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synced 2025-03-03 10:55:52 +03:00
💫 Document Cython API (#2433)
## Description This PR adds the most relevant documentation of spaCy's Cython API. (Todo for when we publish this: rewrite `/api/#section-cython` and `/api/#cython` to `/api/cython#conventions`.) ### Types of change docs ## Checklist <!--- Before you submit the PR, go over this checklist and make sure you can tick off all the boxes. [] -> [x] --> - [x] I have submitted the spaCy Contributor Agreement. - [x] I ran the tests, and all new and existing tests passed. - [x] My changes don't require a change to the documentation, or if they do, I've added all required information.
This commit is contained in:
@ -124,6 +124,12 @@ mixin help(tooltip, icon_size)
+icon("help_o", icon_size || 16).o-icon--inline
//- Abbreviation
mixin abbr(title)
abbr.o-abbr(data-tooltip=title data-tooltip-style="code" aria-label=title)&attributes(attributes)
//- Aside wrapper
label - [string] aside label
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ menu.c-sidebar.js-sidebar.u-text
each url, item in items
- var is_current = CURRENT == url || (CURRENT == "index" && url == "./")
+a(url)(class=is_current ? "is-active" : null tabindex=is_current ? "-1" : null)=item
+a(url)(class=is_current ? "is-active" : null tabindex=is_current ? "-1" : null data-sidebar-active=is_current ? "" : null)=item
if is_current
@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
+aside("What's Cython?")
| #[+a("http://cython.org/") Cython] is a language for writing
| C extensions for Python. Most Python code is also valid Cython, but
| you can add type declarations to get efficient memory-managed code
| just like C or C++.
| spaCy's core data structures are implemented as
| #[+a("http://cython.org/") Cython] #[code cdef] classes. Memory is
| managed through the #[+a(gh("cymem")) #[code cymem]]
| #[code cymem.Pool] class, which allows you
| to allocate memory which will be freed when the #[code Pool] object
| is garbage collected. This means you usually don't have to worry
| about freeing memory. You just have to decide which Python object
| owns the memory, and make it own the #[code Pool]. When that object
| goes out of scope, the memory will be freed. You do have to take
| care that no pointers outlive the object that owns them — but this
| is generally quite easy.
| All Cython modules should have the #[code # cython: infer_types=True]
| compiler directive at the top of the file. This makes the code much
| cleaner, as it avoids the need for many type declarations. If
| possible, you should prefer to declare your functions #[code nogil],
| even if you don't especially care about multi-threading. The reason
| is that #[code nogil] functions help the Cython compiler reason about
| your code quite a lot — you're telling the compiler that no Python
| dynamics are possible. This lets many errors be raised, and ensures
| your function will run at C speed.
| Cython gives you many choices of sequences: you could have a Python
| list, a numpy array, a memory view, a C++ vector, or a pointer.
| Pointers are preferred, because they are fastest, have the most
| explicit semantics, and let the compiler check your code more
| strictly. C++ vectors are also great — but you should only use them
| internally in functions. It's less friendly to accept a vector as an
| argument, because that asks the user to do much more work. Here's
| how to get a pointer from a numpy array, memory view or vector:
cdef void get_pointers(np.ndarray[int, mode='c'] numpy_array, vector[int] cpp_vector, int[::1] memory_view) nogil:
pointer1 = <int*>numpy_array.data
pointer2 = cpp_vector.data()
pointer3 = &memory_view[0]
| Both C arrays and C++ vectors reassure the compiler that no Python
| operations are possible on your variable. This is a big advantage:
| it lets the Cython compiler raise many more errors for you.
| When getting a pointer from a numpy array or memoryview, take care
| that the data is actually stored in C-contiguous order — otherwise
| you'll get a pointer to nonsense. The type-declarations in the code
| above should generate runtime errors if buffers with incorrect
| memory layouts are passed in. To iterate over the array, the
| following style is preferred:
cdef int c_total(const int* int_array, int length) nogil:
total = 0
for item in int_array[:length]:
total += item
return total
| If this is confusing, consider that the compiler couldn't deal with
| #[code for item in int_array:] — there's no length attached to a raw
| pointer, so how could we figure out where to stop? The length is
| provided in the slice notation as a solution to this. Note that we
| don't have to declare the type of #[code item] in the code above —
| the compiler can easily infer it. This gives us tidy code that looks
| quite like Python, but is exactly as fast as C — because we've made
| sure the compilation to C is trivial.
| Your functions cannot be declared #[code nogil] if they need to
| create Python objects or call Python functions. This is perfectly
| okay — you shouldn't torture your code just to get #[code nogil]
| functions. However, if your function isn't #[code nogil], you should
| compile your module with #[code cython -a --cplus my_module.pyx] and
| open the resulting #[code my_module.html] file in a browser. This
| will let you see how Cython is compiling your code. Calls into the
| Python run-time will be in bright yellow. This lets you easily see
| whether Cython is able to correctly type your code, or whether there
| are unexpected problems.
| Working in Cython is very rewarding once you're over the initial
| learning curve. As with C and C++, the first way you write something
| in Cython will often be the performance-optimal approach. In
| contrast, Python optimisation generally requires a lot of
| experimentation. Is it faster to have an #[code if item in my_dict]
| check, or to use #[code .get()]? What about
| #[code try]/#[code except]? Does this numpy operation create a copy?
| There's no way to guess the answers to these questions, and you'll
| usually be dissatisfied with your results — so there's no way to
| know when to stop this process. In the worst case, you'll make a
| mess that invites the next reader to try their luck too. This is
| like one of those
| #[+a("http://www.wemjournal.org/article/S1080-6032%2809%2970088-2/abstract") volcanic gas-traps],
| where the rescuers keep passing out from low oxygen, causing
| another rescuer to follow — only to succumb themselves. In short,
| just say no to optimizing your Python. If it's not fast enough the
| first time, just switch to Cython.
