diff --git a/website/docs/styleguide.md b/website/docs/styleguide.md
index ed6f9d99b..6ae23ff3f 100644
--- a/website/docs/styleguide.md
+++ b/website/docs/styleguide.md
@@ -25,6 +25,610 @@ sidebar:
url: https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
-import Readme from 'README.md'
+The [spacy.io](https://spacy.io) website is implemented using
+[Gatsby](https://www.gatsbyjs.org) with
+[Remark](https://github.com/remarkjs/remark) and [MDX](https://mdxjs.com/). This
+allows authoring content in **straightforward Markdown** without the usual
+limitations. Standard elements can be overwritten with powerful
+[React](http://reactjs.org/) components and wherever Markdown syntax isn't
+enough, JSX components can be used.
+> #### Contributing to the site
+> The docs can always use another example or more detail, and they should always
+> be up to date and not misleading. We always appreciate a
+> [pull request](https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/pulls). To quickly find the
+> correct file to edit, simply click on the "Suggest edits" button at the bottom
+> of a page.
+> For more details on editing the site locally, see the installation
+> instructions and markdown reference below.
+## Logo {#logo source="website/src/images/logo.svg"}
+import { Logos } from 'widgets/styleguide'
+If you would like to use the spaCy logo on your site, please get in touch and
+ask us first. However, if you want to show support and tell others that your
+project is using spaCy, you can grab one of our
+[spaCy badges](/usage/spacy-101#faq-project-with-spacy).
+## Colors {#colors}
+import { Colors, Patterns } from 'widgets/styleguide'
+### Patterns
+## Typography {#typography}
+import { H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, Label, InlineList, Comment } from
+> #### Markdown
+> ```markdown_
+> ## Headline 2
+> ## Headline 2 {#some_id}
+> ## Headline 2 {#some_id tag="method"}
+> ```
+> #### JSX
+> ```jsx
Headline 2
Headline 2
Headline 2
+> ```
+Headlines are set in
+[HK Grotesk](http://cargocollective.com/hanken/HK-Grotesk-Open-Source-Font) by
+Hanken Design. All other body text and code uses the best-matching default
+system font to provide a "native" reading experience. All code uses the
+[JetBrains Mono](https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/mono/) typeface by JetBrains.
+Level 2 headings are automatically wrapped in `` elements at compile
+time, using a custom
+[Markdown transformer](https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/tree/master/website/plugins/remark-wrap-section.js).
+This makes it easier to highlight the section that's currently in the viewpoint
+in the sidebar menu.
Headline 1
Headline 2
Headline 3
Headline 4
Headline 5
+The following optional attributes can be set on the headline to modify it. For
+example, to add a tag for the documented type or mark features that have been
+introduced in a specific version or require statistical models to be loaded.
+Tags are also available as standalone `` components.
+| Argument | Example | Result |
+| -------- | -------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
+| `tag` | `{tag="method"}` | method |
+| `new` | `{new="3"}` | 3 |
+| `model` | `{model="tagger, parser"}` | tagger, parser |
+| `hidden` | `{hidden="true"}` | |
+## Elements {#elements}
+### Links {#links}
+> #### Markdown
+> ```markdown
+> [I am a link](https://spacy.io)
+> ```
+> #### JSX
+> ```jsx
+> I am a link
+> ```
+Special link styles are used depending on the link URL.
