mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 04:15:51 +03:00
Merge pull request #1999 from explosion/feature/better-faster-matcher
Improved Matcher engine
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
import pytest
class Vocab(object):
class Doc(list):
def __init__(self, vocab, words=None):
self.extend([Token(i, w) for i, w in enumerate(words)])
class Token(object):
def __init__(self, i, word):
self.i = i
self.text = word
def find_matches(patterns, doc):
init_states = [(pattern, 0, None) for pattern in patterns]
curr_states = []
matches = []
for token in doc:
nexts = []
for state in (curr_states + init_states):
matches, nexts = transition(state, token, matches, nexts)
curr_states = nexts
return matches
def transition(state, token, matches, nexts):
action = get_action(state, token)
is_match, keep_state, advance_state = [bool(int(c)) for c in action]
pattern, i, start = state
if start is None:
start = token.i
if is_match:
matches.append((pattern, start, token.i+1))
if advance_state:
nexts.append((pattern, i+1, start))
if keep_state:
# TODO: This needs to be zero-width :(.
nexts.append((pattern, i, start))
return (matches, nexts)
def get_action(state, token):
'''We need to consider:
a) Does the token match the specification? [Yes, No]
b) What's the quantifier? [1, 0+, ?]
c) Is this the last specification? [final, non-final]
We can transition in the following ways:
a) Do we emit a match?
b) Do we add a state with (next state, next token)?
c) Do we add a state with (next state, same token)?
d) Do we add a state with (same state, next token)?
We'll code the actions as boolean strings, so 0000 means no to all 4,
1000 means match but no states added, etc.
Yes, final:
Yes, non-final:
No, final:
No, non-final
Yes, final:
Yes, non-final:
No, final:
1000 (note: Don't include last token!)
No, non-final:
Yes, final:
Yes, non-final:
No, final:
1000 (note: Don't include last token!)
No, non-final:
Problem: If a quantifier is matching, we're adding a lot of open partials
is_match = get_is_match(state, token)
operator = get_operator(state, token)
is_final = get_is_final(state, token)
raise NotImplementedError
def get_is_match(state, token):
pattern, i, start = state
is_match = token.text == pattern[i]['spec']
if pattern[i].get('invert'):
return not is_match
return is_match
def get_is_final(state, token):
pattern, i, start = state
return i == len(pattern)-1
def get_operator(state, token):
pattern, i, start = state
return pattern[i].get('op', '1')
# Tests for get_action #
def test_get_action_simple_match():
pattern = [{'spec': 'a', 'op': '1'}]
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=['a'])
state = (pattern, 0, None)
action = get_action(state, doc[0])
assert action == '100'
def test_get_action_simple_reject():
pattern = [{'spec': 'b', 'op': '1'}]
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=['a'])
state = (pattern, 0, None)
action = get_action(state, doc[0])
assert action == '000'
def test_get_action_simple_match_match():
pattern = [{'spec': 'a', 'op': '1'}, {'spec': 'a', 'op': '1'}]
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=['a', 'a'])
state = (pattern, 0, None)
action = get_action(state, doc[0])
assert action == '001'
state = (pattern, 1, 0)
action = get_action(state, doc[1])
assert action == '100'
def test_get_action_simple_match_reject():
pattern = [{'spec': 'a', 'op': '1'}, {'spec': 'b', 'op': '1'}]
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=['a', 'a'])
state = (pattern, 0, None)
action = get_action(state, doc[0])
assert action == '001'
state = (pattern, 1, 0)
action = get_action(state, doc[1])
assert action == '000'
def test_get_action_simple_match_reject():
pattern = [{'spec': 'a', 'op': '1'}, {'spec': 'b', 'op': '1'}]
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=['a', 'a'])
state = (pattern, 0, None)
action = get_action(state, doc[0])
assert action == '001'
state = (pattern, 1, 0)
action = get_action(state, doc[1])
