* Working neural net, but features hacky. Switching to extractor.

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Honnibal 2016-05-26 19:06:10 +02:00
parent 8036368d96
commit 7c2f1a673b
3 changed files with 98 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -1,20 +1,26 @@
from thinc.linear.avgtron cimport AveragedPerceptron
from thinc.neural.nn cimport NeuralNet
from thinc.base cimport Model
from thinc.extra.eg cimport Example
from thinc.structs cimport ExampleC
from .stateclass cimport StateClass
from .arc_eager cimport TransitionSystem
from ..tokens.doc cimport Doc
from ..structs cimport TokenC
from thinc.structs cimport ExampleC
from ._state cimport StateC
cdef class ParserModel(AveragedPerceptron):
cdef class ParserNeuralNet(NeuralNet):
cdef void set_featuresC(self, ExampleC* eg, const StateC* state) nogil
cdef class ParserPerceptron(AveragedPerceptron):
cdef void set_featuresC(self, ExampleC* eg, const StateC* state) nogil
cdef class Parser:
cdef readonly ParserModel model
cdef readonly ParserNeuralNet model
cdef readonly TransitionSystem moves
cdef int _projectivize
cdef int parseC(self, TokenC* tokens, int length, int nr_feat, int nr_class) nogil
cdef int parseC(self, TokenC* tokens, int length, int nr_feat, int nr_class) with gil