+- [I am a regular external link](https://explosion.ai)
+- [I am a link to the documentation](/api/doc)
+- [I am a link to an architecture](/api/architectures#HashEmbedCNN)
+- [I am a link to a model](/models/en#en_core_web_sm)
+- [I am a link to GitHub](https://github.com/explosion/spaCy)
+### Abbreviations {#abbr}
+import { Abbr } from 'components/typography'
+> #### JSX
+> ```jsx
+> Abbreviation
+> ```
+Some text with an abbreviation. On small
+screens, I collapse and the explanation text is displayed next to the
+### Tags {#tags}
+import Tag from 'components/tag'
+> ```jsx
+> method
+> 4
+> tagger, parser
+> ```
+Tags can be used together with headlines, or next to properties across the
+documentation, and combined with tooltips to provide additional information. An
+optional `variant` argument can be used for special tags. `variant="new"` makes
+the tag take a version number to mark new features. Using the component,
+visibility of this tag can later be toggled once the feature isn't considered
+new anymore. Setting `variant="model"` takes a description of model capabilities
+and can be used to mark features that require a respective model to be
+### Buttons {#buttons}
+import Button from 'components/button'
+> ```jsx
+> ```
+Link buttons come in two variants, `primary` and `secondary` and two sizes, with
+an optional `large` size modifier. Since they're mostly used as enhanced links,
+the buttons are implemented as styled links instead of native button elements.
+## Components
+### Table {#table}
+> #### Markdown
+> ```markdown_
+> | Header 1 | Header 2 |
+> | -------- | -------- |
+> | Column 1 | Column 2 |
+> ```
+> #### JSX
+> ```markup
Header 1
Header 2
Column 1
Column 2
+> ```
+Tables are used to present data and API documentation. Certain keywords can be
+used to mark a footer row with a distinct style, for example to visualize the
+return values of a documented function.
+| Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | Header 4 |
+| ----------- | -------- | :------: | -------: |
+| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 |
+| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 |
+| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 |
+| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 |
+| **RETURNS** | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 |
+Tables also support optional "divider" rows that are typically used to denote
+keyword-only arguments in API documentation. To turn a row into a dividing
+headline, it should only include content in its first cell, and its value should
+be italicized:
+> #### Markdown
+> ```markdown_
+> | Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
+> | -------- | -------- | -------- |
+> | Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
+> | _Hello_ | | |
+> | Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
+> ```
+| Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
+| -------- | -------- | -------- |
+| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
+| _Hello_ | | |
+| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
+### Type Annotations {#type-annotations}
+> #### Markdown
+> ```markdown_
+> ~~Model[List[Doc], Floats2d]~~
+> ```
+> #### JSX
+> ```markup
+> Model[List[Doc], Floats2d]
+> ```
+Type annotations are special inline code blocks are used to describe Python
+types in the [type hints](https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html) format.
+The special component will split the type, apply syntax highlighting and link
+all types that specify links in `meta/type-annotations.json`. Types can link to
+internal or external documentation pages. To make it easy to represent the type
+annotations in Markdown, the rendering "hijacks" the `~~` tags that would
+typically be converted to a `` element – but in this case, text surrounded
+by `~~` becomes a type annotation.
+- ~~Dict[str, List[Union[Doc, Span]]]~~
+- ~~Model[List[Doc], List[numpy.ndarray]]~~
+Type annotations support a special visual style in tables and will render as a
+separate row, under the cell text. This allows the API docs to display complex
+types without taking up too much space in the cell. The type annotation should
+always be the **last element** in the row.
+> #### Markdown
+> ```markdown_
+> | Header 1 | Header 2 |
+> | -------- | ----------------------- |
+> | Column 1 | Column 2 ~~List[Doc]~~ |
+> ```
+| Name | Description |
+| ----------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `vocab` | The shared vocabulary. ~~Vocab~~ |
+| `model` | The Thinc [`Model`](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-model) wrapping the transformer. ~~Model[List[Doc], FullTransformerBatch]~~ |
+| `set_extra_annotations` | Function that takes a batch of `Doc` objects and transformer outputs and can set additional annotations on the `Doc`. ~~Callable[[List[Doc], FullTransformerBatch], None]~~ |
+### List {#list}
+> #### Markdown
+> ```markdown_
+> 1. One
+> 2. Two
+> ```
+> #### JSX
+> ```markup
+> ```
+Lists are available as bulleted and numbered. Markdown lists are transformed
+- I am a bulleted list
+- I have nice bullets
+- Lorem ipsum dolor
+- consectetur adipiscing elit
+1. I am an ordered list
+2. I have nice numbers
+3. Lorem ipsum dolor
+4. consectetur adipiscing elit
+### Aside {#aside}
+> #### Markdown
+> ```markdown_
+> > #### Aside title
+> > This is aside text.
