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synced 2025-03-21 10:24:26 +03:00
Document "simple training style"
This commit is contained in:
@ -157,12 +157,19 @@ p Update the models in the pipeline.
+cell #[code docs]
+cell iterable
+cell A batch of #[code Doc] objects.
| A batch of #[code Doc] objects or unicode. If unicode, a
| #[code Doc] object will be created from the text.
+cell #[code golds]
+cell iterable
+cell A batch of #[code GoldParse] objects.
| A batch of #[code GoldParse] objects or dictionaries.
| Dictionaries will be used to create
| #[+api("goldparse") #[code GoldParse]] objects. For the available
| keys and their usage, see
| #[+api("goldparse#init") #[code GoldParse.__init__]].
+cell #[code drop]
@ -172,15 +172,23 @@ p
+cell #[code get_data]
+cell A function converting the training data to spaCy's JSON format.
| An optional function converting the training data to spaCy's
| JSON format.
+cell #[code doc]
+cell #[+api("doc") #[code Doc]] objects.
| #[+api("doc") #[code Doc]] objects. The #[code update] method
| takes a sequence of them, so you can batch up your training
| examples.
+cell #[code gold]
+cell #[+api("goldparse") #[code GoldParse]] objects.
| #[+api("goldparse") #[code GoldParse]] objects. The #[code update]
| method takes a sequence of them, so you can batch up your
| training examples.
+cell #[code drop]
@ -197,3 +205,49 @@ p
| a model will be saved out to the directory. After training, you can
| use the #[+api("cli#package") #[code package]] command to generate an
| installable Python package from your model.
+h(3, "training-simple-style") Simple training style
| Instead of sequences of #[code Doc] and #[code GoldParse] objects,
| you can also use the "simple training style" and pass
| #[strong raw texts] and #[strong dictionaries of annotations]
| to #[+api("language#update") #[code nlp.update]].
| The dictionaries can have the keys #[code entities], #[code heads],
| #[code deps], #[code tags] and #[code cats]. This is generally
| recommended, as it removes one layer of abstraction, and avoids
| unnecessary imports. It also makes it easier to structure and load
| your training data.
+aside-code("Example Annotations").
'entities': [(0, 4, 'ORG')],
'heads': [1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 2, 7, 5],
'deps': ['nsubj', 'ROOT', 'prt', 'quantmod', 'compound', 'pobj', 'det', 'npadvmod'],
'tags': ['PROPN', 'VERB', 'ADP', 'SYM', 'NUM', 'NUM', 'DET', 'NOUN'],
'cats': {'BUSINESS': 1.0}
+code("Simple training loop").
("Uber blew through $1 million a week", {'entities': [(0, 4, 'ORG')]}),
("Google rebrands its business apps", {'entities': [(0, 6, "ORG")]})]
nlp = spacy.blank('en')
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
for i in range(20):
for text, annotations in TRAIN_DATA:
nlp.update([text], [annotations], sgd=optimizer)
| The above training loop leaves out a few details that can really
| improve accuracy – but the principle really is #[em that] simple. Once
| you've got your pipeline together and you want to tune the accuracy,
| you usually want to process your training examples in batches, and
| experiment with #[+api("top-level#util.minibatch") #[code minibatch]]
| sizes and dropout rates, set via the #[code drop] keyword argument. See
| the #[+api("language") #[code Language]] and #[+api("pipe") #[code Pipe]]
| API docs for available options.
@ -39,12 +39,6 @@ p
+h(4) Step by step guide
| #[strong Reformat the training data] to match spaCy's
| #[+a("/api/annotation#json-input") JSON format]. The built-in
| #[+api("goldparse#biluo_tags_from_offsets") #[code biluo_tags_from_offsets]]
| function can help you with this.
| #[strong Load the model] you want to start with, or create an
| #[strong empty model] using
@ -56,17 +50,13 @@ p
| This way, you'll only be training the entity recognizer.
| #[strong Shuffle and loop over] the examples and create a
| #[code Doc] and #[code GoldParse] object for each example.