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from murmurhash.mrmr cimport hash64
from thinc.typedefs cimport weight_t, class_t, feat_t, atom_t, hash_t
from thinc.linear.avgtron cimport AveragedPerceptron
from thinc.linalg cimport VecVec
from thinc.structs cimport SparseArrayC
from thinc.structs cimport SparseArrayC, ExampleC
from preshed.maps cimport MapStruct
from preshed.maps cimport map_get
from thinc.structs cimport FeatureC
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ from ..gold cimport GoldParse
from . import _parse_features
from ._parse_features cimport CONTEXT_SIZE
from ._parse_features cimport fill_context
from ._parse_features cimport *
from .stateclass cimport StateClass
from ._state cimport StateC
@ -71,14 +72,70 @@ def ParserFactory(transition_system):
return lambda strings, dir_: Parser(strings, dir_, transition_system)
cdef class ParserModel(AveragedPerceptron):
cdef class ParserPerceptron(AveragedPerceptron):
cdef void set_featuresC(self, ExampleC* eg, const StateC* state) nogil:
fill_context(eg.atoms, state)
eg.nr_feat = self.extracter.set_features(eg.features, eg.atoms)
cdef class ParserNeuralNet(NeuralNet):
def __init__(self, nr_class, hidden_width=50, depth=2, word_width=50,
tag_width=20, dep_width=20, update_step='sgd', eta=0.01, rho=0.0):
#input_length = 3 * word_width + 5 * tag_width + 3 * dep_width
input_length = 12 * word_width + 7 * dep_width
widths = [input_length] + [hidden_width] * depth + [nr_class]
#vector_widths = [word_width, tag_width, dep_width]
#slots = [0] * 3 + [1] * 5 + [2] * 3
vector_widths = [word_width, dep_width]
slots = [0] * 12 + [1] * 7
embed=(vector_widths, slots),
def nr_feat(self):
#return 3+5+3
return 12+7
cdef void set_featuresC(self, ExampleC* eg, const StateC* state) nogil:
fill_context(eg.atoms, state)
eg.nr_feat = 12 + 7
for j in range(eg.nr_feat):
eg.features[j].value = 1.0
eg.features[j].i = j
#eg.features[0].key = eg.atoms[S0w]
#eg.features[1].key = eg.atoms[S1w]
#eg.features[2].key = eg.atoms[N0w]
eg.features[0].key = eg.atoms[S2W]
eg.features[1].key = eg.atoms[S1W]
eg.features[2].key = eg.atoms[S0lW]
eg.features[3].key = eg.atoms[S0l2W]
eg.features[4].key = eg.atoms[S0W]
eg.features[5].key = eg.atoms[S0r2W]
eg.features[6].key = eg.atoms[S0rW]
eg.features[7].key = eg.atoms[N0lW]
eg.features[8].key = eg.atoms[N0l2W]
eg.features[9].key = eg.atoms[N0W]
eg.features[10].key = eg.atoms[N1W]
eg.features[11].key = eg.atoms[N2W]
eg.features[12].key = eg.atoms[S2L]
eg.features[13].key = eg.atoms[S1L]
eg.features[14].key = eg.atoms[S0l2L]
eg.features[15].key = eg.atoms[S0lL]
eg.features[16].key = eg.atoms[S0L]
eg.features[17].key = eg.atoms[S0r2L]
eg.features[18].key = eg.atoms[S0rL]
cdef class Parser:
def __init__(self, StringStore strings, transition_system, ParserModel model, int projectivize = 0):
def __init__(self, StringStore strings, transition_system, ParserNeuralNet model,
int projectivize = 0):
self.moves = transition_system
self.model = model
self._projectivize = projectivize
@ -91,8 +148,12 @@ cdef class Parser:
print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: model path:", model_dir, "is not a directory"
cfg = Config.read(model_dir, 'config')
moves = transition_system(strings, cfg.labels)
templates = get_templates(cfg.features)
model = ParserModel(templates)
model = ParserNeuralNet(moves.n_moves, hidden_width=cfg.hidden_width,
depth=cfg.depth, word_width=cfg.word_width,
tag_width=cfg.tag_width, dep_width=cfg.dep_width,
eta=cfg.eta, rho=cfg.rho)
project = cfg.projectivize if hasattr(cfg,'projectivize') else False
if path.exists(path.join(model_dir, 'model')):
model.load(path.join(model_dir, 'model'))
@ -156,44 +217,30 @@ cdef class Parser:
yield doc
cdef int parseC(self, TokenC* tokens, int length, int nr_feat, int nr_class) nogil:
cdef ExampleC eg
eg.nr_feat = nr_feat
eg.nr_atom = CONTEXT_SIZE
eg.nr_class = nr_class
eg.features = <FeatureC*>calloc(sizeof(FeatureC), nr_feat)
eg.atoms = <atom_t*>calloc(sizeof(atom_t), CONTEXT_SIZE)
eg.scores = <weight_t*>calloc(sizeof(weight_t), nr_class)
eg.is_valid = <int*>calloc(sizeof(int), nr_class)
cdef int parseC(self, TokenC* tokens, int length, int nr_feat, int nr_class) with gil:
cdef Example py_eg = Example(nr_class=nr_class, nr_atom=CONTEXT_SIZE, nr_feat=nr_feat,
cdef ExampleC* eg = py_eg.c
state = new StateC(tokens, length)
cdef int i
while not state.is_final():
self.model.set_featuresC(&eg, state)
self.model.set_featuresC(eg, state)
self.moves.set_valid(eg.is_valid, state)
self.model.set_scoresC(eg.scores, eg.features, eg.nr_feat)
self.model.set_scoresC(eg.scores, eg.features, eg.nr_feat, 1)
guess = VecVec.arg_max_if_true(eg.scores, eg.is_valid, eg.nr_class)
action = self.moves.c[guess]
if not eg.is_valid[guess]:
# with gil:
# move_name = self.moves.move_name(action.move, action.label)
# print 'invalid action:', move_name
return 1
action.do(state, action.label)
memset(eg.scores, 0, sizeof(eg.scores[0]) * eg.nr_class)
for i in range(eg.nr_class):
eg.is_valid[i] = 1
for i in range(length):
tokens[i] = state._sent[i]
del state
return 0
def train(self, Doc tokens, GoldParse gold):
@ -203,23 +250,22 @@ cdef class Parser:
cdef Pool mem = Pool()
cdef Example eg = Example(
cdef weight_t loss = 0
cdef Transition action
while not stcls.is_final():
self.model.set_featuresC(&eg.c, stcls.c)
self.model.set_featuresC(eg.c, stcls.c)
self.moves.set_costs(eg.c.is_valid, eg.c.costs, stcls, gold)
self.model.set_scoresC(eg.c.scores, eg.c.features, eg.c.nr_feat)
guess = VecVec.arg_max_if_true(eg.c.scores, eg.c.is_valid, eg.c.nr_class)
# Sets eg.c.scores, which Example uses to calculate eg.guess
action = self.moves.c[eg.guess]
action.do(stcls.c, action.label)
loss += eg.costs[eg.guess]
eg.fill_scores(0, eg.nr_class)
eg.fill_costs(0, eg.nr_class)
eg.fill_is_valid(0, eg.nr_class)
loss += eg.loss
return loss
def step_through(self, Doc doc):
@ -280,10 +326,10 @@ cdef class StepwiseState:
def predict(self):
self.parser.model.set_featuresC(&self.eg.c, self.stcls.c)
self.parser.model.set_featuresC(self.eg.c, self.stcls.c)
self.parser.moves.set_valid(self.eg.c.is_valid, self.stcls.c)
self.eg.c.features, self.eg.c.nr_feat)
self.eg.c.features, self.eg.c.nr_feat, 1)
cdef Transition action = self.parser.moves.c[self.eg.guess]
return self.parser.moves.move_name(action.move, action.label)

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@ -202,9 +202,9 @@ cdef class Tagger:
for i in range(tokens.length):
if tokens.c[i].pos == 0:
self.model.set_featuresC(&eg.c, tokens.c, i)
self.model.set_featuresC(eg.c, tokens.c, i)
eg.c.features, eg.c.nr_feat)
eg.c.features, eg.c.nr_feat, 1)
guess = VecVec.arg_max_if_true(eg.c.scores, eg.c.is_valid, eg.c.nr_class)
self.vocab.morphology.assign_tag(&tokens.c[i], guess)
eg.fill_scores(0, eg.c.nr_class)
@ -231,11 +231,11 @@ cdef class Tagger:
for i in range(tokens.length):
self.model.set_featuresC(&eg.c, tokens.c, i)
self.model.set_featuresC(eg.c, tokens.c, i)
eg.costs = [ 1 if golds[i] not in (c, -1) else 0 for c in xrange(eg.nr_class) ]
eg.c.features, eg.c.nr_feat)
eg.c.features, eg.c.nr_feat, 1)
self.vocab.morphology.assign_tag(&tokens.c[i], eg.guess)