assert action == '000'
def test_get_action_plus_match():
pattern = [{'spec': 'a', 'op': '1+'}]
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=['a'])
state = (pattern, 0, None)
action = get_action(state, doc[0])
assert action == '110'
def test_get_action_plus_match_match():
pattern = [{'spec': 'a', 'op': '1+'}]
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=['a', 'a'])
state = (pattern, 0, None)
action = get_action(state, doc[0])
assert action == '110'
state = (pattern, 0, 0)
action = get_action(state, doc[1])
assert action == '110'
# Tests for find_matches #
def test_find_matches_simple_accept():
pattern = [{'spec': 'a', 'op': '1'}]
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=['a'])
matches = find_matches([pattern], doc)
assert matches == [(pattern, 0, 1)]
def test_find_matches_simple_reject():
pattern = [{'spec': 'a', 'op': '1'}]
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=['b'])
matches = find_matches([pattern], doc)
assert matches == []
def test_find_matches_match_twice():
pattern = [{'spec': 'a', 'op': '1'}]
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=['a', 'a'])
matches = find_matches([pattern], doc)
assert matches == [(pattern, 0, 1), (pattern, 1, 2)]
def test_find_matches_longer_pattern():
pattern = [{'spec': 'a', 'op': '1'}, {'spec': 'b', 'op': '1'}]
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=['a', 'b'])
matches = find_matches([pattern], doc)
assert matches == [(pattern, 0, 2)]
def test_find_matches_two_patterns():
patterns = [[{'spec': 'a', 'op': '1'}], [{'spec': 'b', 'op': '1'}]]
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=['a', 'b'])
matches = find_matches(patterns, doc)
assert matches == [(patterns[0], 0, 1), (patterns[1], 1, 2)]
def test_find_matches_two_patterns_overlap():
patterns = [[{'spec': 'a'}, {'spec': 'b'}],
[{'spec': 'b'}, {'spec': 'c'}]]
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=['a', 'b', 'c'])
matches = find_matches(patterns, doc)
assert matches == [(patterns[0], 0, 2), (patterns[1], 1, 3)]
def test_find_matches_greedy():
patterns = [[{'spec': 'a', 'op': '1+'}]]
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=['a'])
matches = find_matches(patterns, doc)
assert matches == [(patterns[0], 0, 1)]
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=['a', 'a'])
matches = find_matches(patterns, doc)
assert matches == [(patterns[0], 0, 1), (patterns[0], 0, 2), (patterns[0], 1, 2)]
def test_find_matches_non_greedy():
patterns = [[{'spec': 'a', 'op': '0+'}, {'spec': 'b', "op": "1"}]]
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=['b'])
matches = find_matches(patterns, doc)
assert matches == [(patterns[0], 0, 1)]
@ -1,24 +1,18 @@
# cython: profile=True
# cython: infer_types=True
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import ujson
from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
from preshed.maps cimport PreshMap
# cython: profile=True
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
from libcpp.pair cimport pair
from libc.stdint cimport int32_t, uint64_t, uint16_t
from preshed.maps cimport PreshMap
from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
from murmurhash.mrmr cimport hash64
from libc.stdint cimport int32_t
from .typedefs cimport attr_t
from .typedefs cimport hash_t
from .typedefs cimport attr_t, hash_t
from .structs cimport TokenC
from .tokens.doc cimport Doc, get_token_attr
from .lexeme cimport attr_id_t
from .vocab cimport Vocab
from .tokens.doc cimport Doc
from .tokens.doc cimport get_token_attr
from .attrs cimport ID, attr_id_t, NULL_ATTR
from .attrs import IDS
from .attrs cimport attr_id_t, ID, NULL_ATTR
from .attrs import FLAG61 as U_ENT
from .attrs import FLAG60 as B2_ENT
from .attrs import FLAG59 as B3_ENT
@ -48,29 +42,24 @@ from .attrs import FLAG36 as L9_ENT
from .attrs import FLAG35 as L10_ENT
cpdef enum quantifier_t:
cdef enum action_t:
REJECT = 0000
MATCH = 1000
ADVANCE = 0100
RETRY = 0010
cdef enum quantifier_t:
cdef enum action_t:
