:j+1]) + Cost(S[:i+1]->S[:i])
i.e. D[i,j+1] + 1
Source string S has length m, with index i
Target string T has length n, with index j
Output two alignment vectors: i2j (length m) and j2i (length n)
# function LevenshteinDistance(char s[1..m], char t[1..n]):
# for all i and j, d[i,j] will hold the Levenshtein distance between
# the first i characters of s and the first j characters of t
# note that d has (m+1)*(n+1) values
# set each element in d to zero
ring rang
- r i n g
- 0 0 0 0 0
r 0 0 0 0 0
a 0 0 0 0 0
n 0 0 0 0 0
g 0 0 0 0 0
# source prefixes can be transformed into empty string by
# dropping all characters
# d[i, 0] := i
ring rang
- r i n g
- 0 0 0 0 0
r 1 0 0 0 0
a 2 0 0 0 0
n 3 0 0 0 0
g 4 0 0 0 0
# target prefixes can be reached from empty source prefix
# by inserting every character
# d[0, j] := j
- r i n g
- 0 1 2 3 4
r 1 0 0 0 0
a 2 0 0 0 0
n 3 0 0 0 0
g 4 0 0 0 0
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t
import numpy
cimport numpy as np
from .compat import unicode_
from murmurhash.mrmr cimport hash32
def align(S, T):
cdef int m = len(S)
cdef int n = len(T)
cdef np.ndarray matrix = numpy.zeros((m+1, n+1), dtype='int32')
cdef np.ndarray i2j = numpy.zeros((m,), dtype='i')
cdef np.ndarray j2i = numpy.zeros((n,), dtype='i')
cdef np.ndarray S_arr = _convert_sequence(S)
cdef np.ndarray T_arr = _convert_sequence(T)
<const int*>S_arr.data, m, <const int*>T_arr.data, n)
fill_i2j(i2j, matrix)
fill_j2i(j2i, matrix)
for i in range(i2j.shape[0]):
if i2j[i] >= 0 and len(S[i]) != len(T[i2j[i]]):
i2j[i] = -1
for j in range(j2i.shape[0]):
if j2i[j] >= 0 and len(T[j]) != len(S[j2i[j]]):
j2i[j] = -1
return matrix[-1,-1], i2j, j2i, matrix
def multi_align(np.ndarray i2j, np.ndarray j2i, i_lengths, j_lengths):
'''Let's say we had:
Guess: [aa bb cc dd]
Truth: [aa bbcc dd]
i2j: [0, None, -2, 2]
j2i: [0, -2, 3]
We want:
i2j_multi: {1: 1, 2: 1}
j2i_multi: {}
i2j_miss = _get_regions(i2j, i_lengths)
j2i_miss = _get_regions(j2i, j_lengths)
i2j_multi, j2i_multi = _get_mapping(i2j_miss, j2i_miss, i_lengths, j_lengths)
return i2j_multi, j2i_multi
def _get_regions(alignment, lengths):
regions = {}
start = None
offset = 0
for i in range(len(alignment)):
if alignment[i] < 0:
if start is None:
start = offset
regions.setdefault(start, [])
start = None
offset += lengths[i]
return regions
def _get_mapping(miss1, miss2, lengths1, lengths2):
i2j = {}
j2i = {}
for start, region1 in miss1.items():
if not region1 or start not in miss2:
region2 = miss2[start]
if sum(lengths1[i] for i in region1) == sum(lengths2[i] for i in region2):
j = region2.pop(0)
buff = []
