Replace unseen labels for parser

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Matthew Honnibal 2020-06-22 16:00:45 +02:00
parent c65f0ed8f6
commit 53931be9a1

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@ -617,9 +617,29 @@ cdef class ArcEager(TransitionSystem):
keeps = [i for i, s in enumerate(states) if not s.is_final()]
states = [states[i] for i in keeps]
golds = [ArcEagerGold(self, states[i], examples[i]) for i in keeps]
for gold in golds:
n_steps = sum([len(s.queue) * 4 for s in states])
return states, golds, n_steps
def _replace_unseen_labels(self, ArcEagerGold gold):
backoff_label = self.strings["dep"]
root_label = self.strings["ROOT"]
left_labels = self.labels[LEFT]
right_labels = self.labels[RIGHT]
break_labels = self.labels[BREAK]
for i in range(gold.c.length):
if not is_head_unknown(&gold.c, i):
head = gold.c.heads[i]
label = self.strings[gold.c.labels[i]]
if head > i and label not in left_labels:
gold.c.labels[i] = backoff_label
elif head < i and label not in right_labels:
gold.c.labels[i] = backoff_label
elif head == i and label not in break_labels:
gold.c.labels[i] = root_label
return gold
cdef Transition lookup_transition(self, object name_or_id) except *:
if isinstance(name_or_id, int):
return self.c[name_or_id]