# A "match expression" conists of one or more token patterns
# Each token pattern consists of a quantifier and 0+ (attr, value) pairs.
# A state is an (int, pattern pointer) pair, where the int is the start
# position, and the pattern pointer shows where we're up to
# in the pattern.
cdef struct AttrValueC:
attr_id_t attr
attr_t value
@ -80,10 +69,231 @@ cdef struct TokenPatternC:
AttrValueC* attrs
int32_t nr_attr
quantifier_t quantifier
hash_t key
ctypedef TokenPatternC* TokenPatternC_ptr
ctypedef pair[int, TokenPatternC_ptr] StateC
cdef struct ActionC:
char emit_match
char next_state_next_token
char next_state_same_token
char same_state_next_token
cdef struct PatternStateC:
TokenPatternC* pattern
int32_t start
int32_t length
cdef struct MatchC:
attr_t pattern_id
int32_t start
int32_t length
cdef find_matches(TokenPatternC** patterns, int n, Doc doc):
cdef vector[PatternStateC] states
cdef vector[MatchC] matches
cdef PatternStateC state
cdef Pool mem = Pool()
# TODO: Prefill this with the extra attribute values.
extra_attrs = <attr_t**>mem.alloc(len(doc), sizeof(attr_t*))
# Main loop
cdef int i, j
for i in range(doc.length):
for j in range(n):
states.push_back(PatternStateC(patterns[j], i, 0))
transition_states(states, matches, &doc.c[i], extra_attrs[i])
# Handle matches that end in 0-width patterns
finish_states(matches, states)
return [(matches[i].pattern_id, matches[i].start, matches[i].start+matches[i].length)
for i in range(matches.size())]
cdef void transition_states(vector[PatternStateC]& states, vector[MatchC]& matches,
const TokenC* token, const attr_t* extra_attrs) except *:
cdef int q = 0
cdef vector[PatternStateC] new_states
for i in range(states.size()):
action = get_action(states[i], token, extra_attrs)
if action == REJECT:
state = states[i]
states[q] = state
while action in (RETRY, RETRY_EXTEND):
if action == RETRY_EXTEND:
PatternStateC(pattern=state.pattern, start=state.start,
states[q].pattern += 1
action = get_action(states[q], token, extra_attrs)
if action == REJECT:
elif action == ADVANCE:
states[q].pattern += 1
states[q].length += 1
q += 1
ent_id = state.pattern[1].attrs.value
if action == MATCH:
MatchC(pattern_id=ent_id, start=state.start,
elif action == MATCH_REJECT:
MatchC(pattern_id=ent_id, start=state.start,
elif action == MATCH_EXTEND:
MatchC(pattern_id=ent_id, start=state.start,
states[q].length += 1
q += 1
for i in range(new_states.size()):
cdef void finish_states(vector[MatchC]& matches, vector[PatternStateC]& states) except *:
'''Handle states that end in zero-width patterns.'''
cdef PatternStateC state
for i in range(states.size()):
state = states[i]
while get_quantifier(state) in (ZERO_PLUS, ZERO_ONE):
is_final = get_is_final(state)
if is_final:
ent_id = state.pattern[1].attrs.value
MatchC(pattern_id=ent_id, start=state.start, length=state.length))
state.pattern += 1
cdef action_t get_action(PatternStateC state, const TokenC* token, const attr_t* extra_attrs) nogil:
'''We need to consider:
a) Does the token match the specification? [Yes, No]
b) What's the quantifier? [1, 0+, ?]
c) Is this the last specification? [final, non-final]
We can transition in the following ways:
a) Do we emit a match?
b) Do we add a state with (next state, next token)?
c) Do we add a state with (next state, same token)?
d) Do we add a state with (same state, next token)?
We'll code the actions as boolean strings, so 0000 means no to all 4,
1000 means match but no states added, etc.
Yes, final:
Yes, non-final:
No, final:
No, non-final
Yes, final:
Yes, non-final:
No, final:
1000 (note: Don't include last token!)
No, non-final:
Yes, final:
Yes, non-final:
No, final:
1000 (note: Don't include last token!)
No, non-final:
Possible combinations: 1000, 0100, 0000, 1001, 0011, 0010,
We'll name the bits "match", "advance", "retry", "extend"
REJECT = 0000
MATCH = 1000
ADVANCE = 0100
RETRY = 0010
MATCH_REJECT = 2000 # Match, but don't include last token
Problem: If a quantifier is matching, we're adding a lot of open partials
cdef char is_match
is_match = get_is_match(state, token, extra_attrs)
quantifier = get_quantifier(state)
is_final = get_is_final(state)
if quantifier == ZERO:
is_match = not is_match
quantifier = ONE
if quantifier == ONE:
if is_match and is_final:
# Yes, final: 1000
return MATCH
elif is_match and not is_final:
# Yes, non-final: 0100
return ADVANCE
elif not is_match and is_final:
# No, final: 0000
return REJECT
return REJECT
elif quantifier == ZERO_PLUS:
if is_match and is_final:
# Yes, final: 1001
elif is_match and not is_final:
# Yes, non-final: 0011
elif not is_match and is_final:
