mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 02:48:04 +03:00
* Switch to new data model, tests passing
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,13 +37,7 @@ provides a fully Penn Treebank 3-compliant tokenizer.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from libc.stdint cimport uint64_t
cimport lang
from spacy.lexeme cimport lexeme_check_flag
from spacy.lexeme cimport lexeme_string_view
from spacy import orth
cdef class English(Language):
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import re
from .util import read_lang_data
from spacy.tokens import Tokens
from spacy.lexeme cimport LexemeC, lexeme_init, lexeme_pack, lexeme_unpack
from spacy.lexeme cimport LexemeC, get_lexeme_dict, lexeme_pack, lexeme_unpack
from murmurhash.mrmr cimport hash64
from cpython.ref cimport Py_INCREF
@ -30,99 +30,11 @@ from spacy import orth
from spacy import util
cdef enum Flags:
cdef enum Views:
# Assign the flag and view functions by enum value.
# This is verbose, but it ensures we don't get nasty order sensitivities.
STRING_VIEW_FUNCS[View_CanonForm] = orth.canon_case
STRING_VIEW_FUNCS[View_WordShape] = orth.word_shape
STRING_VIEW_FUNCS[View_NonSparse] = orth.non_sparse
STRING_VIEW_FUNCS[View_Asciied] = orth.asciied
FLAG_FUNCS = [None] * Flag_N
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_IsAlpha] = orth.is_alpha
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_IsAscii] = orth.is_ascii
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_IsDigit] = orth.is_digit
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_IsLower] = orth.is_lower
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_IsPunct] = orth.is_punct
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_IsSpace] = orth.is_space
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_IsTitle] = orth.is_title
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_IsUpper] = orth.is_upper
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_CanAdj] = orth.can_tag('ADJ')
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_CanAdp] = orth.can_tag('ADP')
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_CanAdv] = orth.can_tag('ADV')
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_CanConj] = orth.can_tag('CONJ')
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_CanDet] = orth.can_tag('DET')
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_CanNoun] = orth.can_tag('NOUN')
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_CanNum] = orth.can_tag('NUM')
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_CanPdt] = orth.can_tag('PDT')
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_CanPos] = orth.can_tag('POS')
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_CanPron] = orth.can_tag('PRON')
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_CanPrt] = orth.can_tag('PRT')
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_CanPunct] = orth.can_tag('PUNCT')
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_CanVerb] = orth.can_tag('VERB')
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_OftLower] = orth.oft_case('lower', 0.7)
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_OftTitle] = orth.oft_case('title', 0.7)
FLAG_FUNCS[Flag_OftUpper] = orth.oft_case('upper', 0.7)
cdef class Language:
"""Base class for language-specific tokenizers.
Most subclasses will override the _split or _split_one methods, which take
a string of non-whitespace characters and output a list of strings. This
function is called by _tokenize, which sits behind a cache and turns the
list of strings into Lexeme objects via the Lexicon. Most languages will not
need to override _tokenize or tokenize.
The language is supplied a list of boolean functions, used to compute flag
features. These are passed to the language's Lexicon object.
The language's name is used to look up default data-files, found in data/<name.
fl_is_alpha = Flag_IsAlpha
fl_is_digit = Flag_IsDigit
v_shape = View_WordShape
def __init__(self, name, user_string_features, user_flag_features):
self.name = name
self._mem = Pool()
@ -131,9 +43,7 @@ cdef class Language:
rules, prefix, suffix, lexemes = util.read_lang_data(name)
self.prefix_re = re.compile(prefix)
self.suffix_re = re.compile(suffix)
self.lexicon = Lexicon(lexemes,
STRING_VIEW_FUNCS + user_string_features,
FLAG_FUNCS + user_flag_features)
self.lexicon = Lexicon(lexemes)
property nr_types:
@ -155,17 +65,17 @@ cdef class Language:
cpdef Tokens tokenize(self, unicode string):
"""Tokenize a string.
The tokenization rules are defined in two places:
The tokenization rules are defined in three places:
* The data/<lang>/tokenization table, which handles special cases like contractions;
* The appropriate :py:meth:`find_split` function, which is used to split
off punctuation etc.