| For each example, #[strong update the model]
| by calling #[+api("language#update") #[code nlp.update]], which steps
| #[strong Shuffle and loop over] the examples. For each example,
| #[strong update the model] by calling
| #[+api("language#update") #[code nlp.update]], which steps
| through the words of the input. At each word, it makes a
| #[strong prediction]. It then consults the annotations provided on the
| #[code GoldParse] instance, to see whether it was
| right. If it was wrong, it adjusts its weights so that the correct
| action will score higher next time.
| #[strong prediction]. It then consults the annotations to see whether
| it was right. If it was wrong, it adjusts its weights so that the
| correct action will score higher next time.
| #[strong Save] the trained model using
@ -90,13 +80,16 @@ p
+github("spacy", "examples/training/train_new_entity_type.py", 500)
+aside("Important note", "⚠️")
| If you're using an existing model, make sure to mix in examples of
| #[strong other entity types] that spaCy correctly recognized before.
| Otherwise, your model might learn the new type, but "forget" what it
| previously knew. This is also referred to as the
| #[+a("https://explosion.ai/blog/pseudo-rehearsal-catastrophic-forgetting", true) "catastrophic forgetting" problem].
+h(4) Step by step guide
| Create #[code Doc] and #[code GoldParse] objects for
| #[strong each example in your training data].
| #[strong Load the model] you want to start with, or create an
| #[strong empty model] using
@ -117,10 +110,9 @@ p
| #[strong Loop over] the examples and call
| #[+api("language#update") #[code nlp.update]], which steps through
| the words of the input. At each word, it makes a
| #[strong prediction]. It then consults the annotations provided on the
| #[code GoldParse] instance, to see whether it was right. If it was
| wrong, it adjusts its weights so that the correct action will score
| higher next time.
| #[strong prediction]. It then consults the annotations, to see
| whether it was right. If it was wrong, it adjusts its weights so that
| the correct action will score higher next time.
| #[strong Save] the trained model using
@ -30,19 +30,13 @@ p
| not necessary – but it doesn't hurt either, just to be safe.
| #[strong Shuffle and loop over] the examples and create a
| #[code Doc] and #[code GoldParse] object for each example. Make sure
| to pass in the #[code heads] and #[code deps] when you create the
| #[code GoldParse].
| For each example, #[strong update the model]
| by calling #[+api("language#update") #[code nlp.update]], which steps
| through the words of the input. At each word, it makes a
| #[strong prediction]. It then consults the annotations provided on the
| #[code GoldParse] instance, to see whether it was
| right. If it was wrong, it adjusts its weights so that the correct
| action will score higher next time.
| #[strong Shuffle and loop over] the examples. For each example,
| #[strong update the model] by calling
| #[+api("language#update") #[code nlp.update]], which steps through
| the words of the input. At each word, it makes a
| #[strong prediction]. It then consults the annotations to see
| whether it was right. If it was wrong, it adjusts its weights so
| that the correct action will score higher next time.
| #[strong Save] the trained model using
@ -67,26 +61,29 @@ p
| #[strong Create] a new #[code Language] class and before initialising
| it, update the #[code tag_map] in its #[code Defaults] with your
| custom tags.
| #[strong Load the model] you want to start with, or create an
| #[strong empty model] using
| #[+api("spacy#blank") #[code spacy.blank]] with the ID of your
| language. If you're using a blank model, don't forget to add the
| tagger to the pipeline. If you're using an existing model,
| make sure to disable all other pipeline components during training
| using #[+api("language#disable_pipes") #[code nlp.disable_pipes]].
| This way, you'll only be training the tagger.
| #[strong Create a new tagger] component and add it to the pipeline.
| #[strong Add the tag map] to the tagger using the
| #[+api("tagger#add_label") #[code add_label]] method. The first
| argument is the new tag name, the second the mapping to spaCy's
| coarse-grained tags, e.g. #[code {'pos': 'NOUN'}].
| #[strong Shuffle and loop over] the examples and create a
| #[code Doc] and #[code GoldParse] object for each example. Make sure
| to pass in the #[code tags] when you create the #[code GoldParse].
| For each example, #[strong update the model]
| by calling #[+api("language#update") #[code nlp.update]], which steps
| through the words of the input. At each word, it makes a
| #[strong prediction]. It then consults the annotations provided on the
| #[code GoldParse] instance, to see whether it was
| right. If it was wrong, it adjusts its weights so that the correct
| action will score higher next time.
| #[strong Shuffle and loop over] the examples. For each example,
| #[strong update the model] by calling
| #[+api("language#update") #[code nlp.update]], which steps through
| the words of the input. At each word, it makes a
| #[strong prediction]. It then consults the annotations to see whether
| it was right. If it was wrong, it adjusts its weights so that the
| correct action will score higher next time.
| #[strong Save] the trained model using
@ -124,7 +121,7 @@ p
| respective action – e.g. search the database for hotels with high ratings
| for their wifi offerings.