# Consume tokens from region 1, until we meet the length of the
# first token in region2. If we do, align the tokens. If
# we exceed the length, break.
while region1:
if sum(lengths1[i] for i in buff) == lengths2[j]:
for i in buff:
i2j[i] = j
j2i[j] = buff[-1]
j += 1
buff = []
elif sum(lengths1[i] for i in buff) > lengths2[j]:
if buff and sum(lengths1[i] for i in buff) == lengths2[j]:
for i in buff:
i2j[i] = j
j2i[j] = buff[-1]
return i2j, j2i
def _convert_sequence(seq):
if isinstance(seq, numpy.ndarray):
return numpy.ascontiguousarray(seq, dtype='uint32_t')
cdef np.ndarray output = numpy.zeros((len(seq),), dtype='uint32')
cdef bytes item_bytes
for i, item in enumerate(seq):
if item == "``":
item = '"'
elif item == "''":
item = '"'
if isinstance(item, unicode):
item_bytes = item.encode('utf8')
item_bytes = item
output[i] = hash32(<void*><char*>item_bytes, len(item_bytes), 0)
return output
cdef void fill_matrix(int* D,
const int* S, int m, const int* T, int n) nogil:
m1 = m+1
n1 = n+1
for i in range(m1*n1):
D[i] = 0
for i in range(m1):
D[i*n1] = i
for j in range(n1):
D[j] = j
cdef int sub_cost, ins_cost, del_cost
for j in range(n):
for i in range(m):
i_j = i*n1 + j
i1_j1 = (i+1)*n1 + j+1
i1_j = (i+1)*n1 + j
i_j1 = i*n1 + j+1
if S[i] != T[j]:
sub_cost = D[i_j] + 1
sub_cost = D[i_j]
del_cost = D[i_j1] + 1
ins_cost = D[i1_j] + 1
best = min(min(sub_cost, ins_cost), del_cost)
D[i1_j1] = best
cdef void fill_i2j(np.ndarray i2j, np.ndarray D) except *:
j = D.shape[1]-2
cdef int i = D.shape[0]-2
while i >= 0:
while D[i+1, j] < D[i+1, j+1]:
j -= 1
if D[i, j+1] < D[i+1, j+1]:
i2j[i] = -1
i2j[i] = j
j -= 1
i -= 1
cdef void fill_j2i(np.ndarray j2i, np.ndarray D) except *:
i = D.shape[0]-2
cdef int j = D.shape[1]-2
while j >= 0:
while D[i, j+1] < D[i+1, j+1]:
i -= 1
if D[i+1, j] < D[i+1, j+1]:
j2i[j] = -1
j2i[j] = i
i -= 1
j -= 1
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ from .util import minibatch, itershuffle
from libc.stdio cimport FILE, fopen, fclose, fread, fwrite, feof, fseek
punct_re = re.compile(r"\W")
@ -73,57 +72,8 @@ def merge_sents(sents):
return [(m_deps, (m_cats, m_brackets))]
_ALIGNMENT_NORM_MAP = [("``", "'"), ("''", "'"), ('"', "'"), ("`", "'")]
def _normalize_for_alignment(tokens):
tokens = [w.replace(" ", "").lower() for w in tokens]
output = []
for token in tokens:
token = token.replace(" ", "").lower()
for before, after in _ALIGNMENT_NORM_MAP:
token = token.replace(before, after)
return output
def _align_before_v2_2_2(tokens_a, tokens_b):
"""Calculate alignment tables between two tokenizations, using the Levenshtein
algorithm. The alignment is case-insensitive.
tokens_a (List[str]): The candidate tokenization.
tokens_b (List[str]): The reference tokenization.
RETURNS: (tuple): A 5-tuple consisting of the following information:
* cost (int): The number of misaligned tokens.
* a2b (List[int]): Mapping of indices in `tokens_a` to indices in `tokens_b`.
For instance, if `a2b[4] == 6`, that means that `tokens_a[4]` aligns
to `tokens_b[6]`. If there's no one-to-one alignment for a token,
it has the value -1.
* b2a (List[int]): The same as `a2b`, but mapping the other direction.
* a2b_multi (Dict[int, int]): A dictionary mapping indices in `tokens_a`
to indices in `tokens_b`, where multiple tokens of `tokens_a` align to
the same token of `tokens_b`.
