diff --git a/spacy/cli/project/document.py b/spacy/cli/project/document.py
index 8834ce356..9c9008400 100644
--- a/spacy/cli/project/document.py
+++ b/spacy/cli/project/document.py
@@ -49,8 +49,7 @@ def project_document(
is_stdout = str(output_file) == "-"
config = load_project_config(project_dir)
md = MarkdownRenderer(no_emoji=no_emoji)
- if not is_stdout:
- md.add(MARKER_START)
+ md.add(MARKER_START)
title = config.get("title")
description = config.get("description")
md.add(md.title(1, f"spaCy Project{f': {title}' if title else ''}", "🪐"))
@@ -89,8 +88,7 @@ def project_document(
md.add(md.title(3, "Assets", "🗂"))
md.add(md.table(data, ["File", "Source", "Description"]))
- if not is_stdout:
- md.add(MARKER_END)
+ md.add(MARKER_END)
# Output result
if is_stdout:
diff --git a/website/docs/api/cli.md b/website/docs/api/cli.md
index 967a96dda..57c5fcc37 100644
--- a/website/docs/api/cli.md
+++ b/website/docs/api/cli.md
@@ -935,6 +935,41 @@ $ python -m spacy project pull [remote] [project_dir]
| `--help`, `-h` | Show help message and available arguments. ~~bool (flag)~~ |
| **DOWNLOADS** | All project outputs that do not exist locally and can be found in the remote. |
+### project document {#project-document tag="command"}
+Auto-generate a pretty Markdown-formatted `README` for your project, based on
+its [`project.yml`](/usage/projects#project-yml). Will create sections that
+document the available commands, workflows and assets. The auto-generated
+content will be placed between two hidden markers, so you can add your own
+custom content before or after the auto-generated documentation. When you re-run
+the `project document` command, only the auto-generated part is replaced.
+$ python -m spacy project document [project_dir] [--output] [--no-emoji]
+> #### Example
+> ```cli
+> $ python -m spacy project document --output README.md
+> ```
+For more examples, see the templates in our
+[`projects`](https://github.com/explosion/projects) repo.
+| Name | Description |
+| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `project_dir` | Path to project directory. Defaults to current working directory. ~~Path (positional)~~ |
+| `--output`, `-o` | Path to output file or `-` for stdout (default). If a file is specified and it already exists and contains auto-generated docs, only the auto-generated docs section is replaced. ~~Path (positional)~~ |
+| `--no-emoji`, `-NE` | Don't use emoji in the titles. ~~bool (flag)~~ |
+| **CREATES** | The Markdown-formatted project documentation. |
### project dvc {#project-dvc tag="command"}
Auto-generate [Data Version Control](https://dvc.org) (DVC) config file. Calls
diff --git a/website/docs/images/project_document.jpg b/website/docs/images/project_document.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7942619a8
Binary files /dev/null and b/website/docs/images/project_document.jpg differ
diff --git a/website/docs/usage/projects.md b/website/docs/usage/projects.md
index 6a32ab5d4..620526280 100644
--- a/website/docs/usage/projects.md
+++ b/website/docs/usage/projects.md
@@ -226,6 +226,8 @@ https://github.com/explosion/spacy-boilerplates/blob/master/ner_fashion/project.
| Section | Description |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| `title` | An optional project title used in `--help` message and [auto-generated docs](#custom-docs). |
+| `description` | An optional project description used in [auto-generated docs](#custom-docs). |
| `vars` | A dictionary of variables that can be referenced in paths, URLs and scripts, just like [`config.cfg` variables](/usage/training#config-interpolation). For example, `${vars.name}` will use the value of the variable `name`. Variables need to be defined in the section `vars`, but can be a nested dict, so you're able to reference `${vars.model.name}`. |
| `directories` | An optional list of [directories](#project-files) that should be created in the project for assets, training outputs, metrics etc. spaCy will make sure that these directories always exist. |
| `assets` | A list of assets that can be fetched with the [`project assets`](/api/cli#project-assets) command. `url` defines a URL or local path, `dest` is the destination file relative to the project directory, and an optional `checksum` ensures that an error is raised if the file's checksum doesn't match. Instead of `url`, you can also provide a `git` block with the keys `repo`, `branch` and `path`, to download from a Git repo. |
@@ -264,11 +266,12 @@ dependencies to use certain protocols.
