mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 02:48:04 +03:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into feature/vectors-docs
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import bz2
import re
import srsly
import sys
import random
import datetime
import plac
from pathlib import Path
_unset = object()
class Reddit(object):
"""Stream cleaned comments from Reddit."""
pre_format_re = re.compile(r"^[`*~]")
post_format_re = re.compile(r"[`*~]$")
url_re = re.compile(r"\[([^]]+)\]\(%%URL\)")
link_re = re.compile(r"\[([^]]+)\]\(https?://[^\)]+\)")
def __init__(self, file_path, meta_keys={"subreddit": "section"}):
file_path (unicode / Path): Path to archive or directory of archives.
meta_keys (dict): Meta data key included in the Reddit corpus, mapped
to display name in Prodigy meta.
RETURNS (Reddit): The Reddit loader.
self.meta = meta_keys
file_path = Path(file_path)
if not file_path.exists():
raise IOError("Can't find file path: {}".format(file_path))
if not file_path.is_dir():
self.files = [file_path]
self.files = list(file_path.iterdir())
def __iter__(self):
for file_path in self.iter_files():
with bz2.open(str(file_path)) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if not line:
comment = srsly.json_loads(line)
if self.is_valid(comment):
text = self.strip_tags(comment["body"])
yield {"text": text}
def get_meta(self, item):
return {name: item.get(key, "n/a") for key, name in self.meta.items()}
def iter_files(self):
for file_path in self.files:
yield file_path
def strip_tags(self, text):
text = self.link_re.sub(r"\1", text)
text = text.replace(">", ">").replace("<", "<")
text = self.pre_format_re.sub("", text)
text = self.post_format_re.sub("", text)
text = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", text)
return text.strip()
def is_valid(self, comment):
return (
comment["body"] is not None
and comment["body"] != "[deleted]"
and comment["body"] != "[removed]"
def main(path):
reddit = Reddit(path)
for comment in reddit:
if __name__ == "__main__":
import socket
except NameError:
BrokenPipeError = socket.error
except BrokenPipeError:
import os, sys
# Python flushes standard streams on exit; redirect remaining output
# to devnull to avoid another BrokenPipeError at shutdown
devnull = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_WRONLY)
os.dup2(devnull, sys.stdout.fileno())
sys.exit(1) # Python exits with error code 1 on EPIPE
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from collections import defaultdict
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
import plac
import spacy
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Corpus(object):
def __init__(self, directory, nlp):
self.directory = directory
self.nlp = nlp
def __iter__(self):
for text_loc in iter_dir(self.directory):
with text_loc.open("r", encoding="utf-8") as file_:
text = file_.read()
# This is to keep the input to the blank model (which doesn't
# sentencize) from being too long. It works particularly well with
# the output of [WikiExtractor](https://github.com/attardi/wikiextractor)
paragraphs = text.split('\n\n')
for par in paragraphs:
yield [word.orth_ for word in self.nlp(par)]
def iter_dir(loc):
dir_path = Path(loc)
for fn_path in dir_path.iterdir():
if fn_path.is_dir():
for sub_path in fn_path.iterdir():
yield sub_path
yield fn_path
lang=("ISO language code"),
in_dir=("Location of input directory"),
out_loc=("Location of output file"),
n_workers=("Number of workers", "option", "n", int),
size=("Dimension of the word vectors", "option", "d", int),
window=("Context window size", "option", "w", int),
min_count=("Min count", "option", "m", int),
negative=("Number of negative samples", "option", "g", int),
nr_iter=("Number of iterations", "option", "i", int),
def main(
format="%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s", level=logging.INFO
nlp = spacy.blank(lang)
corpus = Corpus(in_dir, nlp)
model = Word2Vec(
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
from .conll17_ud_eval import main as ud_evaluate # noqa: F401
from .ud_train import main as ud_train # noqa: F401
@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# flake8: noqa
# CoNLL 2017 UD Parsing evaluation script.
# Compatible with Python 2.7 and 3.2+, can be used either as a module
# or a standalone executable.
# Copyright 2017 Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (UFAL),
# Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Czech Republic.
# Changelog:
# - [02 Jan 2017] Version 0.9: Initial release
# - [25 Jan 2017] Version 0.9.1: Fix bug in LCS alignment computation
# - [10 Mar 2017] Version 1.0: Add documentation and test
# Compare HEADs correctly using aligned words
# Allow evaluation with errorneous spaces in forms
# Compare forms in LCS case insensitively
# Detect cycles and multiple root nodes
# Compute AlignedAccuracy
# Command line usage
# ------------------
# conll17_ud_eval.py [-v] [-w weights_file] gold_conllu_file system_conllu_file
# - if no -v is given, only the CoNLL17 UD Shared Task evaluation LAS metrics
# is printed
# - if -v is given, several metrics are printed (as precision, recall, F1 score,
# and in case the metric is computed on aligned words also accuracy on these):
# - Tokens: how well do the gold tokens match system tokens
# - Sentences: how well do the gold sentences match system sentences
# - Words: how well can the gold words be aligned to system words
# - UPOS: using aligned words, how well does UPOS match
# - XPOS: using aligned words, how well does XPOS match
# - Feats: using aligned words, how well does FEATS match
# - AllTags: using aligned words, how well does UPOS+XPOS+FEATS match
# - Lemmas: using aligned words, how well does LEMMA match
# - UAS: using aligned words, how well does HEAD match
# - LAS: using aligned words, how well does HEAD+DEPREL(ignoring subtypes) match
# - if weights_file is given (with lines containing deprel-weight pairs),
# one more metric is shown:
# - WeightedLAS: as LAS, but each deprel (ignoring subtypes) has different weight
# API usage
# ---------
# - load_conllu(file)
# - loads CoNLL-U file from given file object to an internal representation
# - the file object should return str on both Python 2 and Python 3
# - raises UDError exception if the given file cannot be loaded
# - evaluate(gold_ud, system_ud)
# - evaluate the given gold and system CoNLL-U files (loaded with load_conllu)
# - raises UDError if the concatenated tokens of gold and system file do not match
# - returns a dictionary with the metrics described above, each metrics having
# four fields: precision, recall, f1 and aligned_accuracy (when using aligned
# words, otherwise this is None)
# Description of token matching
# -----------------------------
# In order to match tokens of gold file and system file, we consider the text
# resulting from concatenation of gold tokens and text resulting from
# concatenation of system tokens. These texts should match -- if they do not,
# the evaluation fails.
# If the texts do match, every token is represented as a range in this original
# text, and tokens are equal only if their range is the same.
# Description of word matching
# ----------------------------
# When matching words of gold file and system file, we first match the tokens.
# The words which are also tokens are matched as tokens, but words in multi-word
# tokens have to be handled differently.
# To handle multi-word tokens, we start by finding "multi-word spans".
# Multi-word span is a span in the original text such that
# - it contains at least one multi-word token
# - all multi-word tokens in the span (considering both gold and system ones)
# are completely inside the span (i.e., they do not "stick out")
# - the multi-word span is as small as possible
# For every multi-word span, we align the gold and system words completely
# inside this span using LCS on their FORMs. The words not intersecting
# (even partially) any multi-word span are then aligned as tokens.
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import io
import sys
import unittest
# CoNLL-U column names
# UD Error is used when raising exceptions in this module
class UDError(Exception):
# Load given CoNLL-U file into internal representation
def load_conllu(file, check_parse=True):
# Internal representation classes
class UDRepresentation:
def __init__(self):
# Characters of all the tokens in the whole file.
# Whitespace between tokens is not included.
self.characters = []
# List of UDSpan instances with start&end indices into `characters`.
self.tokens = []
# List of UDWord instances.
self.words = []
# List of UDSpan instances with start&end indices into `characters`.
self.sentences = []
class UDSpan:
def __init__(self, start, end, characters):
self.start = start
# Note that self.end marks the first position **after the end** of span,
# so we can use characters[start:end] or range(start, end).
self.end = end
self.characters = characters
def text(self):
return ''.join(self.characters[self.start:self.end])
def __str__(self):
return self.text
def __repr__(self):
return self.text
class UDWord:
def __init__(self, span, columns, is_multiword):
# Span of this word (or MWT, see below) within ud_representation.characters.
self.span = span
# 10 columns of the CoNLL-U file: ID, FORM, LEMMA,...
self.columns = columns
# is_multiword==True means that this word is part of a multi-word token.
# In that case, self.span marks the span of the whole multi-word token.
self.is_multiword = is_multiword
# Reference to the UDWord instance representing the HEAD (or None if root).
self.parent = None
# Let's ignore language-specific deprel subtypes.
self.columns[DEPREL] = columns[DEPREL].split(':')[0]
ud = UDRepresentation()
# Load the CoNLL-U file
index, sentence_start = 0, None
linenum = 0
while True:
line = file.readline()
linenum += 1
if not line:
line = line.rstrip("\r\n")
# Handle sentence start boundaries
if sentence_start is None:
# Skip comments
if line.startswith("#"):
# Start a new sentence
ud.sentences.append(UDSpan(index, 0, ud.characters))
sentence_start = len(ud.words)
if not line:
# Add parent UDWord links and check there are no cycles
def process_word(word):
if word.parent == "remapping":
raise UDError("There is a cycle in a sentence")
if word.parent is None:
head = int(word.columns[HEAD])
if head > len(ud.words) - sentence_start:
raise UDError("Line {}: HEAD '{}' points outside of the sentence".format(
linenum, word.columns[HEAD]))
if head:
parent = ud.words[sentence_start + head - 1]
word.parent = "remapping"
word.parent = parent
for word in ud.words[sentence_start:]:
# Check there is a single root node
if check_parse:
if len([word for word in ud.words[sentence_start:] if word.parent is None]) != 1:
raise UDError("There are multiple roots in a sentence")
# End the sentence
ud.sentences[-1].end = index
sentence_start = None
# Read next token/word
columns = line.split("\t")
if len(columns) != 10:
raise UDError("The CoNLL-U line {} does not contain 10 tab-separated columns: '{}'".format(linenum, line))
# Skip empty nodes
if "." in columns[ID]:
# Delete spaces from FORM so gold.characters == system.characters
# even if one of them tokenizes the space.
columns[FORM] = columns[FORM].replace(" ", "")
if not columns[FORM]:
raise UDError("There is an empty FORM in the CoNLL-U file -- line %d" % linenum)
# Save token
ud.tokens.append(UDSpan(index, index + len(columns[FORM]), ud.characters))
index += len(columns[FORM])
# Handle multi-word tokens to save word(s)
if "-" in columns[ID]:
start, end = map(int, columns[ID].split("-"))
raise UDError("Cannot parse multi-word token ID '{}'".format(columns[ID]))
for _ in range(start, end + 1):
word_line = file.readline().rstrip("\r\n")
word_columns = word_line.split("\t")
if len(word_columns) != 10:
raise UDError("The CoNLL-U line {} does not contain 10 tab-separated columns: '{}'".format(linenum, word_line))
ud.words.append(UDWord(ud.tokens[-1], word_columns, is_multiword=True))
# Basic tokens/words
word_id = int(columns[ID])
raise UDError("Cannot parse word ID '{}'".format(columns[ID]))
if word_id != len(ud.words) - sentence_start + 1:
raise UDError("Incorrect word ID '{}' for word '{}', expected '{}'".format(columns[ID], columns[FORM], len(ud.words) - sentence_start + 1))
head_id = int(columns[HEAD])
raise UDError("Cannot parse HEAD '{}'".format(columns[HEAD]))
if head_id < 0:
raise UDError("HEAD cannot be negative")
ud.words.append(UDWord(ud.tokens[-1], columns, is_multiword=False))
if sentence_start is not None:
raise UDError("The CoNLL-U file does not end with empty line")
return ud
# Evaluate the gold and system treebanks (loaded using load_conllu).
def evaluate(gold_ud, system_ud, deprel_weights=None, check_parse=True):
class Score:
def __init__(self, gold_total, system_total, correct, aligned_total=None, undersegmented=None, oversegmented=None):
self.precision = correct / system_total if system_total else 0.0
self.recall = correct / gold_total if gold_total else 0.0
self.f1 = 2 * correct / (system_total + gold_total) if system_total + gold_total else 0.0
self.aligned_accuracy = correct / aligned_total if aligned_total else aligned_total
self.undersegmented = undersegmented
self.oversegmented = oversegmented
self.under_perc = len(undersegmented) / gold_total if gold_total and undersegmented else 0.0
self.over_perc = len(oversegmented) / gold_total if gold_total and oversegmented else 0.0
class AlignmentWord:
def __init__(self, gold_word, system_word):
self.gold_word = gold_word
self.system_word = system_word
self.gold_parent = None
self.system_parent_gold_aligned = None
class Alignment:
def __init__(self, gold_words, system_words):
self.gold_words = gold_words
self.system_words = system_words
self.matched_words = []
self.matched_words_map = {}
def append_aligned_words(self, gold_word, system_word):
self.matched_words.append(AlignmentWord(gold_word, system_word))
self.matched_words_map[system_word] = gold_word
def fill_parents(self):
# We represent root parents in both gold and system data by '0'.
# For gold data, we represent non-root parent by corresponding gold word.
# For system data, we represent non-root parent by either gold word aligned
# to parent system nodes, or by None if no gold words is aligned to the parent.
for words in self.matched_words:
words.gold_parent = words.gold_word.parent if words.gold_word.parent is not None else 0
words.system_parent_gold_aligned = self.matched_words_map.get(words.system_word.parent, None) \
if words.system_word.parent is not None else 0
def lower(text):
if sys.version_info < (3, 0) and isinstance(text, str):
return text.decode("utf-8").lower()
return text.lower()
def spans_score(gold_spans, system_spans):
correct, gi, si = 0, 0, 0
undersegmented = []
oversegmented = []
combo = 0
previous_end_si_earlier = False
previous_end_gi_earlier = False
while gi < len(gold_spans) and si < len(system_spans):
previous_si = system_spans[si-1] if si > 0 else None
previous_gi = gold_spans[gi-1] if gi > 0 else None
if system_spans[si].start < gold_spans[gi].start:
# avoid counting the same mistake twice
if not previous_end_si_earlier:
combo += 1
si += 1
elif gold_spans[gi].start < system_spans[si].start:
# avoid counting the same mistake twice
if not previous_end_gi_earlier:
combo += 1
gi += 1
correct += gold_spans[gi].end == system_spans[si].end
if gold_spans[gi].end < system_spans[si].end:
previous_end_gi_earlier = True
previous_end_si_earlier = False
elif gold_spans[gi].end > system_spans[si].end:
previous_end_si_earlier = True
previous_end_gi_earlier = False
previous_end_gi_earlier = False
previous_end_si_earlier = False
si += 1
gi += 1
return Score(len(gold_spans), len(system_spans), correct, None, undersegmented, oversegmented)
def alignment_score(alignment, key_fn, weight_fn=lambda w: 1):
gold, system, aligned, correct = 0, 0, 0, 0
for word in alignment.gold_words:
gold += weight_fn(word)
for word in alignment.system_words:
system += weight_fn(word)
for words in alignment.matched_words:
aligned += weight_fn(words.gold_word)
if key_fn is None:
# Return score for whole aligned words
return Score(gold, system, aligned)
for words in alignment.matched_words:
if key_fn(words.gold_word, words.gold_parent) == key_fn(words.system_word, words.system_parent_gold_aligned):
correct += weight_fn(words.gold_word)
return Score(gold, system, correct, aligned)
def beyond_end(words, i, multiword_span_end):
if i >= len(words):
return True
if words[i].is_multiword:
return words[i].span.start >= multiword_span_end
return words[i].span.end > multiword_span_end
def extend_end(word, multiword_span_end):
if word.is_multiword and word.span.end > multiword_span_end:
return word.span.end
return multiword_span_end
def find_multiword_span(gold_words, system_words, gi, si):
# We know gold_words[gi].is_multiword or system_words[si].is_multiword.
# Find the start of the multiword span (gs, ss), so the multiword span is minimal.
# Initialize multiword_span_end characters index.
if gold_words[gi].is_multiword:
multiword_span_end = gold_words[gi].span.end
if not system_words[si].is_multiword and system_words[si].span.start < gold_words[gi].span.start:
si += 1
else: # if system_words[si].is_multiword
multiword_span_end = system_words[si].span.end
if not gold_words[gi].is_multiword and gold_words[gi].span.start < system_words[si].span.start:
gi += 1
gs, ss = gi, si
# Find the end of the multiword span
# (so both gi and si are pointing to the word following the multiword span end).
while not beyond_end(gold_words, gi, multiword_span_end) or \
not beyond_end(system_words, si, multiword_span_end):
if gi < len(gold_words) and (si >= len(system_words) or
gold_words[gi].span.start <= system_words[si].span.start):
multiword_span_end = extend_end(gold_words[gi], multiword_span_end)
gi += 1
multiword_span_end = extend_end(system_words[si], multiword_span_end)
si += 1
return gs, ss, gi, si
def compute_lcs(gold_words, system_words, gi, si, gs, ss):
lcs = [[0] * (si - ss) for i in range(gi - gs)]
for g in reversed(range(gi - gs)):
for s in reversed(range(si - ss)):
if lower(gold_words[gs + g].columns[FORM]) == lower(system_words[ss + s].columns[FORM]):
lcs[g][s] = 1 + (lcs[g+1][s+1] if g+1 < gi-gs and s+1 < si-ss else 0)
lcs[g][s] = max(lcs[g][s], lcs[g+1][s] if g+1 < gi-gs else 0)
lcs[g][s] = max(lcs[g][s], lcs[g][s+1] if s+1 < si-ss else 0)
return lcs
def align_words(gold_words, system_words):
alignment = Alignment(gold_words, system_words)
gi, si = 0, 0
while gi < len(gold_words) and si < len(system_words):
if gold_words[gi].is_multiword or system_words[si].is_multiword:
# A: Multi-word tokens => align via LCS within the whole "multiword span".
gs, ss, gi, si = find_multiword_span(gold_words, system_words, gi, si)
if si > ss and gi > gs:
lcs = compute_lcs(gold_words, system_words, gi, si, gs, ss)
# Store aligned words
s, g = 0, 0
while g < gi - gs and s < si - ss:
if lower(gold_words[gs + g].columns[FORM]) == lower(system_words[ss + s].columns[FORM]):
alignment.append_aligned_words(gold_words[gs+g], system_words[ss+s])
g += 1
s += 1
elif lcs[g][s] == (lcs[g+1][s] if g+1 < gi-gs else 0):
g += 1
s += 1
# B: No multi-word token => align according to spans.
if (gold_words[gi].span.start, gold_words[gi].span.end) == (system_words[si].span.start, system_words[si].span.end):
alignment.append_aligned_words(gold_words[gi], system_words[si])
gi += 1
si += 1
elif gold_words[gi].span.start <= system_words[si].span.start:
gi += 1
si += 1
return alignment
# Check that underlying character sequences do match
if gold_ud.characters != system_ud.characters:
index = 0
while gold_ud.characters[index] == system_ud.characters[index]:
index += 1
raise UDError(
"The concatenation of tokens in gold file and in system file differ!\n" +
"First 20 differing characters in gold file: '{}' and system file: '{}'".format(
"".join(gold_ud.characters[index:index + 20]),
"".join(system_ud.characters[index:index + 20])
# Align words
alignment = align_words(gold_ud.words, system_ud.words)
# Compute the F1-scores
if check_parse:
result = {
"Tokens": spans_score(gold_ud.tokens, system_ud.tokens),
"Sentences": spans_score(gold_ud.sentences, system_ud.sentences),
"Words": alignment_score(alignment, None),
"UPOS": alignment_score(alignment, lambda w, parent: w.columns[UPOS]),
"XPOS": alignment_score(alignment, lambda w, parent: w.columns[XPOS]),
"Feats": alignment_score(alignment, lambda w, parent: w.columns[FEATS]),
"AllTags": alignment_score(alignment, lambda w, parent: (w.columns[UPOS], w.columns[XPOS], w.columns[FEATS])),
"Lemmas": alignment_score(alignment, lambda w, parent: w.columns[LEMMA]),
"UAS": alignment_score(alignment, lambda w, parent: parent),
"LAS": alignment_score(alignment, lambda w, parent: (parent, w.columns[DEPREL])),
result = {
"Tokens": spans_score(gold_ud.tokens, system_ud.tokens),
"Sentences": spans_score(gold_ud.sentences, system_ud.sentences),
"Words": alignment_score(alignment, None),
"Feats": alignment_score(alignment, lambda w, parent: w.columns[FEATS]),
"Lemmas": alignment_score(alignment, lambda w, parent: w.columns[LEMMA]),
# Add WeightedLAS if weights are given
if deprel_weights is not None:
def weighted_las(word):
return deprel_weights.get(word.columns[DEPREL], 1.0)
result["WeightedLAS"] = alignment_score(alignment, lambda w, parent: (parent, w.columns[DEPREL]), weighted_las)
return result
def load_deprel_weights(weights_file):
if weights_file is None:
return None
deprel_weights = {}
for line in weights_file:
# Ignore comments and empty lines
if line.startswith("#") or not line.strip():
columns = line.rstrip("\r\n").split()
if len(columns) != 2:
raise ValueError("Expected two columns in the UD Relations weights file on line '{}'".format(line))
deprel_weights[columns[0]] = float(columns[1])
return deprel_weights
def load_conllu_file(path):
_file = open(path, mode="r", **({"encoding": "utf-8"} if sys.version_info >= (3, 0) else {}))
return load_conllu(_file)
def evaluate_wrapper(args):
# Load CoNLL-U files
gold_ud = load_conllu_file(args.gold_file)
system_ud = load_conllu_file(args.system_file)
# Load weights if requested
deprel_weights = load_deprel_weights(args.weights)
return evaluate(gold_ud, system_ud, deprel_weights)
def main():
# Parse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("gold_file", type=str,
help="Name of the CoNLL-U file with the gold data.")
parser.add_argument("system_file", type=str,
help="Name of the CoNLL-U file with the predicted data.")
parser.add_argument("--weights", "-w", type=argparse.FileType("r"), default=None,
help="Compute WeightedLAS using given weights for Universal Dependency Relations.")
parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", default=0, action="count",
help="Print all metrics.")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Use verbose if weights are supplied
if args.weights is not None and not args.verbose:
args.verbose = 1
# Evaluate
evaluation = evaluate_wrapper(args)
# Print the evaluation
if not args.verbose:
print("LAS F1 Score: {:.2f}".format(100 * evaluation["LAS"].f1))
metrics = ["Tokens", "Sentences", "Words", "UPOS", "XPOS", "Feats", "AllTags", "Lemmas", "UAS", "LAS"]
if args.weights is not None:
print("Metrics | Precision | Recall | F1 Score | AligndAcc")
for metric in metrics:
print("{:11}|{:10.2f} |{:10.2f} |{:10.2f} |{}".format(
100 * evaluation[metric].precision,
100 * evaluation[metric].recall,
100 * evaluation[metric].f1,
"{:10.2f}".format(100 * evaluation[metric].aligned_accuracy) if evaluation[metric].aligned_accuracy is not None else ""
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Tests, which can be executed with `python -m unittest conll17_ud_eval`.
class TestAlignment(unittest.TestCase):
def _load_words(words):
"""Prepare fake CoNLL-U files with fake HEAD to prevent multiple roots errors."""