* The data/<lang>/prefix file, used to build a regex to split off prefixes;
* The data/<lang>/suffix file, used to build a regex to split off suffixes.
string (unicode): The string to be tokenized.
tokens (Tokens): A Tokens object, giving access to a sequence of LexIDs.
tokens (Tokens): A Tokens object, giving access to a sequence of Lexemes.
cdef size_t length = len(string)
cdef Tokens tokens = Tokens(length)
@ -339,10 +249,8 @@ cdef class Language:
cdef class Lexicon:
def __cinit__(self, lexemes, string_features, flag_features):
def __cinit__(self, lexemes):
self._mem = Pool()
self._flag_features = flag_features
self._string_features = string_features
self._dict = PreshMap(2 ** 20)
self.size = 0
cdef String string
@ -351,29 +259,22 @@ cdef class Lexicon:
for lexeme_dict in lexemes:
string_from_unicode(&string, lexeme_dict['string'])
lexeme = <LexemeC*>self._mem.alloc(1, sizeof(LexemeC))
lexeme.views = <char**>self._mem.alloc(len(string_features), sizeof(char*))
lexeme_unpack(lexeme, lexeme_dict)
self._dict.set(string.key, lexeme)
self.size += 1
cdef LexemeC* get(self, String* string) except NULL:
cdef LexemeC* lexeme
lexeme = <LexemeC*>self._dict.get(string.key)
if lexeme != NULL:
return lexeme
cdef unicode uni_string = string.chars[:string.n]
views = [string_view(uni_string, 0.0, 0, {}, {})
for string_view in self._string_features]
flags = set()
for i, flag_feature in enumerate(self._flag_features):
if flag_feature(uni_string, 0.0, {}, {}):
lexeme = lexeme_init(self._mem, self.size, uni_string, 0, 0, views, flags)
self._dict.set(string.key, lexeme)
cdef LexemeC* lex
lex = <LexemeC*>self._dict.get(string.key)
if lex != NULL:
return lex
lex = <LexemeC*>self._mem.alloc(1, sizeof(LexemeC))
cdef unicode unicode_string = string.chars[:string.n]
lexeme_unpack(lex, get_lexeme_dict(self.size, unicode_string))
self._dict.set(string.key, lex)
self.size += 1
return lexeme
return lex
cpdef Lexeme lookup(self, unicode uni_string):
"""Retrieve (or create, if not found) a Lexeme for a string, and return it.
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ cdef struct LexemeC:
flag_t orth_flags
flag_t dist_flags
cpdef dict get_lexeme_dict(size_t i, unicode string)
cdef char* intern_and_encode(unicode string, size_t* length) except NULL
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import orth
def get_lexeme_dict(size_t i, unicode string):
cpdef dict get_lexeme_dict(size_t i, unicode string):
ints = [None for _ in range(LexInt_N)]
ints[<int>LexInt_i] = i
ints[<int>LexInt_length] = len(string)
@ -18,13 +18,12 @@ def get_lexeme_dict(size_t i, unicode string):
floats[<int>LexFloat_prob] = 0
floats[<int>LexFloat_sentiment] = 0
cdef size_t length
strings = [None for _ in range(LexStr_N)]
strings[<int>LexStr_key] = intern_and_encode(string, &length)
strings[<int>LexStr_key] = string
strings[<int>LexStr_casefix] = strings[<int>LexStr_key]
strings[<int>LexStr_shape] = intern_and_encode(orth.word_shape(string), &length)
strings[<int>LexStr_shape] = orth.word_shape(string)
strings[<int>LexStr_unsparse] = strings[<int>LexStr_shape]
strings[<int>LexStr_asciied] = intern_and_encode(orth.asciied(string), &length)
strings[<int>LexStr_asciied] = orth.asciied(string)
orth_flags = get_orth_flags(string)
dist_flags = OOV_DIST_FLAGS
@ -33,8 +32,18 @@ def get_lexeme_dict(size_t i, unicode string):
'orth_flags': orth_flags, 'dist_flags': dist_flags}
def get_orth_flags(unicode string):
return 0
cdef flag_t flags = 0
flags |= orth.is_ascii(string) << LexOrth_ascii
flags |= orth.is_alpha(string) << LexOrth_alpha
flags |= orth.is_digit(string) << LexOrth_digit
flags |= orth.is_lower(string) << LexOrth_lower
flags |= orth.is_punct(string) << LexOrth_punct
flags |= orth.is_space(string) << LexOrth_space
flags |= orth.is_title(string) << LexOrth_title
flags |= orth.is_upper(string) << LexOrth_upper
return flags
def get_dist_flags(unicode string):
return 0
@ -87,9 +96,9 @@ cdef int lexeme_unpack(LexemeC* lex, dict p) except -1:
for i, lex_int in enumerate(p['ints']):
lex.ints[i] = lex_int
for i, lex_float in enumerate(p['floats']):
lex.ints[i] = lex_int
lex.floats[i] = lex_float