* b2a_multi (Dict[int, int]): As with `a2b_multi`, but mapping the other
from . import _align
if tokens_a == tokens_b:
alignment = numpy.arange(len(tokens_a))
return 0, alignment, alignment, {}, {}
tokens_a = [w.replace(" ", "").lower() for w in tokens_a]
tokens_b = [w.replace(" ", "").lower() for w in tokens_b]
cost, i2j, j2i, matrix = _align.align(tokens_a, tokens_b)
i2j_multi, j2i_multi = _align.multi_align(i2j, j2i, [len(w) for w in tokens_a],
[len(w) for w in tokens_b])
for i, j in list(i2j_multi.items()):
if i2j_multi.get(i+1) != j and i2j_multi.get(i-1) != j:
i2j[i] = j
for j, i in list(j2i_multi.items()):
if j2i_multi.get(j+1) != i and j2i_multi.get(j-1) != i:
j2i[j] = i
return cost, i2j, j2i, i2j_multi, j2i_multi
return [w.replace(" ", "").lower() for w in tokens]
def align(tokens_a, tokens_b):
@ -144,8 +94,6 @@ def align(tokens_a, tokens_b):
* b2a_multi (Dict[int, int]): As with `a2b_multi`, but mapping the other
return _align_before_v2_2_2(tokens_a, tokens_b)
tokens_a = _normalize_for_alignment(tokens_a)
tokens_b = _normalize_for_alignment(tokens_b)
cost = 0
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import pytest
from spacy._align import align, multi_align
("hello", "hell", 1),
("rat", "cat", 1),
("rat", "rat", 0),
("rat", "catsie", 4),
("t", "catsie", 5),
def test_align_costs(string1, string2, cost):
output_cost, i2j, j2i, matrix = align(string1, string2)
assert output_cost == cost
("hello", "hell", [0, 1, 2, 3, -1]),
("rat", "cat", [0, 1, 2]),
("rat", "rat", [0, 1, 2]),
("rat", "catsie", [0, 1, 2]),
("t", "catsie", [2]),
def test_align_i2j(string1, string2, i2j):
output_cost, output_i2j, j2i, matrix = align(string1, string2)
assert list(output_i2j) == i2j
("hello", "hell", [0, 1, 2, 3]),
("rat", "cat", [0, 1, 2]),
("rat", "rat", [0, 1, 2]),
("rat", "catsie", [0, 1, 2, -1, -1, -1]),
("t", "catsie", [-1, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1]),
def test_align_i2j_2(string1, string2, j2i):
output_cost, output_i2j, output_j2i, matrix = align(string1, string2)
assert list(output_j2i) == j2i
def test_align_strings():
words1 = ["hello", "this", "is", "test!"]
words2 = ["hellothis", "is", "test", "!"]
cost, i2j, j2i, matrix = align(words1, words2)
assert cost == 4
assert list(i2j) == [-1, -1, 1, -1]
assert list(j2i) == [-1, 2, -1, -1]
def test_align_many_to_one():
words1 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"]
words2 = ["ab", "bc", "e", "fg", "h"]
cost, i2j, j2i, matrix = align(words1, words2)
assert list(i2j) == [-1, -1, -1, -1, 2, -1, -1, 4]
lengths1 = [len(w) for w in words1]
lengths2 = [len(w) for w in words2]
i2j_multi, j2i_multi = multi_align(i2j, j2i, lengths1, lengths2)
assert i2j_multi[0] == 0
assert i2j_multi[1] == 0
assert i2j_multi[2] == 1
assert i2j_multi[3] == 1
assert i2j_multi[3] == 1
assert i2j_multi[5] == 3
assert i2j_multi[6] == 3
assert j2i_multi[0] == 1
assert j2i_multi[1] == 3
@ -177,13 +177,12 @@ def test_roundtrip_docs_to_json():
assert cats["BAKING"] == goldparse.cats["BAKING"]
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="skip while we have backwards-compatible alignment")
(["a", "b", "c"], ["ab", "c"], (3, [-1, -1, 1], [-1, 2], {0: 0, 1: 0}, {})),
["a", "b", "``", "c"],
["a", "b", '"', "c"],
['ab"', "c"],
(4, [-1, -1, -1, 1], [-1, 3], {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0}, {}),
Reference in New Issue
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