+item #[+a("http://docs.cython.org/en/latest/") Official Cython documentation] (cython.org)
+item #[+a("https://explosion.ai/blog/writing-c-in-cython", true) Writing C in Cython] (explosion.ai)
+item #[+a("https://explosion.ai/blog/multithreading-with-cython") Multi-threading spaCy’s parser and named entity recogniser] (explosion.ai)
@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
| spaCy's statistical models have been custom-designed to give a
| high-performance mix of speed and accuracy. The current architecture
| hasn't been published yet, but in the meantime we prepared a video that
| explains how the models work, with particular focus on NER.
| The parsing model is a blend of recent results. The two recent
| inspirations have been the work of Eli Klipperwasser and Yoav Goldberg at
| Bar Ilan#[+fn(1)], and the SyntaxNet team from Google. The foundation of
| the parser is still based on the work of Joakim Nivre#[+fn(2)], who
| introduced the transition-based framework#[+fn(3)], the arc-eager
| transition system, and the imitation learning objective. The model is
| implemented using #[+a(gh("thinc")) Thinc], spaCy's machine learning
| library. We first predict context-sensitive vectors for each word in the
| input:
(embed_lower | embed_prefix | embed_suffix | embed_shape)
>> Maxout(token_width)
>> convolution ** 4
| This convolutional layer is shared between the tagger, parser and NER,
| and will also be shared by the future neural lemmatizer. Because the
| parser shares these layers with the tagger, the parser does not require
| tag features. I got this trick from David Weiss's "Stack Combination"
| paper#[+fn(4)].
| To boost the representation, the tagger actually predicts a "super tag"
| with POS, morphology and dependency label#[+fn(5)]. The tagger predicts
| these supertags by adding a softmax layer onto the convolutional layer –
| so, we're teaching the convolutional layer to give us a representation
| that's one affine transform from this informative lexical information.
| This is obviously good for the parser (which backprops to the
| convolutions too). The parser model makes a state vector by concatenating
| the vector representations for its context tokens. The current context
| tokens:
+cell #[code S0], #[code S1], #[code S2]
+cell Top three words on the stack.
+cell #[code B0], #[code B1]
+cell First two words of the buffer.
| #[code S0L1], #[code S1L1], #[code S2L1], #[code B0L1],
| #[code B1L1]#[br]
| #[code S0L2], #[code S1L2], #[code S2L2], #[code B0L2],
| #[code B1L2]
| Leftmost and second leftmost children of #[code S0], #[code S1],
| #[code S2], #[code B0] and #[code B1].
| #[code S0R1], #[code S1R1], #[code S2R1], #[code B0R1],
| #[code B1R1]#[br]
| #[code S0R2], #[code S1R2], #[code S2R2], #[code B0R2],
| #[code B1R2]
| Rightmost and second rightmost children of #[code S0], #[code S1],
| #[code S2], #[code B0] and #[code B1].
| This makes the state vector quite long: #[code 13*T], where #[code T] is
| the token vector width (128 is working well). Fortunately, there's a way
| to structure the computation to save some expense (and make it more
| GPU-friendly).
| The parser typically visits #[code 2*N] states for a sentence of length
| #[code N] (although it may visit more, if it back-tracks with a
| non-monotonic transition#[+fn(4)]). A naive implementation would require
| #[code 2*N (B, 13*T) @ (13*T, H)] matrix multiplications for a batch of
| size #[code B]. We can instead perform one #[code (B*N, T) @ (T, 13*H)]
| multiplication, to pre-compute the hidden weights for each positional
| feature with respect to the words in the batch. (Note that our token
| vectors come from the CNN — so we can't play this trick over the
| vocabulary. That's how Stanford's NN parser#[+fn(3)] works — and why its
| model is so big.)
| This pre-computation strategy allows a nice compromise between
| GPU-friendliness and implementation simplicity. The CNN and the wide
| lower layer are computed on the GPU, and then the precomputed hidden
| weights are moved to the CPU, before we start the transition-based
| parsing process. This makes a lot of things much easier. We don't have to
| worry about variable-length batch sizes, and we don't have to implement
| the dynamic oracle in CUDA to train.