lines, num_words = [], 0
for w in words:
parts = w.split(" ")
if len(parts) == 1:
num_words += 1
lines.append("{}\t{}\t_\t_\t_\t_\t{}\t_\t_\t_".format(num_words, parts[0], int(num_words>1)))
lines.append("{}-{}\t{}\t_\t_\t_\t_\t_\t_\t_\t_".format(num_words + 1, num_words + len(parts) - 1, parts[0]))
for part in parts[1:]:
num_words += 1
lines.append("{}\t{}\t_\t_\t_\t_\t{}\t_\t_\t_".format(num_words, part, int(num_words>1)))
return load_conllu((io.StringIO if sys.version_info >= (3, 0) else io.BytesIO)("\n".join(lines+["\n"])))
def _test_exception(self, gold, system):
self.assertRaises(UDError, evaluate, self._load_words(gold), self._load_words(system))
def _test_ok(self, gold, system, correct):
metrics = evaluate(self._load_words(gold), self._load_words(system))
gold_words = sum((max(1, len(word.split(" ")) - 1) for word in gold))
system_words = sum((max(1, len(word.split(" ")) - 1) for word in system))
self.assertEqual((metrics["Words"].precision, metrics["Words"].recall, metrics["Words"].f1),
(correct / system_words, correct / gold_words, 2 * correct / (gold_words + system_words)))
def test_exception(self):
self._test_exception(["a"], ["b"])
def test_equal(self):
self._test_ok(["a"], ["a"], 1)
self._test_ok(["a", "b", "c"], ["a", "b", "c"], 3)
def test_equal_with_multiword(self):
self._test_ok(["abc a b c"], ["a", "b", "c"], 3)
self._test_ok(["a", "bc b c", "d"], ["a", "b", "c", "d"], 4)
self._test_ok(["abcd a b c d"], ["ab a b", "cd c d"], 4)
self._test_ok(["abc a b c", "de d e"], ["a", "bcd b c d", "e"], 5)
def test_alignment(self):
self._test_ok(["abcd"], ["a", "b", "c", "d"], 0)
self._test_ok(["abc", "d"], ["a", "b", "c", "d"], 1)
self._test_ok(["a", "bc", "d"], ["a", "b", "c", "d"], 2)
self._test_ok(["a", "bc b c", "d"], ["a", "b", "cd"], 2)
self._test_ok(["abc a BX c", "def d EX f"], ["ab a b", "cd c d", "ef e f"], 4)
self._test_ok(["ab a b", "cd bc d"], ["a", "bc", "d"], 2)
self._test_ok(["a", "bc b c", "d"], ["ab AX BX", "cd CX a"], 1)
@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
import spacy
import time
import re
import plac
import operator
import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import conll17_ud_eval
from ud_train import write_conllu
from spacy.lang.lex_attrs import word_shape
from spacy.util import get_lang_class
# All languages in spaCy format (note that Norwegian is 'no' in UD - gets remapped later)
ALL_LANGUAGES = ("af, ar, bg, bn, ca, cs, da, de, el, en, es, et, eu, fa, fi, fr,"
"ga, gu, he, hi, hr, hu, hy, id, is, it, ja, kn, ko, lb, lij, lt, lv, ml, mr, nb,"
"nl, pl, pt, ro, ru, si, sk, sl, sq, sr, sv, ta, te, th, tl,"
"tr, tt, uk, ur, vi, yo, zh")
# Non-parsing tasks that will be evaluated (works for default models)
EVAL_NO_PARSE = ['Tokens', 'Words', 'Lemmas', 'Sentences', 'Feats']
# Tasks that will be evaluated if check_parse=True (does not work for default models)
EVAL_PARSE = ['Tokens', 'Words', 'Lemmas', 'Sentences', 'Feats', 'UPOS', 'XPOS', 'AllTags', 'UAS', 'LAS']
# Minimum frequency an error should have to be printed
# Maximum number of errors printed per category
space_re = re.compile("\s+")
def load_model(modelname, add_sentencizer=False):
""" Load a specific spaCy model """
loading_start = time.time()
nlp = spacy.load(modelname)
if add_sentencizer:
loading_end = time.time()
loading_time = loading_end - loading_start
if add_sentencizer:
return nlp, loading_time, modelname + '_sentencizer'
return nlp, loading_time, modelname
def load_default_model_sentencizer(lang):
""" Load a generic spaCy model and add the sentencizer for sentence tokenization"""
loading_start = time.time()
lang_class = get_lang_class(lang)
nlp = lang_class()
loading_end = time.time()
loading_time = loading_end - loading_start
return nlp, loading_time, lang + "_default_" + 'sentencizer'
def split_text(text):
return [space_re.sub(" ", par.strip()) for par in text.split("\n\n")]
def get_freq_tuples(my_list, print_total_threshold):
""" Turn a list of errors into frequency-sorted tuples thresholded by a certain total number """
d = {}
for token in my_list:
d.setdefault(token, 0)
d[token] += 1
return sorted(d.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:print_total_threshold]
def _contains_blinded_text(stats_xml):
""" Heuristic to determine whether the treebank has blinded texts or not """
tree = ET.parse(stats_xml)
root = tree.getroot()
total_tokens = int(root.find('size/total/tokens').text)
unique_forms = int(root.find('forms').get('unique'))
# assume the corpus is largely blinded when there are less than 1% unique tokens
return (unique_forms / total_tokens) < 0.01
def fetch_all_treebanks(ud_dir, languages, corpus, best_per_language):
"""" Fetch the txt files for all treebanks for a given set of languages """
all_treebanks = dict()
treebank_size = dict()
for l in languages:
all_treebanks[l] = []
treebank_size[l] = 0
for treebank_dir in ud_dir.iterdir():
if treebank_dir.is_dir():
for txt_path in treebank_dir.iterdir():
if txt_path.name.endswith('-ud-' + corpus + '.txt'):
file_lang = txt_path.name.split('_')[0]
if file_lang in languages:
gold_path = treebank_dir / txt_path.name.replace('.txt', '.conllu')
stats_xml = treebank_dir / "stats.xml"
# ignore treebanks where the texts are not publicly available
if not _contains_blinded_text(stats_xml):
if not best_per_language:
# check the tokens in the gold annotation to keep only the biggest treebank per language
with gold_path.open(mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as gold_file:
gold_ud = conll17_ud_eval.load_conllu(gold_file)
gold_tokens = len(gold_ud.tokens)
if treebank_size[file_lang] < gold_tokens:
all_treebanks[file_lang] = [txt_path]
treebank_size[file_lang] = gold_tokens
return all_treebanks
def run_single_eval(nlp, loading_time, print_name, text_path, gold_ud, tmp_output_path, out_file, print_header,
check_parse, print_freq_tasks):
"""" Run an evaluation of a model nlp on a certain specified treebank """
with text_path.open(mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
flat_text = f.read()
# STEP 1: tokenize text
tokenization_start = time.time()
texts = split_text(flat_text)
docs = list(nlp.pipe(texts))
tokenization_end = time.time()
tokenization_time = tokenization_end - tokenization_start
# STEP 2: record stats and timings
tokens_per_s = int(len(gold_ud.tokens) / tokenization_time)
print_header_1 = ['date', 'text_path', 'gold_tokens', 'model', 'loading_time', 'tokenization_time', 'tokens_per_s']
print_string_1 = [str(datetime.date.today()), text_path.name, len(gold_ud.tokens),
print_name, "%.2f" % loading_time, "%.2f" % tokenization_time, tokens_per_s]
# STEP 3: evaluate predicted tokens and features
with tmp_output_path.open(mode="w", encoding="utf8") as tmp_out_file:
write_conllu(docs, tmp_out_file)
with tmp_output_path.open(mode="r", encoding="utf8") as sys_file:
sys_ud = conll17_ud_eval.load_conllu(sys_file, check_parse=check_parse)
scores = conll17_ud_eval.evaluate(gold_ud, sys_ud, check_parse=check_parse)
# STEP 4: format the scoring results
eval_headers = EVAL_PARSE
if not check_parse:
eval_headers = EVAL_NO_PARSE
for score_name in eval_headers:
score = scores[score_name]
print_string_1.extend(["%.2f" % score.precision,
"%.2f" % score.recall,
"%.2f" % score.f1])
print_string_1.append("-" if score.aligned_accuracy is None else "%.2f" % score.aligned_accuracy)
print_string_1.append("-" if score.undersegmented is None else "%.4f" % score.under_perc)
print_string_1.append("-" if score.oversegmented is None else "%.4f" % score.over_perc)
print_header_1.extend([score_name + '_p', score_name + '_r', score_name + '_F', score_name + '_acc',
score_name + '_under', score_name + '_over'])
if score_name in print_freq_tasks:
print_header_1.extend([score_name + '_word_under_ex', score_name + '_shape_under_ex',
score_name + '_word_over_ex', score_name + '_shape_over_ex'])
d_under_words = get_freq_tuples(score.undersegmented, PRINT_TOTAL)
d_under_shapes = get_freq_tuples([word_shape(x) for x in score.undersegmented], PRINT_TOTAL)
d_over_words = get_freq_tuples(score.oversegmented, PRINT_TOTAL)
d_over_shapes = get_freq_tuples([word_shape(x) for x in score.oversegmented], PRINT_TOTAL)
# saving to CSV with ; seperator so blinding ; in the example output
str({k: v for k, v in d_under_words if v > PRINT_FREQ}).replace(";", "*SEMICOLON*"))
str({k: v for k, v in d_under_shapes if v > PRINT_FREQ}).replace(";", "*SEMICOLON*"))
str({k: v for k, v in d_over_words if v > PRINT_FREQ}).replace(";", "*SEMICOLON*"))
str({k: v for k, v in d_over_shapes if v > PRINT_FREQ}).replace(";", "*SEMICOLON*"))
# STEP 5: print the formatted results to CSV
if print_header:
out_file.write(';'.join(map(str, print_header_1)) + '\n')
out_file.write(';'.join(map(str, print_string_1)) + '\n')
def run_all_evals(models, treebanks, out_file, check_parse, print_freq_tasks):
"""" Run an evaluation for each language with its specified models and treebanks """
print_header = True
for tb_lang, treebank_list in treebanks.items():
print("Language", tb_lang)
for text_path in treebank_list:
print(" Evaluating on", text_path)
gold_path = text_path.parent / (text_path.stem + '.conllu')
print(" Gold data from ", gold_path)
# nested try blocks to ensure the code can continue with the next iteration after a failure
with gold_path.open(mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as gold_file:
gold_ud = conll17_ud_eval.load_conllu(gold_file)
for nlp, nlp_loading_time, nlp_name in models[tb_lang]:
print(" Benchmarking", nlp_name)
tmp_output_path = text_path.parent / str('tmp_' + nlp_name + '.conllu')
run_single_eval(nlp, nlp_loading_time, nlp_name, text_path, gold_ud, tmp_output_path, out_file,
print_header, check_parse, print_freq_tasks)
print_header = False
except Exception as e:
print(" Ran into trouble: ", str(e))
except Exception as e:
print(" Ran into trouble: ", str(e))
out_path=("Path to output CSV file", "positional", None, Path),
ud_dir=("Path to Universal Dependencies corpus", "positional", None, Path),
check_parse=("Set flag to evaluate parsing performance", "flag", "p", bool),
langs=("Enumeration of languages to evaluate (default: all)", "option", "l", str),
exclude_trained_models=("Set flag to exclude trained models", "flag", "t", bool),
exclude_multi=("Set flag to exclude the multi-language model as default baseline", "flag", "m", bool),
hide_freq=("Set flag to avoid printing out more detailed high-freq tokenization errors", "flag", "f", bool),
corpus=("Whether to run on train, dev or test", "option", "c", str),
best_per_language=("Set flag to only keep the largest treebank for each language", "flag", "b", bool)
def main(out_path, ud_dir, check_parse=False, langs=ALL_LANGUAGES, exclude_trained_models=False, exclude_multi=False,
hide_freq=False, corpus='train', best_per_language=False):
Assemble all treebanks and models to run evaluations with.
When setting check_parse to True, the default models will not be evaluated as they don't have parsing functionality
languages = [lang.strip() for lang in langs.split(",")]
print_freq_tasks = []
if not hide_freq:
print_freq_tasks = ['Tokens']
# fetching all relevant treebank from the directory
treebanks = fetch_all_treebanks(ud_dir, languages, corpus, best_per_language)
print("Loading all relevant models for", languages)
models = dict()
# multi-lang model
multi = None
if not exclude_multi and not check_parse:
multi = load_model('xx_ent_wiki_sm', add_sentencizer=True)
# initialize all models with the multi-lang model
for lang in languages:
UD_lang = lang
# Norwegian is 'nb' in spaCy but 'no' in the UD corpora
if lang == "nb":
UD_lang = "no"
models[UD_lang] = [multi] if multi else []
# add default models if we don't want to evaluate parsing info
if not check_parse:
print(f"Exception initializing lang {lang} - skipping")
# language-specific trained models
if not exclude_trained_models:
news_languages = ["da", "de", "el", "es", "fr", "it", "ja", "lt", "nb", "nl", "pl", "pt", "ro"]
news_languages = ["nb"]
web_languages = ["en", "zh"]
sizes = ["sm", "md", "lg"]
for lang in web_languages:
UD_lang = lang
for size in sizes:
model_name = f'{lang}_core_web_{size}'
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading {model_name}: {e}")
for lang in news_languages:
UD_lang = lang
if lang == "nb":
UD_lang = "no"
for size in sizes:
model_name = f'{lang}_core_news_{size}'
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading {model_name}: {e}")
with out_path.open(mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as out_file:
run_all_evals(models, treebanks, out_file, check_parse, print_freq_tasks)
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
# flake8: noqa
"""Train for CONLL 2017 UD treebank evaluation. Takes .conllu files, writes
.conllu format for development data, allowing the official scorer to be used.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import plac
from pathlib import Path
import re
import sys
import srsly
import spacy
import spacy.util
from spacy.tokens import Token, Doc
from spacy.matcher import Matcher
Fused_begin = None
Fused_inside = None
from . import conll17_ud_eval
from spacy import lang
from spacy.lang import zh
from spacy.lang import ja
from spacy.lang import ru
# Data reading #
space_re = re.compile(r"\s+")
def split_text(text):
return [space_re.sub(" ", par.strip()) for par in text.split("\n\n")]
# Evaluation #
def read_conllu(file_):
docs = []
sent = []
doc = []
for line in file_:
if line.startswith("# newdoc"):
if doc:
doc = []
elif line.startswith("#"):
elif not line.strip():
if sent:
sent = []
if len(sent[-1]) != 10:
raise ValueError
if sent:
if doc:
return docs
def evaluate(nlp, text_loc, gold_loc, sys_loc, limit=None):
if text_loc.parts[-1].endswith(".conllu"):
docs = []
with text_loc.open(encoding="utf8") as file_:
for conllu_doc in read_conllu(file_):
for conllu_sent in conllu_doc:
words = [line[1] for line in conllu_sent]
docs.append(Doc(nlp.vocab, words=words))
for name, component in nlp.pipeline:
docs = list(component.pipe(docs))
with text_loc.open("r", encoding="utf8") as text_file:
texts = split_text(text_file.read())
docs = list(nlp.pipe(texts))
with sys_loc.open("w", encoding="utf8") as out_file:
write_conllu(docs, out_file)
with gold_loc.open("r", encoding="utf8") as gold_file:
gold_ud = conll17_ud_eval.load_conllu(gold_file)
with sys_loc.open("r", encoding="utf8") as sys_file:
sys_ud = conll17_ud_eval.load_conllu(sys_file)
scores = conll17_ud_eval.evaluate(gold_ud, sys_ud)
return docs, scores
def write_conllu(docs, file_):
merger = Matcher(docs[0].vocab)
merger.add("SUBTOK", None, [{"DEP": "subtok", "op": "+"}])
for i, doc in enumerate(docs):
matches = []
if doc.is_parsed:
matches = merger(doc)
spans = [doc[start : end + 1] for _, start, end in matches]
with doc.retokenize() as retokenizer:
for span in spans:
file_.write("# newdoc id = {i}\n".format(i=i))
for j, sent in enumerate(doc.sents):
file_.write("# sent_id = {i}.{j}\n".format(i=i, j=j))
file_.write("# text = {text}\n".format(text=sent.text))
for k, token in enumerate(sent):
file_.write(_get_token_conllu(token, k, len(sent)) + "\n")
for word in sent:
if word.head.i == word.i and word.dep_ == "ROOT":
print("Rootless sentence!")
for w in sent:
print(w.i, w.text, w.head.text, w.head.i, w.dep_)
raise ValueError
def _get_token_conllu(token, k, sent_len):
if token.check_morph(Fused_begin) and (k + 1 < sent_len):
n = 1
text = [token.text]
while token.nbor(n).check_morph(Fused_inside):
n += 1
id_ = "%d-%d" % (k + 1, (k + n))
fields = [id_, "".join(text)] + ["_"] * 8
lines = ["\t".join(fields)]
lines = []
if token.head.i == token.i:
head = 0
head = k + (token.head.i - token.i) + 1
fields = [
str(k + 1),
if token.check_morph(Fused_begin) and (k + 1 < sent_len):
if k == 0:
fields[1] = token.norm_[0].upper() + token.norm_[1:]
fields[1] = token.norm_
elif token.check_morph(Fused_inside):
fields[1] = token.norm_
elif token._.split_start is not None:
split_start = token._.split_start
split_end = token._.split_end
split_len = (split_end.i - split_start.i) + 1
n_in_split = token.i - split_start.i
subtokens = guess_fused_orths(split_start.text, [""] * split_len)
fields[1] = subtokens[n_in_split]
return "\n".join(lines)
def guess_fused_orths(word, ud_forms):
"""The UD data 'fused tokens' don't necessarily expand to keys that match
the form. We need orths that exact match the string. Here we make a best
effort to divide up the word."""
if word == "".join(ud_forms):
# Happy case: we get a perfect split, with each letter accounted for.
return ud_forms
elif len(word) == sum(len(subtoken) for subtoken in ud_forms):
# Unideal, but at least lengths match.
output = []
remain = word
for subtoken in ud_forms:
assert len(subtoken) >= 1
output.append(remain[: len(subtoken)])
remain = remain[len(subtoken) :]
assert len(remain) == 0, (word, ud_forms, remain)
return output
# Let's say word is 6 long, and there are three subtokens. The orths
# *must* equal the original string. Arbitrarily, split [4, 1, 1]
first = word[: len(word) - (len(ud_forms) - 1)]
output = [first]
remain = word[len(first) :]
for i in range(1, len(ud_forms)):
assert remain
remain = remain[1:]
assert len(remain) == 0, (word, output, remain)
return output
def print_results(name, ud_scores):
fields = {}
if ud_scores is not None:
"words": ud_scores["Words"].f1 * 100,
"sents": ud_scores["Sentences"].f1 * 100,
"tags": ud_scores["XPOS"].f1 * 100,
"uas": ud_scores["UAS"].f1 * 100,
"las": ud_scores["LAS"].f1 * 100,
fields.update({"words": 0.0, "sents": 0.0, "tags": 0.0, "uas": 0.0, "las": 0.0})
tpl = "\t".join(
(name, "{las:.1f}", "{uas:.1f}", "{tags:.1f}", "{sents:.1f}", "{words:.1f}")
return fields
def get_token_split_start(token):
if token.text == "":
assert token.i != 0
i = -1
while token.nbor(i).text == "":
i -= 1
return token.nbor(i)
elif (token.i + 1) < len(token.doc) and token.nbor(1).text == "":
return token
return None
def get_token_split_end(token):
if (token.i + 1) == len(token.doc):
return token if token.text == "" else None
elif token.text != "" and token.nbor(1).text != "":
return None
i = 1
while (token.i + i) < len(token.doc) and token.nbor(i).text == "":
i += 1
return token.nbor(i - 1)
# Initialization #
def load_nlp(experiments_dir, corpus):
nlp = spacy.load(experiments_dir / corpus / "best-model")
return nlp
def initialize_pipeline(nlp, examples, config, device):
return nlp
"Path to Universal Dependencies test data",
experiment_dir=("Parent directory with output model", "positional", None, Path),
"UD corpus to evaluate, e.g. UD_English, UD_Spanish, etc",
def main(test_data_dir, experiment_dir, corpus):
Token.set_extension("split_start", getter=get_token_split_start)
Token.set_extension("split_end", getter=get_token_split_end)
Token.set_extension("begins_fused", default=False)
Token.set_extension("inside_fused", default=False)
lang.zh.Chinese.Defaults.use_jieba = False
lang.ja.Japanese.Defaults.use_janome = False
lang.ru.Russian.Defaults.use_pymorphy2 = False
nlp = load_nlp(experiment_dir, corpus)
treebank_code = nlp.meta["treebank"]
for section in ("test", "dev"):
if section == "dev":
section_dir = "conll17-ud-development-2017-03-19"
section_dir = "conll17-ud-test-2017-05-09"
text_path = test_data_dir / "input" / section_dir / (treebank_code + ".txt")
udpipe_path = (
test_data_dir / "input" / section_dir / (treebank_code + "-udpipe.conllu")
gold_path = test_data_dir / "gold" / section_dir / (treebank_code + ".conllu")
header = [section, "LAS", "UAS", "TAG", "SENT", "WORD"]
inputs = {"gold": gold_path, "udp": udpipe_path, "raw": text_path}
for input_type in ("udp", "raw"):
input_path = inputs[input_type]
output_path = (
experiment_dir / corpus / "{section}.conllu".format(section=section)
parsed_docs, test_scores = evaluate(nlp, input_path, gold_path, output_path)
accuracy = print_results(input_type, test_scores)
acc_path = (
/ corpus
/ "{section}-accuracy.json".format(section=section)
srsly.write_json(acc_path, accuracy)
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
# flake8: noqa
"""Train for CONLL 2017 UD treebank evaluation. Takes .conllu files, writes
.conllu format for development data, allowing the official scorer to be used.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import plac
from pathlib import Path
import re
import json
import tqdm
import spacy
import spacy.util
from bin.ud import conll17_ud_eval
from spacy.tokens import Token, Doc
from spacy.gold import Example
from spacy.util import compounding, minibatch
from spacy.gold.batchers import minibatch_by_words
from spacy.pipeline._parser_internals.nonproj import projectivize
from spacy.matcher import Matcher
from spacy import displacy
from collections import defaultdict
import random
from spacy import lang
from spacy.lang import zh
from spacy.lang import ja
import torch
except ImportError:
torch = None
# Data reading #
space_re = re.compile("\s+")
def split_text(text):
return [space_re.sub(" ", par.strip()) for par in text.split("\n\n")]
def read_data(
"""Read the CONLLU format into Example objects. If raw_text=True,
include Doc objects created using nlp.make_doc and then aligned against
the gold-standard sequences. If oracle_segments=True, include Doc objects
created from the gold-standard segments. At least one must be True."""
if not raw_text and not oracle_segments:
raise ValueError("At least one of raw_text or oracle_segments must be True")
paragraphs = split_text(text_file.read())
conllu = read_conllu(conllu_file)
# sd is spacy doc; cd is conllu doc
# cs is conllu sent, ct is conllu token
docs = []
golds = []
for doc_id, (text, cd) in enumerate(zip(paragraphs, conllu)):
sent_annots = []
for cs in cd:
sent = defaultdict(list)
for id_, word, lemma, pos, tag, morph, head, dep, _, space_after in cs:
if "." in id_:
if "-" in id_:
id_ = int(id_) - 1
head = int(head) - 1 if head != "0" else id_
sent["morphs"].append(_compile_morph_string(morph, pos))
sent["deps"].append("ROOT" if dep == "root" else dep)
sent["spaces"].append(space_after == "_")
sent["entities"] = ["-"] * len(sent["words"]) # TODO: doc-level format
sent["heads"], sent["deps"] = projectivize(sent["heads"], sent["deps"])
if oracle_segments:
docs.append(Doc(nlp.vocab, words=sent["words"], spaces=sent["spaces"]))
assert golds[-1]["morphs"] is not None
if raw_text and max_doc_length and len(sent_annots) >= max_doc_length:
doc, gold = _make_gold(nlp, None, sent_annots)
assert gold["morphs"] is not None
sent_annots = []
if limit and len(docs) >= limit:
return golds_to_gold_data(docs, golds)
if raw_text and sent_annots:
doc, gold = _make_gold(nlp, None, sent_annots)
if limit and len(docs) >= limit:
return golds_to_gold_data(docs, golds)
return golds_to_gold_data(docs, golds)
def _compile_morph_string(morph_string, pos):
if morph_string == '_':
return f"POS={pos}"
return morph_string + f"|POS={pos}"
def read_conllu(file_):
docs = []
sent = []
doc = []
for line in file_:
if line.startswith("# newdoc"):
if doc:
doc = []
elif line.startswith("#"):
elif not line.strip():
if sent:
sent = []
if len(sent[-1]) != 10:
raise ValueError
if sent:
if doc:
return docs
def _make_gold(nlp, text, sent_annots, drop_deps=0.0):
# Flatten the conll annotations, and adjust the head indices
gold = defaultdict(list)
sent_starts = []
for sent in sent_annots:
gold["heads"].extend(len(gold["words"])+head for head in sent["heads"])
for field in ["words", "tags", "deps", "morphs", "entities", "spaces"]:
sent_starts.extend([False] * (len(sent["words"]) - 1))
# Construct text if necessary
assert len(gold["words"]) == len(gold["spaces"])
if text is None:
text = "".join(
word + " " * space for word, space in zip(gold["words"], gold["spaces"])
doc = nlp.make_doc(text)
gold["sent_starts"] = sent_starts
for i in range(len(gold["heads"])):
if random.random() < drop_deps:
gold["heads"][i] = None
gold["labels"][i] = None
return doc, gold
# Data transforms for spaCy #
def golds_to_gold_data(docs, golds):
"""Get out the training data format used by begin_training"""
data = []
for doc, gold in zip(docs, golds):
example = Example.from_dict(doc, dict(gold))
return data
# Evaluation #
def evaluate(nlp, text_loc, gold_loc, sys_loc, limit=None):
if text_loc.parts[-1].endswith(".conllu"):
docs = []
with text_loc.open(encoding="utf8") as file_:
for conllu_doc in read_conllu(file_):
for conllu_sent in conllu_doc:
words = [line[1] for line in conllu_sent]
docs.append(Doc(nlp.vocab, words=words))
for name, component in nlp.pipeline:
docs = list(component.pipe(docs))
with text_loc.open("r", encoding="utf8") as text_file:
texts = split_text(text_file.read())
docs = list(nlp.pipe(texts))
with sys_loc.open("w", encoding="utf8") as out_file:
write_conllu(docs, out_file)
with gold_loc.open("r", encoding="utf8") as gold_file:
gold_ud = conll17_ud_eval.load_conllu(gold_file)
with sys_loc.open("r", encoding="utf8") as sys_file:
sys_ud = conll17_ud_eval.load_conllu(sys_file)
scores = conll17_ud_eval.evaluate(gold_ud, sys_ud)
return docs, scores
def write_conllu(docs, file_):
if not Token.has_extension("get_conllu_lines"):
Token.set_extension("get_conllu_lines", method=get_token_conllu)
if not Token.has_extension("begins_fused"):
Token.set_extension("begins_fused", default=False)
if not Token.has_extension("inside_fused"):
Token.set_extension("inside_fused", default=False)
merger = Matcher(docs[0].vocab)
merger.add("SUBTOK", None, [{"DEP": "subtok", "op": "+"}])
for i, doc in enumerate(docs):
matches = []
if doc.is_parsed:
matches = merger(doc)
spans = [doc[start : end + 1] for _, start, end in matches]
seen_tokens = set()
with doc.retokenize() as retokenizer:
for span in spans:
span_tokens = set(range(span.start, span.end))
if not span_tokens.intersection(seen_tokens):
file_.write("# newdoc id = {i}\n".format(i=i))
for j, sent in enumerate(doc.sents):
file_.write("# sent_id = {i}.{j}\n".format(i=i, j=j))
file_.write("# text = {text}\n".format(text=sent.text))
for k, token in enumerate(sent):
if token.head.i > sent[-1].i or token.head.i < sent[0].i:
for word in doc[sent[0].i - 10 : sent[0].i]:
print(word.i, word.head.i, word.text, word.dep_)
for word in sent:
print(word.i, word.head.i, word.text, word.dep_)
for word in doc[sent[-1].i : sent[-1].i + 10]:
print(word.i, word.head.i, word.text, word.dep_)
raise ValueError(
"Invalid parse: head outside sentence (%s)" % token.text
file_.write(token._.get_conllu_lines(k) + "\n")
def print_progress(itn, losses, ud_scores):
fields = {
"dep_loss": losses.get("parser", 0.0),
"morph_loss": losses.get("morphologizer", 0.0),
"tag_loss": losses.get("tagger", 0.0),
"words": ud_scores["Words"].f1 * 100,
"sents": ud_scores["Sentences"].f1 * 100,
"tags": ud_scores["XPOS"].f1 * 100,
"uas": ud_scores["UAS"].f1 * 100,
"las": ud_scores["LAS"].f1 * 100,
"morph": ud_scores["Feats"].f1 * 100,
header = ["Epoch", "P.Loss", "M.Loss", "LAS", "UAS", "TAG", "MORPH", "SENT", "WORD"]
if itn == 0:
tpl = "\t".join((
print(tpl.format(itn, **fields))
# def get_sent_conllu(sent, sent_id):
# lines = ["# sent_id = {sent_id}".format(sent_id=sent_id)]
def get_token_conllu(token, i):
if token._.begins_fused:
n = 1
while token.nbor(n)._.inside_fused:
n += 1
id_ = "%d-%d" % (i, i + n)
lines = [id_, token.text, "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_"]
lines = []
if token.head.i == token.i:
head = 0
head = i + (token.head.i - token.i) + 1
features = list(token.morph)
feat_str = []
replacements = {"one": "1", "two": "2", "three": "3"}
for feat in features:
if "=" in feat:
elif not feat.startswith("begin") and not feat.startswith("end"):
key, value = feat.split("_", 1)
value = replacements.get(value, value)
feat_str.append("%s=%s" % (key, value.title()))
if not feat_str:
feat_str = "_"
feat_str = "|".join(feat_str)
fields = [str(i+1), token.text, token.lemma_, token.pos_, token.tag_, feat_str,
str(head), token.dep_.lower(), "_", "_"]
return "\n".join(lines)
# Initialization #
def load_nlp(corpus, config, vectors=None):
lang = corpus.split("_")[0]
nlp = spacy.blank(lang)
if config.vectors:
if not vectors:
raise ValueError(
"config asks for vectors, but no vectors "
"directory set on command line (use -v)"
if (Path(vectors) / corpus).exists():
nlp.vocab.from_disk(Path(vectors) / corpus / "vocab")
nlp.meta["treebank"] = corpus
return nlp
def initialize_pipeline(nlp, examples, config, device):
nlp.add_pipe(nlp.create_pipe("tagger", config={"set_morphology": False}))
if config.multitask_tag:
if config.multitask_sent:
for eg in examples:
for tag in eg.get_aligned("TAG", as_string=True):
if tag is not None:
if torch is not None and device != -1:
optimizer = nlp.begin_training(
lambda: examples,
if config.pretrained_tok2vec:
_load_pretrained_tok2vec(nlp, config.pretrained_tok2vec)
return optimizer
def _load_pretrained_tok2vec(nlp, loc):
"""Load pretrained weights for the 'token-to-vector' part of the component
models, which is typically a CNN. See 'spacy pretrain'. Experimental.
with Path(loc).open("rb", encoding="utf8") as file_:
weights_data = file_.read()
loaded = []
for name, component in nlp.pipeline:
if hasattr(component, "model") and component.model.has_ref("tok2vec"):
return loaded
# Command line helpers #
class Config(object):
def __init__(
if vectors_dir is not None:
if vectors is None:
vectors = True
if multitask_vectors is None:
multitask_vectors = True
for key, value in locals().items():
setattr(self, key, value)
def load(cls, loc, vectors_dir=None):
with Path(loc).open("r", encoding="utf8") as file_:
cfg = json.load(file_)
if vectors_dir is not None:
cfg["vectors_dir"] = vectors_dir
return cls(**cfg)
class Dataset(object):
def __init__(self, path, section):
self.path = path
self.section = section
self.conllu = None
self.text = None
for file_path in self.path.iterdir():
name = file_path.parts[-1]
if section in name and name.endswith("conllu"):
self.conllu = file_path
elif section in name and name.endswith("txt"):
self.text = file_path
if self.conllu is None:
msg = "Could not find .txt file in {path} for {section}"
raise IOError(msg.format(section=section, path=path))
if self.text is None:
msg = "Could not find .txt file in {path} for {section}"
self.lang = self.conllu.parts[-1].split("-")[0].split("_")[0]
class TreebankPaths(object):
def __init__(self, ud_path, treebank, **cfg):
self.train = Dataset(ud_path / treebank, "train")
self.dev = Dataset(ud_path / treebank, "dev")
self.lang = self.train.lang
ud_dir=("Path to Universal Dependencies corpus", "positional", None, Path),
parses_dir=("Directory to write the development parses", "positional", None, Path),
"UD corpus to train and evaluate on, e.g. UD_Spanish-AnCora",
config=("Path to json formatted config file", "option", "C", Path),
limit=("Size limit", "option", "n", int),
gpu_device=("Use GPU", "option", "g", int),
use_oracle_segments=("Use oracle segments", "flag", "G", int),
"Path to directory with pretrained vectors, named e.g. en/",
def main(
Token.set_extension("get_conllu_lines", method=get_token_conllu)
Token.set_extension("begins_fused", default=False)
Token.set_extension("inside_fused", default=False)
lang.zh.Chinese.Defaults.use_jieba = False
lang.ja.Japanese.Defaults.use_janome = False
if config is not None:
config = Config.load(config, vectors_dir=vectors_dir)
config = Config(vectors_dir=vectors_dir)
paths = TreebankPaths(ud_dir, corpus)
if not (parses_dir / corpus).exists():
(parses_dir / corpus).mkdir()
print("Train and evaluate", corpus, "using lang", paths.lang)
nlp = load_nlp(paths.lang, config, vectors=vectors_dir)
examples = read_data(
optimizer = initialize_pipeline(nlp, examples, config, gpu_device)
batch_sizes = compounding(config.min_batch_size, config.max_batch_size, 1.001)
beam_prob = compounding(0.2, 0.8, 1.001)
for i in range(config.nr_epoch):
examples = read_data(
raw_text=not use_oracle_segments,
if config.batch_by_words:
batches = minibatch_by_words(examples, size=batch_sizes)
batches = minibatch(examples, size=batch_sizes)
losses = {}
n_train_words = sum(len(eg.predicted) for eg in examples)
with tqdm.tqdm(total=n_train_words, leave=False) as pbar:
for batch in batches:
pbar.update(sum(len(ex.predicted) for ex in batch))
nlp.parser.cfg["beam_update_prob"] = next(beam_prob)
out_path = parses_dir / corpus / "epoch-{i}.conllu".format(i=i)
with nlp.use_params(optimizer.averages):
if use_oracle_segments:
parsed_docs, scores = evaluate(nlp, paths.dev.conllu,
paths.dev.conllu, out_path)
parsed_docs, scores = evaluate(nlp, paths.dev.text,
paths.dev.conllu, out_path)
print_progress(i, losses, scores)
def _render_parses(i, to_render):
to_render[0].user_data["title"] = "Batch %d" % i
with Path("/tmp/parses.html").open("w", encoding="utf8") as file_:
html = displacy.render(to_render[:5], style="dep", page=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
<a href="https://explosion.ai"><img src="https://explosion.ai/assets/img/logo.svg" width="125" height="125" align="right" /></a>
# spaCy examples
The examples are Python scripts with well-behaved command line interfaces. For
more detailed usage guides, see the [documentation](https://spacy.io/usage/).
