mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 02:48:04 +03:00
* Work on language-independent refactoring
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ def get_lex_props(string, oov_prob=-30, is_oov=False):
'sentiment': 0
get_lex_attr = {}
if_model_present = -1
LOCAL_DATA_DIR = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'data')
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from .attrs cimport ID, ORTH, LOWER, NORM, SHAPE, PREFIX, SUFFIX, LENGTH, CLUSTE
from .structs cimport LexemeC
from .strings cimport StringStore
from .vocab cimport Vocab
from numpy cimport ndarray
@ -15,7 +16,8 @@ cdef class Lexeme:
cdef readonly Vocab vocab
cdef readonly attr_t orth
cdef int set_struct_props(Vocab vocab, LexemeC* lex, dict props) except -1:
cdef inline int set_struct_props(Vocab vocab, LexemeC* lex, dict props) except -1:
lex.length = props['length']
lex.orth = vocab.strings[props['orth']]
lex.lower = vocab.strings[props['lower']]
@ -29,7 +31,6 @@ cdef class Lexeme:
lex.sentiment = props['sentiment']
lex.flags = props['flags']
lex.repvec = empty_vec
cdef inline attr_t get_struct_attr(const LexemeC* lex, attr_id_t feat_name) nogil:
@ -55,6 +56,34 @@ cdef class Lexeme:
return lex.cluster
return 0
cdef inline void set_struct_attr(LexemeC* lex, attr_id_t name, attr_t value) nogil:
if name < (sizeof(flags_t) * 8):
Lexeme.set_flag(lex, name, value)
elif name == ID:
lex.id = value
elif name == LOWER:
lex.lower = value
elif name == NORM:
lex.norm = value
elif name == SHAPE:
lex.shape = value
elif name == PREFIX:
lex.prefix = value
elif name == SUFFIX:
lex.suffix = value
elif name == CLUSTER:
lex.cluster = value
cdef inline bint check_flag(const LexemeC* lexeme, attr_id_t flag_id) nogil:
return lexeme.flags & (1 << flag_id)
cdef inline bint set_flag(LexemeC* lex, attr_id_t flag_id, int value) nogil:
cdef flags_t one = 1
if value:
lex.flags |= one << flag_id
lex.flags &= ~(one << flag_id)
@ -26,12 +26,9 @@ cdef class Lexeme:
def __init__(self, Vocab vocab, int orth):
self.vocab = vocab
self.orth = orth
self.c = <LexemeC*><void*>vocab.get_by_orth(orth)
self.c = <LexemeC*><void*>vocab.get_by_orth(vocab.mem, orth)
assert self.c.orth == orth
property orth:
def __get__(self):
return self.c.orth
property lower:
def __get__(self): return self.c.lower
def __set__(self, int x): self.c.lower = x
@ -113,7 +110,7 @@ cdef class Lexeme:
def __set__(self, attr_id_t x): Lexeme.set_flag(self.c, LIKE_URL, x)
property like_num:
def __get__(self): return Lexeme.like_num(self.c, IKE_NUM)
def __get__(self): return Lexeme.check_flag(self.c, LIKE_NUM)
def __set__(self, attr_id_t x): Lexeme.set_flag(self.c, LIKE_NUM, x)
property like_email:
@ -103,20 +103,21 @@ cdef class Matcher:
def __init__(self, vocab, patterns):
self.mem = Pool()
self.vocab = vocab
for entity_key, (etype, attrs, specs) in sorted(patterns.items()):
self.add(entity_key, etype, attrs, specs)
def add(self, entity_key, etype, attrs, specs):
if isinstance(entity_key, basestring):
entity_key = vocab.strings[entity_key]
entity_key = self.vocab.strings[entity_key]
if isinstance(etype, basestring):
etype = vocab.strings[etype]
etype = self.vocab.strings[etype]
elif etype is None:
etype = -1
# TODO: Do something more clever about multiple patterns for single
# entity
for spec in specs:
spec = _convert_strings(spec, vocab.strings)
spec = _convert_strings(spec, self.vocab.strings)
self.patterns.push_back(init_pattern(self.mem, spec, etype))
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ cpdef bint like_url(unicode string):
return False
# TODO: This should live in the language.orth
NUM_WORDS = set('zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten'
'eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen'
'eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy'
@ -142,6 +142,8 @@ cdef class StringStore:
def load(self, loc):
with codecs.open(loc, 'r', 'utf8') as file_:
strings = file_.read().split(SEPARATOR)
if strings == ['']:
return None
cdef unicode string
cdef bytes byte_string
for string in strings:
@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ from ..attrs cimport ID, ORTH, NORM, LOWER, SHAPE, PREFIX, SUFFIX, LENGTH, CLUST
from ..attrs cimport POS, LEMMA, TAG, DEP, HEAD, SPACY, ENT_IOB, ENT_TYPE
from ..parts_of_speech import UNIV_POS_NAMES
from ..parts_of_speech cimport CONJ, PUNCT, NOUN
from ..lexeme cimport check_flag
from ..lexeme cimport get_attr as get_lex_attr
from ..lexeme cimport Lexeme
from .spans cimport Span
from .token cimport Token
from ..serialize.bits cimport BitArray
@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ cdef attr_t get_token_attr(const TokenC* token, attr_id_t feat_name) nogil:
elif feat_name == ENT_TYPE:
return token.ent_type
return get_lex_attr(token.lex, feat_name)
return Lexeme.get_struct_attr(token.lex, feat_name)
cdef class Doc:
@ -218,6 +217,7 @@ cdef class Doc:
t.idx = 0
t.idx = (t-1).idx + (t-1).lex.length + (t-1).spacy
assert t.lex.orth != 0
t.spacy = has_space
self.length += 1
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
from libc.string cimport memcpy
from cpython.mem cimport PyMem_Malloc, PyMem_Free
from ..lexeme cimport check_flag
# Compiler crashes on memory view coercion without this. Should report bug.
from cython.view cimport array as cvarray
cimport numpy as np
@ -20,6 +19,8 @@ from ..attrs cimport IS_ALPHA, IS_ASCII, IS_DIGIT, IS_LOWER, IS_PUNCT, IS_SPACE
from ..attrs cimport IS_OOV
from ..lexeme cimport Lexeme
cdef class Token:
"""An individual token --- i.e. a word, a punctuation symbol, etc. Created
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ cdef class Token:
return self.string
cpdef bint check_flag(self, attr_id_t flag_id) except -1:
return check_flag(self.c.lex, flag_id)
return Lexeme.check_flag(self.c.lex, flag_id)
def nbor(self, int i=1):
return self.doc[self.i+i]
@ -286,37 +287,37 @@ cdef class Token:
return self.vocab.strings[self.c.dep]
property is_oov:
def __get__(self): return check_flag(self.c.lex, IS_OOV)
def __get__(self): return Lexeme.check_flag(self.c.lex, IS_OOV)
property is_alpha:
def __get__(self): return check_flag(self.c.lex, IS_ALPHA)
def __get__(self): return Lexeme.check_flag(self.c.lex, IS_ALPHA)
property is_ascii:
def __get__(self): return check_flag(self.c.lex, IS_ASCII)
def __get__(self): return Lexeme.check_flag(self.c.lex, IS_ASCII)
property is_digit:
def __get__(self): return check_flag(self.c.lex, IS_DIGIT)
def __get__(self): return Lexeme.check_flag(self.c.lex, IS_DIGIT)
property is_lower:
def __get__(self): return check_flag(self.c.lex, IS_LOWER)
def __get__(self): return Lexeme.check_flag(self.c.lex, IS_LOWER)
property is_title:
def __get__(self): return check_flag(self.c.lex, IS_TITLE)
def __get__(self): return Lexeme.check_flag(self.c.lex, IS_TITLE)
property is_punct:
def __get__(self): return check_flag(self.c.lex, IS_PUNCT)
def __get__(self): return Lexeme.check_flag(self.c.lex, IS_PUNCT)
property is_space:
def __get__(self): return check_flag(self.c.lex, IS_SPACE)
def __get__(self): return Lexeme.check_flag(self.c.lex, IS_SPACE)
property like_url:
def __get__(self): return check_flag(self.c.lex, LIKE_URL)
def __get__(self): return Lexeme.check_flag(self.c.lex, LIKE_URL)
property like_num:
def __get__(self): return check_flag(self.c.lex, LIKE_NUM)
def __get__(self): return Lexeme.check_flag(self.c.lex, LIKE_NUM)
property like_email:
def __get__(self): return check_flag(self.c.lex, LIKE_EMAIL)
def __get__(self): return Lexeme.check_flag(self.c.lex, LIKE_EMAIL)
_pos_id_to_string = {id_: string for string, id_ in UNIV_POS_NAMES.items()}
@ -27,15 +27,16 @@ cdef class Vocab:
cpdef public lexeme_props_getter
cdef Pool mem
cpdef readonly StringStore strings
cdef readonly object pos_tags
cdef readonly int length
cdef public object _serializer
cdef public object data_dir
cdef public float oov_prob
cdef public object get_lex_attr
cdef public object pos_tags
cdef const LexemeC* get(self, Pool mem, unicode string) except NULL
cdef const LexemeC* get_by_orth(self, Pool mem, attr_t orth) except NULL
cdef const LexemeC* _new_lexeme(self, Pool mem, unicode string) except NULL
cdef int _add_lex_to_vocab(self, hash_t key, const LexemeC* lex) except -1
cdef PreshMap _by_hash
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import math
import json
from .lexeme cimport EMPTY_LEXEME
from .lexeme cimport set_lex_struct_props
from .lexeme cimport Lexeme
from .strings cimport hash_string
from .orth cimport word_shape
@ -36,17 +35,15 @@ EMPTY_LEXEME.repvec = EMPTY_VEC
cdef class Vocab:
'''A map container for a language's LexemeC structs.