cdef size_t _
for i, lex_string in enumerate(p['strings']):
lex.strings[i] = intern_and_encode(lex_string, &_)
lex.orth_flags = p['orth_flags']
lex.orth_flags = p['orth_flags']
lex.dist_flags = p['dist_flags']
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import unicodedata
from unidecode import unidecode
import math
@ -9,15 +10,15 @@ TAGS = 'adj adp adv conj det noun num pdt pos pron prt punct verb'.upper().split
# Binary string features
def is_alpha(string, prob, case_stats, tag_stats):
def is_alpha(string):
return string.isalpha()
def is_digit(string, prob, case_stats, tag_stats):
def is_digit(string):
return string.isdigit()
def is_punct(string, prob, case_stats, tag_stats):
def is_punct(string):
for c in string:
if not unicodedata.category(c).startswith('P'):
return False
@ -25,11 +26,11 @@ def is_punct(string, prob, case_stats, tag_stats):
return True
def is_space(string, prob, case_stats, tag_stats):
def is_space(string):
return string.isspace()
def is_ascii(string, prob, case_stats, tag_stats):
def is_ascii(string):
for c in string:
if ord(c) >= 128:
return False
@ -37,15 +38,15 @@ def is_ascii(string, prob, case_stats, tag_stats):
return True
def is_title(string, prob, case_stats, tag_stats):
def is_title(string):
return string.istitle()
def is_lower(string, prob, case_stats, tag_stats):
def is_lower(string):
return string.islower()
def is_upper(string, prob, case_stats, tag_stats):
def is_upper(string):
return string.isupper()
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ def word_shape(string, *args):
def non_sparse(string, prob, cluster, case_stats, tag_stats):
if is_alpha(string, prob, case_stats, tag_stats):
if is_alpha(string):
return canon_case(string, prob, cluster, case_stats, tag_stats)
elif prob >= math.log(0.0001):
return string
@ -112,22 +113,5 @@ def non_sparse(string, prob, cluster, case_stats, tag_stats):
def asciied(string, prob=0, cluster=0, case_stats=None, tag_stats=None):
'''"ASCIIfy" a Unicode string by stripping all umlauts, tildes, etc.'''
# Snippet from
# http://www.physic.ut.ee/~kkannike/english/prog/python/util/asciify/index.html
# TODO: Rewrite and improve this
lookup_table = {
u'“': '"',
u'”': '"'
temp = u''
for char in string:
if char in lookup_table:
temp += lookup_table[char]
decomp = unicodedata.decomposition(char)
if decomp: # Not an empty string
temp += unichr(int(decomp.split()[0], 16))
temp += char
return temp
ascii_string = unidecode(string)
return ascii_string.decode('ascii')
@ -5,21 +5,17 @@ from libcpp.vector cimport vector
cdef class Tokens:
cdef vector[LexemeC*] *v
cpdef size_t id(self, size_t i) except 0
cpdef unicode string(self, size_t i)
cpdef double prob(self, size_t i) except 1
cpdef size_t cluster(self, size_t i) except *
cpdef bint check_flag(self, size_t i, size_t flag_id) except *
cpdef float prob(self, size_t i) except 1
cpdef int cluster(self, size_t i) except *
cpdef bint check_orth_flag(self, size_t i, size_t flag_id) except *
cpdef bint check_dist_flag(self, size_t i, size_t flag_id) except *
cpdef unicode string_view(self, size_t i, size_t view_id)
cpdef size_t canon(self, size_t i) except 0
cpdef size_t shape(self, size_t i) except 0
cpdef size_t non_sparse(self, size_t i) except 0
cpdef size_t asciied(self, size_t i) except 0
cpdef unicode canon_string(self, size_t i)
cpdef unicode shape_string(self, size_t i)
cpdef unicode non_sparse_string(self, size_t i)
cpdef unicode asciied_string(self, size_t i)
cpdef unicode casefix(self, size_t i)
cpdef unicode shape(self, size_t i)
cpdef unicode unsparse(self, size_t i)
cpdef unicode asciied(self, size_t i)
cpdef bint is_alpha(self, size_t i) except *
cpdef bint is_ascii(self, size_t i) except *
cpdef bint is_digit(self, size_t i) except *
@ -1,45 +1,7 @@
# cython: profile=True
from spacy.word cimport Lexeme
from spacy.lexeme cimport lexeme_check_flag
from spacy.lexeme cimport lexeme_string_view
from .word cimport Lexeme
cdef enum Flags:
cdef enum Views:
from .lexeme cimport *
cdef class Tokens:
@ -79,120 +41,108 @@ cdef class Tokens:
cpdef unicode string(self, size_t i):
cdef bytes utf8_string = self.v.at(i).string[:self.v.at(i).length]