# No, final 2000 (note: Don't include last token!)
# No, non-final 0010
return RETRY
elif quantifier == ZERO_ONE:
if is_match and is_final:
# Yes, final: 1000
return MATCH
elif is_match and not is_final:
# Yes, non-final: 0100
return ADVANCE
elif not is_match and is_final:
# No, final 2000 (note: Don't include last token!)
# No, non-final 0010
return RETRY
cdef char get_is_match(PatternStateC state, const TokenC* token, const attr_t* extra_attrs) nogil:
spec = state.pattern
for attr in spec.attrs[:spec.nr_attr]:
if get_token_attr(token, attr.attr) != attr.value:
return 0
return 1
cdef char get_is_final(PatternStateC state) nogil:
if state.pattern[1].attrs[0].attr == ID and state.pattern[1].nr_attr == 0:
return 1
return 0
cdef char get_quantifier(PatternStateC state) nogil:
return state.pattern.quantifier
cdef TokenPatternC* init_pattern(Pool mem, attr_t entity_id,
@ -97,6 +307,7 @@ cdef TokenPatternC* init_pattern(Pool mem, attr_t entity_id,
for j, (attr, value) in enumerate(spec):
pattern[i].attrs[j].attr = attr
pattern[i].attrs[j].value = value
pattern[i].key = hash64(pattern[i].attrs, pattern[i].nr_attr * sizeof(AttrValueC), 0)
i = len(token_specs)
pattern[i].attrs = <AttrValueC*>mem.alloc(2, sizeof(AttrValueC))
pattern[i].attrs[0].attr = ID
@ -105,48 +316,16 @@ cdef TokenPatternC* init_pattern(Pool mem, attr_t entity_id,
return pattern
cdef attr_t get_pattern_key(const TokenPatternC* pattern) except 0:
cdef attr_t get_pattern_key(const TokenPatternC* pattern) nogil:
while pattern.nr_attr != 0:
pattern += 1
id_attr = pattern[0].attrs[0]
assert id_attr.attr == ID
return id_attr.value
cdef int get_action(const TokenPatternC* pattern, const TokenC* token) nogil:
lookahead = &pattern[1]
for attr in pattern.attrs[:pattern.nr_attr]:
if get_token_attr(token, attr.attr) != attr.value:
if pattern.quantifier == ONE:
return REJECT
elif pattern.quantifier == ZERO:
return ACCEPT if lookahead.nr_attr == 0 else ADVANCE
elif pattern.quantifier in (ZERO_ONE, ZERO_PLUS):
return ACCEPT_PREV if lookahead.nr_attr == 0 else ADVANCE_ZERO
return PANIC
if pattern.quantifier == ZERO:
return REJECT
elif lookahead.nr_attr == 0:
return ACCEPT
elif pattern.quantifier in (ONE, ZERO_ONE):
return ADVANCE
elif pattern.quantifier == ZERO_PLUS:
# This is a bandaid over the 'shadowing' problem described here:
# https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/issues/864
next_action = get_action(lookahead, token)
if next_action is REJECT:
return REPEAT
return PANIC
def _convert_strings(token_specs, string_store):
# Support 'syntactic sugar' operator '+', as combination of ONE, ZERO_PLUS
operators = {'!': (ZERO,), '*': (ZERO_PLUS,), '+': (ONE, ZERO_PLUS),
'?': (ZERO_ONE,), '1': (ONE,)}
operators = {'*': (ZERO_PLUS,), '+': (ONE, ZERO_PLUS),
'?': (ZERO_ONE,), '1': (ONE,), '!': (ZERO,)}
tokens = []
op = ONE
for spec in token_specs:
@ -176,21 +355,6 @@ def _convert_strings(token_specs, string_store):
return tokens
def merge_phrase(matcher, doc, i, matches):
"""Callback to merge a phrase on match."""
ent_id, label, start, end = matches[i]
span = doc[start:end]
span.merge(ent_type=label, ent_id=ent_id)
def unpickle_matcher(vocab, patterns, callbacks):
matcher = Matcher(vocab)
for key, specs in patterns.items():
callback = callbacks.get(key, None)
matcher.add(key, callback, *specs)
return matcher
cdef class Matcher:
"""Match sequences of tokens, based on pattern rules."""
cdef Pool mem
@ -311,7 +475,7 @@ cdef class Matcher:
if key not in self._patterns:
return default
return (self._callbacks[key], self._patterns[key])
def pipe(self, docs, batch_size=1000, n_threads=2):
"""Match a stream of documents, yielding them in turn.