| Currently the parser's loss function is multilabel log loss#[+fn(6)], as
| the dynamic oracle allows multiple states to be 0 cost. This is defined
| as follows, where #[code gZ] is the sum of the scores assigned to gold
| classes:
(exp(score) / Z) - (exp(score) / gZ)
| #[+a("https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Simple-and-Accurate-Dependency-Parsing-Using-Bidir-Kiperwasser-Goldberg/3cf31ecb2724b5088783d7c96a5fc0d5604cbf41") Simple and Accurate Dependency Parsing Using Bidirectional LSTM Feature Representations]
| Eliyahu Kiperwasser, Yoav Goldberg. (2016)
| #[+a("https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/A-Dynamic-Oracle-for-Arc-Eager-Dependency-Parsing-Goldberg-Nivre/22697256ec19ecc3e14fcfc63624a44cf9c22df4") A Dynamic Oracle for Arc-Eager Dependency Parsing]
| Yoav Goldberg, Joakim Nivre (2012)
| #[+a("https://explosion.ai/blog/parsing-english-in-python") Parsing English in 500 Lines of Python]
| Matthew Honnibal (2013)
| #[+a("https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Stack-propagation-Improved-Representation-Learning-Zhang-Weiss/0c133f79b23e8c680891d2e49a66f0e3d37f1466") Stack-propagation: Improved Representation Learning for Syntax]
| Yuan Zhang, David Weiss (2016)
| #[+a("https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Deep-multi-task-learning-with-low-level-tasks-supe-S%C3%B8gaard-Goldberg/03ad06583c9721855ccd82c3d969a01360218d86") Deep multi-task learning with low level tasks supervised at lower layers]
| Anders Søgaard, Yoav Goldberg (2016)
| #[+a("https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/An-Improved-Non-monotonic-Transition-System-for-De-Honnibal-Johnson/4094cee47ade13b77b5ab4d2e6cb9dd2b8a2917c") An Improved Non-monotonic Transition System for Dependency Parsing]
| Matthew Honnibal, Mark Johnson (2015)
| #[+a("http://cs.stanford.edu/people/danqi/papers/emnlp2014.pdf") A Fast and Accurate Dependency Parser using Neural Networks]
| Danqi Cheng, Christopher D. Manning (2014)
| #[+a("https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Parsing-the-Wall-Street-Journal-using-a-Lexical-Fu-Riezler-King/0ad07862a91cd59b7eb5de38267e47725a62b8b2") Parsing the Wall Street Journal using a Lexical-Functional Grammar and Discriminative Estimation Techniques]
| Stefan Riezler et al. (2002)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
| The #[code Doc] object holds an array of
| #[+api("cython-structs#tokenc") #[code TokenC]] structs.
| This section documents the extra C-level attributes and methods that
| can't be accessed from Python. For the Python documentation, see
| #[+api("doc") #[code Doc]].
+h(3, "doc_attributes") Attributes
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code mem]
+cell #[code cymem.Pool]
| A memory pool. Allocated memory will be freed once the
| #[code Doc] object is garbage collected.
+cell #[code vocab]
+cell #[code Vocab]
+cell A reference to the shared #[code Vocab] object.
+cell #[code c]
+cell #[code TokenC*]
| A pointer to a #[+api("cython-structs#tokenc") #[code TokenC]]
| struct.
+cell #[code length]
+cell #[code int]
+cell The number of tokens in the document.
+cell #[code max_length]
+cell #[code int]
+cell The underlying size of the #[code Doc.c] array.
+h(3, "doc_push_back") Doc.push_back
+tag method
| Append a token to the #[code Doc]. The token can be provided as a
| #[+api("cython-structs#lexemec") #[code LexemeC]] or
| #[+api("cython-structs#tokenc") #[code TokenC]] pointer, using Cython's
| #[+a("http://cython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/userguide/fusedtypes.html") fused types].
from spacy.tokens cimport Doc
from spacy.vocab cimport Vocab
doc = Doc(Vocab())
lexeme = doc.vocab.get(u'hello')
doc.push_back(lexeme, True)
assert doc.text == u'hello '
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code lex_or_tok]
+cell #[code LexemeOrToken]
+cell The word to append to the #[code Doc].
+cell #[code has_space]
+cell #[code bint]
+cell Whether the word has trailing whitespace.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
| A Cython class providing access and methods for an entry in the
| vocabulary.
| This section documents the extra C-level attributes and methods that
| can't be accessed from Python. For the Python documentation, see
| #[+api("lexeme") #[code Lexeme]].
+h(3, "lexeme_attributes") Attributes
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code c]
+cell #[code LexemeC*]
| A pointer to a #[+api("cython-structs#lexemec") #[code LexemeC]]
| struct.
+cell #[code vocab]
+cell #[code Vocab]
+cell A reference to the shared #[code Vocab] object.
+cell #[code orth]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell ID of the verbatim text content.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
| Struct holding information about a lexical type. #[code LexemeC]
| structs are usually owned by the #[code Vocab], and accessed through a
| read-only pointer on the #[code TokenC] struct.
lex = doc.c[3].lex
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code flags]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code flags_t]]
+cell Bit-field for binary lexical flag values.
+cell #[code id]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
| Usually used to map lexemes to rows in a matrix, e.g. for word
| vectors. Does not need to be unique, so currently misnamed.
+cell #[code length]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell Number of unicode characters in the lexeme.
+cell #[code orth]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell ID of the verbatim text content.
+cell #[code lower]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell ID of the lowercase form of the lexeme.
+cell #[code norm]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell ID of the lexeme's norm, i.e. a normalised form of the text.
+cell #[code shape]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell Transform of the lexeme's string, to show orthographic features.
+cell #[code prefix]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
| Length-N substring from the start of the lexeme. Defaults to
| #[code N=1].
+cell #[code suffix]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
| Length-N substring from the end of the lexeme. Defaults to
| #[code N=3].
+cell #[code cluster]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell Brown cluster ID.
+cell #[code prob]
+cell #[code float]
+cell Smoothed log probability estimate of the lexeme's type.
+cell #[code sentiment]
+cell #[code float]
+cell A scalar value indicating positivity or negativity.