To see the available arguments, you can use the `--help` or `-h` flag:
$ python examples/training/train_ner.py --help
While we try to keep the examples up to date, they are not currently exercised
by the test suite, as some of them require significant data downloads or take
time to train. If you find that an example is no longer running,
[please tell us](https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/issues)! We know there's
nothing worse than trying to figure out what you're doing wrong, and it turns
out your code was never the problem.
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
This example shows how to use an LSTM sentiment classification model trained
using Keras in spaCy. spaCy splits the document into sentences, and each
sentence is classified using the LSTM. The scores for the sentences are then
aggregated to give the document score. This kind of hierarchical model is quite
difficult in "pure" Keras or Tensorflow, but it's very effective. The Keras
example on this dataset performs quite poorly, because it cuts off the documents
so that they're a fixed size. This hurts review accuracy a lot, because people
often summarise their rating in the final sentence
spacy download en_vectors_web_lg
pip install keras==2.0.9
Compatible with: spaCy v2.0.0+
import ml_datasets
import plac
import random
import pathlib
import cytoolz
import numpy
from keras.models import Sequential, model_from_json
from keras.layers import LSTM, Dense, Embedding, Bidirectional
from keras.layers import TimeDistributed
from keras.optimizers import Adam
from spacy.compat import pickle
import spacy
class SentimentAnalyser(object):
def load(cls, path, nlp, max_length=100):
with (path / "config.json").open() as file_:
model = model_from_json(file_.read())
with (path / "model").open("rb") as file_:
lstm_weights = pickle.load(file_)
embeddings = get_embeddings(nlp.vocab)
model.set_weights([embeddings] + lstm_weights)
return cls(model, max_length=max_length)
def __init__(self, model, max_length=100):
self._model = model
self.max_length = max_length
def __call__(self, doc):
X = get_features([doc], self.max_length)
y = self._model.predict(X)
self.set_sentiment(doc, y)
def pipe(self, docs, batch_size=1000):
for minibatch in cytoolz.partition_all(batch_size, docs):
minibatch = list(minibatch)
sentences = []
for doc in minibatch:
Xs = get_features(sentences, self.max_length)
ys = self._model.predict(Xs)
for sent, label in zip(sentences, ys):
sent.doc.sentiment += label - 0.5
for doc in minibatch:
yield doc
def set_sentiment(self, doc, y):
doc.sentiment = float(y[0])
# Sentiment has a native slot for a single float.
# For arbitrary data storage, there's:
# doc.user_data['my_data'] = y
def get_labelled_sentences(docs, doc_labels):
labels = []
sentences = []
for doc, y in zip(docs, doc_labels):
for sent in doc.sents:
return sentences, numpy.asarray(labels, dtype="int32")
def get_features(docs, max_length):
docs = list(docs)
Xs = numpy.zeros((len(docs), max_length), dtype="int32")
for i, doc in enumerate(docs):
j = 0
for token in doc:
vector_id = token.vocab.vectors.find(key=token.orth)
if vector_id >= 0:
Xs[i, j] = vector_id
Xs[i, j] = 0
j += 1
if j >= max_length:
return Xs
def train(
print("Loading spaCy")
nlp = spacy.load("en_vectors_web_lg")
embeddings = get_embeddings(nlp.vocab)
model = compile_lstm(embeddings, lstm_shape, lstm_settings)
print("Parsing texts...")
train_docs = list(nlp.pipe(train_texts))
dev_docs = list(nlp.pipe(dev_texts))
if by_sentence:
train_docs, train_labels = get_labelled_sentences(train_docs, train_labels)
dev_docs, dev_labels = get_labelled_sentences(dev_docs, dev_labels)
train_X = get_features(train_docs, lstm_shape["max_length"])
dev_X = get_features(dev_docs, lstm_shape["max_length"])
validation_data=(dev_X, dev_labels),
return model
def compile_lstm(embeddings, shape, settings):
model = Sequential()
model.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(shape["nr_hidden"], use_bias=False)))
model.add(Dense(shape["nr_class"], activation="sigmoid"))
return model
def get_embeddings(vocab):
return vocab.vectors.data
def evaluate(model_dir, texts, labels, max_length=100):
nlp = spacy.load("en_vectors_web_lg")
nlp.add_pipe(SentimentAnalyser.load(model_dir, nlp, max_length=max_length))
correct = 0
i = 0
for doc in nlp.pipe(texts, batch_size=1000):
correct += bool(doc.sentiment >= 0.5) == bool(labels[i])
i += 1
return float(correct) / i
def read_data(data_dir, limit=0):
examples = []
for subdir, label in (("pos", 1), ("neg", 0)):
for filename in (data_dir / subdir).iterdir():
with filename.open() as file_:
text = file_.read()
examples.append((text, label))
if limit >= 1:
examples = examples[:limit]
return zip(*examples) # Unzips into two lists
train_dir=("Location of training file or directory"),
dev_dir=("Location of development file or directory"),
model_dir=("Location of output model directory",),
is_runtime=("Demonstrate run-time usage", "flag", "r", bool),
nr_hidden=("Number of hidden units", "option", "H", int),
max_length=("Maximum sentence length", "option", "L", int),
dropout=("Dropout", "option", "d", float),
learn_rate=("Learn rate", "option", "e", float),
nb_epoch=("Number of training epochs", "option", "i", int),
batch_size=("Size of minibatches for training LSTM", "option", "b", int),
nr_examples=("Limit to N examples", "option", "n", int),
def main(
max_length=100, # Shape
learn_rate=0.001, # General NN config
): # Training params
if model_dir is not None:
model_dir = pathlib.Path(model_dir)
if train_dir is None or dev_dir is None:
imdb_data = ml_datasets.imdb()
if is_runtime:
if dev_dir is None:
dev_texts, dev_labels = zip(*imdb_data[1])
dev_texts, dev_labels = read_data(dev_dir)
acc = evaluate(model_dir, dev_texts, dev_labels, max_length=max_length)
if train_dir is None:
train_texts, train_labels = zip(*imdb_data[0])
print("Read data")
train_texts, train_labels = read_data(train_dir, limit=nr_examples)
if dev_dir is None:
dev_texts, dev_labels = zip(*imdb_data[1])
dev_texts, dev_labels = read_data(dev_dir, imdb_data, limit=nr_examples)
train_labels = numpy.asarray(train_labels, dtype="int32")
dev_labels = numpy.asarray(dev_labels, dtype="int32")
lstm = train(
{"nr_hidden": nr_hidden, "max_length": max_length, "nr_class": 1},
{"dropout": dropout, "lr": learn_rate},
weights = lstm.get_weights()
if model_dir is not None:
with (model_dir / "model").open("wb") as file_:
pickle.dump(weights[1:], file_)
with (model_dir / "config.json").open("w") as file_:
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
"""A simple example of extracting relations between phrases and entities using
spaCy's named entity recognizer and the dependency parse. Here, we extract
money and currency values (entities labelled as MONEY) and then check the
dependency tree to find the noun phrase they are referring to – for example:
$9.4 million --> Net income.
Compatible with: spaCy v2.0.0+
Last tested with: v2.2.1
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import plac
import spacy
"Net income was $9.4 million compared to the prior year of $2.7 million.",
"Revenue exceeded twelve billion dollars, with a loss of $1b.",
model=("Model to load (needs parser and NER)", "positional", None, str)
def main(model="en_core_web_sm"):
nlp = spacy.load(model)
print("Loaded model '%s'" % model)
print("Processing %d texts" % len(TEXTS))
for text in TEXTS:
doc = nlp(text)
relations = extract_currency_relations(doc)
for r1, r2 in relations:
print("{:<10}\t{}\t{}".format(r1.text, r2.ent_type_, r2.text))
def filter_spans(spans):
# Filter a sequence of spans so they don't contain overlaps
# For spaCy 2.1.4+: this function is available as spacy.util.filter_spans()
get_sort_key = lambda span: (span.end - span.start, -span.start)
sorted_spans = sorted(spans, key=get_sort_key, reverse=True)
result = []
seen_tokens = set()
for span in sorted_spans:
# Check for end - 1 here because boundaries are inclusive
if span.start not in seen_tokens and span.end - 1 not in seen_tokens:
seen_tokens.update(range(span.start, span.end))
result = sorted(result, key=lambda span: span.start)
return result
def extract_currency_relations(doc):
# Merge entities and noun chunks into one token
spans = list(doc.ents) + list(doc.noun_chunks)
spans = filter_spans(spans)
with doc.retokenize() as retokenizer:
for span in spans:
relations = []
for money in filter(lambda w: w.ent_type_ == "MONEY", doc):
if money.dep_ in ("attr", "dobj"):
subject = [w for w in money.head.lefts if w.dep_ == "nsubj"]
if subject:
subject = subject[0]
relations.append((subject, money))
elif money.dep_ == "pobj" and money.head.dep_ == "prep":
relations.append((money.head.head, money))
return relations
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Expected output:
# Net income MONEY $9.4 million
# the prior year MONEY $2.7 million
# Revenue MONEY twelve billion dollars
# a loss MONEY 1b
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
"""This example shows how to navigate the parse tree including subtrees
attached to a word.
Based on issue #252:
"In the documents and tutorials the main thing I haven't found is
examples on how to break sentences down into small sub thoughts/chunks. The
noun_chunks is handy, but having examples on using the token.head to find small
(near-complete) sentence chunks would be neat. Lets take the example sentence:
"displaCy uses CSS and JavaScript to show you how computers understand language"
This sentence has two main parts (XCOMP & CCOMP) according to the breakdown:
[displaCy] uses CSS and Javascript [to + show]
show you how computers understand [language]
I'm assuming that we can use the token.head to build these groups."
Compatible with: spaCy v2.0.0+
Last tested with: v2.1.0
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import plac
import spacy
@plac.annotations(model=("Model to load", "positional", None, str))
def main(model="en_core_web_sm"):
nlp = spacy.load(model)
print("Loaded model '%s'" % model)
doc = nlp(
"displaCy uses CSS and JavaScript to show you how computers "
"understand language"
# The easiest way is to find the head of the subtree you want, and then use
# the `.subtree`, `.children`, `.lefts` and `.rights` iterators. `.subtree`
# is the one that does what you're asking for most directly:
for word in doc:
if word.dep_ in ("xcomp", "ccomp"):
print("".join(w.text_with_ws for w in word.subtree))
# It'd probably be better for `word.subtree` to return a `Span` object
# instead of a generator over the tokens. If you want the `Span` you can
# get it via the `.right_edge` and `.left_edge` properties. The `Span`
# object is nice because you can easily get a vector, merge it, etc.
for word in doc:
if word.dep_ in ("xcomp", "ccomp"):
subtree_span = doc[word.left_edge.i : word.right_edge.i + 1]
print(subtree_span.text, "|", subtree_span.root.text)
# You might also want to select a head, and then select a start and end
# position by walking along its children. You could then take the
# `.left_edge` and `.right_edge` of those tokens, and use it to calculate
# a span.
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Expected output:
# to show you how computers understand language
# how computers understand language
# to show you how computers understand language | show
# how computers understand language | understand
@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
"""Match a large set of multi-word expressions in O(1) time.
The idea is to associate each word in the vocabulary with a tag, noting whether
they begin, end, or are inside at least one pattern. An additional tag is used
for single-word patterns. Complete patterns are also stored in a hash set.
When we process a document, we look up the words in the vocabulary, to
associate the words with the tags. We then search for tag-sequences that
correspond to valid candidates. Finally, we look up the candidates in the hash
For instance, to search for the phrases "Barack Hussein Obama" and "Hilary
Clinton", we would associate "Barack" and "Hilary" with the B tag, Hussein with
the I tag, and Obama and Clinton with the L tag.
The document "Barack Clinton and Hilary Clinton" would have the tag sequence
[{B}, {L}, {}, {B}, {L}], so we'd get two matches. However, only the second
candidate is in the phrase dictionary, so only one is returned as a match.
The algorithm is O(n) at run-time for document of length n because we're only
ever matching over the tag patterns. So no matter how many phrases we're
looking for, our pattern set stays very small (exact size depends on the
maximum length we're looking for, as the query language currently has no
The example expects a .bz2 file from the Reddit corpus, and a patterns file,
formatted in jsonl as a sequence of entries like this:
{"text":"Ann Arbor"}
Reddit comments corpus:
* https://files.pushshift.io/reddit/
* https://archive.org/details/2015_reddit_comments_corpus
Compatible with: spaCy v2.0.0+
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division
from bz2 import BZ2File
import time
import plac
import json
from spacy.matcher import PhraseMatcher
import spacy
patterns_loc=("Path to gazetteer", "positional", None, str),
text_loc=("Path to Reddit corpus file", "positional", None, str),
n=("Number of texts to read", "option", "n", int),
lang=("Language class to initialise", "option", "l", str),
def main(patterns_loc, text_loc, n=10000, lang="en"):
nlp = spacy.blank(lang)
nlp.vocab.lex_attr_getters = {}
phrases = read_gazetteer(nlp.tokenizer, patterns_loc)
count = 0
t1 = time.time()
for ent_id, text in get_matches(nlp.tokenizer, phrases, read_text(text_loc, n=n)):
count += 1
t2 = time.time()
print("%d docs in %.3f s. %d matches" % (n, (t2 - t1), count))
def read_gazetteer(tokenizer, loc, n=-1):
for i, line in enumerate(open(loc)):
data = json.loads(line.strip())
phrase = tokenizer(data["text"])
for w in phrase:
_ = tokenizer.vocab[w.text]
if len(phrase) >= 2:
yield phrase
def read_text(bz2_loc, n=10000):
with BZ2File(bz2_loc) as file_:
for i, line in enumerate(file_):
data = json.loads(line)
yield data["body"]
if i >= n:
def get_matches(tokenizer, phrases, texts):
matcher = PhraseMatcher(tokenizer.vocab)
matcher.add("Phrase", None, *phrases)
for text in texts:
doc = tokenizer(text)
for w in doc:
_ = doc.vocab[w.text]
matches = matcher(doc)
for ent_id, start, end in matches:
yield (ent_id, doc[start:end].text)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if False:
import cProfile
import pstats
cProfile.runctx("plac.call(main)", globals(), locals(), "Profile.prof")
s = pstats.Stats("Profile.prof")
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
<a href="https://explosion.ai"><img src="https://explosion.ai/assets/img/logo.svg" width="125" height="125" align="right" /></a>
# A decomposable attention model for Natural Language Inference
**by Matthew Honnibal, [@honnibal](https://github.com/honnibal)**
**Updated for spaCy 2.0+ and Keras 2.2.2+ by John Stewart, [@free-variation](https://github.com/free-variation)**
This directory contains an implementation of the entailment prediction model described
by [Parikh et al. (2016)](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1606.01933.pdf). The model is notable
for its competitive performance with very few parameters.
The model is implemented using [Keras](https://keras.io/) and [spaCy](https://spacy.io).
Keras is used to build and train the network. spaCy is used to load
the [GloVe](http://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/glove/) vectors, perform the
feature extraction, and help you apply the model at run-time. The following
demo code shows how the entailment model can be used at runtime, once the
hook is installed to customise the `.similarity()` method of spaCy's `Doc`
and `Span` objects:
def demo(shape):
nlp = spacy.load('en_vectors_web_lg')
nlp.add_pipe(KerasSimilarityShim.load(nlp.path / 'similarity', nlp, shape[0]))
doc1 = nlp(u'The king of France is bald.')
doc2 = nlp(u'France has no king.')
print("Sentence 1:", doc1)
print("Sentence 2:", doc2)
entailment_type, confidence = doc1.similarity(doc2)
print("Entailment type:", entailment_type, "(Confidence:", confidence, ")")
Which gives the output `Entailment type: contradiction (Confidence: 0.60604566)`, showing that
the system has definite opinions about Betrand Russell's [famous conundrum](https://users.drew.edu/jlenz/br-on-denoting.html)!
I'm working on a blog post to explain Parikh et al.'s model in more detail.
A [notebook](https://github.com/free-variation/spaCy/blob/master/examples/notebooks/Decompositional%20Attention.ipynb) is available that briefly explains this implementation.
I think it is a very interesting example of the attention mechanism, which
I didn't understand very well before working through this paper. There are
lots of ways to extend the model.
## What's where
| File | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `__main__.py` | The script that will be executed. Defines the CLI, the data reading, etc — all the boring stuff. |
| `spacy_hook.py` | Provides a class `KerasSimilarityShim` that lets you use an arbitrary function to customize spaCy's `doc.similarity()` method. Instead of the default average-of-vectors algorithm, when you call `doc1.similarity(doc2)`, you'll get the result of `your_model(doc1, doc2)`. |
| `keras_decomposable_attention.py` | Defines the neural network model. |
## Setting up
First, install [Keras](https://keras.io/), [spaCy](https://spacy.io) and the spaCy
English models (about 1GB of data):
pip install keras
pip install spacy
python -m spacy download en_vectors_web_lg
You'll also want to get Keras working on your GPU, and you will need a backend, such as TensorFlow or Theano.
This will depend on your set up, so you're mostly on your own for this step. If you're using AWS, try the
[NVidia AMI](https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B00FYCDDTE). It made things pretty easy.
Once you've installed the dependencies, you can run a small preliminary test of
the Keras model:
py.test keras_parikh_entailment/keras_decomposable_attention.py
This compiles the model and fits it with some dummy data. You should see that
both tests passed.
Finally, download the [Stanford Natural Language Inference corpus](http://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/snli/).
## Running the example
You can run the `keras_parikh_entailment/` directory as a script, which executes the file
[`keras_parikh_entailment/__main__.py`](__main__.py). If you run the script without arguments
the usage is shown. Running it with `-h` explains the command line arguments.
The first thing you'll want to do is train the model:
python keras_parikh_entailment/ train -t <path to SNLI train JSON> -s <path to SNLI dev JSON>
Training takes about 300 epochs for full accuracy, and I haven't rerun the full
experiment since refactoring things to publish this example — please let me
know if I've broken something. You should get to at least 85% on the development data even after 10-15 epochs.
The other two modes demonstrate run-time usage. I never like relying on the accuracy printed
by `.fit()` methods. I never really feel confident until I've run a new process that loads
the model and starts making predictions, without access to the gold labels. I've therefore
included an `evaluate` mode.
python keras_parikh_entailment/ evaluate -s <path to SNLI train JSON>
Finally, there's also a little demo, which mostly exists to show
you how run-time usage will eventually look.
python keras_parikh_entailment/ demo
## Getting updates
We should have the blog post explaining the model ready before the end of the week. To get
notified when it's published, you can either follow me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/honnibal)
or subscribe to our [mailing list](http://eepurl.com/ckUpQ5).
@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
import numpy as np
import json
from keras.utils import to_categorical
import plac
import sys
from keras_decomposable_attention import build_model
from spacy_hook import get_embeddings, KerasSimilarityShim
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
import pickle
import spacy
# workaround for keras/tensorflow bug
# see https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/3388
import os
import importlib
from keras import backend as K
def set_keras_backend(backend):
if K.backend() != backend:
os.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = backend
assert K.backend() == backend
if backend == "tensorflow":
cfg = K.tf.ConfigProto()
cfg.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
def train(train_loc, dev_loc, shape, settings):
train_texts1, train_texts2, train_labels = read_snli(train_loc)
dev_texts1, dev_texts2, dev_labels = read_snli(dev_loc)
print("Loading spaCy")
nlp = spacy.load("en_vectors_web_lg")
assert nlp.path is not None
print("Processing texts...")
train_X = create_dataset(nlp, train_texts1, train_texts2, 100, shape[0])
dev_X = create_dataset(nlp, dev_texts1, dev_texts2, 100, shape[0])
print("Compiling network")
model = build_model(get_embeddings(nlp.vocab), shape, settings)
validation_data=(dev_X, dev_labels),
if not (nlp.path / "similarity").exists():
(nlp.path / "similarity").mkdir()
print("Saving to", nlp.path / "similarity")
weights = model.get_weights()
# remove the embedding matrix. We can reconstruct it.
del weights[1]
with (nlp.path / "similarity" / "model").open("wb") as file_:
pickle.dump(weights, file_)
with (nlp.path / "similarity" / "config.json").open("w") as file_:
def evaluate(dev_loc, shape):
dev_texts1, dev_texts2, dev_labels = read_snli(dev_loc)
nlp = spacy.load("en_vectors_web_lg")
nlp.add_pipe(KerasSimilarityShim.load(nlp.path / "similarity", nlp, shape[0]))
total = 0.0
correct = 0.0
for text1, text2, label in zip(dev_texts1, dev_texts2, dev_labels):
doc1 = nlp(text1)
doc2 = nlp(text2)
sim, _ = doc1.similarity(doc2)
if sim == KerasSimilarityShim.entailment_types[label.argmax()]:
correct += 1
total += 1
return correct, total
def demo(shape):
nlp = spacy.load("en_vectors_web_lg")
nlp.add_pipe(KerasSimilarityShim.load(nlp.path / "similarity", nlp, shape[0]))
doc1 = nlp("The king of France is bald.")
doc2 = nlp("France has no king.")
print("Sentence 1:", doc1)
print("Sentence 2:", doc2)
entailment_type, confidence = doc1.similarity(doc2)
print("Entailment type:", entailment_type, "(Confidence:", confidence, ")")
LABELS = {"entailment": 0, "contradiction": 1, "neutral": 2}
def read_snli(path):
texts1 = []
texts2 = []
labels = []
with open(path, "r") as file_:
for line in file_:
eg = json.loads(line)
label = eg["gold_label"]
if label == "-": # per Parikh, ignore - SNLI entries
return texts1, texts2, to_categorical(np.asarray(labels, dtype="int32"))
def create_dataset(nlp, texts, hypotheses, num_unk, max_length):
sents = texts + hypotheses
sents_as_ids = []
for sent in sents:
doc = nlp(sent)
word_ids = []
for i, token in enumerate(doc):
# skip odd spaces from tokenizer
if token.has_vector and token.vector_norm == 0:
if i > max_length:
if token.has_vector:
word_ids.append(token.rank + num_unk + 1)
# if we don't have a vector, pick an OOV entry
word_ids.append(token.rank % num_unk + 1)
# there must be a simpler way of generating padded arrays from lists...
word_id_vec = np.zeros((max_length), dtype="int")
clipped_len = min(max_length, len(word_ids))
word_id_vec[:clipped_len] = word_ids[:clipped_len]
return [np.array(sents_as_ids[: len(texts)]), np.array(sents_as_ids[len(texts) :])]
mode=("Mode to execute", "positional", None, str, ["train", "evaluate", "demo"]),
train_loc=("Path to training data", "option", "t", str),
dev_loc=("Path to development or test data", "option", "s", str),
max_length=("Length to truncate sentences", "option", "L", int),
nr_hidden=("Number of hidden units", "option", "H", int),
dropout=("Dropout level", "option", "d", float),
learn_rate=("Learning rate", "option", "r", float),
batch_size=("Batch size for neural network training", "option", "b", int),
nr_epoch=("Number of training epochs", "option", "e", int),
"Direction of entailment",
["both", "left", "right"],
def main(
shape = (max_length, nr_hidden, 3)
settings = {
"lr": learn_rate,
"dropout": dropout,
"batch_size": batch_size,
"nr_epoch": nr_epoch,
"entail_dir": entail_dir,
if mode == "train":
if train_loc == None or dev_loc == None:
print("Train mode requires paths to training and development data sets.")
train(train_loc, dev_loc, shape, settings)
elif mode == "evaluate":
if dev_loc == None:
print("Evaluate mode requires paths to test data set.")
correct, total = evaluate(dev_loc, shape)
print(correct, "/", total, correct / total)
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
# Semantic entailment/similarity with decomposable attention (using spaCy and Keras)
# Practical state-of-the-art textual entailment with spaCy and Keras
import numpy as np
from keras import layers, Model, models, optimizers
from keras import backend as K
def build_model(vectors, shape, settings):
max_length, nr_hidden, nr_class = shape
input1 = layers.Input(shape=(max_length,), dtype="int32", name="words1")
input2 = layers.Input(shape=(max_length,), dtype="int32", name="words2")
# embeddings (projected)
embed = create_embedding(vectors, max_length, nr_hidden)
a = embed(input1)
b = embed(input2)
# step 1: attend
F = create_feedforward(nr_hidden)
att_weights = layers.dot([F(a), F(b)], axes=-1)
G = create_feedforward(nr_hidden)
if settings["entail_dir"] == "both":
norm_weights_a = layers.Lambda(normalizer(1))(att_weights)
norm_weights_b = layers.Lambda(normalizer(2))(att_weights)
alpha = layers.dot([norm_weights_a, a], axes=1)
beta = layers.dot([norm_weights_b, b], axes=1)
# step 2: compare
comp1 = layers.concatenate([a, beta])
comp2 = layers.concatenate([b, alpha])
v1 = layers.TimeDistributed(G)(comp1)
v2 = layers.TimeDistributed(G)(comp2)
# step 3: aggregate
v1_sum = layers.Lambda(sum_word)(v1)
v2_sum = layers.Lambda(sum_word)(v2)
concat = layers.concatenate([v1_sum, v2_sum])
elif settings["entail_dir"] == "left":
norm_weights_a = layers.Lambda(normalizer(1))(att_weights)
alpha = layers.dot([norm_weights_a, a], axes=1)
comp2 = layers.concatenate([b, alpha])
v2 = layers.TimeDistributed(G)(comp2)
v2_sum = layers.Lambda(sum_word)(v2)
concat = v2_sum
norm_weights_b = layers.Lambda(normalizer(2))(att_weights)
beta = layers.dot([norm_weights_b, b], axes=1)
comp1 = layers.concatenate([a, beta])
v1 = layers.TimeDistributed(G)(comp1)
v1_sum = layers.Lambda(sum_word)(v1)
concat = v1_sum
H = create_feedforward(nr_hidden)
out = H(concat)
out = layers.Dense(nr_class, activation="softmax")(out)
model = Model([input1, input2], out)
return model
def create_embedding(vectors, max_length, projected_dim):
return models.Sequential(
layers.Dense(projected_dim, activation=None, use_bias=False)
def create_feedforward(num_units=200, activation="relu", dropout_rate=0.2):
return models.Sequential(
layers.Dense(num_units, activation=activation),
layers.Dense(num_units, activation=activation),
def normalizer(axis):
def _normalize(att_weights):
exp_weights = K.exp(att_weights)
sum_weights = K.sum(exp_weights, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
return exp_weights / sum_weights
return _normalize
def sum_word(x):
return K.sum(x, axis=1)
def test_build_model():
vectors = np.ndarray((100, 8), dtype="float32")
shape = (10, 16, 3)
settings = {"lr": 0.001, "dropout": 0.2, "gru_encode": True, "entail_dir": "both"}
model = build_model(vectors, shape, settings)
def test_fit_model():
def _generate_X(nr_example, length, nr_vector):
X1 = np.ndarray((nr_example, length), dtype="int32")
X1 *= X1 < nr_vector
X1 *= 0 <= X1
X2 = np.ndarray((nr_example, length), dtype="int32")
X2 *= X2 < nr_vector
X2 *= 0 <= X2
return [X1, X2]
def _generate_Y(nr_example, nr_class):
ys = np.zeros((nr_example, nr_class), dtype="int32")
for i in range(nr_example):
ys[i, i % nr_class] = 1
return ys
vectors = np.ndarray((100, 8), dtype="float32")
shape = (10, 16, 3)
settings = {"lr": 0.001, "dropout": 0.2, "gru_encode": True, "entail_dir": "both"}
model = build_model(vectors, shape, settings)
train_X = _generate_X(20, shape[0], vectors.shape[0])
train_Y = _generate_Y(20, shape[2])
dev_X = _generate_X(15, shape[0], vectors.shape[0])
dev_Y = _generate_Y(15, shape[2])
model.fit(train_X, train_Y, validation_data=(dev_X, dev_Y), epochs=5, batch_size=4)
__all__ = [build_model]
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
import numpy as np
from keras.models import model_from_json
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
import pickle
class KerasSimilarityShim(object):
entailment_types = ["entailment", "contradiction", "neutral"]
def load(cls, path, nlp, max_length=100, get_features=None):
if get_features is None:
get_features = get_word_ids
with (path / "config.json").open() as file_:
model = model_from_json(file_.read())
with (path / "model").open("rb") as file_:
weights = pickle.load(file_)
embeddings = get_embeddings(nlp.vocab)
weights.insert(1, embeddings)
return cls(model, get_features=get_features, max_length=max_length)
def __init__(self, model, get_features=None, max_length=100):
self.model = model
self.get_features = get_features
self.max_length = max_length
def __call__(self, doc):
doc.user_hooks["similarity"] = self.predict
doc.user_span_hooks["similarity"] = self.predict
return doc
def predict(self, doc1, doc2):
x1 = self.get_features([doc1], max_length=self.max_length)
x2 = self.get_features([doc2], max_length=self.max_length)
scores = self.model.predict([x1, x2])
return self.entailment_types[scores.argmax()], scores.max()
def get_embeddings(vocab, nr_unk=100):
# the extra +1 is for a zero vector representing sentence-final padding
num_vectors = max(lex.rank for lex in vocab) + 2
# create random vectors for OOV tokens
oov = np.random.normal(size=(nr_unk, vocab.vectors_length))
oov = oov / oov.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
vectors = np.zeros((num_vectors + nr_unk, vocab.vectors_length), dtype="float32")
vectors[1 : (nr_unk + 1),] = oov
for lex in vocab:
if lex.has_vector and lex.vector_norm > 0:
vectors[nr_unk + lex.rank + 1] = lex.vector / lex.vector_norm
return vectors
def get_word_ids(docs, max_length=100, nr_unk=100):
Xs = np.zeros((len(docs), max_length), dtype="int32")
for i, doc in enumerate(docs):
for j, token in enumerate(doc):
if j == max_length:
if token.has_vector:
Xs[i, j] = token.rank + nr_unk + 1
Xs[i, j] = token.rank % nr_unk + 1
return Xs
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
Example of loading previously parsed text using spaCy's DocBin class. The example
performs an entity count to show that the annotations are available.