@ -333,85 +497,9 @@ cdef class Matcher:
describing the matches. A match tuple describes a span
`doc[start:end]`. The `label_id` and `key` are both integers.
cdef vector[StateC] partials
cdef int n_partials = 0
cdef int q = 0
cdef int i, token_i
cdef const TokenC* token
cdef StateC state
matches = []
for token_i in range(doc.length):
token = &doc.c[token_i]
q = 0
# Go over the open matches, extending or finalizing if able.
# Otherwise, we over-write them (q doesn't advance)
for state in partials:
action = get_action(state.second, token)
if action == PANIC:
raise Exception("Error selecting action in matcher")
while action == ADVANCE_ZERO:
state.second += 1
action = get_action(state.second, token)
if action == PANIC:
raise Exception("Error selecting action in matcher")
if action == REPEAT:
# Leave the state in the queue, and advance to next slot
# (i.e. we don't overwrite -- we want to greedily match
# more pattern.
q += 1
elif action == REJECT:
elif action == ADVANCE:
partials[q] = state
partials[q].second += 1
q += 1
elif action in (ACCEPT, ACCEPT_PREV):
# TODO: What to do about patterns starting with ZERO? Need
# to adjust the start position.
start = state.first
end = token_i+1 if action == ACCEPT else token_i
ent_id = state.second[1].attrs[0].value
label = state.second[1].attrs[1].value
matches.append((ent_id, start, end))
# Check whether we open any new patterns on this token
for pattern in self.patterns:
action = get_action(pattern, token)
if action == PANIC:
raise Exception("Error selecting action in matcher")
while action == ADVANCE_ZERO:
pattern += 1
action = get_action(pattern, token)
if action == REPEAT:
state.first = token_i
state.second = pattern
elif action == ADVANCE:
# TODO: What to do about patterns starting with ZERO? Need
# to adjust the start position.
state.first = token_i
state.second = pattern + 1
elif action in (ACCEPT, ACCEPT_PREV):
start = token_i
end = token_i+1 if action == ACCEPT else token_i
ent_id = pattern[1].attrs[0].value
label = pattern[1].attrs[1].value
matches.append((ent_id, start, end))
# Look for open patterns that are actually satisfied
for state in partials:
while state.second.quantifier in (ZERO, ZERO_ONE, ZERO_PLUS):
state.second += 1
if state.second.nr_attr == 0:
start = state.first
end = len(doc)
ent_id = state.second.attrs[0].value
label = state.second.attrs[0].value
matches.append((ent_id, start, end))
for i, (ent_id, start, end) in enumerate(matches):
on_match = self._callbacks.get(ent_id)
matches = find_matches(&self.patterns[0], self.patterns.size(), doc)
for i, (key, start, end) in enumerate(matches):
on_match = self._callbacks.get(key, None)
if on_match is not None:
on_match(self, doc, i, matches)
return matches
@ -423,31 +511,37 @@ cdef class Matcher:
return key
def unpickle_matcher(vocab, patterns, callbacks):
matcher = Matcher(vocab)
for key, specs in patterns.items():
callback = callbacks.get(key, None)
matcher.add(key, callback, *specs)
return matcher
def _get_longest_matches(matches):
'''Filter out matches that have a longer equivalent.'''