+> ```
+> #### JSX
+> ```jsx
+> ```
+Asides can be used to display additional notes and content in the right-hand
+column. Asides can contain text, code and other elements if needed. Visually,
+asides are moved to the side on the X-axis, and displayed at the same level they
+were inserted. On small screens, they collapse and are rendered in their
+original position, in between the text.
+To make them easier to use in Markdown, paragraphs formatted as blockquotes will
+turn into asides by default. Level 4 headlines (with a leading `####`) will
+become aside titles.
+### Code Block {#code-block}
+> #### Markdown
+> ````markdown_
+> ```python
+> ### This is a title
+> import spacy
+> ```
+> ````
+> #### JSX
+> ```jsx
+> import spacy
+> ```
+Code blocks use the [Prism](http://prismjs.com/) syntax highlighter with a
+custom theme. The language can be set individually on each block, and defaults
+to raw text with no highlighting. An optional label can be added as the first
+line with the prefix `####` (Python-like) and `///` (JavaScript-like). the
+indented block as plain text and preserve whitespace.
+### Using spaCy
+import spacy
+nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
+doc = nlp("This is a sentence.")
+for token in doc:
+ print(token.text, token.pos_)
+Code blocks and also specify an optional range of line numbers to highlight by
+adding `{highlight="..."}` to the headline. Acceptable ranges are spans like
+`5-7`, but also `5-7,10` or `5-7,10,13-14`.
+> #### Markdown
+> ````markdown_
+> ```python
+> ### This is a title {highlight="1-2"}
+> import spacy
+> nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
+> ```
+> ````
+### Using the matcher {highlight="5-7"}
+import spacy
+from spacy.matcher import Matcher
+nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
+matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
+pattern = [{"LOWER": "hello"}, {"IS_PUNCT": True}, {"LOWER": "world"}]
+matcher.add("HelloWorld", None, pattern)
+doc = nlp("Hello, world! Hello world!")
+matches = matcher(doc)
+Adding `{executable="true"}` to the title turns the code into an executable
+block, powered by [Binder](https://mybinder.org) and
+[Juniper](https://github.com/ines/juniper). If JavaScript is disabled, the
+interactive widget defaults to a regular code block.
+> #### Markdown
+> ````markdown_
+> ```python
+> ### {executable="true"}
+> import spacy
+> nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
+> ```
+> ````
+### {executable="true"}
+import spacy
+nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
+doc = nlp("This is a sentence.")
+for token in doc:
+ print(token.text, token.pos_)
+If a code block only contains a URL to a GitHub file, the raw file contents are
+embedded automatically and syntax highlighting is applied. The link to the
+original file is shown at the top of the widget.
+> #### Markdown
+> ````markdown_
+> ```python
+> https://github.com/...
+> ```
+> ````
+> #### JSX
+> ```jsx
+> ```
+### Infobox {#infobox}
+import Infobox from 'components/infobox'
+> #### JSX
+> ```jsx
+> Regular infobox
+> This is a warning.
+> This is dangerous.
+> ```
+Infoboxes can be used to add notes, updates, warnings or additional information
+to a page or section. Semantically, they're implemented and interpreted as an
+`aside` element. Infoboxes can take an optional `title` argument, as well as an
+optional `variant` (either `"warning"` or `"danger"`).
+If needed, an infobox can contain regular text, `inline code`, lists and other
+If needed, an infobox can contain regular text, `inline code`, lists and other
+If needed, an infobox can contain regular text, `inline code`, lists and other
+### Accordion {#accordion}
+import Accordion from 'components/accordion'
+> #### JSX
+> ```jsx
+> Accordion content goes here.
