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synced 2025-03-03 19:08:06 +03:00
Update training docs
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@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ svg(style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; width: 0; height: 0;" width="
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symbol#svg_prodigy(viewBox="0 0 538.5 157.6")
path(fill="currentColor" d="M70.6 48.6c7 7.3 10.5 17.1 10.5 29.2S77.7 99.7 70.6 107c-6.9 7.3-15.9 11.1-27 11.1-9.4 0-16.8-2.7-21.7-8.2v44.8H0V39h20.7v8.1c4.8-6.4 12.4-9.6 22.9-9.6 11.1 0 20.1 3.7 27 11.1zM21.9 76v3.6c0 12.1 7.3 19.8 18.3 19.8 11.2 0 18.7-7.9 18.7-21.6s-7.5-21.6-18.7-21.6c-11 0-18.3 7.7-18.3 19.8zM133.8 59.4c-12.6 0-20.5 7-20.5 17.8v39.3h-22V39h21.1v8.8c4-6.4 11.2-9.6 21.3-9.6v21.2zM209.5 107.1c-7.6 7.3-17.5 11.1-29.5 11.1s-21.9-3.8-29.7-11.1c-7.6-7.5-11.5-17.2-11.5-29.2 0-12.1 3.9-21.9 11.5-29.2 7.8-7.3 17.7-11.1 29.7-11.1s21.9 3.8 29.5 11.1c7.8 7.3 11.7 17.1 11.7 29.2 0 11.9-3.9 21.7-11.7 29.2zM180 56.2c-5.7 0-10.3 1.9-13.8 5.8-3.5 3.8-5.2 9-5.2 15.7 0 6.7 1.8 12 5.2 15.7 3.4 3.8 8.1 5.7 13.8 5.7s10.3-1.9 13.8-5.7 5.2-9 5.2-15.7c0-6.8-1.8-12-5.2-15.7-3.5-3.8-8.1-5.8-13.8-5.8zM313 116.5h-20.5v-7.9c-4.4 5.5-12.7 9.6-23.1 9.6-10.9 0-19.9-3.8-27-11.1C235.5 99.7 232 90 232 77.8s3.5-21.9 10.3-29.2c7-7.3 16-11.1 27-11.1 9.7 0 17.1 2.7 21.9 8.2V0H313v116.5zm-58.8-38.7c0 13.6 7.5 21.4 18.7 21.4 10.9 0 18.3-7.3 18.3-19.8V76c0-12.2-7.3-19.8-18.3-19.8-11.2 0-18.7 8-18.7 21.6zM354.1 13.6c0 3.6-1.3 6.8-3.9 9.3-5 4.9-13.6 4.9-18.6 0-8.4-7.5-1.6-23.1 9.3-22.5 7.4 0 13.2 5.9 13.2 13.2zm-2.2 102.9H330V39h21.9v77.5zM425.1 47.1V39h20.5v80.4c0 11.2-3.6 20.1-10.6 26.8-7 6.7-16.6 10-28.5 10-23.4 0-36.9-11.4-39.9-29.8l21.7-.8c1 7.6 7.6 12 17.4 12 11.2 0 18.1-5.8 18.1-16.6v-11.1c-5.1 5.5-12.5 8.2-21.9 8.2-10.9 0-19.9-3.8-27-11.1-6.9-7.3-10.3-17.1-10.3-29.2s3.5-21.9 10.3-29.2c7-7.3 16-11.1 27-11.1 10.7 0 18.4 3.1 23.2 9.6zm-38.3 30.7c0 13.6 7.5 21.6 18.7 21.6 11 0 18.3-7.6 18.3-19.8V76c0-12.2-7.3-19.8-18.3-19.8-11.2 0-18.7 8-18.7 21.6zM488.8 154.8H465l19.8-45.1L454.5 39h24.1l17.8 46.2L514.2 39h24.3l-49.7 115.8z")
//- Machine learning & NLP libraries
@ -76,6 +76,16 @@ p
("Google rebrands its business apps", [(0, 6, "ORG")]),
("look what i found on google! 😂", [(21, 27, "PRODUCT")])]
+infobox("Tip: Try the Prodigy annotation tool")
+infobox-logos(["prodigy", 100, 29, "https://prodi.gy"])
| If you need to label a lot of data, check out
| #[+a("https://prodi.gy", true) Prodigy], a new, active learning-powered
| annotation tool we've developed. Prodigy is fast and extensible, and
| comes with a modern #[strong web application] that helps you collect
| training data faster. It integrates seamlessly with spaCy, pre-selects
| the #[strong most relevant examples] for annotation, and lets you
| train and evaluate ready-to-use spaCy models.
+h(3, "annotations") Training with annotations
@ -180,9 +190,10 @@ p
+cell #[code optimizer]
+cell Callable to update the model's weights.
| For the #[strong full example and more details], see the usage guide on
| #[+a("/usage/training#ner") training the named entity recognizer],
| or the runnable
| #[+src(gh("spaCy", "examples/training/train_ner.py")) training script]
| on GitHub.
| Instead of writing your own training loop, you can also use the
| built-in #[+api("cli#train") #[code train]] command, which expects data
| in spaCy's #[+a("/api/annotation#json-input") JSON format]. On each epoch,
| a model will be saved out to the directory. After training, you can
| use the #[+api("cli#package") #[code package]] command to generate an
| installable Python package from your model.
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