longest_matches = {}
for pattern_id, start, end in matches:
key = (pattern_id, start)
length = end-start
if key not in longest_matches or length > longest_matches[key]:
longest_matches[key] = length
return [(pattern_id, start, start+length)
for (pattern_id, start), length in longest_matches.items()]
def get_bilou(length):
if length == 1:
if length == 0:
raise ValueError("Length must be >= 1")
elif length == 1:
return [U_ENT]
elif length == 2:
return [B2_ENT, L2_ENT]
elif length == 3:
return [B3_ENT, I3_ENT, L3_ENT]
elif length == 4:
return [B4_ENT, I4_ENT, I4_ENT, L4_ENT]
elif length == 5:
return [B5_ENT, I5_ENT, I5_ENT, I5_ENT, L5_ENT]
elif length == 6:
return [B6_ENT, I6_ENT, I6_ENT, I6_ENT, I6_ENT, L6_ENT]
elif length == 7:
return [B7_ENT, I7_ENT, I7_ENT, I7_ENT, I7_ENT, I7_ENT, L7_ENT]
elif length == 8:
return [B8_ENT, I8_ENT, I8_ENT, I8_ENT, I8_ENT, I8_ENT, I8_ENT, L8_ENT]
elif length == 9:
return [B9_ENT, I9_ENT, I9_ENT, I9_ENT, I9_ENT, I9_ENT, I9_ENT, I9_ENT,
elif length == 10:
return [B10_ENT, I10_ENT, I10_ENT, I10_ENT, I10_ENT, I10_ENT, I10_ENT,
I10_ENT, I10_ENT, L10_ENT]
raise ValueError("Max length currently 10 for phrase matching")
return [B4_ENT, I4_ENT] + [I4_ENT] * (length-3) + [L4_ENT]
cdef class PhraseMatcher:
@ -456,21 +550,21 @@ cdef class PhraseMatcher:
cdef Matcher matcher
cdef PreshMap phrase_ids
cdef int max_length
cdef attr_t* _phrase_key
cdef public object _callbacks
cdef public object _patterns
def __init__(self, Vocab vocab, max_length=10):
self.mem = Pool()
self._phrase_key = <attr_t*>self.mem.alloc(max_length, sizeof(attr_t))
self.max_length = max_length
self.vocab = vocab
self.matcher = Matcher(self.vocab)
self.phrase_ids = PreshMap()
abstract_patterns = []
for length in range(1, max_length):
abstract_patterns.append([{tag: True}
for tag in get_bilou(length)])
abstract_patterns = [
[{U_ENT: True}],
[{B2_ENT: True}, {L2_ENT: True}],
[{B3_ENT: True}, {I3_ENT: True}, {L3_ENT: True}],
[{B4_ENT: True}, {I4_ENT: True}, {I4_ENT: True, "OP": "+"}, {L4_ENT: True}],
self.matcher.add('Candidate', None, *abstract_patterns)
self._callbacks = {}
@ -504,29 +598,24 @@ cdef class PhraseMatcher:
*docs (Doc): `Doc` objects representing match patterns.
cdef Doc doc
for doc in docs:
if len(doc) >= self.max_length:
msg = (
"Pattern length (%d) >= phrase_matcher.max_length (%d). "
"Length can be set on initialization, up to 10."
raise ValueError(msg % (len(doc), self.max_length))
cdef hash_t ent_id = self.matcher._normalize_key(key)
self._callbacks[ent_id] = on_match
cdef int length
cdef int i
cdef hash_t phrase_hash
cdef Pool mem = Pool()
for doc in docs:
length = doc.length
if length == 0:
tags = get_bilou(length)
for i in range(self.max_length):
self._phrase_key[i] = 0
phrase_key = <attr_t*>mem.alloc(length, sizeof(attr_t))
for i, tag in enumerate(tags):
lexeme = self.vocab[doc.c[i].lex.orth]
lexeme.set_flag(tag, True)
self._phrase_key[i] = lexeme.orth
phrase_hash = hash64(self._phrase_key,
self.max_length * sizeof(attr_t), 0)
phrase_key[i] = lexeme.orth
phrase_hash = hash64(phrase_key,
length * sizeof(attr_t), 0)
self.phrase_ids.set(phrase_hash, <void*>ent_id)
def __call__(self, Doc doc):
@ -580,14 +669,13 @@ cdef class PhraseMatcher:
yield doc
def accept_match(self, Doc doc, int start, int end):
assert (end - start) < self.max_length
cdef int i, j
for i in range(self.max_length):
self._phrase_key[i] = 0
cdef Pool mem = Pool()
phrase_key = <attr_t*>mem.alloc(end-start, sizeof(attr_t))
for i, j in enumerate(range(start, end)):
self._phrase_key[i] = doc.c[j].lex.orth
cdef hash_t key = hash64(self._phrase_key,