+h(3, "lexeme_get_struct_attr", "spacy/lexeme.pxd") Lexeme.get_struct_attr
+tag staticmethod
+tag nogil
p Get the value of an attribute from the #[code LexemeC] struct by attribute ID.
from spacy.attrs cimport IS_ALPHA
from spacy.lexeme cimport Lexeme
lexeme = doc.c[3].lex
is_alpha = Lexeme.get_struct_attr(lexeme, IS_ALPHA)
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code lex]
+cell #[code const LexemeC*]
+cell A pointer to a #[code LexemeC] struct.
+cell #[code feat_name]
+cell #[code attr_id_t]
| The ID of the attribute to look up. The attributes are
| enumerated in #[code spacy.typedefs].
+cell returns
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell The value of the attribute.
+h(3, "lexeme_set_struct_attr", "spacy/lexeme.pxd") Lexeme.set_struct_attr
+tag staticmethod
+tag nogil
p Set the value of an attribute of the #[code LexemeC] struct by attribute ID.
from spacy.attrs cimport NORM
from spacy.lexeme cimport Lexeme
lexeme = doc.c[3].lex
Lexeme.set_struct_attr(lexeme, NORM, lexeme.lower)
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code lex]
+cell #[code const LexemeC*]
+cell A pointer to a #[code LexemeC] struct.
+cell #[code feat_name]
+cell #[code attr_id_t]
| The ID of the attribute to look up. The attributes are
| enumerated in #[code spacy.typedefs].
+cell #[code value]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell The value to set.
+h(3, "lexeme_c_check_flag", "spacy/lexeme.pxd") Lexeme.c_check_flag
+tag staticmethod
+tag nogil
p Check the value of a binary flag attribute.
from spacy.attrs cimport IS_STOP
from spacy.lexeme cimport Lexeme
lexeme = doc.c[3].lex
is_stop = Lexeme.c_check_flag(lexeme, IS_STOP)
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code lexeme]
+cell #[code const LexemeC*]
+cell A pointer to a #[code LexemeC] struct.
+cell #[code flag_id]
+cell #[code attr_id_t]
| The ID of the flag to look up. The flag IDs are enumerated in
| #[code spacy.typedefs].
+cell returns
+cell #[code bint]
+cell The boolean value of the flag.
+h(3, "lexeme_c_set_flag", "spacy/lexeme.pxd") Lexeme.c_set_flag
+tag staticmethod
+tag nogil
p Set the value of a binary flag attribute.
from spacy.attrs cimport IS_STOP
from spacy.lexeme cimport Lexeme
lexeme = doc.c[3].lex
Lexeme.c_set_flag(lexeme, IS_STOP, 0)
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code lexeme]
+cell #[code const LexemeC*]
+cell A pointer to a #[code LexemeC] struct.
+cell #[code flag_id]
+cell #[code attr_id_t]
| The ID of the flag to look up. The flag IDs are enumerated in
| #[code spacy.typedefs].
+cell #[code value]
+cell #[code bint]
+cell The value to set.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
| A Cython class providing access and methods for a slice of a #[code Doc]
| object.
| This section documents the extra C-level attributes and methods that
| can't be accessed from Python. For the Python documentation, see
| #[+api("span") #[code Span]].
+h(3, "span_attributes") Attributes
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code doc]
+cell #[code Doc]
+cell The parent document.
+cell #[code start]
+cell #[code int]
+cell The index of the first token of the span.
+cell #[code end]
+cell #[code int]
+cell The index of the first token after the span.
+cell #[code start_char]
+cell #[code int]
+cell The index of the first character of the span.
+cell #[code end_char]
+cell #[code int]
+cell The index of the last character of the span.
+cell #[code label]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell A label to attach to the span, e.g. for named entities.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
p A lookup table to retrieve strings by 64-bit hashes.
| This section documents the extra C-level attributes and methods that
| can't be accessed from Python. For the Python documentation, see
| #[+api("stringstore") #[code StringStore]].
+h(3, "stringstore_attributes") Attributes
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code mem]
+cell #[code cymem.Pool]
| A memory pool. Allocated memory will be freed once the
| #[code StringStore] object is garbage collected.
+cell #[code keys]
+cell #[+abbr("vector[uint64_t]") #[code vector[hash_t]]]
+cell A list of hash values in the #[code StringStore].
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
| A Cython class providing access and methods for a
| #[+api("cython-structs#tokenc") #[code TokenC]] struct. Note that the
| #[code Token] object does not own the struct. It only receives a pointer
| to it.
| This section documents the extra C-level attributes and methods that
| can't be accessed from Python. For the Python documentation, see
| #[+api("token") #[code Token]].
+h(3, "token_attributes") Attributes
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code vocab]
+cell #[code Vocab]
+cell A reference to the shared #[code Vocab] object.
+cell #[code c]
+cell #[code TokenC*]
| A pointer to a #[+api("cython-structs#tokenc") #[code TokenC]]
| struct.
+cell #[code i]
+cell #[code int]
+cell The offset of the token within the document.
+cell #[code doc]
+cell #[code Doc]
+cell The parent document.
+h(3, "token_cinit") Token.cinit
+tag method
p Create a #[code Token] object from a #[code TokenC*] pointer.
token = Token.cinit(&doc.c[3], doc, 3)
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code vocab]
+cell #[code Vocab]
+cell A reference to the shared #[code Vocab].
+cell #[code c]
+cell #[code TokenC*]
| A pointer to a #[+api("cython-structs#tokenc") #[code TokenC]]
| struct.
+cell #[code offset]
+cell #[code int]
+cell The offset of the token within the document.
+cell #[code doc]
+cell #[code Doc]
+cell The parent document.