def __init__(self, data_dir=None, get_lex_attr=None):
def __init__(self, data_dir=None, get_lex_attr=None, load_vectors=True, pos_tags=None):
self.mem = Pool()
self._by_hash = PreshMap()
self._by_orth = PreshMap()
self.strings = StringStore()
self.pos_tags = pos_tags if pos_tags is not None else {}
self.get_lex_attr = get_lex_attr
self.repvec_length = 0
self.length = 0
self._add_lex_to_vocab(0, &EMPTY_LEXEME)
self.length = 1
self.pos_tags = pos_tags
if data_dir is not None:
if not path.exists(data_dir):
raise IOError("Directory %s not found -- cannot load Vocab." % data_dir)
@ -84,7 +81,10 @@ cdef class Vocab:
cdef LexemeC* lex
cdef hash_t key = hash_string(string)
lex = <LexemeC*>self._by_hash.get(key)
cdef size_t addr
if lex != NULL:
print string, lex.orth, self.strings[string]
assert lex.orth == self.strings[string]
return lex
return self._new_lexeme(mem, string)
@ -103,15 +103,24 @@ cdef class Vocab:
return self._new_lexeme(mem, self.strings[orth])
cdef const LexemeC* _new_lexeme(self, Pool mem, unicode string) except NULL:
cdef hash_t key
cdef bint is_oov = mem is not self.mem
if len(string) < 3:
mem = self.mem
mem = self.mem
#if len(string) < 3:
# mem = self.mem
lex = <LexemeC*>mem.alloc(sizeof(LexemeC), 1)
for attr, func in self.lex_attr_getters.items():
Lexeme.set_struct_attr(lex, attr, func(string))
lex.orth = self.strings[string]
lex.id = self.length
if self.get_lex_attr is not None:
for attr, func in self.get_lex_attr.items():
value = func(string)
if isinstance(value, unicode):
value = self.strings[value]
Lexeme.set_struct_attr(lex, attr, value)
if is_oov:
lex.id = 0
key = hash_string(string)
self._add_lex_to_vocab(key, lex)
assert lex != NULL, string
return lex
@ -119,13 +128,14 @@ cdef class Vocab:
cdef int _add_lex_to_vocab(self, hash_t key, const LexemeC* lex) except -1:
self._by_hash.set(key, <void*>lex)
self._by_orth.set(lex.orth, <void*>lex)
print "Add lex", key, lex.orth, self.strings[lex.orth]
self.length += 1
def __iter__(self):
cdef attr_t orth
cdef size_t addr
for orth, addr in self._by_orth.items():
yield Lexeme.from_ptr(<LexemeC*>addr, self.strings, self.repvec_length)
yield Lexeme(self, orth)
def __getitem__(self, id_or_string):
'''Retrieve a lexeme, given an int ID or a unicode string. If a previously
@ -142,22 +152,12 @@ cdef class Vocab:
An instance of the Lexeme Python class, with data copied on
cdef const LexemeC* lexeme
cdef attr_t orth
if type(id_or_string) == int:
orth = id_or_string
lexeme = <LexemeC*>self._by_orth.get(orth)
if lexeme == NULL:
raise KeyError(id_or_string)
assert lexeme.orth == orth, ('%d vs %d' % (lexeme.orth, orth))
elif type(id_or_string) == unicode:
lexeme = self.get(self.mem, id_or_string)
assert lexeme.orth == self.strings[id_or_string]
if type(id_or_string) == unicode:
orth = self.strings[id_or_string]
raise ValueError("Vocab unable to map type: "
"%s. Maps unicode --> Lexeme or "
"int --> Lexeme" % str(type(id_or_string)))
return Lexeme.from_ptr(lexeme, self.strings, self.repvec_length)
orth = id_or_string
return Lexeme(self, orth)
def dump(self, loc):
if path.exists(loc):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user