cdef bytes utf8_string = self.v.at(i).strings[<int>LexStr_key]
cdef unicode string = utf8_string.decode('utf8')
return string
cpdef size_t id(self, size_t i) except 0:
return <size_t>&self.v.at(i).string
cpdef float prob(self, size_t i) except 1:
return self.v.at(i).floats[<int>LexFloat_prob]
cpdef double prob(self, size_t i) except 1:
return self.v.at(i).prob
cpdef int cluster(self, size_t i) except *:
return self.v.at(i).ints[<int>LexInt_cluster]
cpdef size_t cluster(self, size_t i) except *:
return self.v.at(i).cluster
cpdef bint check_orth_flag(self, size_t i, size_t flag_id) except *:
return lexeme_check_orth_flag(self.v.at(i), flag_id)
cpdef bint check_flag(self, size_t i, size_t flag_id) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), flag_id)
cpdef bint check_dist_flag(self, size_t i, size_t flag_id) except *:
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self.v.at(i), flag_id)
cpdef unicode string_view(self, size_t i, size_t view_id):
return lexeme_string_view(self.v.at(i), view_id)
return lexeme_get_string(self.v.at(i), view_id)
# Provide accessor methods for the features supported by the language.
# Without these, clients have to use the underlying string_view and check_flag
# methods, which requires them to know the IDs.
cpdef unicode canon_string(self, size_t i):
return lexeme_string_view(self.v.at(i), View_CanonForm)
cpdef unicode casefix(self, size_t i):
return lexeme_get_string(self.v.at(i), LexStr_casefix)
cpdef unicode shape_string(self, size_t i):
return lexeme_string_view(self.v.at(i), View_WordShape)
cpdef unicode shape(self, size_t i):
return lexeme_get_string(self.v.at(i), LexStr_shape)
cpdef unicode non_sparse_string(self, size_t i):
return lexeme_string_view(self.v.at(i), View_NonSparse)
cpdef unicode unsparse(self, size_t i):
return lexeme_get_string(self.v.at(i), LexStr_unsparse)
cpdef unicode asciied_string(self, size_t i):
return lexeme_string_view(self.v.at(i), View_Asciied)
cpdef unicode asciied(self, size_t i):
return lexeme_get_string(self.v.at(i), LexStr_asciied)
cpdef size_t canon(self, size_t i) except *:
return id(self.v.at(i).views[<size_t>View_CanonForm])
cpdef size_t shape(self, size_t i) except *:
return id(self.v.at(i).views[<size_t>View_WordShape])
cpdef size_t non_sparse(self, size_t i) except *:
return id(self.v.at(i).views[<size_t>View_NonSparse])
cpdef size_t asciied(self, size_t i) except *:
return id(self.v.at(i).views[<size_t>View_Asciied])
cpdef bint is_alpha(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_IsAlpha)
return lexeme_check_orth_flag(self.v.at(i), LexOrth_alpha)
cpdef bint is_ascii(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_IsAscii)
return lexeme_check_orth_flag(self.v.at(i), LexOrth_ascii)
cpdef bint is_digit(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_IsDigit)
return lexeme_check_orth_flag(self.v.at(i), LexOrth_digit)
cpdef bint is_lower(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_IsLower)
return lexeme_check_orth_flag(self.v.at(i), LexOrth_lower)
cpdef bint is_punct(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_IsPunct)
return lexeme_check_orth_flag(self.v.at(i), LexOrth_punct)
cpdef bint is_space(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_IsSpace)
return lexeme_check_orth_flag(self.v.at(i), LexOrth_space)
cpdef bint is_title(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_IsTitle)
return lexeme_check_orth_flag(self.v.at(i), LexOrth_title)
cpdef bint is_upper(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_IsUpper)
return lexeme_check_orth_flag(self.v.at(i), LexOrth_upper)
cpdef bint can_adj(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_CanAdj)
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self.v.at(i), LexDist_adj)
cpdef bint can_adp(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_CanAdp)
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self.v.at(i), LexDist_adp)
cpdef bint can_adv(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_CanAdv)
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self.v.at(i), LexDist_adv)
cpdef bint can_conj(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_CanConj)