+cell returns
+cell #[code Token]
+cell The newly constructed object.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
| Cython data container for the #[code Token] object.
token = &doc.c[3]
token_ptr = &doc.c[3]
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code lex]
+cell #[code const LexemeC*]
+cell A pointer to the lexeme for the token.
+cell #[code morph]
+cell #[code uint64_t]
+cell An ID allowing lookup of morphological attributes.
+cell #[code pos]
+cell #[code univ_pos_t]
+cell Coarse-grained part-of-speech tag.
+cell #[code spacy]
+cell #[code bint]
+cell A binary value indicating whether the token has trailing whitespace.
+cell #[code tag]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell Fine-grained part-of-speech tag.
+cell #[code idx]
+cell #[code int]
+cell The character offset of the token within the parent document.
+cell #[code lemma]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell Base form of the token, with no inflectional suffixes.
+cell #[code sense]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell Space for storing a word sense ID, currently unused.
+cell #[code head]
+cell #[code int]
+cell Offset of the syntactic parent relative to the token.
+cell #[code dep]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell Syntactic dependency relation.
+cell #[code l_kids]
+cell #[code uint32_t]
+cell Number of left children.
+cell #[code r_kids]
+cell #[code uint32_t]
+cell Number of right children.
+cell #[code l_edge]
+cell #[code uint32_t]
+cell Offset of the leftmost token of this token's syntactic descendents.
+cell #[code r_edge]
+cell #[code uint32_t]
+cell Offset of the rightmost token of this token's syntactic descendents.
+cell #[code sent_start]
+cell #[code int]
| Ternary value indicating whether the token is the first word of
| a sentence. #[code 0] indicates a missing value, #[code -1]
| indicates #[code False] and #[code 1] indicates #[code True]. The default value, 0,
| is interpretted as no sentence break. Sentence boundary detectors will usually
| set 0 for all tokens except tokens that follow a sentence boundary.
+cell #[code ent_iob]
+cell #[code int]
| IOB code of named entity tag. #[code 0] indicates a missing
| value, #[code 1] indicates #[code I], #[code 2] indicates
| #[code 0] and #[code 3] indicates #[code B].
+cell #[code ent_type]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell Named entity type.
+cell #[code ent_id]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code hash_t]]
| ID of the entity the token is an instance of, if any. Currently
| not used, but potentially for coreference resolution.
+h(3, "token_get_struct_attr", "spacy/tokens/token.pxd") Token.get_struct_attr
+tag staticmethod
+tag nogil
p Get the value of an attribute from the #[code TokenC] struct by attribute ID.
from spacy.attrs cimport IS_ALPHA
from spacy.tokens cimport Token
is_alpha = Token.get_struct_attr(&doc.c[3], IS_ALPHA)
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code token]
+cell #[code const TokenC*]
+cell A pointer to a #[code TokenC] struct.
+cell #[code feat_name]
+cell #[code attr_id_t]
| The ID of the attribute to look up. The attributes are
| enumerated in #[code spacy.typedefs].
+cell returns
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell The value of the attribute.
+h(3, "token_set_struct_attr", "spacy/tokens/token.pxd") Token.set_struct_attr
+tag staticmethod
+tag nogil
p Set the value of an attribute of the #[code TokenC] struct by attribute ID.
from spacy.attrs cimport TAG
from spacy.tokens cimport Token
token = &doc.c[3]
Token.set_struct_attr(token, TAG, 0)
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code token]
+cell #[code const TokenC*]
+cell A pointer to a #[code TokenC] struct.
+cell #[code feat_name]
+cell #[code attr_id_t]
| The ID of the attribute to look up. The attributes are
| enumerated in #[code spacy.typedefs].
+cell #[code value]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell The value to set.
+h(3, "token_by_start", "spacy/tokens/doc.pxd") token_by_start
+tag function
p Find a token in a #[code TokenC*] array by the offset of its first character.
from spacy.tokens.doc cimport Doc, token_by_start
from spacy.vocab cimport Vocab
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=[u'hello', u'world'])
assert token_by_start(doc.c, doc.length, 6) == 1
assert token_by_start(doc.c, doc.length, 4) == -1
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code tokens]
+cell #[code const TokenC*]
+cell A #[code TokenC*] array.
+cell #[code length]
+cell #[code int]
+cell The number of tokens in the array.
+cell #[code start_char]
+cell #[code int]
+cell The start index to search for.
+cell returns
+cell #[code int]
+cell The index of the token in the array or #[code -1] if not found.
+h(3, "token_by_end", "spacy/tokens/doc.pxd") token_by_end
+tag function
p Find a token in a #[code TokenC*] array by the offset of its final character.
from spacy.tokens.doc cimport Doc, token_by_end
from spacy.vocab cimport Vocab
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=[u'hello', u'world'])
assert token_by_end(doc.c, doc.length, 5) == 0
assert token_by_end(doc.c, doc.length, 1) == -1
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code tokens]
+cell #[code const TokenC*]
+cell A #[code TokenC*] array.
+cell #[code length]
+cell #[code int]
+cell The number of tokens in the array.
+cell #[code end_char]
+cell #[code int]
+cell The end index to search for.
+cell returns
+cell #[code int]
+cell The index of the token in the array or #[code -1] if not found.