For more details, see https://spacy.io/usage/saving-loading#docs
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
python examples/load_from_docbin.py en_core_web_lg RC_2015-03-9.spacy
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import spacy
from spacy.tokens import DocBin
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from collections import Counter
EXAMPLE_PARSES_PATH = "RC_2015-03-9.spacy"
def main(model="en_core_web_lg", docbin_path=EXAMPLE_PARSES_PATH):
nlp = spacy.load(model)
print("Reading data from {}".format(docbin_path))
with open(docbin_path, "rb") as file_:
bytes_data = file_.read()
nr_word = 0
start_time = timer()
entities = Counter()
docbin = DocBin().from_bytes(bytes_data)
for doc in docbin.get_docs(nlp.vocab):
nr_word += len(doc)
entities.update((e.label_, e.text) for e in doc.ents)
end_time = timer()
msg = "Loaded {nr_word} words in {seconds} seconds ({wps} words per second)"
wps = nr_word / (end_time - start_time)
print(msg.format(nr_word=nr_word, seconds=end_time - start_time, wps=wps))
print("Most common entities:")
for (label, entity), freq in entities.most_common(30):
print(freq, entity, label)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import plac
@ -1,955 +0,0 @@
"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# Natural language inference using spaCy and Keras"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Introduction"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"This notebook details an implementation of the natural language inference model presented in [(Parikh et al, 2016)](https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.01933). The model is notable for the small number of paramaters *and hyperparameters* it specifices, while still yielding good performance."
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Constructing the dataset"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import spacy\n",
"import numpy as np"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"We only need the GloVe vectors from spaCy, not a full NLP pipeline."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"nlp = spacy.load('en_vectors_web_lg')"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Function to load the SNLI dataset. The categories are converted to one-shot representation. The function comes from an example in spaCy."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"/home/jds/tensorflow-gpu/lib/python3.5/site-packages/h5py/__init__.py:36: FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `float` to `np.floating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.float64 == np.dtype(float).type`.\n",
" from ._conv import register_converters as _register_converters\n",
"Using TensorFlow backend.\n"
"source": [
"import json\n",
"from keras.utils import to_categorical\n",
"LABELS = {'entailment': 0, 'contradiction': 1, 'neutral': 2}\n",
"def read_snli(path):\n",
" texts1 = []\n",
" texts2 = []\n",
" labels = []\n",
" with open(path, 'r') as file_:\n",
" for line in file_:\n",
" eg = json.loads(line)\n",
" label = eg['gold_label']\n",
" if label == '-': # per Parikh, ignore - SNLI entries\n",
" continue\n",
" texts1.append(eg['sentence1'])\n",
" texts2.append(eg['sentence2'])\n",
" labels.append(LABELS[label])\n",
" return texts1, texts2, to_categorical(np.asarray(labels, dtype='int32'))"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Because Keras can do the train/test split for us, we'll load *all* SNLI triples from one file."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"texts,hypotheses,labels = read_snli('snli/snli_1.0_train.jsonl')"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def create_dataset(nlp, texts, hypotheses, num_oov, max_length, norm_vectors = True):\n",
" sents = texts + hypotheses\n",
" \n",
" # the extra +1 is for a zero vector represting NULL for padding\n",
" num_vectors = max(lex.rank for lex in nlp.vocab) + 2 \n",
" \n",
" # create random vectors for OOV tokens\n",
" oov = np.random.normal(size=(num_oov, nlp.vocab.vectors_length))\n",
" oov = oov / oov.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)\n",
" \n",
" vectors = np.zeros((num_vectors + num_oov, nlp.vocab.vectors_length), dtype='float32')\n",
" vectors[num_vectors:, ] = oov\n",
" for lex in nlp.vocab:\n",
" if lex.has_vector and lex.vector_norm > 0:\n",
" vectors[lex.rank + 1] = lex.vector / lex.vector_norm if norm_vectors == True else lex.vector\n",
" \n",
" sents_as_ids = []\n",
" for sent in sents:\n",
" doc = nlp(sent)\n",
" word_ids = []\n",
" \n",
" for i, token in enumerate(doc):\n",
" # skip odd spaces from tokenizer\n",
" if token.has_vector and token.vector_norm == 0:\n",
" continue\n",
" \n",
" if i > max_length:\n",
" break\n",
" \n",
" if token.has_vector:\n",
" word_ids.append(token.rank + 1)\n",
" else:\n",
" # if we don't have a vector, pick an OOV entry\n",
" word_ids.append(token.rank % num_oov + num_vectors) \n",
" \n",
" # there must be a simpler way of generating padded arrays from lists...\n",
" word_id_vec = np.zeros((max_length), dtype='int')\n",
" clipped_len = min(max_length, len(word_ids))\n",
" word_id_vec[:clipped_len] = word_ids[:clipped_len]\n",
" sents_as_ids.append(word_id_vec)\n",
" \n",
" \n",
" return vectors, np.array(sents_as_ids[:len(texts)]), np.array(sents_as_ids[len(texts):])"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 10,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"sem_vectors, text_vectors, hypothesis_vectors = create_dataset(nlp, texts, hypotheses, 100, 50, True)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 11,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"texts_test,hypotheses_test,labels_test = read_snli('snli/snli_1.0_test.jsonl')"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 12,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"_, text_vectors_test, hypothesis_vectors_test = create_dataset(nlp, texts_test, hypotheses_test, 100, 50, True)"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"We use spaCy to tokenize the sentences and return, when available, a semantic vector for each token. \n",
"OOV terms (tokens for which no semantic vector is available) are assigned to one of a set of randomly-generated OOV vectors, per (Parikh et al, 2016).\n"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Note that we will clip sentences to 50 words maximum."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 13,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from keras import layers, Model, models\n",
"from keras import backend as K"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Building the model"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"The embedding layer copies the 300-dimensional GloVe vectors into GPU memory. Per (Parikh et al, 2016), the vectors, which are not adapted during training, are projected down to lower-dimensional vectors using a trained projection matrix."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 14,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def create_embedding(vectors, max_length, projected_dim):\n",
" return models.Sequential([\n",
" layers.Embedding(\n",
" vectors.shape[0],\n",
" vectors.shape[1],\n",
" input_length=max_length,\n",
" weights=[vectors],\n",
" trainable=False),\n",
" \n",
" layers.TimeDistributed(\n",
" layers.Dense(projected_dim,\n",
" activation=None,\n",
" use_bias=False))\n",
" ])"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"The Parikh model makes use of three feedforward blocks that construct nonlinear combinations of their input. Each block contains two ReLU layers and two dropout layers."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 15,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def create_feedforward(num_units=200, activation='relu', dropout_rate=0.2):\n",
" return models.Sequential([\n",
" layers.Dense(num_units, activation=activation),\n",
" layers.Dropout(dropout_rate),\n",
" layers.Dense(num_units, activation=activation),\n",
" layers.Dropout(dropout_rate)\n",
" ])"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"The basic idea of the (Parikh et al, 2016) model is to:\n",
"1. *Align*: Construct an alignment of subphrases in the text and hypothesis using an attention-like mechanism, called \"decompositional\" because the layer is applied to each of the two sentences individually rather than to their product. The dot product of the nonlinear transformations of the inputs is then normalized vertically and horizontally to yield a pair of \"soft\" alignment structures, from text->hypothesis and hypothesis->text. Concretely, for each word in one sentence, a multinomial distribution is computed over the words of the other sentence, by learning a multinomial logistic with softmax target.\n",
"2. *Compare*: Each word is now compared to its aligned phrase using a function modeled as a two-layer feedforward ReLU network. The output is a high-dimensional representation of the strength of association between word and aligned phrase.\n",
"3. *Aggregate*: The comparison vectors are summed, separately, for the text and the hypothesis. The result is two vectors: one that describes the degree of association of the text to the hypothesis, and the second, of the hypothesis to the text.\n",
"4. Finally, these two vectors are processed by a dense layer followed by a softmax classifier, as usual.\n",
"Note that because in entailment the truth conditions of the consequent must be a subset of those of the antecedent, it is not obvious that we need both vectors in step (3). Entailment is not symmetric. It may be enough to just use the hypothesis->text vector. We will explore this possibility later."
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"We need a couple of little functions for Lambda layers to normalize and aggregate weights:"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 16,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def normalizer(axis):\n",
" def _normalize(att_weights):\n",
" exp_weights = K.exp(att_weights)\n",
" sum_weights = K.sum(exp_weights, axis=axis, keepdims=True)\n",
" return exp_weights/sum_weights\n",
" return _normalize\n",
"def sum_word(x):\n",
" return K.sum(x, axis=1)\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 17,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def build_model(vectors, max_length, num_hidden, num_classes, projected_dim, entail_dir='both'):\n",
" input1 = layers.Input(shape=(max_length,), dtype='int32', name='words1')\n",
" input2 = layers.Input(shape=(max_length,), dtype='int32', name='words2')\n",
" \n",
" # embeddings (projected)\n",
" embed = create_embedding(vectors, max_length, projected_dim)\n",
" \n",
" a = embed(input1)\n",
" b = embed(input2)\n",
" \n",
" # step 1: attend\n",
" F = create_feedforward(num_hidden)\n",
" att_weights = layers.dot([F(a), F(b)], axes=-1)\n",
" \n",
" G = create_feedforward(num_hidden)\n",
" \n",
" if entail_dir == 'both':\n",
" norm_weights_a = layers.Lambda(normalizer(1))(att_weights)\n",
" norm_weights_b = layers.Lambda(normalizer(2))(att_weights)\n",
" alpha = layers.dot([norm_weights_a, a], axes=1)\n",
" beta = layers.dot([norm_weights_b, b], axes=1)\n",
" # step 2: compare\n",
" comp1 = layers.concatenate([a, beta])\n",
" comp2 = layers.concatenate([b, alpha])\n",
" v1 = layers.TimeDistributed(G)(comp1)\n",
" v2 = layers.TimeDistributed(G)(comp2)\n",
" # step 3: aggregate\n",
" v1_sum = layers.Lambda(sum_word)(v1)\n",
" v2_sum = layers.Lambda(sum_word)(v2)\n",
" concat = layers.concatenate([v1_sum, v2_sum])\n",
" elif entail_dir == 'left':\n",
" norm_weights_a = layers.Lambda(normalizer(1))(att_weights)\n",
" alpha = layers.dot([norm_weights_a, a], axes=1)\n",
" comp2 = layers.concatenate([b, alpha])\n",
" v2 = layers.TimeDistributed(G)(comp2)\n",
" v2_sum = layers.Lambda(sum_word)(v2)\n",
" concat = v2_sum\n",
" else:\n",
" norm_weights_b = layers.Lambda(normalizer(2))(att_weights)\n",
" beta = layers.dot([norm_weights_b, b], axes=1)\n",
" comp1 = layers.concatenate([a, beta])\n",
" v1 = layers.TimeDistributed(G)(comp1)\n",
" v1_sum = layers.Lambda(sum_word)(v1)\n",
" concat = v1_sum\n",
" \n",
" H = create_feedforward(num_hidden)\n",
" out = H(concat)\n",
" out = layers.Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax')(out)\n",
" \n",
" model = Model([input1, input2], out)\n",
" \n",
" model.compile(optimizer='adam',\n",
" loss='categorical_crossentropy',\n",
" metrics=['accuracy'])\n",
" return model\n",
" \n",
" \n",
" "
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 18,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Layer (type) Output Shape Param # Connected to \n",
"words1 (InputLayer) (None, 50) 0 \n",
"words2 (InputLayer) (None, 50) 0 \n",
"sequential_1 (Sequential) (None, 50, 200) 321381600 words1[0][0] \n",
" words2[0][0] \n",
"sequential_2 (Sequential) (None, 50, 200) 80400 sequential_1[1][0] \n",
" sequential_1[2][0] \n",
"dot_1 (Dot) (None, 50, 50) 0 sequential_2[1][0] \n",
" sequential_2[2][0] \n",
"lambda_2 (Lambda) (None, 50, 50) 0 dot_1[0][0] \n",
"lambda_1 (Lambda) (None, 50, 50) 0 dot_1[0][0] \n",
"dot_3 (Dot) (None, 50, 200) 0 lambda_2[0][0] \n",
" sequential_1[2][0] \n",
"dot_2 (Dot) (None, 50, 200) 0 lambda_1[0][0] \n",
" sequential_1[1][0] \n",
"concatenate_1 (Concatenate) (None, 50, 400) 0 sequential_1[1][0] \n",
" dot_3[0][0] \n",
"concatenate_2 (Concatenate) (None, 50, 400) 0 sequential_1[2][0] \n",
" dot_2[0][0] \n",
"time_distributed_2 (TimeDistrib (None, 50, 200) 120400 concatenate_1[0][0] \n",
"time_distributed_3 (TimeDistrib (None, 50, 200) 120400 concatenate_2[0][0] \n",
"lambda_3 (Lambda) (None, 200) 0 time_distributed_2[0][0] \n",
"lambda_4 (Lambda) (None, 200) 0 time_distributed_3[0][0] \n",
"concatenate_3 (Concatenate) (None, 400) 0 lambda_3[0][0] \n",
" lambda_4[0][0] \n",
"sequential_4 (Sequential) (None, 200) 120400 concatenate_3[0][0] \n",
"dense_8 (Dense) (None, 3) 603 sequential_4[1][0] \n",
"Total params: 321,703,403\n",
"Trainable params: 381,803\n",
"Non-trainable params: 321,321,600\n",
"source": [
"m = build_model(sem_vectors, 50, 200, 3, 200)\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"The number of trainable parameters, ~381k, is the number given by Parikh et al, so we're on the right track."
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Training the model"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Parikh et al use tiny batches of 4, training for 50MM batches, which amounts to around 500 epochs. Here we'll use large batches to better use the GPU, and train for fewer epochs -- for purposes of this experiment."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 19,
"metadata": {
"scrolled": true
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Train on 549367 samples, validate on 9824 samples\n",
"Epoch 1/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 34s 62us/step - loss: 0.7599 - acc: 0.6617 - val_loss: 0.5396 - val_acc: 0.7861\n",
"Epoch 2/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.5611 - acc: 0.7763 - val_loss: 0.4892 - val_acc: 0.8085\n",
"Epoch 3/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.5212 - acc: 0.7948 - val_loss: 0.4574 - val_acc: 0.8261\n",
"Epoch 4/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4986 - acc: 0.8045 - val_loss: 0.4410 - val_acc: 0.8274\n",
"Epoch 5/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4819 - acc: 0.8114 - val_loss: 0.4224 - val_acc: 0.8383\n",
"Epoch 6/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4714 - acc: 0.8166 - val_loss: 0.4200 - val_acc: 0.8379\n",
"Epoch 7/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4633 - acc: 0.8203 - val_loss: 0.4098 - val_acc: 0.8457\n",
"Epoch 8/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4558 - acc: 0.8232 - val_loss: 0.4114 - val_acc: 0.8415\n",
"Epoch 9/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4508 - acc: 0.8250 - val_loss: 0.4062 - val_acc: 0.8477\n",
"Epoch 10/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4433 - acc: 0.8286 - val_loss: 0.3982 - val_acc: 0.8486\n",
"Epoch 11/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4388 - acc: 0.8307 - val_loss: 0.3953 - val_acc: 0.8497\n",
"Epoch 12/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4351 - acc: 0.8321 - val_loss: 0.3973 - val_acc: 0.8522\n",
"Epoch 13/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4309 - acc: 0.8342 - val_loss: 0.3939 - val_acc: 0.8539\n",
"Epoch 14/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4269 - acc: 0.8355 - val_loss: 0.3932 - val_acc: 0.8517\n",
"Epoch 15/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4247 - acc: 0.8369 - val_loss: 0.3938 - val_acc: 0.8515\n",
"Epoch 16/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4208 - acc: 0.8379 - val_loss: 0.3936 - val_acc: 0.8504\n",
"Epoch 17/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4194 - acc: 0.8390 - val_loss: 0.3885 - val_acc: 0.8560\n",
"Epoch 18/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4162 - acc: 0.8402 - val_loss: 0.3874 - val_acc: 0.8561\n",
"Epoch 19/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4140 - acc: 0.8409 - val_loss: 0.3889 - val_acc: 0.8545\n",
"Epoch 20/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4114 - acc: 0.8426 - val_loss: 0.3864 - val_acc: 0.8583\n",
"Epoch 21/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4092 - acc: 0.8430 - val_loss: 0.3870 - val_acc: 0.8561\n",
"Epoch 22/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4062 - acc: 0.8442 - val_loss: 0.3852 - val_acc: 0.8577\n",
"Epoch 23/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4050 - acc: 0.8450 - val_loss: 0.3850 - val_acc: 0.8578\n",
"Epoch 24/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4035 - acc: 0.8455 - val_loss: 0.3825 - val_acc: 0.8555\n",
"Epoch 25/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.4018 - acc: 0.8460 - val_loss: 0.3837 - val_acc: 0.8573\n",
"Epoch 26/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3989 - acc: 0.8476 - val_loss: 0.3843 - val_acc: 0.8599\n",
"Epoch 27/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3979 - acc: 0.8481 - val_loss: 0.3841 - val_acc: 0.8589\n",
"Epoch 28/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3967 - acc: 0.8484 - val_loss: 0.3811 - val_acc: 0.8575\n",
"Epoch 29/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3956 - acc: 0.8492 - val_loss: 0.3829 - val_acc: 0.8589\n",
"Epoch 30/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3938 - acc: 0.8499 - val_loss: 0.3859 - val_acc: 0.8562\n",
"Epoch 31/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3925 - acc: 0.8500 - val_loss: 0.3798 - val_acc: 0.8587\n",
"Epoch 32/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3906 - acc: 0.8509 - val_loss: 0.3834 - val_acc: 0.8569\n",
"Epoch 33/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3893 - acc: 0.8511 - val_loss: 0.3806 - val_acc: 0.8588\n",
"Epoch 34/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3885 - acc: 0.8515 - val_loss: 0.3828 - val_acc: 0.8603\n",
"Epoch 35/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3879 - acc: 0.8520 - val_loss: 0.3800 - val_acc: 0.8594\n",
"Epoch 36/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3860 - acc: 0.8530 - val_loss: 0.3796 - val_acc: 0.8577\n",
"Epoch 37/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3856 - acc: 0.8532 - val_loss: 0.3857 - val_acc: 0.8591\n",
"Epoch 38/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3838 - acc: 0.8535 - val_loss: 0.3835 - val_acc: 0.8603\n",
"Epoch 39/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3830 - acc: 0.8543 - val_loss: 0.3830 - val_acc: 0.8599\n",
"Epoch 40/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3818 - acc: 0.8548 - val_loss: 0.3832 - val_acc: 0.8559\n",
"Epoch 41/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3806 - acc: 0.8551 - val_loss: 0.3845 - val_acc: 0.8553\n",
"Epoch 42/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3803 - acc: 0.8550 - val_loss: 0.3789 - val_acc: 0.8617\n",
"Epoch 43/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3791 - acc: 0.8556 - val_loss: 0.3835 - val_acc: 0.8580\n",
"Epoch 44/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3778 - acc: 0.8565 - val_loss: 0.3799 - val_acc: 0.8580\n",
"Epoch 45/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3766 - acc: 0.8571 - val_loss: 0.3790 - val_acc: 0.8625\n",
"Epoch 46/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3770 - acc: 0.8569 - val_loss: 0.3820 - val_acc: 0.8590\n",
"Epoch 47/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3761 - acc: 0.8573 - val_loss: 0.3831 - val_acc: 0.8581\n",
"Epoch 48/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3739 - acc: 0.8579 - val_loss: 0.3828 - val_acc: 0.8599\n",
"Epoch 49/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3738 - acc: 0.8577 - val_loss: 0.3785 - val_acc: 0.8590\n",
"Epoch 50/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 33s 60us/step - loss: 0.3726 - acc: 0.8580 - val_loss: 0.3820 - val_acc: 0.8585\n"
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"<keras.callbacks.History at 0x7f5c9f49c438>"
"execution_count": 19,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"m.fit([text_vectors, hypothesis_vectors], labels, batch_size=1024, epochs=50,validation_data=([text_vectors_test, hypothesis_vectors_test], labels_test))"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"The result is broadly in the region reported by Parikh et al: ~86 vs 86.3%. The small difference might be accounted by differences in `max_length` (here set at 50), in the training regime, and that here we use Keras' built-in validation splitting rather than the SNLI test set."
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Experiment: the asymmetric model"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"It was suggested earlier that, based on the semantics of entailment, the vector representing the strength of association between the hypothesis to the text is all that is needed for classifying the entailment.\n",
"The following model removes consideration of the complementary vector (text to hypothesis) from the computation. This will decrease the paramater count slightly, because the final dense layers will be smaller, and speed up the forward pass when predicting, because fewer calculations will be needed."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 20,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Layer (type) Output Shape Param # Connected to \n",
"words2 (InputLayer) (None, 50) 0 \n",
"words1 (InputLayer) (None, 50) 0 \n",
"sequential_5 (Sequential) (None, 50, 200) 321381600 words1[0][0] \n",
" words2[0][0] \n",
"sequential_6 (Sequential) (None, 50, 200) 80400 sequential_5[1][0] \n",
" sequential_5[2][0] \n",
"dot_4 (Dot) (None, 50, 50) 0 sequential_6[1][0] \n",
" sequential_6[2][0] \n",
"lambda_5 (Lambda) (None, 50, 50) 0 dot_4[0][0] \n",
"dot_5 (Dot) (None, 50, 200) 0 lambda_5[0][0] \n",
" sequential_5[1][0] \n",
"concatenate_4 (Concatenate) (None, 50, 400) 0 sequential_5[2][0] \n",
" dot_5[0][0] \n",
"time_distributed_5 (TimeDistrib (None, 50, 200) 120400 concatenate_4[0][0] \n",
"lambda_6 (Lambda) (None, 200) 0 time_distributed_5[0][0] \n",
"sequential_8 (Sequential) (None, 200) 80400 lambda_6[0][0] \n",
"dense_16 (Dense) (None, 3) 603 sequential_8[1][0] \n",
"Total params: 321,663,403\n",
"Trainable params: 341,803\n",
"Non-trainable params: 321,321,600\n",
"source": [
"m1 = build_model(sem_vectors, 50, 200, 3, 200, 'left')\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"The parameter count has indeed decreased by 40,000, corresponding to the 200x200 smaller H function."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 21,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Train on 549367 samples, validate on 9824 samples\n",
"Epoch 1/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 46us/step - loss: 0.7331 - acc: 0.6770 - val_loss: 0.5257 - val_acc: 0.7936\n",
"Epoch 2/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.5518 - acc: 0.7799 - val_loss: 0.4717 - val_acc: 0.8159\n",
"Epoch 3/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.5147 - acc: 0.7967 - val_loss: 0.4449 - val_acc: 0.8278\n",
"Epoch 4/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4948 - acc: 0.8060 - val_loss: 0.4326 - val_acc: 0.8344\n",
"Epoch 5/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4814 - acc: 0.8122 - val_loss: 0.4247 - val_acc: 0.8359\n",
"Epoch 6/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4712 - acc: 0.8162 - val_loss: 0.4143 - val_acc: 0.8430\n",
"Epoch 7/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4635 - acc: 0.8205 - val_loss: 0.4172 - val_acc: 0.8401\n",
"Epoch 8/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4570 - acc: 0.8223 - val_loss: 0.4106 - val_acc: 0.8422\n",
"Epoch 9/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4505 - acc: 0.8259 - val_loss: 0.4043 - val_acc: 0.8451\n",
"Epoch 10/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4459 - acc: 0.8280 - val_loss: 0.4050 - val_acc: 0.8467\n",
"Epoch 11/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4405 - acc: 0.8300 - val_loss: 0.3975 - val_acc: 0.8481\n",
"Epoch 12/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4360 - acc: 0.8324 - val_loss: 0.4026 - val_acc: 0.8496\n",
"Epoch 13/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4327 - acc: 0.8334 - val_loss: 0.4024 - val_acc: 0.8471\n",
"Epoch 14/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 24s 45us/step - loss: 0.4293 - acc: 0.8350 - val_loss: 0.3955 - val_acc: 0.8496\n",
"Epoch 15/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4263 - acc: 0.8369 - val_loss: 0.3980 - val_acc: 0.8490\n",
"Epoch 16/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4236 - acc: 0.8377 - val_loss: 0.3958 - val_acc: 0.8496\n",
"Epoch 17/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4213 - acc: 0.8384 - val_loss: 0.3954 - val_acc: 0.8496\n",
"Epoch 18/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 24s 45us/step - loss: 0.4187 - acc: 0.8394 - val_loss: 0.3929 - val_acc: 0.8514\n",
"Epoch 19/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4157 - acc: 0.8409 - val_loss: 0.3939 - val_acc: 0.8507\n",
"Epoch 20/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4135 - acc: 0.8417 - val_loss: 0.3953 - val_acc: 0.8522\n",
"Epoch 21/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4122 - acc: 0.8424 - val_loss: 0.3974 - val_acc: 0.8506\n",
"Epoch 22/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4099 - acc: 0.8435 - val_loss: 0.3918 - val_acc: 0.8522\n",
"Epoch 23/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4075 - acc: 0.8443 - val_loss: 0.3901 - val_acc: 0.8513\n",
"Epoch 24/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 24s 44us/step - loss: 0.4067 - acc: 0.8447 - val_loss: 0.3885 - val_acc: 0.8543\n",
"Epoch 25/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4047 - acc: 0.8454 - val_loss: 0.3846 - val_acc: 0.8531\n",
"Epoch 26/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.4031 - acc: 0.8461 - val_loss: 0.3864 - val_acc: 0.8562\n",
"Epoch 27/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 24s 45us/step - loss: 0.4020 - acc: 0.8467 - val_loss: 0.3874 - val_acc: 0.8546\n",
"Epoch 28/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 24s 45us/step - loss: 0.4001 - acc: 0.8473 - val_loss: 0.3848 - val_acc: 0.8534\n",
"Epoch 29/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3991 - acc: 0.8479 - val_loss: 0.3865 - val_acc: 0.8562\n",
"Epoch 30/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3976 - acc: 0.8484 - val_loss: 0.3833 - val_acc: 0.8574\n",
"Epoch 31/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3961 - acc: 0.8487 - val_loss: 0.3846 - val_acc: 0.8585\n",
"Epoch 32/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3942 - acc: 0.8498 - val_loss: 0.3805 - val_acc: 0.8573\n",
"Epoch 33/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 24s 44us/step - loss: 0.3935 - acc: 0.8503 - val_loss: 0.3856 - val_acc: 0.8579\n",
"Epoch 34/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3923 - acc: 0.8507 - val_loss: 0.3829 - val_acc: 0.8560\n",
"Epoch 35/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3920 - acc: 0.8508 - val_loss: 0.3864 - val_acc: 0.8575\n",
"Epoch 36/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3907 - acc: 0.8516 - val_loss: 0.3873 - val_acc: 0.8563\n",
"Epoch 37/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3891 - acc: 0.8519 - val_loss: 0.3850 - val_acc: 0.8570\n",
"Epoch 38/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3872 - acc: 0.8522 - val_loss: 0.3815 - val_acc: 0.8591\n",
"Epoch 39/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3887 - acc: 0.8520 - val_loss: 0.3829 - val_acc: 0.8590\n",
"Epoch 40/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3868 - acc: 0.8531 - val_loss: 0.3807 - val_acc: 0.8600\n",
"Epoch 41/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3859 - acc: 0.8537 - val_loss: 0.3832 - val_acc: 0.8574\n",
"Epoch 42/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3849 - acc: 0.8537 - val_loss: 0.3850 - val_acc: 0.8576\n",
"Epoch 43/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3834 - acc: 0.8541 - val_loss: 0.3825 - val_acc: 0.8563\n",
"Epoch 44/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3829 - acc: 0.8548 - val_loss: 0.3844 - val_acc: 0.8540\n",
"Epoch 45/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3816 - acc: 0.8552 - val_loss: 0.3841 - val_acc: 0.8559\n",
"Epoch 46/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3816 - acc: 0.8549 - val_loss: 0.3880 - val_acc: 0.8567\n",
"Epoch 47/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 24s 45us/step - loss: 0.3799 - acc: 0.8559 - val_loss: 0.3767 - val_acc: 0.8635\n",
"Epoch 48/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3800 - acc: 0.8560 - val_loss: 0.3786 - val_acc: 0.8563\n",
"Epoch 49/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3781 - acc: 0.8563 - val_loss: 0.3812 - val_acc: 0.8596\n",
"Epoch 50/50\n",
"549367/549367 [==============================] - 25s 45us/step - loss: 0.3788 - acc: 0.8560 - val_loss: 0.3782 - val_acc: 0.8601\n"
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"<keras.callbacks.History at 0x7f5ca1bf3e48>"
"execution_count": 21,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"m1.fit([text_vectors, hypothesis_vectors], labels, batch_size=1024, epochs=50,validation_data=([text_vectors_test, hypothesis_vectors_test], labels_test))"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"This model performs the same as the slightly more complex model that evaluates alignments in both directions. Note also that processing time is improved, from 64 down to 48 microseconds per step. \n",
"Let's now look at an asymmetric model that evaluates text to hypothesis comparisons. The prediction is that such a model will correctly classify a decent proportion of the exemplars, but not as accurately as the previous two.\n",
"We'll just use 10 epochs for expediency."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 96,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Layer (type) Output Shape Param # Connected to \n",
"words1 (InputLayer) (None, 50) 0 \n",
"words2 (InputLayer) (None, 50) 0 \n",
"sequential_13 (Sequential) (None, 50, 200) 321381600 words1[0][0] \n",
" words2[0][0] \n",
"sequential_14 (Sequential) (None, 50, 200) 80400 sequential_13[1][0] \n",
" sequential_13[2][0] \n",
"dot_8 (Dot) (None, 50, 50) 0 sequential_14[1][0] \n",
" sequential_14[2][0] \n",
"lambda_9 (Lambda) (None, 50, 50) 0 dot_8[0][0] \n",
"dot_9 (Dot) (None, 50, 200) 0 lambda_9[0][0] \n",
" sequential_13[2][0] \n",
"concatenate_6 (Concatenate) (None, 50, 400) 0 sequential_13[1][0] \n",
" dot_9[0][0] \n",
"time_distributed_9 (TimeDistrib (None, 50, 200) 120400 concatenate_6[0][0] \n",
"lambda_10 (Lambda) (None, 200) 0 time_distributed_9[0][0] \n",
"sequential_16 (Sequential) (None, 200) 80400 lambda_10[0][0] \n",
"dense_32 (Dense) (None, 3) 603 sequential_16[1][0] \n",
"Total params: 321,663,403\n",
"Trainable params: 341,803\n",
"Non-trainable params: 321,321,600\n",
"source": [
"m2 = build_model(sem_vectors, 50, 200, 3, 200, 'right')\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 97,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Train on 455226 samples, validate on 113807 samples\n",
"Epoch 1/10\n",
"455226/455226 [==============================] - 22s 49us/step - loss: 0.8920 - acc: 0.5771 - val_loss: 0.8001 - val_acc: 0.6435\n",
"Epoch 2/10\n",
"455226/455226 [==============================] - 22s 47us/step - loss: 0.7808 - acc: 0.6553 - val_loss: 0.7267 - val_acc: 0.6855\n",
"Epoch 3/10\n",
"455226/455226 [==============================] - 22s 47us/step - loss: 0.7329 - acc: 0.6825 - val_loss: 0.6966 - val_acc: 0.7006\n",
"Epoch 4/10\n",
"455226/455226 [==============================] - 22s 47us/step - loss: 0.7055 - acc: 0.6978 - val_loss: 0.6713 - val_acc: 0.7150\n",
"Epoch 5/10\n",
"455226/455226 [==============================] - 22s 47us/step - loss: 0.6862 - acc: 0.7081 - val_loss: 0.6533 - val_acc: 0.7253\n",
"Epoch 6/10\n",
"455226/455226 [==============================] - 21s 47us/step - loss: 0.6694 - acc: 0.7179 - val_loss: 0.6472 - val_acc: 0.7277\n",
"Epoch 7/10\n",
"455226/455226 [==============================] - 22s 47us/step - loss: 0.6555 - acc: 0.7252 - val_loss: 0.6338 - val_acc: 0.7347\n",
"Epoch 8/10\n",
"455226/455226 [==============================] - 22s 48us/step - loss: 0.6434 - acc: 0.7310 - val_loss: 0.6246 - val_acc: 0.7385\n",
"Epoch 9/10\n",
"455226/455226 [==============================] - 22s 47us/step - loss: 0.6325 - acc: 0.7367 - val_loss: 0.6164 - val_acc: 0.7424\n",
"Epoch 10/10\n",
"455226/455226 [==============================] - 22s 47us/step - loss: 0.6216 - acc: 0.7426 - val_loss: 0.6082 - val_acc: 0.7478\n"
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"<keras.callbacks.History at 0x7fa6850cf080>"
"execution_count": 97,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"m2.fit([text_vectors, hypothesis_vectors], labels, batch_size=1024, epochs=10,validation_split=.2)"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Comparing this fit to the validation accuracy of the previous two models after 10 epochs, we observe that its accuracy is roughly 10% lower.\n",
"It is reassuring that the neural modeling here reproduces what we know from the semantics of natural language!"