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self.v.at(i), LexDist_conj)
cpdef bint can_det(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_CanDet)
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self.v.at(i), LexDist_det)
cpdef bint can_noun(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_CanNoun)
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self.v.at(i), LexDist_noun)
cpdef bint can_num(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_CanNum)
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self.v.at(i), LexDist_num)
cpdef bint can_pdt(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_CanPdt)
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self.v.at(i), LexDist_pdt)
cpdef bint can_pos(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_CanPos)
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self.v.at(i), LexDist_pos)
cpdef bint can_pron(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_CanPron)
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self.v.at(i), LexDist_pron)
cpdef bint can_prt(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_CanPrt)
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self.v.at(i), LexDist_prt)
cpdef bint can_punct(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_CanPunct)
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self.v.at(i), LexDist_punct)
cpdef bint can_verb(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_CanVerb)
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self.v.at(i), LexDist_verb)
cpdef bint oft_lower(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_OftLower)
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self.v.at(i), LexDist_lower)
cpdef bint oft_title(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_OftTitle)
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self.v.at(i), LexDist_title)
cpdef bint oft_upper(self, size_t i) except *:
return lexeme_check_flag(self.v.at(i), Flag_OftUpper)
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self.v.at(i), LexDist_upper)
@ -7,5 +7,6 @@ DEF MAX_FLAG = 64
cdef class Lexeme:
cdef LexemeC* _c
cpdef bint check_flag(self, size_t flag_id) except *
cpdef bint check_orth_flag(self, size_t flag_id) except *
cpdef bint check_dist_flag(self, size_t flag_id) except *
cpdef unicode string_view(self, size_t view_id)
@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
# cython: profile=True
# cython: embedsignature=True
from spacy.lexeme cimport lexeme_check_flag, lexeme_string_view
from .lexeme cimport lexeme_get_string
from .lexeme cimport lexeme_check_orth_flag, lexeme_check_dist_flag
from .lexeme cimport *
cdef class Lexeme:
@ -51,49 +54,27 @@ cdef class Lexeme:
property string:
def __get__(self):
cdef bytes utf8_string = self._c.string
cdef bytes utf8_string = self._c.strings[<int>LexStr_key]
cdef unicode string = utf8_string.decode('utf8')
return string
property prob:
def __get__(self): return self._c.prob
def __get__(self):
return self._c.floats[<int>LexFloat_prob]
property cluster:
def __get__(self): return self._c.cluster
def __get__(self):
return self._c.ints[<int>LexInt_cluster]
property length:
def __get__(self): return self._c.length
def __get__(self):
return self._c.ints[<int>LexInt_length]
cpdef bint check_flag(self, size_t flag_id) except *:
"""Lexemes may store language-specific boolean features in a bit-field,
with values accessed by providing an ID constant to this function.
cpdef bint check_orth_flag(self, size_t flag_id) except *:
return lexeme_check_orth_flag(self._c, flag_id)
The ID constants are exposed as global variables in the language module,
>>> from spacy.en import EN
>>> lexeme = EN.lookup(u'Nasa')
>>> lexeme.check_flag(EN.IS_UPPER)
>>> lexeme.check_flag(EN.OFT_UPPER)
return lexeme_check_flag(self._c, flag_id)
cpdef bint check_dist_flag(self, size_t flag_id) except *:
return lexeme_check_dist_flag(self._c, flag_id)
cpdef unicode string_view(self, size_t view_id):
"""Lexemes may store language-specific string-view features, obtained
by transforming the string, possibly in light of distributional information.