+h(3, "set_children_from_heads", "spacy/tokens/doc.pxd") set_children_from_heads
+tag function
| Set attributes that allow lookup of syntactic children on a
| #[code TokenC*] array. This function must be called after making changes
| to the #[code TokenC.head] attribute, in order to make the parse tree
| navigation consistent.
from spacy.tokens.doc cimport Doc, set_children_from_heads
from spacy.vocab cimport Vocab
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=[u'Baileys', u'from', u'a', u'shoe'])
doc.c[0].head = 0
doc.c[1].head = 0
doc.c[2].head = 3
doc.c[3].head = 1
set_children_from_heads(doc.c, doc.length)
assert doc.c[3].l_kids == 1
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code tokens]
+cell #[code const TokenC*]
+cell A #[code TokenC*] array.
+cell #[code length]
+cell #[code int]
+cell The number of tokens in the array.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
| A Cython class providing access and methods for a vocabulary and other
| data shared across a language.
| This section documents the extra C-level attributes and methods that
| can't be accessed from Python. For the Python documentation, see
| #[+api("vocab") #[code Vocab]].
+h(3, "vocab_attributes") Attributes
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code mem]
+cell #[code cymem.Pool]
| A memory pool. Allocated memory will be freed once the
| #[code Vocab] object is garbage collected.
+cell #[code strings]
+cell #[code StringStore]
| A #[code StringStore] that maps string to hash values and vice
| versa.
+cell #[code length]
+cell #[code int]
+cell The number of entries in the vocabulary.
+h(3, "vocab_get") Vocab.get
+tag method
| Retrieve a #[+api("cython-structs#lexemec") #[code LexemeC*]] pointer
| from the vocabulary.
lexeme = vocab.get(vocab.mem, u'hello')
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code mem]
+cell #[code cymem.Pool]
| A memory pool. Allocated memory will be freed once the
| #[code Vocab] object is garbage collected.
+cell #[code string]
+cell #[code unicode]
+cell The string of the word to look up.
+cell returns
+cell #[code const LexemeC*]
+cell The lexeme in the vocabulary.
+h(3, "vocab_get_by_orth") Vocab.get_by_orth
+tag method
| Retrieve a #[+api("cython-structs#lexemec") #[code LexemeC*]] pointer
| from the vocabulary.
lexeme = vocab.get_by_orth(doc[0].lex.norm)
+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code mem]
+cell #[code cymem.Pool]
| A memory pool. Allocated memory will be freed once the
| #[code Vocab] object is garbage collected.
+cell #[code orth]
+cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]]
+cell ID of the verbatim text content.
+cell returns
+cell #[code const LexemeC*]
+cell The lexeme in the vocabulary.
@ -33,6 +33,12 @@
"Vectors": "vectors",
"GoldParse": "goldparse",
"GoldCorpus": "goldcorpus"
"Cython": {
"Architecture": "cython",
"Structs": "cython-structs",
"Classes": "cython-classes"
@ -41,8 +47,7 @@
"next": "annotation",
"menu": {
"Basics": "basics",
"Neural Network Model": "nn-model",
"Cython Conventions": "cython"
"Neural Network Model": "nn-model"
@ -211,5 +216,36 @@
"Named Entities": "named-entities",
"Models & Training": "training"
"cython": {
"title": "Cython Architecture",
"next": "cython-structs",
"menu": {
"Overview": "overview",
"Conventions": "conventions"
"cython-structs": {
"title": "Cython Structs",
"teaser": "C-language objects that let you group variables together in a single contiguous block.",
"next": "cython-classes",
"menu": {
"TokenC": "tokenc",
"LexemeC": "lexemec"
"cython-classes": {
"title": "Cython Classes",
"menu": {
"Doc": "doc",
"Token": "token",
"Span": "span",
"Lexeme": "lexeme",
"Vocab": "vocab",
"StringStore": "stringstore"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
include ../_includes/_mixins
+h(2, "doc", "spacy/tokens/doc.pxd") Doc
+tag cdef class
include _cython/_doc
+h(2, "token", "spacy/tokens/token.pxd") Token
+tag cdef class
include _cython/_token
+h(2, "span", "spacy/tokens/span.pxd") Span
+tag cdef class
include _cython/_span
+h(2, "lexeme", "spacy/lexeme.pxd") Lexeme
+tag cdef class
include _cython/_lexeme
+h(2, "vocab", "spacy/vocab.pxd") Vocab
+tag cdef class
include _cython/_vocab
+h(2, "stringstore", "spacy/strings.pxd") StringStore
+tag cdef class
include _cython/_stringstore
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
include ../_includes/_mixins
+h(2, "tokenc", "spacy/structs.pxd") TokenC
+tag C struct
include _cython/_tokenc
+h(2, "lexemec", "spacy/structs.pxd") LexemeC
+tag C struct
include _cython/_lexemec
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
include ../_includes/_mixins
+aside("What's Cython?")
| #[+a("http://cython.org/") Cython] is a language for writing
| C extensions for Python. Most Python code is also valid Cython, but
| you can add type declarations to get efficient memory-managed code
| just like C or C++.
| This section documents spaCy's C-level data structures and
| interfaces, intended for use from Cython. Some of the attributes are
| primarily for internal use, and all C-level functions and methods are
| designed for speed over safety – if you make a mistake and access an
| array out-of-bounds, the program may crash abruptly.
| With Cython there are four ways of declaring complex data types.
| Unfortunately we use all four in different places, as they all have
| different utility:
+table(["Declaration", "Description", "Example"])
+cell #[code class]
+cell A normal Python class.
+cell #[+api("language") #[code Language]]
+cell #[code cdef class]
| A Python extension type. Differs from a normal Python class
| in that its attributes can be defined on the underlying
| struct. Can have C-level objects as attributes (notably
| structs and pointers), and can have methods which have
| C-level objects as arguments or return types.