> checksum: '5113dc04e03f079525edd8df3f4f39e3'
> ```
-| Name | Description |
-| ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `dest` | The destination path to save the downloaded asset to (relative to the project directory), including the file name. |
-| `url` | The URL to download from, using the respective protocol. |
-| `checksum` | Optional checksum of the file. If provided, it will be used to verify that the file matches and downloads will be skipped if a local file with the same checksum already exists. |
+| Name | Description |
+| ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `dest` | The destination path to save the downloaded asset to (relative to the project directory), including the file name. |
+| `url` | The URL to download from, using the respective protocol. |
+| `checksum` | Optional checksum of the file. If provided, it will be used to verify that the file matches and downloads will be skipped if a local file with the same checksum already exists. |
+| `description` | Optional asset description, used in [auto-generated docs](#custom-docs). |
#### Downloading from a Git repo {#data-assets-git}
@@ -287,13 +290,15 @@ files you need and not the whole repo.
> branch: 'master'
> path: 'path/training.spacy'
> checksum: '63373dd656daa1fd3043ce166a59474c'
+> description: 'The training data (5000 examples)'
> ```
-| Name | Description |
-| ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `dest` | The destination path to save the downloaded asset to (relative to the project directory), including the file name. |
-| `git` | `repo`: The URL of the repo to download from.
`path`: Path of the file or directory to download, relative to the repo root.
`branch`: The branch to download from. Defaults to `"master"`. |
-| `checksum` | Optional checksum of the file. If provided, it will be used to verify that the file matches and downloads will be skipped if a local file with the same checksum already exists. |
+| Name | Description |
+| ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `dest` | The destination path to save the downloaded asset to (relative to the project directory), including the file name. |
+| `git` | `repo`: The URL of the repo to download from.
`path`: Path of the file or directory to download, relative to the repo root.
`branch`: The branch to download from. Defaults to `"master"`. |
+| `checksum` | Optional checksum of the file. If provided, it will be used to verify that the file matches and downloads will be skipped if a local file with the same checksum already exists. |
+| `description` | Optional asset description, used in [auto-generated docs](#custom-docs). |
#### Working with private assets {#data-asets-private}
@@ -488,12 +493,39 @@ vars:
- name: evaluate
- - 'python scripts/custom_evaluation.py ${batch_size} ./training/model-best ./corpus/eval.json'
+ - 'python scripts/custom_evaluation.py ${vars.batch_size} ./training/model-best ./corpus/eval.json'
- 'training/model-best'
- 'corpus/eval.json'
+### Documenting your project {#custom-docs}
+> #### Readme Example
+> For more examples, see the [`projects`](https://github.com/explosion/projects)
+> repo.
+When your custom project is ready and you want to share it with others, you can
+use the [`spacy project document`](/api/cli#project-document) command to
+**auto-generate** a pretty, Markdown-formatted `README` file based on your
+project's `project.yml`. It will list all commands, workflows and assets defined
+in the project and include details on how to run the project, as well as links
+to the relevant spaCy documentation to make it easy for others to get started
+using your project.
+$ python -m spacy project document --output README.md
+Under the hood, hidden markers are added to identify where the auto-generated
+content starts and ends. This means that you can add your own custom content
+before or after it and re-running the `project document` command will **only
+update the auto-generated part**. This makes it easy to keep your documentation
+up to date.
### Cloning from your own repo {#custom-repo}
The [`spacy project clone`](/api/cli#project-clone) command lets you customize