The string-view features are accessed by providing an ID constant to this
The ID constants are exposed as global variables in the language module,
>>> from spacy.en import EN
>>> lexeme = EN.lookup(u'Nasa')
>>> lexeme.string_view(EN.CANON_CASED)
>>> lexeme.string_view(EN.SHAPE)
>>> lexeme.string_view(EN.NON_SPARSE)
return lexeme_string_view(self._c, view_id)
return lexeme_get_string(self._c, view_id)
@ -16,26 +16,26 @@ def words():
"!d", "\nd"]
def test_is_alpha(words):
assert is_alpha(words[0], 0, {}, {}) == False
assert is_alpha(words[1], 0, {}, {}) == False
assert is_alpha(words[2], 0, {}, {}) == False
assert is_alpha(words[3], 0, {}, {}) == True
assert is_alpha(words[4], 0, {}, {}) == True
assert is_alpha(words[5], 0, {}, {}) == False
assert is_alpha(words[6], 0, {}, {}) == False
assert is_alpha(words[7], 0, {}, {}) == False
assert is_alpha(words[8], 0, {}, {}) == False
assert is_alpha(words[9], 0, {}, {}) == False
assert not is_alpha(words[0])
assert not is_alpha(words[1])
assert not is_alpha(words[2])
assert is_alpha(words[3])
assert is_alpha(words[4])
assert not is_alpha(words[5])
assert not is_alpha(words[6])
assert not is_alpha(words[7])
assert not is_alpha(words[8])
assert not is_alpha(words[9])
def test_is_digit(words):
assert is_digit(words[0], 0, {}, {}) == True
assert is_digit(words[1], 0, {}, {}) == False
assert is_digit(words[2], 0, {}, {}) == False
assert is_digit(words[3], 0, {}, {}) == False
assert is_digit(words[4], 0, {}, {}) == False
assert is_digit(words[5], 0, {}, {}) == False
assert is_digit(words[6], 0, {}, {}) == False
assert is_digit(words[7], 0, {}, {}) == False
assert is_digit(words[8], 0, {}, {}) == False
assert is_digit(words[9], 0, {}, {}) == False
assert is_digit(words[0])
assert not is_digit(words[1])
assert not is_digit(words[2])
assert not is_digit(words[3])
assert not is_digit(words[4])
assert not is_digit(words[5])
assert not is_digit(words[6])
assert not is_digit(words[7])
assert not is_digit(words[8])
assert not is_digit(words[9])
@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ from spacy.orth import is_punct
def test_comma():
assert is_punct(',', 0, {}, {}) == True
assert is_punct(',')
def test_space():
assert is_punct(' ', 0, {}, {}) == False
assert not is_punct(' ')
def test_letter():
assert is_punct('a', 0, {}, {}) == False
assert not is_punct('a')
@ -3,23 +3,24 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import pytest
from spacy.en import *
from spacy.lexeme import *
def test_is_alpha():
the = EN.lookup('the')
assert the.check_flag(EN.fl_is_alpha)
assert the.check_orth_flag(LexOrth_alpha)
year = EN.lookup('1999')
assert not year.check_flag(EN.fl_is_alpha)
assert not year.check_orth_flag(LexOrth_alpha)
mixed = EN.lookup('hello1')
assert not mixed.check_flag(EN.fl_is_alpha)
assert not mixed.check_orth_flag(LexOrth_alpha)
def test_is_digit():
the = EN.lookup('the')
assert not the.check_flag(EN.fl_is_digit)
assert not the.check_orth_flag(LexOrth_digit)
year = EN.lookup('1999')
assert year.check_flag(EN.fl_is_digit)
assert year.check_orth_flag(LexOrth_digit)
mixed = EN.lookup('hello1')
assert not mixed.check_flag(EN.fl_is_digit)
assert not mixed.check_orth_flag(LexOrth_digit)
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import pytest
import spacy.word
from spacy.en import EN
from spacy.lexeme import *
@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ def C3P0():
def test_shape(C3P0):
assert C3P0.string_view(EN.v_shape) == "XdXd"
assert C3P0.string_view(LexStr_shape) == "XdXd"
def test_length():
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