+cell #[+api("cython-classes#lexeme") #[code Lexeme]]
+cell #[code cdef struct]
| A struct is just a collection of variables, sort of like a
| named tuple, except the memory is contiguous. Structs can't
| have methods, only attributes.
+cell #[+api("cython-structs#lexemec") #[code LexemeC]]
+cell #[code cdef cppclass]
| A C++ class. Like a struct, this can be allocated on the
| stack, but can have methods, a constructor and a destructor.
| Differs from `cdef class` in that it can be created and
| destroyed without acquiring the Python global interpreter
| lock. This style is the most obscure.
+cell #[+src(gh("spacy", "spacy/syntax/_state.pxd")) #[code StateC]]
| The most important classes in spaCy are defined as #[code cdef class]
| objects. The underlying data for these objects is usually gathered
| into a struct, which is usually named #[code c]. For instance, the
| #[+api("cython-classses#lexeme") #[code Lexeme]] class holds a
| #[+api("cython-structs#lexemec") #[code LexemeC]] struct, at
| #[code Lexeme.c]. This lets you shed the Python container, and pass
| a pointer to the underlying data into C-level functions.
+h(2, "conventions") Conventions
| spaCy's core data structures are implemented as
| #[+a("http://cython.org/") Cython] #[code cdef] classes. Memory is
| managed through the #[+a(gh("cymem")) #[code cymem]]
| #[code cymem.Pool] class, which allows you
| to allocate memory which will be freed when the #[code Pool] object
| is garbage collected. This means you usually don't have to worry
| about freeing memory. You just have to decide which Python object
| owns the memory, and make it own the #[code Pool]. When that object
| goes out of scope, the memory will be freed. You do have to take
| care that no pointers outlive the object that owns them — but this
| is generally quite easy.
| All Cython modules should have the #[code # cython: infer_types=True]
| compiler directive at the top of the file. This makes the code much
| cleaner, as it avoids the need for many type declarations. If
| possible, you should prefer to declare your functions #[code nogil],
| even if you don't especially care about multi-threading. The reason
| is that #[code nogil] functions help the Cython compiler reason about
| your code quite a lot — you're telling the compiler that no Python
| dynamics are possible. This lets many errors be raised, and ensures
| your function will run at C speed.
| Cython gives you many choices of sequences: you could have a Python
| list, a numpy array, a memory view, a C++ vector, or a pointer.
| Pointers are preferred, because they are fastest, have the most
| explicit semantics, and let the compiler check your code more
| strictly. C++ vectors are also great — but you should only use them
| internally in functions. It's less friendly to accept a vector as an
| argument, because that asks the user to do much more work. Here's
| how to get a pointer from a numpy array, memory view or vector:
cdef void get_pointers(np.ndarray[int, mode='c'] numpy_array, vector[int] cpp_vector, int[::1] memory_view) nogil:
pointer1 = <int*>numpy_array.data
pointer2 = cpp_vector.data()
pointer3 = &memory_view[0]
| Both C arrays and C++ vectors reassure the compiler that no Python
| operations are possible on your variable. This is a big advantage:
| it lets the Cython compiler raise many more errors for you.
| When getting a pointer from a numpy array or memoryview, take care
| that the data is actually stored in C-contiguous order — otherwise
| you'll get a pointer to nonsense. The type-declarations in the code
| above should generate runtime errors if buffers with incorrect
| memory layouts are passed in. To iterate over the array, the
| following style is preferred:
cdef int c_total(const int* int_array, int length) nogil:
total = 0
for item in int_array[:length]:
total += item
return total
| If this is confusing, consider that the compiler couldn't deal with
| #[code for item in int_array:] — there's no length attached to a raw
| pointer, so how could we figure out where to stop? The length is
| provided in the slice notation as a solution to this. Note that we
| don't have to declare the type of #[code item] in the code above —
| the compiler can easily infer it. This gives us tidy code that looks
| quite like Python, but is exactly as fast as C — because we've made
| sure the compilation to C is trivial.
| Your functions cannot be declared #[code nogil] if they need to
| create Python objects or call Python functions. This is perfectly
| okay — you shouldn't torture your code just to get #[code nogil]
| functions. However, if your function isn't #[code nogil], you should
| compile your module with #[code cython -a --cplus my_module.pyx] and
| open the resulting #[code my_module.html] file in a browser. This
| will let you see how Cython is compiling your code. Calls into the
| Python run-time will be in bright yellow. This lets you easily see
| whether Cython is able to correctly type your code, or whether there
| are unexpected problems.
| Working in Cython is very rewarding once you're over the initial
| learning curve. As with C and C++, the first way you write something
| in Cython will often be the performance-optimal approach. In
| contrast, Python optimisation generally requires a lot of
| experimentation. Is it faster to have an #[code if item in my_dict]
| check, or to use #[code .get()]? What about
| #[code try]/#[code except]? Does this numpy operation create a copy?
| There's no way to guess the answers to these questions, and you'll
| usually be dissatisfied with your results — so there's no way to
| know when to stop this process. In the worst case, you'll make a
| mess that invites the next reader to try their luck too. This is
| like one of those
| #[+a("http://www.wemjournal.org/article/S1080-6032%2809%2970088-2/abstract") volcanic gas-traps],
| where the rescuers keep passing out from low oxygen, causing
| another rescuer to follow — only to succumb themselves. In short,
| just say no to optimizing your Python. If it's not fast enough the
| first time, just switch to Cython.