+aside("Tip: merge phrases and entities")
+aside("Tip: merge phrases and entities", "💡")
| To achieve even better accuracy, try merging multi-word tokens and
| entities specific to your domain into one token before parsing your text.
| You can do this by running the entity recognizer or
@ -160,9 +157,10 @@ p
| #[strong empty model] using
| #[+api("spacy#blank") #[code spacy.blank]] with the ID of your
| language. If you're using a blank model, don't forget to add the
| parser to the pipeline. If you're using an existing model,
| make sure to disable all other pipeline components during training
| using #[+api("language#disable_pipes") #[code nlp.disable_pipes]].
| custom parser to the pipeline. If you're using an existing model,
| make sure to #[strong remove the old parser] from the pipeline, and
| disable all other pipeline components during training using
| #[+api("language#disable_pipes") #[code nlp.disable_pipes]].
| This way, you'll only be training the parser.
@ -170,19 +168,13 @@ p
| #[+api("dependencyparser#add_label") #[code add_label]] method.
| #[strong Shuffle and loop over] the examples and create a
| #[code Doc] and #[code GoldParse] object for each example. Make sure
| to pass in the #[code heads] and #[code deps] when you create the
| #[code GoldParse].
| For each example, #[strong update the model]
| by calling #[+api("language#update") #[code nlp.update]], which steps
| #[strong Shuffle and loop over] the examples. For each example,
| #[strong update the model] by calling
| #[+api("language#update") #[code nlp.update]], which steps
| through the words of the input. At each word, it makes a
| #[strong prediction]. It then consults the annotations provided on the
| #[code GoldParse] instance, to see whether it was
| right. If it was wrong, it adjusts its weights so that the correct
| action will score higher next time.
| #[strong prediction]. It then consults the annotations to see whether
| it was right. If it was wrong, it adjusts its weights so that the
| correct action will score higher next time.
| #[strong Save] the trained model using
@ -35,17 +35,18 @@ p
| be able to see results on each training iteration.
| #[strong Loop over] the training examples, partition them into
| batches and create #[code Doc] and #[code GoldParse] objects for each
| example in the batch.
| #[strong Loop over] the training examples and partition them into
| batches using spaCy's
| #[+api("top-level#util.minibatch") #[code minibatch]] and
| #[+api("top-level#util.compounding") #[code compounding]] helpers.
| #[strong Update the model] by calling
| #[+api("language#update") #[code nlp.update]], which steps
| through the examples and makes a #[strong prediction]. It then
| consults the annotations provided on the #[code GoldParse] instance,
| to see whether it was right. If it was wrong, it adjusts its weights
| so that the correct prediction will score higher next time.
| consults the annotations to see whether it was right. If it was
| wrong, it adjusts its weights so that the correct prediction will
| score higher next time.
| Optionally, you can also #[strong evaluate the text classifier] on
@ -110,17 +110,23 @@ p
| spaCy when to #[em stop], you can now explicitly call
| #[+api("language#begin_training") #[code begin_taining]], which
| returns an optimizer you can pass into the
| #[+api("language#update") #[code update]] function.
| #[+api("language#update") #[code update]] function. While #[code update]
| still accepts sequences of #[code Doc] and #[code GoldParse] objects,
| you can now also pass in a list of strings and dictionaries describing
| the annotations. This is the recommended usage, as it removes one layer
| of abstraction from the training.
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
for itn in range(1000):
for doc, gold in train_data:
nlp.update([doc], [gold], sgd=optimizer)
for texts, annotations in train_data:
nlp.update(texts, annotations, sgd=optimizer)
for itn in range(1000):
for doc, gold in train_data:
for text, entities in train_data:
doc = Doc(text)
gold = GoldParse(doc, entities=entities)
nlp.update(doc, gold)
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