"metadata": {
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": "Python 3",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
"language_info": {
"codemirror_mode": {
"name": "ipython",
"version": 3
"file_extension": ".py",
"mimetype": "text/x-python",
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.5.2"
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 2
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
"""This example contains several snippets of methods that can be set via custom
Doc, Token or Span attributes in spaCy v2.0. Attribute methods act like
they're "bound" to the object and are partially applied – i.e. the object
they're called on is passed in as the first argument.
* Custom pipeline components: https://spacy.io//usage/processing-pipelines#custom-components
Compatible with: spaCy v2.0.0+
Last tested with: v2.1.0
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import plac
from spacy.lang.en import English
from spacy.tokens import Doc, Span
from spacy import displacy
from pathlib import Path
output_dir=("Output directory for saved HTML", "positional", None, Path)
def main(output_dir=None):
nlp = English() # start off with blank English class
Doc.set_extension("overlap", method=overlap_tokens)
doc1 = nlp("Peach emoji is where it has always been.")
doc2 = nlp("Peach is the superior emoji.")
print("Text 1:", doc1.text)
print("Text 2:", doc2.text)
print("Overlapping tokens:", doc1._.overlap(doc2))
Doc.set_extension("to_html", method=to_html)
doc = nlp("This is a sentence about Apple.")
# add entity manually for demo purposes, to make it work without a model
doc.ents = [Span(doc, 5, 6, label=nlp.vocab.strings["ORG"])]
print("Text:", doc.text)
doc._.to_html(output=output_dir, style="ent")
def to_html(doc, output="/tmp", style="dep"):
"""Doc method extension for saving the current state as a displaCy
# generate filename from first six non-punct tokens
file_name = "-".join([w.text for w in doc[:6] if not w.is_punct]) + ".html"
html = displacy.render(doc, style=style, page=True) # render markup
if output is not None:
output_path = Path(output)
if not output_path.exists():
output_file = Path(output) / file_name
output_file.open("w", encoding="utf-8").write(html) # save to file
print("Saved HTML to {}".format(output_file))
def overlap_tokens(doc, other_doc):
"""Get the tokens from the original Doc that are also in the comparison Doc.
overlap = []
other_tokens = [token.text for token in other_doc]
for token in doc:
if token.text in other_tokens:
return overlap
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Expected output:
# Text 1: Peach emoji is where it has always been.
# Text 2: Peach is the superior emoji.
# Overlapping tokens: [Peach, emoji, is, .]
@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
"""Example of a spaCy v2.0 pipeline component that requests all countries via
the REST Countries API, merges country names into one token, assigns entity
labels and sets attributes on country tokens, e.g. the capital and lat/lng
coordinates. Can be extended with more details from the API.
* REST Countries API: https://restcountries.eu (Mozilla Public License MPL 2.0)
* Custom pipeline components: https://spacy.io//usage/processing-pipelines#custom-components
Compatible with: spaCy v2.0.0+
Last tested with: v2.1.0
Prerequisites: pip install requests
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import requests
import plac
from spacy.lang.en import English
from spacy.matcher import PhraseMatcher
from spacy.tokens import Doc, Span, Token
def main():
# For simplicity, we start off with only the blank English Language class
# and no model or pre-defined pipeline loaded.
nlp = English()
rest_countries = RESTCountriesComponent(nlp) # initialise component
nlp.add_pipe(rest_countries) # add it to the pipeline
doc = nlp("Some text about Colombia and the Czech Republic")
print("Pipeline", nlp.pipe_names) # pipeline contains component name
print("Doc has countries", doc._.has_country) # Doc contains countries
for token in doc:
if token._.is_country:
) # country data
print("Entities", [(e.text, e.label_) for e in doc.ents]) # entities
class RESTCountriesComponent(object):
"""spaCy v2.0 pipeline component that requests all countries via
the REST Countries API, merges country names into one token, assigns entity
labels and sets attributes on country tokens.
name = "rest_countries" # component name, will show up in the pipeline
def __init__(self, nlp, label="GPE"):
"""Initialise the pipeline component. The shared nlp instance is used
to initialise the matcher with the shared vocab, get the label ID and
generate Doc objects as phrase match patterns.
# Make request once on initialisation and store the data
r = requests.get("https://restcountries.eu/rest/v2/all")
r.raise_for_status() # make sure requests raises an error if it fails
countries = r.json()
# Convert API response to dict keyed by country name for easy lookup
# This could also be extended using the alternative and foreign language
# names provided by the API
self.countries = {c["name"]: c for c in countries}
self.label = nlp.vocab.strings[label] # get entity label ID
# Set up the PhraseMatcher with Doc patterns for each country name
patterns = [nlp(c) for c in self.countries.keys()]
self.matcher = PhraseMatcher(nlp.vocab)
self.matcher.add("COUNTRIES", None, *patterns)
# Register attribute on the Token. We'll be overwriting this based on
# the matches, so we're only setting a default value, not a getter.
# If no default value is set, it defaults to None.
Token.set_extension("is_country", default=False)
Token.set_extension("country_capital", default=False)
Token.set_extension("country_latlng", default=False)
Token.set_extension("country_flag", default=False)
# Register attributes on Doc and Span via a getter that checks if one of
# the contained tokens is set to is_country == True.
Doc.set_extension("has_country", getter=self.has_country)
Span.set_extension("has_country", getter=self.has_country)
def __call__(self, doc):
"""Apply the pipeline component on a Doc object and modify it if matches
are found. Return the Doc, so it can be processed by the next component
in the pipeline, if available.
matches = self.matcher(doc)
spans = [] # keep the spans for later so we can merge them afterwards
for _, start, end in matches:
# Generate Span representing the entity & set label
entity = Span(doc, start, end, label=self.label)
# Set custom attribute on each token of the entity
# Can be extended with other data returned by the API, like
# currencies, country code, flag, calling code etc.
for token in entity:
token._.set("is_country", True)
token._.set("country_capital", self.countries[entity.text]["capital"])
token._.set("country_latlng", self.countries[entity.text]["latlng"])
token._.set("country_flag", self.countries[entity.text]["flag"])
# Overwrite doc.ents and add entity – be careful not to replace!
doc.ents = list(doc.ents) + [entity]
for span in spans:
# Iterate over all spans and merge them into one token. This is done
# after setting the entities – otherwise, it would cause mismatched
# indices!
return doc # don't forget to return the Doc!
def has_country(self, tokens):
"""Getter for Doc and Span attributes. Returns True if one of the tokens
is a country. Since the getter is only called when we access the
attribute, we can refer to the Token's 'is_country' attribute here,
which is already set in the processing step."""
return any([t._.get("is_country") for t in tokens])
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Expected output:
# Pipeline ['rest_countries']
# Doc has countries True
# Colombia Bogotá [4.0, -72.0] https://restcountries.eu/data/col.svg
# Czech Republic Prague [49.75, 15.5] https://restcountries.eu/data/cze.svg
# Entities [('Colombia', 'GPE'), ('Czech Republic', 'GPE')]
@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
"""Example of a spaCy v2.0 pipeline component that sets entity annotations
based on list of single or multiple-word company names. Companies are
labelled as ORG and their spans are merged into one token. Additionally,
._.has_tech_org and ._.is_tech_org is set on the Doc/Span and Token
* Custom pipeline components: https://spacy.io//usage/processing-pipelines#custom-components
Compatible with: spaCy v2.0.0+
Last tested with: v2.1.0
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import plac
from spacy.lang.en import English
from spacy.matcher import PhraseMatcher
from spacy.tokens import Doc, Span, Token
text=("Text to process", "positional", None, str),
companies=("Names of technology companies", "positional", None, str),
def main(text="Alphabet Inc. is the company behind Google.", *companies):
# For simplicity, we start off with only the blank English Language class
# and no model or pre-defined pipeline loaded.
nlp = English()
if not companies: # set default companies if none are set via args
companies = ["Alphabet Inc.", "Google", "Netflix", "Apple"] # etc.
component = TechCompanyRecognizer(nlp, companies) # initialise component
nlp.add_pipe(component, last=True) # add last to the pipeline
doc = nlp(text)
print("Pipeline", nlp.pipe_names) # pipeline contains component name
print("Tokens", [t.text for t in doc]) # company names from the list are merged
print("Doc has_tech_org", doc._.has_tech_org) # Doc contains tech orgs
print("Token 0 is_tech_org", doc[0]._.is_tech_org) # "Alphabet Inc." is a tech org
print("Token 1 is_tech_org", doc[1]._.is_tech_org) # "is" is not
print("Entities", [(e.text, e.label_) for e in doc.ents]) # all orgs are entities
class TechCompanyRecognizer(object):
"""Example of a spaCy v2.0 pipeline component that sets entity annotations
based on list of single or multiple-word company names. Companies are
labelled as ORG and their spans are merged into one token. Additionally,
._.has_tech_org and ._.is_tech_org is set on the Doc/Span and Token
name = "tech_companies" # component name, will show up in the pipeline
def __init__(self, nlp, companies=tuple(), label="ORG"):
"""Initialise the pipeline component. The shared nlp instance is used
to initialise the matcher with the shared vocab, get the label ID and
generate Doc objects as phrase match patterns.
self.label = nlp.vocab.strings[label] # get entity label ID
# Set up the PhraseMatcher – it can now take Doc objects as patterns,
# so even if the list of companies is long, it's very efficient
patterns = [nlp(org) for org in companies]
self.matcher = PhraseMatcher(nlp.vocab)
self.matcher.add("TECH_ORGS", None, *patterns)
# Register attribute on the Token. We'll be overwriting this based on
# the matches, so we're only setting a default value, not a getter.
Token.set_extension("is_tech_org", default=False)
# Register attributes on Doc and Span via a getter that checks if one of
# the contained tokens is set to is_tech_org == True.
Doc.set_extension("has_tech_org", getter=self.has_tech_org)
Span.set_extension("has_tech_org", getter=self.has_tech_org)
def __call__(self, doc):
"""Apply the pipeline component on a Doc object and modify it if matches
are found. Return the Doc, so it can be processed by the next component
in the pipeline, if available.
matches = self.matcher(doc)
spans = [] # keep the spans for later so we can merge them afterwards
for _, start, end in matches:
# Generate Span representing the entity & set label
entity = Span(doc, start, end, label=self.label)
# Set custom attribute on each token of the entity
for token in entity:
token._.set("is_tech_org", True)
# Overwrite doc.ents and add entity – be careful not to replace!
doc.ents = list(doc.ents) + [entity]
for span in spans:
# Iterate over all spans and merge them into one token. This is done
# after setting the entities – otherwise, it would cause mismatched
# indices!
return doc # don't forget to return the Doc!
def has_tech_org(self, tokens):
"""Getter for Doc and Span attributes. Returns True if one of the tokens
is a tech org. Since the getter is only called when we access the
attribute, we can refer to the Token's 'is_tech_org' attribute here,
which is already set in the processing step."""
return any([t._.get("is_tech_org") for t in tokens])
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Expected output:
# Pipeline ['tech_companies']
# Tokens ['Alphabet Inc.', 'is', 'the', 'company', 'behind', 'Google', '.']
# Doc has_tech_org True
# Token 0 is_tech_org True
# Token 1 is_tech_org False
# Entities [('Alphabet Inc.', 'ORG'), ('Google', 'ORG')]
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
"""Example of adding a pipeline component to prohibit sentence boundaries
before certain tokens.
What we do is write to the token.is_sent_start attribute, which
takes values in {True, False, None}. The default value None allows the parser
to predict sentence segments. The value False prohibits the parser from inserting
a sentence boundary before that token. Note that fixing the sentence segmentation
should also improve the parse quality.
The specific example here is drawn from https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/issues/2627
Other versions of the model may not make the original mistake, so the specific
example might not be apt for future versions.
Compatible with: spaCy v2.0.0+
Last tested with: v2.1.0
import plac
import spacy
def prevent_sentence_boundaries(doc):
for token in doc:
if not can_be_sentence_start(token):
token.is_sent_start = False
return doc
def can_be_sentence_start(token):
if token.i == 0:
return True
# We're not checking for is_title here to ignore arbitrary titlecased
# tokens within sentences
# elif token.is_title:
# return True
elif token.nbor(-1).is_punct:
return True
elif token.nbor(-1).is_space:
return True
return False
text=("The raw text to process", "positional", None, str),
spacy_model=("spaCy model to use (with a parser)", "option", "m", str),
def main(text="Been here And I'm loving it.", spacy_model="en_core_web_lg"):
print("Using spaCy model '{}'".format(spacy_model))
print("Processing text '{}'".format(text))
nlp = spacy.load(spacy_model)
doc = nlp(text)
sentences = [sent.text.strip() for sent in doc.sents]
print("Before:", sentences)
nlp.add_pipe(prevent_sentence_boundaries, before="parser")
doc = nlp(text)
sentences = [sent.text.strip() for sent in doc.sents]
print("After:", sentences)
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
"""Demonstrate adding a rule-based component that forces some tokens to not
be entities, before the NER tagger is applied. This is used to hotfix the issue
in https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/issues/2870, present as of spaCy v2.0.16.
Compatible with: spaCy v2.0.0+
Last tested with: v2.1.0
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import spacy
from spacy.attrs import ENT_IOB
def fix_space_tags(doc):
ent_iobs = doc.to_array([ENT_IOB])
for i, token in enumerate(doc):
if token.is_space:
# Sets 'O' tag (0 is None, so I is 1, O is 2)
ent_iobs[i] = 2
doc.from_array([ENT_IOB], ent_iobs.reshape((len(doc), 1)))
return doc
def main():
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
text = "This is some crazy test where I dont need an Apple Watch to make things bug"
doc = nlp(text)
print("Before", doc.ents)
nlp.add_pipe(fix_space_tags, name="fix-ner", before="ner")
doc = nlp(text)
print("After", doc.ents)
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
"""Example of multi-processing with Joblib. Here, we're exporting
part-of-speech-tagged, true-cased, (very roughly) sentence-separated text, with
each "sentence" on a newline, and spaces between tokens. Data is loaded from
the IMDB movie reviews dataset and will be loaded automatically via Thinc's
built-in dataset loader.
Compatible with: spaCy v2.0.0+
Last tested with: v2.1.0
Prerequisites: pip install joblib
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
from pathlib import Path
import ml_datasets
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from functools import partial
import plac
import spacy
from spacy.util import minibatch
output_dir=("Output directory", "positional", None, Path),
model=("Model name (needs tagger)", "positional", None, str),
n_jobs=("Number of workers", "option", "n", int),
batch_size=("Batch-size for each process", "option", "b", int),
limit=("Limit of entries from the dataset", "option", "l", int),
def main(output_dir, model="en_core_web_sm", n_jobs=4, batch_size=1000, limit=10000):
nlp = spacy.load(model) # load spaCy model
print("Loaded model '%s'" % model)
if not output_dir.exists():
# load and pre-process the IMBD dataset
print("Loading IMDB data...")
data, _ = ml_datasets.imdb()
texts, _ = zip(*data[-limit:])
print("Processing texts...")
partitions = minibatch(texts, size=batch_size)
executor = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, backend="multiprocessing", prefer="processes")
do = delayed(partial(transform_texts, nlp))
tasks = (do(i, batch, output_dir) for i, batch in enumerate(partitions))
def transform_texts(nlp, batch_id, texts, output_dir):
out_path = Path(output_dir) / ("%d.txt" % batch_id)
if out_path.exists(): # return None in case same batch is called again
return None
print("Processing batch", batch_id)
with out_path.open("w", encoding="utf8") as f:
for doc in nlp.pipe(texts):
f.write(" ".join(represent_word(w) for w in doc if not w.is_space))
print("Saved {} texts to {}.txt".format(len(texts), batch_id))
def represent_word(word):
text = word.text
# True-case, i.e. try to normalize sentence-initial capitals.
# Only do this if the lower-cased form is more probable.
if (
and is_sent_begin(word)
and word.prob < word.doc.vocab[text.lower()].prob
text = text.lower()
return text + "|" + word.tag_
def is_sent_begin(word):
if word.i == 0:
return True
elif word.i >= 2 and word.nbor(-1).text in (".", "!", "?", "..."):
return True
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
Example of a Streamlit app for an interactive spaCy model visualizer. You can
either download the script, or point `streamlit run` to the raw URL of this
file. For more details, see https://streamlit.io.
pip install streamlit
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
python -m spacy download en_core_web_md
python -m spacy download de_core_news_sm
streamlit run streamlit_spacy.py
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import base64
import streamlit as st
import spacy
from spacy import displacy
import pandas as pd
SPACY_MODEL_NAMES = ["en_core_web_sm", "en_core_web_md", "de_core_news_sm"]
DEFAULT_TEXT = "Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO of Facebook."
HTML_WRAPPER = """<div style="overflow-x: auto; border: 1px solid #e6e9ef; border-radius: 0.25rem; padding: 1rem; margin-bottom: 2.5rem">{}</div>"""
def load_model(name):
return spacy.load(name)
def process_text(model_name, text):
nlp = load_model(model_name)
return nlp(text)
st.sidebar.title("Interactive spaCy visualizer")
Process text with [spaCy](https://spacy.io) models and visualize named entities,
dependencies and more. Uses spaCy's built-in
[displaCy](http://spacy.io/usage/visualizers) visualizer under the hood.
spacy_model = st.sidebar.selectbox("Model name", SPACY_MODEL_NAMES)
model_load_state = st.info(f"Loading model '{spacy_model}'...")
nlp = load_model(spacy_model)
text = st.text_area("Text to analyze", DEFAULT_TEXT)
doc = process_text(spacy_model, text)
def render_svg(svg):
"""Renders the given svg string."""
b64 = base64.b64encode(svg.encode('utf-8')).decode("utf-8")
html = r'<img src="data:image/svg+xml;base64,%s"/>' % b64
st.write(html, unsafe_allow_html=True)
if "parser" in nlp.pipe_names:
st.header("Dependency Parse & Part-of-speech tags")
st.sidebar.header("Dependency Parse")
split_sents = st.sidebar.checkbox("Split sentences", value=True)
collapse_punct = st.sidebar.checkbox("Collapse punctuation", value=True)
collapse_phrases = st.sidebar.checkbox("Collapse phrases")
compact = st.sidebar.checkbox("Compact mode")
options = {
"collapse_punct": collapse_punct,
"collapse_phrases": collapse_phrases,
"compact": compact,
docs = [span.as_doc() for span in doc.sents] if split_sents else [doc]
for sent in docs:
html = displacy.render(sent, options=options, style="dep")
# Double newlines seem to mess with the rendering
html = html.replace("\n\n", "\n")
if split_sents and len(docs) > 1:
st.markdown(f"> {sent.text}")
# this didn't show the dep arc labels properly, cf #5089
# st.write(HTML_WRAPPER.format(html), unsafe_allow_html=True)
if "ner" in nlp.pipe_names:
st.header("Named Entities")
st.sidebar.header("Named Entities")
label_set = nlp.get_pipe("ner").labels
labels = st.sidebar.multiselect(
"Entity labels", options=label_set, default=list(label_set)
html = displacy.render(doc, style="ent", options={"ents": labels})
# Newlines seem to mess with the rendering
html = html.replace("\n", " ")
st.write(HTML_WRAPPER.format(html), unsafe_allow_html=True)
attrs = ["text", "label_", "start", "end", "start_char", "end_char"]
if "entity_linker" in nlp.pipe_names:
data = [
[str(getattr(ent, attr)) for attr in attrs]
for ent in doc.ents
if ent.label_ in labels
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=attrs)
if "textcat" in nlp.pipe_names:
st.header("Text Classification")
st.markdown(f"> {text}")
df = pd.DataFrame(doc.cats.items(), columns=("Label", "Score"))
vector_size = nlp.meta.get("vectors", {}).get("width", 0)
if vector_size:
st.header("Vectors & Similarity")
text1 = st.text_input("Text or word 1", "apple")
text2 = st.text_input("Text or word 2", "orange")
doc1 = process_text(spacy_model, text1)
doc2 = process_text(spacy_model, text2)
similarity = doc1.similarity(doc2)
if similarity > 0.5:
st.header("Token attributes")
if st.button("Show token attributes"):
attrs = [
data = [[str(getattr(token, attr)) for attr in attrs] for token in doc]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=attrs)
st.header("JSON Doc")
if st.button("Show JSON Doc"):
st.header("JSON model meta")
if st.button("Show JSON model meta"):
@ -1 +0,0 @@
{"nr_epoch": 3, "batch_size": 24, "dropout": 0.001, "vectors": 0, "multitask_tag": 0, "multitask_sent": 0}
@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
"""Train for CONLL 2017 UD treebank evaluation. Takes .conllu files, writes
.conllu format for development data, allowing the official scorer to be used.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import plac
import attr
from pathlib import Path
import re
import json
import tqdm
import spacy
import spacy.util
from spacy.tokens import Token, Doc
from spacy.gold import Example
from spacy.pipeline._parser_internals.nonproj import projectivize
from collections import defaultdict
from spacy.matcher import Matcher
import itertools
import random
import numpy.random
from bin.ud import conll17_ud_eval
import spacy.lang.zh
import spacy.lang.ja
spacy.lang.zh.Chinese.Defaults.use_jieba = False
spacy.lang.ja.Japanese.Defaults.use_janome = False
# Data reading #
space_re = re.compile("\s+")
def split_text(text):
return [space_re.sub(" ", par.strip()) for par in text.split("\n\n")]
def read_data(
"""Read the CONLLU format into Example objects. If raw_text=True,
include Doc objects created using nlp.make_doc and then aligned against
the gold-standard sequences. If oracle_segments=True, include Doc objects
created from the gold-standard segments. At least one must be True."""
if not raw_text and not oracle_segments:
raise ValueError("At least one of raw_text or oracle_segments must be True")
paragraphs = split_text(text_file.read())
conllu = read_conllu(conllu_file)
# sd is spacy doc; cd is conllu doc
# cs is conllu sent, ct is conllu token
docs = []
golds = []
for doc_id, (text, cd) in enumerate(zip(paragraphs, conllu)):
sent_annots = []
for cs in cd:
sent = defaultdict(list)
for id_, word, lemma, pos, tag, morph, head, dep, _, space_after in cs:
if "." in id_:
if "-" in id_:
id_ = int(id_) - 1
head = int(head) - 1 if head != "0" else id_
sent["deps"].append("ROOT" if dep == "root" else dep)
sent["spaces"].append(space_after == "_")
sent["entities"] = ["-"] * len(sent["words"])
sent["heads"], sent["deps"] = projectivize(sent["heads"], sent["deps"])
if oracle_segments:
docs.append(Doc(nlp.vocab, words=sent["words"], spaces=sent["spaces"]))
if raw_text and max_doc_length and len(sent_annots) >= max_doc_length:
doc, gold = _make_gold(nlp, None, sent_annots)
sent_annots = []
if limit and len(docs) >= limit:
return golds_to_gold_data(docs, golds)
if raw_text and sent_annots:
doc, gold = _make_gold(nlp, None, sent_annots)
if limit and len(docs) >= limit:
return golds_to_gold_data(docs, golds)
return golds_to_gold_data(docs, golds)
def read_conllu(file_):
docs = []
sent = []
doc = []
for line in file_:
if line.startswith("# newdoc"):
if doc:
doc = []
elif line.startswith("#"):
elif not line.strip():
if sent:
sent = []
if len(sent[-1]) != 10:
raise ValueError
if sent:
if doc:
return docs
def _make_gold(nlp, text, sent_annots):
# Flatten the conll annotations, and adjust the head indices
gold = defaultdict(list)
for sent in sent_annots:
gold["heads"].extend(len(gold["words"]) + head for head in sent["heads"])
for field in ["words", "tags", "deps", "entities", "spaces"]:
# Construct text if necessary
assert len(gold["words"]) == len(gold["spaces"])
if text is None:
text = "".join(
word + " " * space for word, space in zip(gold["words"], gold["spaces"])
doc = nlp.make_doc(text)
return doc, gold
# Data transforms for spaCy #
def golds_to_gold_data(docs, golds):
"""Get out the training data format used by begin_training."""