self.max_length * sizeof(attr_t), 0)
phrase_key[i] = doc.c[j].lex.orth
cdef hash_t key = hash64(phrase_key,
(end-start) * sizeof(attr_t), 0)
ent_id = <hash_t>self.phrase_ids.get(key)
if ent_id == 0:
return None
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ from ...vocab import Vocab
('a b', 0, 2),
('a c', 0, 1),
('a b c', 0, 2),
('a b b c', 0, 2),
('a b b', 0, 2),
('a b b c', 0, 3),
('a b b', 0, 3),
def test_issue1450_matcher_end_zero_plus(string, start, end):
@ -54,5 +54,6 @@ def test_issue1450_matcher_end_zero_plus(string, start, end):
if start is None or end is None:
assert matches == []
assert matches[0][1] == start
assert matches[0][2] == end
assert matches[-1][1] == start
assert matches[-1][2] == end
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import re
from ...matcher import Matcher
import pytest
pattern1 = [{'ORTH':'A','OP':'1'},{'ORTH':'A','OP':'*'}]
pattern2 = [{'ORTH':'A','OP':'*'},{'ORTH':'A','OP':'1'}]
pattern3 = [{'ORTH':'A','OP':'1'},{'ORTH':'A','OP':'1'}]
pattern4 = [{'ORTH':'B','OP':'1'},{'ORTH':'A','OP':'*'},{'ORTH':'B','OP':'1'}]
pattern5 = [{'ORTH':'B','OP':'*'},{'ORTH':'A','OP':'*'},{'ORTH':'B','OP':'1'}]
re_pattern1 = 'AA*'
re_pattern2 = 'A*A'
re_pattern3 = 'AA'
re_pattern4 = 'BA*B'
re_pattern5 = 'B*A*B'
def text():
return "(ABBAAAAAB)."
def doc(en_tokenizer,text):
doc = en_tokenizer(' '.join(text))
return doc
def test_greedy_matching(doc,text,pattern,re_pattern):
Test that the greedy matching behavior of the * op
is consistant with other re implementations
matcher = Matcher(doc.vocab)
matches = matcher(doc)
re_matches = [m.span() for m in re.finditer(re_pattern,text)]
for match,re_match in zip(matches,re_matches):
assert match[1:]==re_match
def test_match_consuming(doc,text,pattern,re_pattern):
Test that matcher.__call__ consumes tokens on a match
similar to re.findall
matcher = Matcher(doc.vocab)
matches = matcher(doc)
re_matches = [m.span() for m in re.finditer(re_pattern,text)]
assert len(matches)==len(re_matches)
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ from ...vocab import Vocab
from ...tokens import Doc
from ...matcher import Matcher
def test_issue1945():
text = "a a a"
matcher = Matcher(Vocab())
@ -22,10 +22,9 @@ def test_basic_case():
assert end == 4
def test_issue850():
"""The problem here is that the variable-length pattern matches the
succeeding token. We then don't handle the ambiguity correctly."""
"""The variable-length pattern matches the
succeeding token. Check we handle the ambiguity correctly."""
matcher = Matcher(Vocab(
lex_attr_getters={LOWER: lambda string: string.lower()}))
IS_ANY_TOKEN = matcher.vocab.add_flag(lambda x: True)
@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ def test_matcher_match_zero_plus(matcher):
pattern = [{'ORTH': '"'},
{'OP': '*', 'IS_PUNCT': False},
{'ORTH': '"'}]
matcher = Matcher(matcher.vocab)
matcher.add('Quote', None, pattern)
doc = get_doc(matcher.vocab, words)
assert len(matcher(doc)) == 1
@ -252,9 +253,8 @@ def test_matcher_end_zero_plus(matcher):
nlp = lambda string: Doc(matcher.vocab, words=string.split())
assert len(matcher(nlp(u'a'))) == 1
assert len(matcher(nlp(u'a b'))) == 1
assert len(matcher(nlp(u'a b'))) == 1
assert len(matcher(nlp(u'a b'))) == 2
assert len(matcher(nlp(u'a c'))) == 1
assert len(matcher(nlp(u'a b c'))) == 1
assert len(matcher(nlp(u'a b b c'))) == 1
assert len(matcher(nlp(u'a b b'))) == 1
assert len(matcher(nlp(u'a b c'))) == 2
assert len(matcher(nlp(u'a b b c'))) == 3
assert len(matcher(nlp(u'a b b'))) == 3
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