+> ```
+Accordions are collapsible sections that are mostly used for lengthy tables,
+like the tag and label annotation schemes for different languages. They all need
+to be presented – but chances are the user doesn't actually care about _all_ of
+them, especially not at the same time. So it's fairly reasonable to hide them
+begin a click. This particular implementation was inspired by the amazing
+[Inclusive Components blog](https://inclusive-components.design/collapsible-sections/).
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque enim ante,
+pretium a orci eget, varius dignissim augue. Nam eu dictum mauris, id tincidunt
+nisi. Integer commodo pellentesque tincidunt. Nam at turpis finibus tortor
+gravida sodales tincidunt sit amet est. Nullam euismod arcu in tortor auctor,
+sit amet dignissim justo congue.
+## Markdown reference {#markdown}
+All page content and page meta lives in the `.md` files in the `/docs`
+directory. The frontmatter block at the top of each file defines the page title
+and other settings like the sidebar menu.
+title: Page title
+## Headline starting a section {#some_id}
+This is a regular paragraph with a [link](https://spacy.io) and **bold text**.
+> #### This is an aside title
+> This is aside text.
+### Subheadline
+| Header 1 | Header 2 |
+| -------- | -------- |
+| Column 1 | Column 2 |
+### Code block title {highlight="2-3"}
+import spacy
+nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
+doc = nlp("Hello world")
+This is content in the infobox.
+In addition to the native markdown elements, you can use the components
+[``][infobox], [``][accordion], [``][abbr] and
+[``][tag] via their JSX syntax.
+[infobox]: https://spacy.io/styleguide#infobox
+[accordion]: https://spacy.io/styleguide#accordion
+[abbr]: https://spacy.io/styleguide#abbr
+[tag]: https://spacy.io/styleguide#tag
+## Editorial {#editorial}
+- "spaCy" should always be spelled with a lowercase "s" and a capital "C",
+ unless it specifically refers to the Python package or Python import `spacy`
+ (in which case it should be formatted as code).
+ - ✅ spaCy is a library for advanced NLP in Python.
+ - ❌ Spacy is a library for advanced NLP in Python.
+ - ✅ First, you need to install the `spacy` package from pip.
+- Mentions of code, like function names, classes, variable names etc. in inline
+ text should be formatted as `code`.
+ - ✅ "Calling the `nlp` object on a text returns a `Doc`."
+- Objects that have pages in the [API docs](/api) should be linked – for
+ example, [`Doc`](/api/doc) or [`Language.to_disk`](/api/language#to_disk). The
+ mentions should still be formatted as code within the link. Links pointing to
+ the API docs will automatically receive a little icon. However, if a paragraph
+ includes many references to the API, the links can easily get messy. In that
+ case, we typically only link the first mention of an object and not any
+ subsequent ones.
+ - ✅ The [`Span`](/api/span) and [`Token`](/api/token) objects are views of a
+ [`Doc`](/api/doc). [`Span.as_doc`](/api/span#as_doc) creates a `Doc` object
+ from a `Span`.
+ - ❌ The [`Span`](/api/span) and [`Token`](/api/token) objects are views of a
+ [`Doc`](/api/doc). [`Span.as_doc`](/api/span#as_doc) creates a
+ [`Doc`](/api/doc) object from a [`Span`](/api/span).
+* Other things we format as code are: references to trained pipeline packages
+ like `en_core_web_sm` or file names like `code.py` or `meta.json`.
+ - ✅ After training, the `config.cfg` is saved to disk.
+* [Type annotations](#type-annotations) are a special type of code formatting,
+ expressed by wrapping the text in `~~` instead of backticks. The result looks
+ like this: ~~List[Doc]~~. All references to known types will be linked
+ automatically.
+ - ✅ The model has the input type ~~List[Doc]~~ and it outputs a
+ ~~List[Array2d]~~.
+* We try to keep links meaningful but short.
+ - ✅ For details, see the usage guide on
+ [training with custom code](/usage/training#custom-code).
+ - ❌ For details, see
+ [the usage guide on training with custom code](/usage/training#custom-code).
+ - ❌ For details, see the usage guide on training with custom code
+ [here](/usage/training#custom-code).