data = []
for doc, gold in zip(docs, golds):
example = Example.from_dict(doc, gold)
return data
# Evaluation #
def evaluate(nlp, text_loc, gold_loc, sys_loc, limit=None):
with text_loc.open("r", encoding="utf8") as text_file:
texts = split_text(text_file.read())
docs = list(nlp.pipe(texts))
with sys_loc.open("w", encoding="utf8") as out_file:
write_conllu(docs, out_file)
with gold_loc.open("r", encoding="utf8") as gold_file:
gold_ud = conll17_ud_eval.load_conllu(gold_file)
with sys_loc.open("r", encoding="utf8") as sys_file:
sys_ud = conll17_ud_eval.load_conllu(sys_file)
scores = conll17_ud_eval.evaluate(gold_ud, sys_ud)
return scores
def write_conllu(docs, file_):
merger = Matcher(docs[0].vocab)
merger.add("SUBTOK", None, [{"DEP": "subtok", "op": "+"}])
for i, doc in enumerate(docs):
matches = merger(doc)
spans = [doc[start : end + 1] for _, start, end in matches]
offsets = [(span.start_char, span.end_char) for span in spans]
for start_char, end_char in offsets:
doc.merge(start_char, end_char)
file_.write("# newdoc id = {i}\n".format(i=i))
for j, sent in enumerate(doc.sents):
file_.write("# sent_id = {i}.{j}\n".format(i=i, j=j))
file_.write("# text = {text}\n".format(text=sent.text))
for k, token in enumerate(sent):
file_.write(token._.get_conllu_lines(k) + "\n")
def print_progress(itn, losses, ud_scores):
fields = {
"dep_loss": losses.get("parser", 0.0),
"tag_loss": losses.get("tagger", 0.0),
"words": ud_scores["Words"].f1 * 100,
"sents": ud_scores["Sentences"].f1 * 100,
"tags": ud_scores["XPOS"].f1 * 100,
"uas": ud_scores["UAS"].f1 * 100,
"las": ud_scores["LAS"].f1 * 100,
header = ["Epoch", "Loss", "LAS", "UAS", "TAG", "SENT", "WORD"]
if itn == 0:
tpl = "\t".join(
print(tpl.format(itn, **fields))
# def get_sent_conllu(sent, sent_id):
# lines = ["# sent_id = {sent_id}".format(sent_id=sent_id)]
def get_token_conllu(token, i):
if token._.begins_fused:
n = 1
while token.nbor(n)._.inside_fused:
n += 1
id_ = "%d-%d" % (i, i + n)
lines = [id_, token.text, "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_"]
lines = []
if token.head.i == token.i:
head = 0
head = i + (token.head.i - token.i) + 1
fields = [
str(i + 1),
return "\n".join(lines)
# Initialization #
def load_nlp(corpus, config):
lang = corpus.split("_")[0]
nlp = spacy.blank(lang)
if config.vectors:
nlp.vocab.from_disk(config.vectors / "vocab")
return nlp
def initialize_pipeline(nlp, examples, config):
if config.multitask_tag:
if config.multitask_sent:
nlp.parser.moves.add_action(2, "subtok")
for eg in examples:
for tag in eg.get_aligned("TAG", as_string=True):
if tag is not None:
# Replace labels that didn't make the frequency cutoff
actions = set(nlp.parser.labels)
label_set = set([act.split("-")[1] for act in actions if "-" in act])
for eg in examples:
gold = eg.gold
for i, label in enumerate(gold.labels):
if label is not None and label not in label_set:
gold.labels[i] = label.split("||")[0]
return nlp.begin_training(lambda: examples)
# Command line helpers #
class Config(object):
vectors = attr.ib(default=None)
max_doc_length = attr.ib(default=10)
multitask_tag = attr.ib(default=True)
multitask_sent = attr.ib(default=True)
nr_epoch = attr.ib(default=30)
batch_size = attr.ib(default=1000)
dropout = attr.ib(default=0.2)
def load(cls, loc):
with Path(loc).open("r", encoding="utf8") as file_:
cfg = json.load(file_)
return cls(**cfg)
class Dataset(object):
def __init__(self, path, section):
self.path = path
self.section = section
self.conllu = None
self.text = None
for file_path in self.path.iterdir():
name = file_path.parts[-1]
if section in name and name.endswith("conllu"):
self.conllu = file_path
elif section in name and name.endswith("txt"):
self.text = file_path
if self.conllu is None:
msg = "Could not find .txt file in {path} for {section}"
raise IOError(msg.format(section=section, path=path))
if self.text is None:
msg = "Could not find .txt file in {path} for {section}"
self.lang = self.conllu.parts[-1].split("-")[0].split("_")[0]
class TreebankPaths(object):
def __init__(self, ud_path, treebank, **cfg):
self.train = Dataset(ud_path / treebank, "train")
self.dev = Dataset(ud_path / treebank, "dev")
self.lang = self.train.lang
ud_dir=("Path to Universal Dependencies corpus", "positional", None, Path),
parses_dir=("Directory to write the development parses", "positional", None, Path),
config=("Path to json formatted config file", "positional", None, Config.load),
"UD corpus to train and evaluate on, e.g. UD_Spanish-AnCora",
limit=("Size limit", "option", "n", int),
def main(ud_dir, parses_dir, config, corpus, limit=0):
Token.set_extension("get_conllu_lines", method=get_token_conllu)
Token.set_extension("begins_fused", default=False)
Token.set_extension("inside_fused", default=False)
Token.set_extension("get_conllu_lines", method=get_token_conllu)
Token.set_extension("begins_fused", default=False)
Token.set_extension("inside_fused", default=False)
paths = TreebankPaths(ud_dir, corpus)
if not (parses_dir / corpus).exists():
(parses_dir / corpus).mkdir()
print("Train and evaluate", corpus, "using lang", paths.lang)
nlp = load_nlp(paths.lang, config)
examples = read_data(
optimizer = initialize_pipeline(nlp, examples, config)
for i in range(config.nr_epoch):
batches = spacy.minibatch_by_words(examples, size=config.batch_size)
losses = {}
n_train_words = sum(len(eg.reference.doc) for eg in examples)
with tqdm.tqdm(total=n_train_words, leave=False) as pbar:
for batch in batches:
pbar.update(sum(len(eg.reference.doc) for eg in batch))
examples=batch, sgd=optimizer, drop=config.dropout, losses=losses,
out_path = parses_dir / corpus / "epoch-{i}.conllu".format(i=i)
with nlp.use_params(optimizer.averages):
scores = evaluate(nlp, paths.dev.text, paths.dev.conllu, out_path)
print_progress(i, losses, scores)
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
"""Example of defining a knowledge base in spaCy,
which is needed to implement entity linking functionality.
For more details, see the documentation:
* Knowledge base: https://spacy.io/api/kb
* Entity Linking: https://spacy.io/usage/linguistic-features#entity-linking
Compatible with: spaCy v2.2.4
Last tested with: v2.2.4
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import plac
from pathlib import Path
from spacy.vocab import Vocab
import spacy
from spacy.kb import KnowledgeBase
# Q2146908 (Russ Cochran): American golfer
# Q7381115 (Russ Cochran): publisher
ENTITIES = {"Q2146908": ("American golfer", 342), "Q7381115": ("publisher", 17)}
model=("Model name, should have pretrained word embeddings", "positional", None, str),
output_dir=("Optional output directory", "option", "o", Path),
def main(model, output_dir=None):
"""Load the model and create the KB with pre-defined entity encodings.
If an output_dir is provided, the KB will be stored there in a file 'kb'.
The updated vocab will also be written to a directory in the output_dir."""
nlp = spacy.load(model) # load existing spaCy model
print("Loaded model '%s'" % model)
# check the length of the nlp vectors
if "vectors" not in nlp.meta or not nlp.vocab.vectors.size:
raise ValueError(
"The `nlp` object should have access to pretrained word vectors, "
" cf. https://spacy.io/usage/models#languages."
# You can change the dimension of vectors in your KB by using an encoder that changes the dimensionality.
# For simplicity, we'll just use the original vector dimension here instead.
vectors_dim = nlp.vocab.vectors.shape[1]
kb = KnowledgeBase(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=vectors_dim)
# set up the data
entity_ids = []
descr_embeddings = []
freqs = []
for key, value in ENTITIES.items():
desc, freq = value
# set the entities, can also be done by calling `kb.add_entity` for each entity
kb.set_entities(entity_list=entity_ids, freq_list=freqs, vector_list=descr_embeddings)
# adding aliases, the entities need to be defined in the KB beforehand
alias="Russ Cochran",
entities=["Q2146908", "Q7381115"],
probabilities=[0.24, 0.7], # the sum of these probabilities should not exceed 1
# test the trained model
# save model to output directory
if output_dir is not None:
output_dir = Path(output_dir)
if not output_dir.exists():
kb_path = str(output_dir / "kb")
print("Saved KB to", kb_path)
vocab_path = output_dir / "vocab"
print("Saved vocab to", vocab_path)
# test the saved model
# always reload a knowledge base with the same vocab instance!
print("Loading vocab from", vocab_path)
print("Loading KB from", kb_path)
vocab2 = Vocab().from_disk(vocab_path)
kb2 = KnowledgeBase(vocab2, entity_vector_length=1)
def _print_kb(kb):
print(kb.get_size_entities(), "kb entities:", kb.get_entity_strings())
print(kb.get_size_aliases(), "kb aliases:", kb.get_alias_strings())
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Expected output:
# 2 kb entities: ['Q2146908', 'Q7381115']
# 1 kb aliases: ['Russ Cochran']
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
"""This example shows how to add a multi-task objective that is trained
alongside the entity recognizer. This is an alternative to adding features
to the model.
The multi-task idea is to train an auxiliary model to predict some attribute,
with weights shared between the auxiliary model and the main model. In this
example, we're predicting the position of the word in the document.
The model that predicts the position of the word encourages the convolutional
layers to include the position information in their representation. The
information is then available to the main model, as a feature.
The overall idea is that we might know something about what sort of features
we'd like the CNN to extract. The multi-task objectives can encourage the
extraction of this type of feature. The multi-task objective is only used
during training. We discard the auxiliary model before run-time.
The specific example here is not necessarily a good idea --- but it shows
how an arbitrary objective function for some word can be used.
Developed and tested for spaCy 2.0.6. Updated for v2.2.2
import random
import plac
import spacy
import os.path
from spacy.gold.example import Example
from spacy.tokens import Doc
from spacy.gold import read_json_file
PWD = os.path.dirname(__file__)
TRAIN_DATA = list(read_json_file(os.path.join(PWD, "training-data.json")))
def get_position_label(i, token_annotation):
"""Return labels indicating the position of the word in the document.
if len(token_annotation.words) < 20:
return "short-doc"
elif i == 0:
return "first-word"
elif i < 10:
return "early-word"
elif i < 20:
return "mid-word"
elif i == len(token_annotation.words) - 1:
return "last-word"
return "late-word"
def main(n_iter=10):
nlp = spacy.blank("en")
ner = nlp.create_pipe("ner")
print("Create data", len(TRAIN_DATA))
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
for itn in range(n_iter):
losses = {}
for example_dict in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=example_dict["words"])
example = Example.from_dict(doc, example_dict)
examples=[example], # 1 example
drop=0.2, # dropout - make it harder to memorise data
sgd=optimizer, # callable to update weights
print(losses.get("nn_labeller", 0.0), losses["ner"])
# test the trained model
for example_dict in TRAIN_DATA:
if "text" in example_dict:
doc = nlp(example_dict["text"])
print("Entities", [(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in doc.ents])
print("Tokens", [(t.text, t.ent_type_, t.ent_iob) for t in doc])
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
"""Prevent catastrophic forgetting with rehearsal updates."""
import plac
import random
import warnings
import srsly
import spacy
from spacy.gold import Example
from spacy.util import minibatch, compounding
# TODO: further fix & test this script for v.3 ? (read_gold_data is never called)
"Horses are too tall and they pretend to care about your feelings",
{"entities": [(0, 6, "ANIMAL")]},
("Do they bite?", {"entities": []}),
"horses are too tall and they pretend to care about your feelings",
{"entities": [(0, 6, "ANIMAL")]},
("horses pretend to care about your feelings", {"entities": [(0, 6, "ANIMAL")]}),
"they pretend to care about your feelings, those horses",
{"entities": [(48, 54, "ANIMAL")]},
("horses?", {"entities": [(0, 6, "ANIMAL")]}),
def read_raw_data(nlp, jsonl_loc):
for json_obj in srsly.read_jsonl(jsonl_loc):
if json_obj["text"].strip():
doc = nlp.make_doc(json_obj["text"])
yield Example.from_dict(doc, {})
def read_gold_data(nlp, gold_loc):
examples = []
for json_obj in srsly.read_jsonl(gold_loc):
doc = nlp.make_doc(json_obj["text"])
ents = [(ent["start"], ent["end"], ent["label"]) for ent in json_obj["spans"]]
example = Example.from_dict(doc, {"entities": ents})
return examples
def main(model_name, unlabelled_loc):
n_iter = 10
dropout = 0.2
batch_size = 4
nlp = spacy.load(model_name)
raw_examples = list(read_raw_data(nlp, unlabelled_loc))
optimizer = nlp.resume_training()
# Avoid use of Adam when resuming training. I don't understand this well
# yet, but I'm getting weird results from Adam. Try commenting out the
# nlp.update(), and using Adam -- you'll find the models drift apart.
# I guess Adam is losing precision, introducing gradient noise?
optimizer.learn_rate = 0.1
optimizer.b1 = 0.0
optimizer.b2 = 0.0
sizes = compounding(1.0, 4.0, 1.001)
train_examples = []
for text, annotations in TRAIN_DATA:
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc(text), annotations))
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="ner") and warnings.catch_warnings():
# show warnings for misaligned entity spans once
warnings.filterwarnings("once", category=UserWarning, module="spacy")
for itn in range(n_iter):
losses = {}
r_losses = {}
# batch up the examples using spaCy's minibatch
raw_batches = minibatch(raw_examples, size=4)
for batch in minibatch(train_examples, size=sizes):
nlp.update(batch, sgd=optimizer, drop=dropout, losses=losses)
raw_batch = list(next(raw_batches))
nlp.rehearse(raw_batch, sgd=optimizer, losses=r_losses)
print("Losses", losses)
print("R. Losses", r_losses)
test_text = "Do you like horses?"
doc = nlp(test_text)
print("Entities in '%s'" % test_text)
for ent in doc.ents:
print(ent.label_, ent.text)
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
"""Example of training spaCy's entity linker, starting off with a predefined
knowledge base and corresponding vocab, and a blank English model.
For more details, see the documentation:
* Training: https://spacy.io/usage/training
* Entity Linking: https://spacy.io/usage/linguistic-features#entity-linking
Compatible with: spaCy v2.2.4
Last tested with: v2.2.4
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import plac
import random
from pathlib import Path
import spacy
from spacy.gold import Example
from spacy.pipeline import EntityRuler
from spacy.util import minibatch, compounding
def sample_train_data():
train_data = []
# Q2146908 (Russ Cochran): American golfer
# Q7381115 (Russ Cochran): publisher
text_1 = "Russ Cochran his reprints include EC Comics."
dict_1 = {(0, 12): {"Q7381115": 1.0, "Q2146908": 0.0}}
train_data.append((text_1, {"links": dict_1}))
text_2 = "Russ Cochran has been publishing comic art."
dict_2 = {(0, 12): {"Q7381115": 1.0, "Q2146908": 0.0}}
train_data.append((text_2, {"links": dict_2}))
text_3 = "Russ Cochran captured his first major title with his son as caddie."
dict_3 = {(0, 12): {"Q7381115": 0.0, "Q2146908": 1.0}}
train_data.append((text_3, {"links": dict_3}))
text_4 = "Russ Cochran was a member of University of Kentucky's golf team."
dict_4 = {(0, 12): {"Q7381115": 0.0, "Q2146908": 1.0}}
train_data.append((text_4, {"links": dict_4}))
return train_data
# training data
TRAIN_DATA = sample_train_data()
kb_path=("Path to the knowledge base", "positional", None, Path),
vocab_path=("Path to the vocab for the kb", "positional", None, Path),
output_dir=("Optional output directory", "option", "o", Path),
n_iter=("Number of training iterations", "option", "n", int),
def main(kb_path, vocab_path, output_dir=None, n_iter=50):
"""Create a blank model with the specified vocab, set up the pipeline and train the entity linker.
The `vocab` should be the one used during creation of the KB."""
# create blank English model with correct vocab
nlp = spacy.blank("en")
nlp.vocab.vectors.name = "spacy_pretrained_vectors"
print("Created blank 'en' model with vocab from '%s'" % vocab_path)
# Add a sentencizer component. Alternatively, add a dependency parser for higher accuracy.
# Add a custom component to recognize "Russ Cochran" as an entity for the example training data.
# Note that in a realistic application, an actual NER algorithm should be used instead.
ruler = EntityRuler(nlp)
patterns = [
{"label": "PERSON", "pattern": [{"LOWER": "russ"}, {"LOWER": "cochran"}]}
# Create the Entity Linker component and add it to the pipeline.
if "entity_linker" not in nlp.pipe_names:
print("Loading Knowledge Base from '%s'" % kb_path)
cfg = {
"kb_loader": {
"@assets": "spacy.KBFromFile.v1",
"vocab_path": vocab_path,
"kb_path": kb_path,
# use only the predicted EL score and not the prior probability (for demo purposes)
"incl_prior": False,
entity_linker = nlp.create_pipe("entity_linker", cfg)
nlp.add_pipe(entity_linker, last=True)
# Convert the texts to docs to make sure we have doc.ents set for the training examples.
# Also ensure that the annotated examples correspond to known identifiers in the knowledge base.
kb_ids = nlp.get_pipe("entity_linker").kb.get_entity_strings()
train_examples = []
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
with nlp.select_pipes(disable="entity_linker"):
doc = nlp(text)
annotation_clean = annotation
for offset, kb_id_dict in annotation["links"].items():
new_dict = {}
for kb_id, value in kb_id_dict.items():
if kb_id in kb_ids:
new_dict[kb_id] = value
"Removed", kb_id, "from training because it is not in the KB."
annotation_clean["links"][offset] = new_dict
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(doc, annotation_clean))
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="entity_linker"): # only train entity linker
# reset and initialize the weights randomly
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
for itn in range(n_iter):
losses = {}
# batch up the examples using spaCy's minibatch
batches = minibatch(train_examples, size=compounding(4.0, 32.0, 1.001))
for batch in batches:
drop=0.2, # dropout - make it harder to memorise data
print(itn, "Losses", losses)
# test the trained model
# save model to output directory
if output_dir is not None:
output_dir = Path(output_dir)
if not output_dir.exists():
print("Saved model to", output_dir)
# test the saved model
print("Loading from", output_dir)
nlp2 = spacy.load(output_dir)
def _apply_model(nlp):
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
# apply the entity linker which will now make predictions for the 'Russ Cochran' entities
doc = nlp(text)
print("Entities", [(ent.text, ent.label_, ent.kb_id_) for ent in doc.ents])
print("Tokens", [(t.text, t.ent_type_, t.ent_kb_id_) for t in doc])
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Expected output (can be shuffled):
# Entities[('Russ Cochran', 'PERSON', 'Q7381115')]
# Tokens[('Russ', 'PERSON', 'Q7381115'), ('Cochran', 'PERSON', 'Q7381115'), ("his", '', ''), ('reprints', '', ''), ('include', '', ''), ('The', '', ''), ('Complete', '', ''), ('EC', '', ''), ('Library', '', ''), ('.', '', '')]
# Entities[('Russ Cochran', 'PERSON', 'Q7381115')]
# Tokens[('Russ', 'PERSON', 'Q7381115'), ('Cochran', 'PERSON', 'Q7381115'), ('has', '', ''), ('been', '', ''), ('publishing', '', ''), ('comic', '', ''), ('art', '', ''), ('.', '', '')]
# Entities[('Russ Cochran', 'PERSON', 'Q2146908')]
# Tokens[('Russ', 'PERSON', 'Q2146908'), ('Cochran', 'PERSON', 'Q2146908'), ('captured', '', ''), ('his', '', ''), ('first', '', ''), ('major', '', ''), ('title', '', ''), ('with', '', ''), ('his', '', ''), ('son', '', ''), ('as', '', ''), ('caddie', '', ''), ('.', '', '')]
# Entities[('Russ Cochran', 'PERSON', 'Q2146908')]
# Tokens[('Russ', 'PERSON', 'Q2146908'), ('Cochran', 'PERSON', 'Q2146908'), ('was', '', ''), ('a', '', ''), ('member', '', ''), ('of', '', ''), ('University', '', ''), ('of', '', ''), ('Kentucky', '', ''), ("'s", '', ''), ('golf', '', ''), ('team', '', ''), ('.', '', '')]
@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
"""Using the parser to recognise your own semantics
spaCy's parser component can be trained to predict any type of tree
structure over your input text. You can also predict trees over whole documents
or chat logs, with connections between the sentence-roots used to annotate
discourse structure. In this example, we'll build a message parser for a common
"chat intent": finding local businesses. Our message semantics will have the
following types of relations: ROOT, PLACE, QUALITY, ATTRIBUTE, TIME, LOCATION.
"show me the best hotel in berlin"
('show', 'ROOT', 'show')
('best', 'QUALITY', 'hotel') --> hotel with QUALITY best
('hotel', 'PLACE', 'show') --> show PLACE hotel
('berlin', 'LOCATION', 'hotel') --> hotel with LOCATION berlin
Compatible with: spaCy v2.0.0+
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import plac
import random
from pathlib import Path
import spacy
from spacy.gold import Example
from spacy.util import minibatch, compounding
# training data: texts, heads and dependency labels
# for no relation, we simply chose an arbitrary dependency label, e.g. '-'
"find a cafe with great wifi",
"heads": [0, 2, 0, 5, 5, 2], # index of token head
"deps": ["ROOT", "-", "PLACE", "-", "QUALITY", "ATTRIBUTE"],
"find a hotel near the beach",
"heads": [0, 2, 0, 5, 5, 2],
"deps": ["ROOT", "-", "PLACE", "QUALITY", "-", "ATTRIBUTE"],
"find me the closest gym that's open late",
"heads": [0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 6, 4, 6, 6],
"deps": [
"show me the cheapest store that sells flowers",
"heads": [0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 4], # attach "flowers" to store!
"deps": ["ROOT", "-", "-", "QUALITY", "PLACE", "-", "-", "PRODUCT"],
"find a nice restaurant in london",
"heads": [0, 3, 3, 0, 3, 3],
"deps": ["ROOT", "-", "QUALITY", "PLACE", "-", "LOCATION"],
"show me the coolest hostel in berlin",
"heads": [0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4],
"deps": ["ROOT", "-", "-", "QUALITY", "PLACE", "-", "LOCATION"],
"find a good italian restaurant near work",
"heads": [0, 4, 4, 4, 0, 4, 5],
"deps": [
model=("Model name. Defaults to blank 'en' model.", "option", "m", str),
output_dir=("Optional output directory", "option", "o", Path),
n_iter=("Number of training iterations", "option", "n", int),
def main(model=None, output_dir=None, n_iter=15):
"""Load the model, set up the pipeline and train the parser."""
if model is not None:
nlp = spacy.load(model) # load existing spaCy model
print("Loaded model '%s'" % model)
nlp = spacy.blank("en") # create blank Language class
print("Created blank 'en' model")
# We'll use the built-in dependency parser class, but we want to create a
# fresh instance – just in case.
if "parser" in nlp.pipe_names:
parser = nlp.create_pipe("parser")
nlp.add_pipe(parser, first=True)
train_examples = []
for text, annotations in TRAIN_DATA:
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc(text), annotations))
for dep in annotations.get("deps", []):
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="parser"): # only train parser
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
for itn in range(n_iter):
losses = {}
# batch up the examples using spaCy's minibatch
batches = minibatch(train_examples, size=compounding(4.0, 32.0, 1.001))
for batch in batches:
nlp.update(batch, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
print("Losses", losses)
# test the trained model
# save model to output directory
if output_dir is not None:
output_dir = Path(output_dir)
if not output_dir.exists():
print("Saved model to", output_dir)
# test the saved model
print("Loading from", output_dir)
nlp2 = spacy.load(output_dir)
def test_model(nlp):
texts = [
"find a hotel with good wifi",
"find me the cheapest gym near work",
"show me the best hotel in berlin",
docs = nlp.pipe(texts)
for doc in docs:
print([(t.text, t.dep_, t.head.text) for t in doc if t.dep_ != "-"])
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Expected output:
# find a hotel with good wifi
# [
# ('find', 'ROOT', 'find'),
# ('hotel', 'PLACE', 'find'),
# ('good', 'QUALITY', 'wifi'),
# ('wifi', 'ATTRIBUTE', 'hotel')
# ]
# find me the cheapest gym near work
# [
# ('find', 'ROOT', 'find'),
# ('cheapest', 'QUALITY', 'gym'),
# ('gym', 'PLACE', 'find'),
# ('near', 'ATTRIBUTE', 'gym'),
# ('work', 'LOCATION', 'near')
# ]
# show me the best hotel in berlin
# [
# ('show', 'ROOT', 'show'),
# ('best', 'QUALITY', 'hotel'),
# ('hotel', 'PLACE', 'show'),
# ('berlin', 'LOCATION', 'hotel')
# ]
@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
A simple example for training a morphologizer. For more details, see
the documentation:
* Training: https://spacy.io/usage/training
Compatible with: spaCy v3.0.0+
Last tested with: v3.0.0
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import plac
import random
from pathlib import Path
import spacy
from spacy.gold import Example
from spacy.util import minibatch, compounding
from spacy.morphology import Morphology
# Usually you'll read this in, of course. Data formats vary. Ensure your
# strings are unicode and that the number of tags assigned matches spaCy's
# tokenization. If not, you can always add a 'words' key to the annotations
# that specifies the gold-standard tokenization, e.g.:
# ("Eatblueham", {'words': ['Eat', 'blue', 'ham'], 'tags': ['V', 'J', 'N']})
"I like green eggs",
"morphs": [
"pos": ["PRON", "VERB", "ADJ", "NOUN"],
"Eat blue ham",
"morphs": ["VerbForm=Inf", "Degree=Pos", "Number=Sing"],
"pos": ["VERB", "ADJ", "NOUN"],
"She was blue",
"morphs": ["PronType=Prs|Person=3", "VerbForm=Fin", "Degree=Pos"],
"pos": ["PRON", "VERB", "ADJ"],
"He was blue today",
"morphs": ["PronType=Prs|Person=3", "VerbForm=Fin", "Degree=Pos", ""],
"pos": ["PRON", "VERB", "ADJ", "ADV"],
# The POS tags are optional, set `with_pos_tags = False` to omit them for
# this example:
with_pos_tags = True
if not with_pos_tags:
for i in range(len(TRAIN_DATA)):
del TRAIN_DATA[i][1]["pos"]
lang=("ISO Code of language to use", "option", "l", str),
output_dir=("Optional output directory", "option", "o", Path),
n_iter=("Number of training iterations", "option", "n", int),
def main(lang="en", output_dir=None, n_iter=25):
"""Create a new model, set up the pipeline and train the tagger. In order to
train the tagger with a custom tag map, we're creating a new Language
instance with a custom vocab.
nlp = spacy.blank(lang)
# add the tagger to the pipeline
# nlp.create_pipe works for built-ins that are registered with spaCy
morphologizer = nlp.create_pipe("morphologizer")
# add labels and create the Example instances
train_examples = []
for text, annotations in TRAIN_DATA:
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc(text), annotations))
morph_labels = annotations.get("morphs")
pos_labels = annotations.get("pos", [""] * len(annotations.get("morphs")))
assert len(morph_labels) == len(pos_labels)
for morph, pos in zip(morph_labels, pos_labels):
morph_dict = Morphology.feats_to_dict(morph)
if pos:
morph_dict["POS"] = pos
morph = Morphology.dict_to_feats(morph_dict)
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
for i in range(n_iter):
losses = {}
# batch up the examples using spaCy's minibatch
batches = minibatch(train_examples, size=compounding(4.0, 32.0, 1.001))
for batch in batches:
nlp.update(batch, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
print("Losses", losses)
# test the trained model
test_text = "I like blue eggs"
doc = nlp(test_text)
print("Morphs", [(t.text, t.morph) for t in doc])
# save model to output directory
if output_dir is not None:
output_dir = Path(output_dir)
if not output_dir.exists():
print("Saved model to", output_dir)
# test the save model
print("Loading from", output_dir)
nlp2 = spacy.load(output_dir)
doc = nlp2(test_text)
print("Morphs", [(t.text, t.morph) for t in doc])
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Expected output:
# Morphs [('I', POS=PRON|Person=1|PronType=Prs), ('like', POS=VERB|VerbForm=Fin), ('blue', Degree=Pos|POS=ADJ), ('eggs', Number=Plur|POS=NOUN)]
@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
"""Example of training spaCy's named entity recognizer, starting off with an
existing model or a blank model.
For more details, see the documentation:
* Training: https://spacy.io/usage/training
* NER: https://spacy.io/usage/linguistic-features#named-entities
Compatible with: spaCy v2.0.0+
Last tested with: v2.2.4
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import plac
import random
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
import spacy
from spacy.gold import Example
from spacy.util import minibatch, compounding
# training data
("Who is Shaka Khan?", {"entities": [(7, 17, "PERSON")]}),
("I like London and Berlin.", {"entities": [(7, 13, "LOC"), (18, 24, "LOC")]}),
model=("Model name. Defaults to blank 'en' model.", "option", "m", str),
output_dir=("Optional output directory", "option", "o", Path),
n_iter=("Number of training iterations", "option", "n", int),
def main(model=None, output_dir=None, n_iter=100):
"""Load the model, set up the pipeline and train the entity recognizer."""
if model is not None:
nlp = spacy.load(model) # load existing spaCy model
print("Loaded model '%s'" % model)
nlp = spacy.blank("en") # create blank Language class
print("Created blank 'en' model")
# create the built-in pipeline components and add them to the pipeline
# nlp.create_pipe works for built-ins that are registered with spaCy
if "simple_ner" not in nlp.pipe_names:
ner = nlp.create_pipe("simple_ner")
nlp.add_pipe(ner, last=True)
# otherwise, get it so we can add labels
ner = nlp.get_pipe("simple_ner")
# add labels and create Example objects
train_examples = []
for text, annotations in TRAIN_DATA:
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc(text), annotations))
for ent in annotations.get("entities"):
print("Add label", ent[2])
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="simple_ner") and warnings.catch_warnings():
# show warnings for misaligned entity spans once
warnings.filterwarnings("once", category=UserWarning, module="spacy")
# reset and initialize the weights randomly – but only if we're
# training a new model
if model is None:
"Transitions", list(enumerate(nlp.get_pipe("simple_ner").get_tag_names()))
for itn in range(n_iter):
losses = {}
# batch up the examples using spaCy's minibatch
batches = minibatch(train_examples, size=compounding(4.0, 32.0, 1.001))
for batch in batches:
drop=0.0, # dropout - make it harder to memorise data
print("Losses", losses)
# test the trained model
for text, _ in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = nlp(text)
print("Entities", [(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in doc.ents])
print("Tokens", [(t.text, t.ent_type_, t.ent_iob) for t in doc])
# save model to output directory
if output_dir is not None:
output_dir = Path(output_dir)
if not output_dir.exists():
print("Saved model to", output_dir)
# test the saved model
print("Loading from", output_dir)
nlp2 = spacy.load(output_dir)
for text, _ in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = nlp2(text)
print("Entities", [(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in doc.ents])
print("Tokens", [(t.text, t.ent_type_, t.ent_iob) for t in doc])
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Expected output:
# Entities [('Shaka Khan', 'PERSON')]
# Tokens [('Who', '', 2), ('is', '', 2), ('Shaka', 'PERSON', 3),
# ('Khan', 'PERSON', 1), ('?', '', 2)]
# Entities [('London', 'LOC'), ('Berlin', 'LOC')]
# Tokens [('I', '', 2), ('like', '', 2), ('London', 'LOC', 3),
# ('and', '', 2), ('Berlin', 'LOC', 3), ('.', '', 2)]
@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
"""Example of training an additional entity type
This script shows how to add a new entity type to an existing pretrained NER
model. To keep the example short and simple, only four sentences are provided
as examples. In practice, you'll need many more — a few hundred would be a
good start. You will also likely need to mix in examples of other entity
types, which might be obtained by running the entity recognizer over unlabelled
sentences, and adding their annotations to the training set.
The actual training is performed by looping over the examples, and calling
`nlp.entity.update()`. The `update()` method steps through the words of the
input. At each word, it makes a prediction. It then consults the annotations
provided on the GoldParse instance, to see whether it was right. If it was
wrong, it adjusts its weights so that the correct action will score higher
next time.
After training your model, you can save it to a directory. We recommend
wrapping models as Python packages, for ease of deployment.
For more details, see the documentation:
* Training: https://spacy.io/usage/training
* NER: https://spacy.io/usage/linguistic-features#named-entities
Compatible with: spaCy v2.1.0+
Last tested with: v2.2.4
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import plac
import random
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
import spacy
from spacy.util import minibatch, compounding
# new entity label
# training data
# Note: If you're using an existing model, make sure to mix in examples of
# other entity types that spaCy correctly recognized before. Otherwise, your
# model might learn the new type, but "forget" what it previously knew.
# https://explosion.ai/blog/pseudo-rehearsal-catastrophic-forgetting
"Horses are too tall and they pretend to care about your feelings",
{"entities": [(0, 6, LABEL)]},
("Do they bite?", {"entities": []}),
"horses are too tall and they pretend to care about your feelings",
{"entities": [(0, 6, LABEL)]},
("horses pretend to care about your feelings", {"entities": [(0, 6, LABEL)]}),
"they pretend to care about your feelings, those horses",
{"entities": [(48, 54, LABEL)]},
("horses?", {"entities": [(0, 6, LABEL)]}),
model=("Model name. Defaults to blank 'en' model.", "option", "m", str),
new_model_name=("New model name for model meta.", "option", "nm", str),
output_dir=("Optional output directory", "option", "o", Path),
n_iter=("Number of training iterations", "option", "n", int),
def main(model=None, new_model_name="animal", output_dir=None, n_iter=30):
"""Set up the pipeline and entity recognizer, and train the new entity."""
if model is not None:
nlp = spacy.load(model) # load existing spaCy model
print("Loaded model '%s'" % model)
nlp = spacy.blank("en") # create blank Language class
print("Created blank 'en' model")
# Add entity recognizer to model if it's not in the pipeline
# nlp.create_pipe works for built-ins that are registered with spaCy
train_examples = []
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
train_examples.append(TRAIN_DATA.from_dict(nlp(text), annotation))
if "ner" not in nlp.pipe_names:
ner = nlp.create_pipe("ner")
# otherwise, get it, so we can add labels to it
ner = nlp.get_pipe("ner")
ner.add_label(LABEL) # add new entity label to entity recognizer
# Adding extraneous labels shouldn't mess anything up
if model is None:
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
optimizer = nlp.resume_training()
move_names = list(ner.move_names)
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="ner") and warnings.catch_warnings():
# show warnings for misaligned entity spans once
warnings.filterwarnings("once", category=UserWarning, module="spacy")
sizes = compounding(1.0, 4.0, 1.001)
# batch up the examples using spaCy's minibatch
for itn in range(n_iter):
batches = minibatch(train_examples, size=sizes)
losses = {}
for batch in batches:
nlp.update(batch, sgd=optimizer, drop=0.35, losses=losses)
print("Losses", losses)
# test the trained model
test_text = "Do you like horses?"
doc = nlp(test_text)
print("Entities in '%s'" % test_text)
for ent in doc.ents:
print(ent.label_, ent.text)
# save model to output directory
if output_dir is not None:
output_dir = Path(output_dir)
if not output_dir.exists():
nlp.meta["name"] = new_model_name # rename model
print("Saved model to", output_dir)
# test the saved model
print("Loading from", output_dir)
nlp2 = spacy.load(output_dir)
# Check the classes have loaded back consistently
assert nlp2.get_pipe("ner").move_names == move_names
doc2 = nlp2(test_text)
for ent in doc2.ents:
print(ent.label_, ent.text)
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
"""Example of training spaCy dependency parser, starting off with an existing
model or a blank model. For more details, see the documentation:
* Training: https://spacy.io/usage/training
* Dependency Parse: https://spacy.io/usage/linguistic-features#dependency-parse
Compatible with: spaCy v2.0.0+
Last tested with: v2.1.0
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import plac
import random
from pathlib import Path
import spacy
from spacy.gold import Example
from spacy.util import minibatch, compounding
# training data
"They trade mortgage-backed securities.",
"heads": [1, 1, 4, 4, 5, 1, 1],
"deps": ["nsubj", "ROOT", "compound", "punct", "nmod", "dobj", "punct"],
"I like London and Berlin.",
"heads": [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1],
"deps": ["nsubj", "ROOT", "dobj", "cc", "conj", "punct"],
model=("Model name. Defaults to blank 'en' model.", "option", "m", str),
output_dir=("Optional output directory", "option", "o", Path),
n_iter=("Number of training iterations", "option", "n", int),
def main(model=None, output_dir=None, n_iter=15):
"""Load the model, set up the pipeline and train the parser."""
if model is not None:
nlp = spacy.load(model) # load existing spaCy model
print("Loaded model '%s'" % model)
nlp = spacy.blank("en") # create blank Language class
print("Created blank 'en' model")
# add the parser to the pipeline if it doesn't exist
# nlp.create_pipe works for built-ins that are registered with spaCy
if "parser" not in nlp.pipe_names:
parser = nlp.create_pipe("parser")
nlp.add_pipe(parser, first=True)
# otherwise, get it, so we can add labels to it
parser = nlp.get_pipe("parser")
# add labels to the parser and create the Example objects
train_examples = []
for text, annotations in TRAIN_DATA:
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc(text), annotations))
for dep in annotations.get("deps", []):
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="parser"): # only train parser
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
for itn in range(n_iter):
losses = {}
# batch up the examples using spaCy's minibatch
batches = minibatch(train_examples, size=compounding(4.0, 32.0, 1.001))
for batch in batches:
nlp.update(batch, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
print("Losses", losses)
# test the trained model
test_text = "I like securities."
doc = nlp(test_text)
print("Dependencies", [(t.text, t.dep_, t.head.text) for t in doc])
# save model to output directory
if output_dir is not None:
output_dir = Path(output_dir)
if not output_dir.exists():
print("Saved model to", output_dir)
# test the saved model
print("Loading from", output_dir)
nlp2 = spacy.load(output_dir)
doc = nlp2(test_text)
print("Dependencies", [(t.text, t.dep_, t.head.text) for t in doc])
if __name__ == "__main__":
# expected result:
# [
# ('I', 'nsubj', 'like'),
# ('like', 'ROOT', 'like'),
# ('securities', 'dobj', 'like'),
# ('.', 'punct', 'like')
# ]
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
A simple example for training a part-of-speech tagger with a custom tag map.
To allow us to update the tag map with our custom one, this example starts off
with a blank Language class and modifies its defaults. For more details, see
the documentation:
* Training: https://spacy.io/usage/training
* POS Tagging: https://spacy.io/usage/linguistic-features#pos-tagging
Compatible with: spaCy v2.0.0+
Last tested with: v2.1.0
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import plac
import random
from pathlib import Path
import spacy
from spacy.gold import Example
from spacy.util import minibatch, compounding
# You need to define a mapping from your data's part-of-speech tag names to the
# Universal Part-of-Speech tag set, as spaCy includes an enum of these tags.
# See here for the Universal Tag Set:
# http://universaldependencies.github.io/docs/u/pos/index.html
# You may also specify morphological features for your tags, from the universal
# scheme.
TAG_MAP = {"N": {"pos": "NOUN"}, "V": {"pos": "VERB"}, "J": {"pos": "ADJ"}}
# Usually you'll read this in, of course. Data formats vary. Ensure your
# strings are unicode and that the number of tags assigned matches spaCy's
# tokenization. If not, you can always add a 'words' key to the annotations
# that specifies the gold-standard tokenization, e.g.:
# ("Eatblueham", {'words': ['Eat', 'blue', 'ham'], 'tags': ['V', 'J', 'N']})
("I like green eggs", {"tags": ["N", "V", "J", "N"]}),
("Eat blue ham", {"tags": ["V", "J", "N"]}),
lang=("ISO Code of language to use", "option", "l", str),
output_dir=("Optional output directory", "option", "o", Path),
n_iter=("Number of training iterations", "option", "n", int),
def main(lang="en", output_dir=None, n_iter=25):
"""Create a new model, set up the pipeline and train the tagger. In order to
train the tagger with a custom tag map, we're creating a new Language
instance with a custom vocab.
nlp = spacy.blank(lang)
# add the tagger to the pipeline
# nlp.create_pipe works for built-ins that are registered with spaCy
tagger = nlp.create_pipe("tagger")
# Add the tags. This needs to be done before you start training.
for tag, values in TAG_MAP.items():
tagger.add_label(tag, values)
train_examples = []
for text, annotations in TRAIN_DATA:
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc(text), annotations))
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
for i in range(n_iter):
losses = {}
# batch up the examples using spaCy's minibatch
batches = minibatch(train_examples, size=compounding(4.0, 32.0, 1.001))
for batch in batches:
nlp.update(batch, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
print("Losses", losses)
# test the trained model
test_text = "I like blue eggs"
doc = nlp(test_text)
print("Tags", [(t.text, t.tag_, t.pos_) for t in doc])
# save model to output directory
if output_dir is not None:
output_dir = Path(output_dir)
if not output_dir.exists():
print("Saved model to", output_dir)
# test the save model
print("Loading from", output_dir)
nlp2 = spacy.load(output_dir)
doc = nlp2(test_text)
print("Tags", [(t.text, t.tag_, t.pos_) for t in doc])
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Expected output:
# [
# ('I', 'N', 'NOUN'),
# ('like', 'V', 'VERB'),
# ('blue', 'J', 'ADJ'),
# ('eggs', 'N', 'NOUN')
# ]
@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
"""Train a convolutional neural network text classifier on the
IMDB dataset, using the TextCategorizer component. The dataset will be loaded
automatically via the package `ml_datasets`. The model is added to
spacy.pipeline, and predictions are available via `doc.cats`. For more details,
see the documentation:
* Training: https://spacy.io/usage/training
Compatible with: spaCy v3.0.0+
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import plac
import random
from pathlib import Path
from ml_datasets import loaders
import spacy
from spacy import util
from spacy.util import minibatch, compounding
from spacy.gold import Example
from thinc.api import Config
config_path=("Path to config file", "positional", None, Path),
output_dir=("Optional output directory", "option", "o", Path),
n_texts=("Number of texts to train from", "option", "t", int),
n_iter=("Number of training iterations", "option", "n", int),
init_tok2vec=("Pretrained tok2vec weights", "option", "t2v", Path),
dataset=("Dataset to train on (default: imdb)", "option", "d", str),
threshold=("Min. number of instances for a given label (default 20)", "option", "m", int)
def main(config_path, output_dir=None, n_iter=20, n_texts=2000, init_tok2vec=None, dataset="imdb", threshold=20):
if not config_path or not config_path.exists():
raise ValueError(f"Config file not found at {config_path}")
if output_dir is not None:
output_dir = Path(output_dir)
if not output_dir.exists():
print(f"Loading nlp model from {config_path}")
nlp_config = Config().from_disk(config_path)
nlp, _ = util.load_model_from_config(nlp_config, auto_fill=True)
# ensure the nlp object was defined with a textcat component
if "textcat" not in nlp.pipe_names:
raise ValueError(f"The nlp definition in the config does not contain a textcat component")
textcat = nlp.get_pipe("textcat")
# load the dataset
print(f"Loading dataset {dataset} ...")
(train_texts, train_cats), (dev_texts, dev_cats) = load_data(dataset=dataset, threshold=threshold, limit=n_texts)
"Using {} examples ({} training, {} evaluation)".format(
n_texts, len(train_texts), len(dev_texts)
train_examples = []
for text, cats in zip(train_texts, train_cats):
doc = nlp.make_doc(text)
example = Example.from_dict(doc, {"cats": cats})
for cat in cats:
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="textcat"): # only train textcat
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
if init_tok2vec is not None:
with init_tok2vec.open("rb") as file_:
print("Training the model...")
print("{:^5}\t{:^5}\t{:^5}\t{:^5}".format("LOSS", "P", "R", "F"))
batch_sizes = compounding(4.0, 32.0, 1.001)
for i in range(n_iter):
losses = {}
# batch up the examples using spaCy's minibatch
batches = minibatch(train_examples, size=batch_sizes)
for batch in batches:
nlp.update(batch, sgd=optimizer, drop=0.2, losses=losses)
with textcat.model.use_params(optimizer.averages):
# evaluate on the dev data split off in load_data()
scores = evaluate(nlp.tokenizer, textcat, dev_texts, dev_cats)
"{0:.3f}\t{1:.3f}\t{2:.3f}\t{3:.3f}".format( # print a simple table
# test the trained model (only makes sense for sentiment analysis)
test_text = "This movie sucked"
doc = nlp(test_text)
print(test_text, doc.cats)
if output_dir is not None:
with nlp.use_params(optimizer.averages):
print("Saved model to", output_dir)
# test the saved model
print("Loading from", output_dir)
nlp2 = spacy.load(output_dir)
doc2 = nlp2(test_text)
print(test_text, doc2.cats)
def load_data(dataset, threshold, limit=0, split=0.8):
"""Load data from the provided dataset."""
# Partition off part of the train data for evaluation
data_loader = loaders.get(dataset)
train_data, _ = data_loader(limit=int(limit/split))
texts, labels = zip(*train_data)
unique_labels = set()
for label_set in labels:
if isinstance(label_set, int) or isinstance(label_set, str):
elif isinstance(label_set, list) or isinstance(label_set, set):
unique_labels = sorted(unique_labels)
print(f"# of unique_labels: {len(unique_labels)}")
count_values_train = dict()
for text, annot_list in train_data:
if isinstance(annot_list, int) or isinstance(annot_list, str):
count_values_train[annot_list] = count_values_train.get(annot_list, 0) + 1
for annot in annot_list:
count_values_train[annot] = count_values_train.get(annot, 0) + 1
for value, count in sorted(count_values_train.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]):
if count < threshold:
print(f"# of unique_labels after filtering with threshold {threshold}: {len(unique_labels)}")
if unique_labels == {0, 1}:
cats = [{"POSITIVE": bool(y), "NEGATIVE": not bool(y)} for y in labels]
cats = []
for y in labels:
if isinstance(y, str) or isinstance(y, int):
cats.append({str(label): (label == y) for label in unique_labels})
elif isinstance(y, set):
cats.append({str(label): (label in y) for label in unique_labels})
raise ValueError(f"Unrecognised type of labels: {type(y)}")
split = int(len(train_data) * split)
return (texts[:split], cats[:split]), (texts[split:], cats[split:])
def evaluate(tokenizer, textcat, texts, cats):
docs = (tokenizer(text) for text in texts)
tp = 0.0 # True positives
fp = 1e-8 # False positives
fn = 1e-8 # False negatives
tn = 0.0 # True negatives
for i, doc in enumerate(textcat.pipe(docs)):
gold = cats[i]
for label, score in doc.cats.items():
if label not in gold:
if label == "NEGATIVE":
if score >= 0.5 and gold[label] >= 0.5:
tp += 1.0
elif score >= 0.5 and gold[label] < 0.5:
fp += 1.0
elif score < 0.5 and gold[label] < 0.5:
tn += 1
elif score < 0.5 and gold[label] >= 0.5:
fn += 1
precision = tp / (tp + fp)
recall = tp / (tp + fn)
if (precision + recall) == 0:
f_score = 0.0
f_score = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
return {"textcat_p": precision, "textcat_r": recall, "textcat_f": f_score}
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
lang = "en"
pipeline = ["textcat"]
factory = "textcat"
@architectures = "spacy.TextCatBOW.v1"
exclusive_classes = true
ngram_size = 1
no_output_layer = false
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
"""Load vectors for a language trained using fastText
Compatible with: spaCy v2.0.0+
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import plac
import numpy
import spacy
from spacy.language import Language
vectors_loc=("Path to .vec file", "positional", None, str),
"Optional language ID. If not set, blank Language() will be used.",
def main(vectors_loc, lang=None):
if lang is None:
nlp = Language()
# create empty language class – this is required if you're planning to
# save the model to disk and load it back later (models always need a
# "lang" setting). Use 'xx' for blank multi-language class.
nlp = spacy.blank(lang)
with open(vectors_loc, "rb") as file_:
header = file_.readline()
nr_row, nr_dim = header.split()
for line in file_:
line = line.rstrip().decode("utf8")
pieces = line.rsplit(" ", int(nr_dim))
word = pieces[0]
vector = numpy.asarray([float(v) for v in pieces[1:]], dtype="f")
nlp.vocab.set_vector(word, vector) # add the vectors to the vocab
# test the vectors and similarity
text = "class colspan"
doc = nlp(text)
print(text, doc[0].similarity(doc[1]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
"""Visualize spaCy word vectors in Tensorboard.
Adapted from: https://gist.github.com/BrikerMan/7bd4e4bd0a00ac9076986148afc06507
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from os import path
import tqdm
import math
import numpy
import plac
import spacy
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.tensorboard.plugins.projector import (
vectors_loc=("Path to spaCy model that contains vectors", "positional", None, str),
"Path to output folder for tensorboard session data",
"Human readable name for tsv file and vectors tensor",
def main(vectors_loc, out_loc, name="spaCy_vectors"):
meta_file = "{}.tsv".format(name)
out_meta_file = path.join(out_loc, meta_file)
print("Loading spaCy vectors model: {}".format(vectors_loc))
model = spacy.load(vectors_loc)
print("Finding lexemes with vectors attached: {}".format(vectors_loc))
strings_stream = tqdm.tqdm(
model.vocab.strings, total=len(model.vocab.strings), leave=False
queries = [w for w in strings_stream if model.vocab.has_vector(w)]
vector_count = len(queries)
"Building Tensorboard Projector metadata for ({}) vectors: {}".format(
vector_count, out_meta_file
# Store vector data in a tensorflow variable
tf_vectors_variable = numpy.zeros((vector_count, model.vocab.vectors.shape[1]))
# Write a tab-separated file that contains information about the vectors for visualization
# Reference: https://www.tensorflow.org/programmers_guide/embedding#metadata
with open(out_meta_file, "wb") as file_metadata:
# Define columns in the first row
# Write out a row for each vector that we add to the tensorflow variable we created
vec_index = 0
for text in tqdm.tqdm(queries, total=len(queries), leave=False):
# https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/9094
text = "<Space>" if text.lstrip() == "" else text
lex = model.vocab[text]
# Store vector data and metadata
tf_vectors_variable[vec_index] = model.vocab.get_vector(text)
"{}\t{}\n".format(text, math.exp(lex.prob) * vector_count).encode(
vec_index += 1
print("Running Tensorflow Session...")
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
tf.Variable(tf_vectors_variable, trainable=False, name=name)
saver = tf.train.Saver()
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(out_loc, sess.graph)
# Link the embeddings into the config
config = ProjectorConfig()
embed = config.embeddings.add()
embed.tensor_name = name
embed.metadata_path = meta_file
# Tell the projector about the configured embeddings and metadata file
visualize_embeddings(writer, config)
# Save session and print run command to the output
print("Saving Tensorboard Session...")
saver.save(sess, path.join(out_loc, "{}.ckpt".format(name)))
print("Done. Run `tensorboard --logdir={0}` to view in Tensorboard".format(out_loc))
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ thinc>=8.0.0a30,<8.0.0a40
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ install_requires =
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from .errors import Errors
from .language import Language
from . import util
if sys.maxunicode == 65535:
raise SystemError(Errors.E130)
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from .project.run import project_run # noqa: F401
from .project.dvc import project_update_dvc # noqa: F401
from .project.push import project_push # noqa: F401
from .project.pull import project_pull # noqa: F401
from .project.document import project_document # noqa: F401
@app.command("link", no_args_is_help=True, deprecated=True, hidden=True)
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from wasabi import msg
import srsly
import hashlib
import typer
from click import NoSuchOption
from typer.main import get_command
from contextlib import contextmanager
from thinc.config import Config, ConfigValidationError
@ -72,9 +73,10 @@ def parse_config_overrides(args: List[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
opt = args.pop(0)
err = f"Invalid CLI argument '{opt}'"
if opt.startswith("--"): # new argument
orig_opt = opt
opt = opt.replace("--", "")
if "." not in opt:
msg.fail(f"{err}: can't override top-level section", exits=1)
raise NoSuchOption(orig_opt)
if "=" in opt: # we have --opt=value
opt, value = opt.split("=", 1)
opt = opt.replace("-", "_")
@ -263,21 +265,10 @@ def upload_file(src: Path, dest: Union[str, "Pathy"]) -> None:
import smart_open
# This logic is pretty hacky. We'd like pathy to do this probably?
if ":/" not in str(dest):
# Local path
with Path(dest).open(mode="wb") as output_file:
with src.open(mode="rb") as input_file:
elif str(dest).startswith("http") or str(dest).startswith("https"):
with smart_open.open(str(dest), mode="wb") as output_file:
with src.open(mode="rb") as input_file:
dest = ensure_pathy(dest)
with dest.open(mode="wb") as output_file:
with src.open(mode="rb") as input_file:
dest = str(dest)
with smart_open.open(dest, mode="wb") as output_file:
with src.open(mode="rb") as input_file:
def download_file(src: Union[str, "Pathy"], dest: Path, *, force: bool = False) -> None:
@ -290,22 +281,12 @@ def download_file(src: Union[str, "Pathy"], dest: Path, *, force: bool = False)
import smart_open
# This logic is pretty hacky. We'd like pathy to do this probably?
if dest.exists() and not force:
return None
if src.startswith("http"):
with smart_open.open(src, mode="rb") as input_file:
with dest.open(mode="wb") as output_file:
elif ":/" not in src:
with open(src, mode="rb") as input_file:
with dest.open(mode="wb") as output_file:
src = ensure_pathy(src)
with src.open(mode="rb") as input_file:
with dest.open(mode="wb") as output_file:
src = str(src)
with smart_open.open(src, mode="rb") as input_file:
with dest.open(mode="wb") as output_file:
def ensure_pathy(path):
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from typing import Optional, Dict, Any, Union
import platform
from pathlib import Path
from wasabi import Printer
from wasabi import Printer, MarkdownRenderer
import srsly
from ._util import app, Arg, Opt
@ -97,12 +97,13 @@ def get_markdown(data: Dict[str, Any], title: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
title (str / None): Title, will be rendered as headline 2.
RETURNS (str): The Markdown string.
markdown = []
md = MarkdownRenderer()
if title:
md.add(md.title(2, title))
items = []
for key, value in data.items():
if isinstance(value, str) and Path(value).exists():
markdown.append(f"* **{key}:** {value}")
result = "\n{}\n".format("\n".join(markdown))
if title:
result = f"\n## {title}\n{result}"
return result
items.append(f"{md.bold(f'{key}:')} {value}")
return f"\n{md.text}\n"
@ -154,6 +154,8 @@ def save_config(config: Config, output_file: Path, is_stdout: bool = False) -> N
if is_stdout:
if not output_file.parent.exists():
config.to_disk(output_file, interpolate=False)
msg.good("Saved config", output_file)
msg.text("You can now add your data and train your model:")
@ -10,15 +10,6 @@ from .._util import project_cli, Arg, PROJECT_FILE, load_project_config, get_che
from .._util import download_file, git_sparse_checkout
# TODO: find a solution for caches
# CACHES = [
# Path.home() / ".torch",
# Path.home() / ".caches" / "torch",
# os.environ.get("TORCH_HOME"),
# Path.home() / ".keras",
# ]
def project_assets_cli(
# fmt: off
@ -99,7 +90,6 @@ def fetch_asset(
RETURNS (Optional[Path]): The path to the fetched asset or None if fetching
the asset failed.
# TODO: add support for caches
dest_path = (project_path / dest).resolve()
if dest_path.exists() and checksum:
# If there's already a file, check for checksum
@ -134,7 +124,7 @@ def convert_asset_url(url: str) -> str:
RETURNS (str): The converted URL.
# If the asset URL is a regular GitHub URL it's likely a mistake
if re.match(r"(http(s?)):\/\/github.com", url):
if re.match(r"(http(s?)):\/\/github.com", url) and "releases/download" not in url:
converted = url.replace("github.com", "raw.githubusercontent.com")
converted = re.sub(r"/(tree|blob)/", "/", converted)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
from pathlib import Path
from wasabi import msg, MarkdownRenderer
from ...util import working_dir
from .._util import project_cli, Arg, Opt, PROJECT_FILE, load_project_config
DOCS_URL = "https://nightly.spacy.io"
INTRO_PROJECT = f"""The [`{PROJECT_FILE}`]({PROJECT_FILE}) defines the data assets required by the
project, as well as the available commands and workflows. For details, see the
[spaCy projects documentation]({DOCS_URL}/usage/projects)."""
INTRO_COMMANDS = f"""The following commands are defined by the project. They
can be executed using [`spacy project run [name]`]({DOCS_URL}/api/cli#project-run).
Commands are only re-run if their inputs have changed."""
INTRO_WORKFLOWS = f"""The following workflows are defined by the project. They
can be executed using [`spacy project run [name]`]({DOCS_URL}/api/cli#project-run)
and will run the specified commands in order. Commands are only re-run if their
inputs have changed."""
INTRO_ASSETS = f"""The following assets are defined by the project. They can
be fetched by running [`spacy project assets`]({DOCS_URL}/api/cli#project-assets)
in the project directory."""
# These markers are added to the Markdown and can be used to update the file in
# place if it already exists. Only the auto-generated part will be replaced.
MARKER_START = "<!-- AUTO-GENERATED DOCS START (do not remove) -->"
MARKER_END = "<!-- AUTO-GENERATED DOCS END (do not remove) -->"
def project_document_cli(
# fmt: off
project_dir: Path = Arg(Path.cwd(), help="Path to cloned project. Defaults to current working directory.", exists=True, file_okay=False),
output_file: Path = Opt("-", "--output", "-o", help="Path to output Markdown file for output. Defaults to - for standard output"),
no_emoji: bool = Opt(False, "--no-emoji", "-NE", help="Don't use emoji")
# fmt: on
Auto-generate a README.md for a project. If the content is saved to a file,
hidden markers are added so you can add custom content before or after the
auto-generated section and only the auto-generated docs will be replaced
when you re-run the command.
project_document(project_dir, output_file, no_emoji=no_emoji)
def project_document(
project_dir: Path, output_file: Path, *, no_emoji: bool = False
) -> None:
is_stdout = str(output_file) == "-"
config = load_project_config(project_dir)
md = MarkdownRenderer(no_emoji=no_emoji)
title = config.get("title")
description = config.get("description")
md.add(md.title(1, f"spaCy Project{f': {title}' if title else ''}", "🪐"))
if description:
md.add(md.title(2, PROJECT_FILE, "📋"))
# Commands
cmds = config.get("commands", [])
data = [(md.code(cmd["name"]), cmd.get("help", "")) for cmd in cmds]
if data:
md.add(md.title(3, "Commands", "⏯"))
md.add(md.table(data, ["Command", "Description"]))
# Workflows
wfs = config.get("workflows", {}).items()
data = [(md.code(n), " → ".join(md.code(w) for w in stp)) for n, stp in wfs]
if data:
md.add(md.title(3, "Workflows", "⏭"))
md.add(md.table(data, ["Workflow", "Steps"]))
# Assets
assets = config.get("assets", [])
data = []
for a in assets:
source = "Git" if a.get("git") else "URL" if a.get("url") else "Local"
dest_path = a["dest"]
dest = md.code(dest_path)
if source == "Local":
# Only link assets if they're in the repo
with working_dir(project_dir) as p:
if (p / dest_path).exists():
dest = md.link(dest, dest_path)
data.append((dest, source, a.get("description", "")))
if data:
md.add(md.title(3, "Assets", "🗂"))
md.add(md.table(data, ["File", "Source", "Description"]))
# Output result
if is_stdout:
content = md.text
if output_file.exists():
with output_file.open("r", encoding="utf8") as f:
existing = f.read()
if MARKER_START in existing and MARKER_END in existing:
msg.info("Found existing file: only replacing auto-generated docs")
before = existing.split(MARKER_START)[0]
after = existing.split(MARKER_END)[1]
content = f"{before}{content}{after}"
msg.info("Replacing existing file")
with output_file.open("w") as f:
msg.good("Saved project documentation", output_file)
@ -101,6 +101,9 @@ def print_run_help(project_dir: Path, subcommand: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
print(f"For command details, run: {help_cmd}")
title = config.get("title")
if title:
if config_commands:
print(f"Available commands in {PROJECT_FILE}")
print(f"Usage: {COMMAND} project run [COMMAND] {project_loc}")
@ -18,9 +18,6 @@ from .. import util
from ..gold.example import Example
from ..errors import Errors
# Don't remove - required to load the built-in architectures
from ..ml import models # noqa: F401
"train", context_settings={"allow_extra_args": True, "ignore_unknown_options": True}
@ -96,6 +93,7 @@ def train(
train_corpus = T_cfg["train_corpus"]
dev_corpus = T_cfg["dev_corpus"]
batcher = T_cfg["batcher"]
train_logger = T_cfg["logger"]
# Components that shouldn't be updated during training
frozen_components = T_cfg["frozen_components"]
# Sourced components that require resume_training
@ -149,10 +147,11 @@ def train(
msg.info(f"Training. Initial learn rate: {optimizer.learn_rate}")
print_row = setup_printer(T_cfg, nlp)
print_row, finalize_logger = train_logger(nlp)
progress = tqdm.tqdm(total=T_cfg["eval_frequency"], leave=False)
progress.set_description(f"Epoch 1")
for batch, info, is_best_checkpoint in training_step_iterator:
if is_best_checkpoint is not None:
@ -162,7 +161,9 @@ def train(
update_meta(T_cfg, nlp, info)
nlp.to_disk(output_path / "model-best")
progress = tqdm.tqdm(total=T_cfg["eval_frequency"], leave=False)
progress.set_description(f"Epoch {info['epoch']}")
except Exception as e:
if output_path is not None:
# We don't want to swallow the traceback if we don't have a
# specific error.
@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ def train(
nlp.to_disk(output_path / "model-final")
raise e
if output_path is not None:
final_model_path = output_path / "model-final"
if optimizer.averages:
@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ def create_train_batches(iterator, batcher, max_epochs: int):
def create_evaluation_callback(
nlp: Language, dev_corpus: Callable, weights: Dict[str, float],
nlp: Language, dev_corpus: Callable, weights: Dict[str, float]
) -> Callable[[], Tuple[float, Dict[str, float]]]:
def evaluate() -> Tuple[float, Dict[str, float]]:
dev_examples = list(dev_corpus(nlp))
@ -353,57 +355,6 @@ def subdivide_batch(batch, accumulate_gradient):
yield subbatch
def setup_printer(
training: Union[Dict[str, Any], Config], nlp: Language
) -> Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None]:
score_cols = list(training["score_weights"])
score_widths = [max(len(col), 6) for col in score_cols]
loss_cols = [f"Loss {pipe}" for pipe in nlp.pipe_names]
loss_widths = [max(len(col), 8) for col in loss_cols]
table_header = ["E", "#"] + loss_cols + score_cols + ["Score"]
table_header = [col.upper() for col in table_header]
table_widths = [3, 6] + loss_widths + score_widths + [6]
table_aligns = ["r" for _ in table_widths]
msg.row(table_header, widths=table_widths)
msg.row(["-" * width for width in table_widths])
def print_row(info: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
losses = [
for pipe_name in nlp.pipe_names
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(
dict="scores (losses)", key=str(e), keys=list(info["losses"].keys())
) from None
scores = [
"{0:.2f}".format(float(info["other_scores"].get(col, 0.0)) * 100)
for col in score_cols
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(
dict="scores (other)",
) from None
data = (
[info["epoch"], info["step"]]
+ losses
+ scores
+ ["{0:.2f}".format(float(info["score"]))]
msg.row(data, widths=table_widths, aligns=table_aligns)
return print_row
def update_meta(
training: Union[Dict[str, Any], Config], nlp: Language, info: Dict[str, Any]
) -> None:
@ -435,7 +386,7 @@ def load_from_paths(
return raw_text, tag_map, morph_rules, weights_data
def verify_cli_args(config_path: Path, output_path: Optional[Path] = None,) -> None:
def verify_cli_args(config_path: Path, output_path: Optional[Path] = None) -> None:
# Make sure all files and paths exists if they are needed
if not config_path or not config_path.exists():
msg.fail("Config file not found", config_path, exits=1)
@ -443,14 +394,6 @@ def verify_cli_args(config_path: Path, output_path: Optional[Path] = None,) -> N
if not output_path.exists():
msg.good(f"Created output directory: {output_path}")
elif output_path.exists() and [p for p in output_path.iterdir() if p.is_dir()]:
"Output directory is not empty.",
"This can lead to unintended side effects when saving the model. "
"Please use an empty directory or a different path instead. If "
"the specified output path doesn't exist, the directory will be "
"created for you.",
def verify_config(nlp: Language) -> None:
@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ score_weights = {}
# Names of pipeline components that shouldn't be updated during training
frozen_components = []
@loggers = "spacy.ConsoleLogger.v1"
@readers = "spacy.Corpus.v1"
path = ${paths.train}
@ -273,10 +273,6 @@ class Errors:
"existing extension, set `force=True` on `{obj}.set_extension`.")
E091 = ("Invalid extension attribute {name}: expected callable or None, "
"but got: {value}")
E092 = ("Could not find or assign name for word vectors. Ususally, the "
"name is read from the model's meta.json in vector.name. "
"Alternatively, it is built from the 'lang' and 'name' keys in "
"the meta.json. Vector names are required to avoid issue #1660.")
E093 = ("token.ent_iob values make invalid sequence: I without B\n{seq}")
E094 = ("Error reading line {line_num} in vectors file {loc}.")
E095 = ("Can't write to frozen dictionary. This is likely an internal "
@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ from .iob_utils import biluo_tags_from_offsets, offsets_from_biluo_tags # noqa:
from .iob_utils import spans_from_biluo_tags, tags_to_entities # noqa: F401
from .gold_io import docs_to_json, read_json_file # noqa: F401
from .batchers import minibatch_by_padded_size, minibatch_by_words # noqa: F401
from .loggers import console_logger, wandb_logger # noqa: F401
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
from typing import Dict, Any, Tuple, Callable
from ..util import registry
from ..errors import Errors
from wasabi import msg
def console_logger():
def setup_printer(
nlp: "Language"
) -> Tuple[Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None], Callable]:
score_cols = list(nlp.config["training"]["score_weights"])
score_widths = [max(len(col), 6) for col in score_cols]
loss_cols = [f"Loss {pipe}" for pipe in nlp.pipe_names]
loss_widths = [max(len(col), 8) for col in loss_cols]
table_header = ["E", "#"] + loss_cols + score_cols + ["Score"]
table_header = [col.upper() for col in table_header]
table_widths = [3, 6] + loss_widths + score_widths + [6]
table_aligns = ["r" for _ in table_widths]
msg.row(table_header, widths=table_widths)
msg.row(["-" * width for width in table_widths])
def log_step(info: Dict[str, Any]):
losses = [
for pipe_name in nlp.pipe_names
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(
dict="scores (losses)",
) from None
scores = [
"{0:.2f}".format(float(info["other_scores"].get(col, 0.0)) * 100)
for col in score_cols
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(
dict="scores (other)",
) from None
data = (
[info["epoch"], info["step"]]
+ losses
+ scores
+ ["{0:.2f}".format(float(info["score"]))]
msg.row(data, widths=table_widths, aligns=table_aligns)
def finalize():
return log_step, finalize
return setup_printer
def wandb_logger(project_name: str):
import wandb
console = console_logger()
def setup_logger(
nlp: "Language"
) -> Tuple[Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None], Callable]:
config = nlp.config.interpolate()
wandb.init(project=project_name, config=config)
console_log_step, console_finalize = console(nlp)
def log_step(info: Dict[str, Any]):
epoch = info["epoch"]
score = info["score"]
other_scores = info["other_scores"]
losses = info["losses"]
wandb.log({"score": score, "epoch": epoch})
if losses:
wandb.log({f"loss_{k}": v for k, v in losses.items()})
if isinstance(other_scores, dict):
def finalize():
return log_step, finalize
return setup_logger
@ -1538,7 +1538,6 @@ class Language:
def deserialize_vocab(path: Path) -> None:
if path.exists():
path = util.ensure_path(path)
deserializers = {}
@ -1605,14 +1604,10 @@ class Language:
# from self.vocab.vectors, so set the name directly
self.vocab.vectors.name = data.get("vectors", {}).get("name")
def deserialize_vocab(b):
deserializers = {}
deserializers["config.cfg"] = lambda b: self.config.from_bytes(b)
deserializers["meta.json"] = deserialize_meta
deserializers["vocab"] = deserialize_vocab
deserializers["vocab"] = self.vocab.from_bytes
deserializers["tokenizer"] = lambda b: self.tokenizer.from_bytes(
b, exclude=["vocab"]
@ -1646,25 +1641,6 @@ class FactoryMeta:
default_score_weights: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None # noqa: E704
def _fix_pretrained_vectors_name(nlp: Language) -> None:
# TODO: Replace this once we handle vectors consistently as static
# data
if "vectors" in nlp.meta and "name" in nlp.meta["vectors"]:
nlp.vocab.vectors.name = nlp.meta["vectors"]["name"]
elif not nlp.vocab.vectors.size:
nlp.vocab.vectors.name = None
elif "name" in nlp.meta and "lang" in nlp.meta:
vectors_name = f"{nlp.meta['lang']}_{nlp.meta['name']}.vectors"
nlp.vocab.vectors.name = vectors_name
raise ValueError(Errors.E092)
for name, proc in nlp.pipeline:
if not hasattr(proc, "cfg") or not isinstance(proc.cfg, dict):
proc.cfg.setdefault("deprecation_fixes", {})
proc.cfg["deprecation_fixes"]["vectors_name"] = nlp.vocab.vectors.name
class DisabledPipes(list):
"""Manager for temporary pipeline disabling."""
@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ from pathlib import Path
from .pipe import Pipe
from ..errors import Errors
from ..gold import validate_examples
from ..language import Language
from ..matcher import Matcher
from ..symbols import IDS
from ..scorer import Scorer
from ..symbols import IDS, TAG, POS, MORPH, LEMMA
from ..tokens import Doc, Span
from ..tokens._retokenize import normalize_token_attrs, set_token_attrs
from ..vocab import Vocab
@ -192,6 +194,32 @@ class AttributeRuler(Pipe):
return all_patterns
def score(self, examples, **kwargs):
"""Score a batch of examples.
examples (Iterable[Example]): The examples to score.
RETURNS (Dict[str, Any]): The scores, produced by
Scorer.score_token_attr for the attributes "tag", "pos", "morph"
and "lemma" for the target token attributes.
DOCS: https://spacy.io/api/tagger#score
validate_examples(examples, "AttributeRuler.score")
results = {}
attrs = set()
for token_attrs in self.attrs:
for attr in attrs:
if attr == TAG:
results.update(Scorer.score_token_attr(examples, "tag", **kwargs))
elif attr == POS:
results.update(Scorer.score_token_attr(examples, "pos", **kwargs))
elif attr == MORPH:
results.update(Scorer.score_token_attr(examples, "morph", **kwargs))
elif attr == LEMMA:
results.update(Scorer.score_token_attr(examples, "lemma", **kwargs))
return results
def to_bytes(self, exclude: Iterable[str] = tuple()) -> bytes:
"""Serialize the AttributeRuler to a bytestring.
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class EntityRuler:
ent_id_sep: str = DEFAULT_ENT_ID_SEP,
patterns: Optional[List[PatternType]] = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the entitiy ruler. If patterns are supplied here, they
"""Initialize the entity ruler. If patterns are supplied here, they
need to be a list of dictionaries with a `"label"` and `"pattern"`
key. A pattern can either be a token pattern (list) or a phrase pattern
(string). For example: `{'label': 'ORG', 'pattern': 'Apple'}`.
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ class EntityRuler:
return all_patterns
def add_patterns(self, patterns: List[PatternType]) -> None:
"""Add patterns to the entitiy ruler. A pattern can either be a token
"""Add patterns to the entity ruler. A pattern can either be a token
pattern (list of dicts) or a phrase pattern (string). For example:
{'label': 'ORG', 'pattern': 'Apple'}
{'label': 'GPE', 'pattern': [{'lower': 'san'}, {'lower': 'francisco'}]}
@ -275,13 +275,21 @@ class Tagger(Pipe):
err = Errors.E930.format(name="Tagger", obj=type(get_examples))
raise ValueError(err)
tags = set()
doc_sample = []
for example in get_examples():
for token in example.y:
if len(doc_sample) < 10:
if not doc_sample:
doc_sample.append(Doc(self.vocab, words=["hello"]))
for tag in sorted(tags):
if self.labels:
if sgd is None:
sgd = self.create_optimizer()
return sgd
@ -307,7 +315,7 @@ class Tagger(Pipe):
examples (Iterable[Example]): The examples to score.
RETURNS (Dict[str, Any]): The scores, produced by
Scorer.score_token_attr for the attributes "tag", "pos" and "lemma".
Scorer.score_token_attr for the attributes "tag".
DOCS: https://spacy.io/api/tagger#score
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from typing import Dict, List, Union, Optional, Sequence, Any, Callable, Type
from typing import Dict, List, Union, Optional, Sequence, Any, Callable, Type, Tuple
from typing import Iterable, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING
from enum import Enum
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, ValidationError, validator
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
ItemT = TypeVar("ItemT")
Batcher = Callable[[Iterable[ItemT]], Iterable[List[ItemT]]]
Reader = Callable[["Language", str], Iterable["Example"]]
Logger = Callable[["Language"], Tuple[Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None], Callable]]
def validate(schema: Type[BaseModel], obj: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
@ -209,6 +210,7 @@ class ConfigSchemaTraining(BaseModel):
init_tok2vec: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(..., title="Path to pretrained tok2vec weights")
raw_text: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, title="Raw text")
optimizer: Optimizer = Field(..., title="The optimizer to use")
logger: Logger = Field(..., title="The logger to track training progress")
frozen_components: List[str] = Field(..., title="Pipeline components that shouldn't be updated during training")
# fmt: on
@ -296,6 +298,7 @@ class ProjectConfigAssetURL(BaseModel):
dest: StrictStr = Field(..., title="Destination of downloaded asset")
url: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(None, title="URL of asset")
checksum: str = Field(None, title="MD5 hash of file", regex=r"([a-fA-F\d]{32})")
description: StrictStr = Field("", title="Description of asset")
# fmt: on
@ -303,6 +306,7 @@ class ProjectConfigAssetGit(BaseModel):
# fmt: off
git: ProjectConfigAssetGitItem = Field(..., title="Git repo information")
checksum: str = Field(None, title="MD5 hash of file", regex=r"([a-fA-F\d]{32})")
description: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(None, title="Description of asset")
# fmt: on
@ -328,6 +332,7 @@ class ProjectConfigSchema(BaseModel):
assets: List[Union[ProjectConfigAssetURL, ProjectConfigAssetGit]] = Field([], title="Data assets")
workflows: Dict[StrictStr, List[StrictStr]] = Field({}, title="Named workflows, mapped to list of project commands to run in order")
commands: List[ProjectConfigCommand] = Field([], title="Project command shortucts")
title: Optional[str] = Field(None, title="Project title")
# fmt: on
class Config:
@ -413,6 +413,7 @@ class Scorer:
macro_p = sum(prf.precision for prf in f_per_type.values()) / n_cats
macro_r = sum(prf.recall for prf in f_per_type.values()) / n_cats
macro_f = sum(prf.fscore for prf in f_per_type.values()) / n_cats
macro_auc = sum(auc.score for auc in auc_per_type.values()) / n_cats
results = {
f"{attr}_score": None,
f"{attr}_score_desc": None,
@ -422,7 +423,7 @@ class Scorer:
f"{attr}_macro_p": macro_p,
f"{attr}_macro_r": macro_r,
f"{attr}_macro_f": macro_f,
f"{attr}_macro_auc": None,
f"{attr}_macro_auc": macro_auc,
f"{attr}_f_per_type": {k: v.to_dict() for k, v in f_per_type.items()},
f"{attr}_auc_per_type": {k: v.score for k, v in auc_per_type.items()},
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import pytest
import numpy
from spacy.gold import Example
from spacy.lang.en import English
from spacy.pipeline import AttributeRuler
from spacy import util, registry
@ -94,6 +95,23 @@ def test_attributeruler_init_patterns(nlp, pattern_dicts):
assert doc[3].morph_ == "Case=Nom|Number=Sing"
def test_attributeruler_score(nlp, pattern_dicts):
# initialize with patterns
nlp.add_pipe("attribute_ruler", config={"pattern_dicts": pattern_dicts})
doc = nlp("This is a test.")
assert doc[2].lemma_ == "the"
assert doc[2].morph_ == "Case=Nom|Number=Plur"
assert doc[3].lemma_ == "cat"
assert doc[3].morph_ == "Case=Nom|Number=Sing"
dev_examples = [Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc("This is a test."), {"lemmas": ["this", "is", "a", "cat", "."]})]
scores = nlp.evaluate(dev_examples)
# "cat" is the only correct lemma
assert scores["lemma_acc"] == pytest.approx(0.2)
# the empty morphs are correct
assert scores["morph_acc"] == pytest.approx(0.6)
def test_attributeruler_tag_map(nlp, tag_map):
a = AttributeRuler(nlp.vocab)
@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ class registry(thinc.registry):
callbacks = catalogue.create("spacy", "callbacks")
batchers = catalogue.create("spacy", "batchers", entry_points=True)
readers = catalogue.create("spacy", "readers", entry_points=True)
loggers = catalogue.create("spacy", "loggers", entry_points=True)
# These are factories registered via third-party packages and the
# spacy_factories entry point. This registry only exists so we can easily
# load them via the entry points. The "true" factories are added via the
@ -138,6 +138,21 @@ Get all patterns that have been added to the attribute ruler in the
| ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **RETURNS** | The patterns added to the attribute ruler. ~~List[Dict[str, Union[List[dict], dict, int]]]~~ |
## AttributeRuler.score {#score tag="method" new="3"}
Score a batch of examples.
> #### Example
> ```python
> scores = attribute_ruler.score(examples)
> ```
| Name | Description |
| ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `examples` | The examples to score. ~~Iterable[Example]~~ |
| **RETURNS** | The scores, produced by [`Scorer.score_token_attr`](/api/scorer#score_token_attr) for the attributes `"tag"`, `"pos"`, `"morph"` and `"lemma"` if present in any of the target token attributes. ~~Dict[str, float]~~ |
## AttributeRuler.load_from_tag_map {#load_from_tag_map tag="method"}
Load attribute ruler patterns from a tag map.
@ -146,8 +146,12 @@ validation error with more details.
> #### Example
> ```cli
> $ python -m spacy init fill-config base.cfg config.cfg
> $ python -m spacy init fill-config base.cfg config.cfg --diff
> ```
> #### Example diff
> 
$ python -m spacy init fill-config [base_path] [output_file] [--diff]
@ -935,6 +939,41 @@ $ python -m spacy project pull [remote] [project_dir]
| `--help`, `-h` | Show help message and available arguments. ~~bool (flag)~~ |
| **DOWNLOADS** | All project outputs that do not exist locally and can be found in the remote. |
### project document {#project-document tag="command"}
Auto-generate a pretty Markdown-formatted `README` for your project, based on
its [`project.yml`](/usage/projects#project-yml). Will create sections that
document the available commands, workflows and assets. The auto-generated
content will be placed between two hidden markers, so you can add your own
custom content before or after the auto-generated documentation. When you re-run
the `project document` command, only the auto-generated part is replaced.
$ python -m spacy project document [project_dir] [--output] [--no-emoji]
> #### Example
> ```cli
> $ python -m spacy project document --output README.md
> ```
<Accordion title="Example output" spaced>
For more examples, see the templates in our
[`projects`](https://github.com/explosion/projects) repo.

| Name | Description |
| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `project_dir` | Path to project directory. Defaults to current working directory. ~~Path (positional)~~ |
| `--output`, `-o` | Path to output file or `-` for stdout (default). If a file is specified and it already exists and contains auto-generated docs, only the auto-generated docs section is replaced. ~~Path (positional)~~ |
| `--no-emoji`, `-NE` | Don't use emoji in the titles. ~~bool (flag)~~ |
| **CREATES** | The Markdown-formatted project documentation. |
### project dvc {#project-dvc tag="command"}
Auto-generate [Data Version Control](https://dvc.org) (DVC) config file. Calls
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ Score a batch of examples.
| Name | Description |
| ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `examples` | The examples to score. ~~Iterable[Example]~~ |
| **RETURNS** | The scores, produced by [`Scorer.score_token_attr`](/api/scorer#score_token_attr) for the attributes `"pos"`, `"tag"` and `"lemma"`. ~~Dict[str, float]~~ |
| **RETURNS** | The scores, produced by [`Scorer.score_token_attr`](/api/scorer#score_token_attr) for the attribute `"tag"`. ~~Dict[str, float]~~ |
## Tagger.create_optimizer {#create_optimizer tag="method"}
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 202 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 588 KiB |
@ -226,6 +226,8 @@ https://github.com/explosion/spacy-boilerplates/blob/master/ner_fashion/project.
| Section | Description |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `title` | An optional project title used in `--help` message and [auto-generated docs](#custom-docs). |
| `description` | An optional project description used in [auto-generated docs](#custom-docs). |
| `vars` | A dictionary of variables that can be referenced in paths, URLs and scripts, just like [`config.cfg` variables](/usage/training#config-interpolation). For example, `${vars.name}` will use the value of the variable `name`. Variables need to be defined in the section `vars`, but can be a nested dict, so you're able to reference `${vars.model.name}`. |
| `directories` | An optional list of [directories](#project-files) that should be created in the project for assets, training outputs, metrics etc. spaCy will make sure that these directories always exist. |
| `assets` | A list of assets that can be fetched with the [`project assets`](/api/cli#project-assets) command. `url` defines a URL or local path, `dest` is the destination file relative to the project directory, and an optional `checksum` ensures that an error is raised if the file's checksum doesn't match. Instead of `url`, you can also provide a `git` block with the keys `repo`, `branch` and `path`, to download from a Git repo. |
@ -264,11 +266,12 @@ dependencies to use certain protocols.
> checksum: '5113dc04e03f079525edd8df3f4f39e3'
> ```
| Name | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `dest` | The destination path to save the downloaded asset to (relative to the project directory), including the file name. |
| `url` | The URL to download from, using the respective protocol. |
| `checksum` | Optional checksum of the file. If provided, it will be used to verify that the file matches and downloads will be skipped if a local file with the same checksum already exists. |
| Name | Description |
| ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `dest` | The destination path to save the downloaded asset to (relative to the project directory), including the file name. |
| `url` | The URL to download from, using the respective protocol. |
| `checksum` | Optional checksum of the file. If provided, it will be used to verify that the file matches and downloads will be skipped if a local file with the same checksum already exists. |
| `description` | Optional asset description, used in [auto-generated docs](#custom-docs). |
#### Downloading from a Git repo {#data-assets-git}
@ -287,13 +290,15 @@ files you need and not the whole repo.
> branch: 'master'
> path: 'path/training.spacy'
> checksum: '63373dd656daa1fd3043ce166a59474c'
> description: 'The training data (5000 examples)'
> ```
| Name | Description |
| ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `dest` | The destination path to save the downloaded asset to (relative to the project directory), including the file name. |
| `git` | `repo`: The URL of the repo to download from.<br />`path`: Path of the file or directory to download, relative to the repo root.<br />`branch`: The branch to download from. Defaults to `"master"`. |
| `checksum` | Optional checksum of the file. If provided, it will be used to verify that the file matches and downloads will be skipped if a local file with the same checksum already exists. |
| Name | Description |
| ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `dest` | The destination path to save the downloaded asset to (relative to the project directory), including the file name. |
| `git` | `repo`: The URL of the repo to download from.<br />`path`: Path of the file or directory to download, relative to the repo root.<br />`branch`: The branch to download from. Defaults to `"master"`. |
| `checksum` | Optional checksum of the file. If provided, it will be used to verify that the file matches and downloads will be skipped if a local file with the same checksum already exists. |
| `description` | Optional asset description, used in [auto-generated docs](#custom-docs). |
#### Working with private assets {#data-asets-private}
@ -488,12 +493,39 @@ vars:
- name: evaluate
- 'python scripts/custom_evaluation.py ${batch_size} ./training/model-best ./corpus/eval.json'
- 'python scripts/custom_evaluation.py ${vars.batch_size} ./training/model-best ./corpus/eval.json'
- 'training/model-best'
- 'corpus/eval.json'
### Documenting your project {#custom-docs}
> #### Readme Example
> For more examples, see the [`projects`](https://github.com/explosion/projects)
> repo.
> 
When your custom project is ready and you want to share it with others, you can
use the [`spacy project document`](/api/cli#project-document) command to
**auto-generate** a pretty, Markdown-formatted `README` file based on your
project's `project.yml`. It will list all commands, workflows and assets defined
in the project and include details on how to run the project, as well as links
to the relevant spaCy documentation to make it easy for others to get started
using your project.
$ python -m spacy project document --output README.md
Under the hood, hidden markers are added to identify where the auto-generated
content starts and ends. This means that you can add your own custom content
before or after it and re-running the `project document` command will **only
update the auto-generated part**. This makes it easy to keep your documentation
up to date.
### Cloning from your own repo {#custom-repo}
The [`spacy project clone`](/api/cli#project-clone) command lets you customize
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