+item #[+a("http://docs.cython.org/en/latest/") Official Cython documentation] (cython.org)
+item #[+a("https://explosion.ai/blog/writing-c-in-cython", true) Writing C in Cython] (explosion.ai)
+item #[+a("https://explosion.ai/blog/multithreading-with-cython") Multi-threading spaCy’s parser and named entity recogniser] (explosion.ai)
@ -7,8 +7,151 @@ include ../_includes/_mixins
+h(2, "nn-model") Neural network model architecture
include _architecture/_nn-model
+h(2, "cython") Cython conventions
include _architecture/_cython
| spaCy's statistical models have been custom-designed to give a
| high-performance mix of speed and accuracy. The current architecture
| hasn't been published yet, but in the meantime we prepared a video that
| explains how the models work, with particular focus on NER.
| The parsing model is a blend of recent results. The two recent
| inspirations have been the work of Eli Klipperwasser and Yoav Goldberg at
| Bar Ilan#[+fn(1)], and the SyntaxNet team from Google. The foundation of
| the parser is still based on the work of Joakim Nivre#[+fn(2)], who
| introduced the transition-based framework#[+fn(3)], the arc-eager
| transition system, and the imitation learning objective. The model is
| implemented using #[+a(gh("thinc")) Thinc], spaCy's machine learning
| library. We first predict context-sensitive vectors for each word in the
| input:
(embed_lower | embed_prefix | embed_suffix | embed_shape)
>> Maxout(token_width)
>> convolution ** 4
| This convolutional layer is shared between the tagger, parser and NER,
| and will also be shared by the future neural lemmatizer. Because the
| parser shares these layers with the tagger, the parser does not require
| tag features. I got this trick from David Weiss's "Stack Combination"
| paper#[+fn(4)].
| To boost the representation, the tagger actually predicts a "super tag"
| with POS, morphology and dependency label#[+fn(5)]. The tagger predicts
| these supertags by adding a softmax layer onto the convolutional layer –
| so, we're teaching the convolutional layer to give us a representation
| that's one affine transform from this informative lexical information.
| This is obviously good for the parser (which backprops to the
| convolutions too). The parser model makes a state vector by concatenating
| the vector representations for its context tokens. The current context
| tokens:
+cell #[code S0], #[code S1], #[code S2]
+cell Top three words on the stack.
+cell #[code B0], #[code B1]
+cell First two words of the buffer.
| #[code S0L1], #[code S1L1], #[code S2L1], #[code B0L1],
| #[code B1L1]#[br]
| #[code S0L2], #[code S1L2], #[code S2L2], #[code B0L2],
| #[code B1L2]
| Leftmost and second leftmost children of #[code S0], #[code S1],
| #[code S2], #[code B0] and #[code B1].
| #[code S0R1], #[code S1R1], #[code S2R1], #[code B0R1],
| #[code B1R1]#[br]
| #[code S0R2], #[code S1R2], #[code S2R2], #[code B0R2],
| #[code B1R2]
| Rightmost and second rightmost children of #[code S0], #[code S1],
| #[code S2], #[code B0] and #[code B1].
| This makes the state vector quite long: #[code 13*T], where #[code T] is
| the token vector width (128 is working well). Fortunately, there's a way
| to structure the computation to save some expense (and make it more
| GPU-friendly).
| The parser typically visits #[code 2*N] states for a sentence of length
| #[code N] (although it may visit more, if it back-tracks with a
| non-monotonic transition#[+fn(4)]). A naive implementation would require
| #[code 2*N (B, 13*T) @ (13*T, H)] matrix multiplications for a batch of
| size #[code B]. We can instead perform one #[code (B*N, T) @ (T, 13*H)]
| multiplication, to pre-compute the hidden weights for each positional
| feature with respect to the words in the batch. (Note that our token
| vectors come from the CNN — so we can't play this trick over the
| vocabulary. That's how Stanford's NN parser#[+fn(3)] works — and why its
| model is so big.)
| This pre-computation strategy allows a nice compromise between
| GPU-friendliness and implementation simplicity. The CNN and the wide
| lower layer are computed on the GPU, and then the precomputed hidden
| weights are moved to the CPU, before we start the transition-based
| parsing process. This makes a lot of things much easier. We don't have to
| worry about variable-length batch sizes, and we don't have to implement
| the dynamic oracle in CUDA to train.
| Currently the parser's loss function is multilabel log loss#[+fn(6)], as
| the dynamic oracle allows multiple states to be 0 cost. This is defined
| as follows, where #[code gZ] is the sum of the scores assigned to gold
| classes:
(exp(score) / Z) - (exp(score) / gZ)
| #[+a("https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Simple-and-Accurate-Dependency-Parsing-Using-Bidir-Kiperwasser-Goldberg/3cf31ecb2724b5088783d7c96a5fc0d5604cbf41") Simple and Accurate Dependency Parsing Using Bidirectional LSTM Feature Representations]
| Eliyahu Kiperwasser, Yoav Goldberg. (2016)
| #[+a("https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/A-Dynamic-Oracle-for-Arc-Eager-Dependency-Parsing-Goldberg-Nivre/22697256ec19ecc3e14fcfc63624a44cf9c22df4") A Dynamic Oracle for Arc-Eager Dependency Parsing]
| Yoav Goldberg, Joakim Nivre (2012)
| #[+a("https://explosion.ai/blog/parsing-english-in-python") Parsing English in 500 Lines of Python]
| Matthew Honnibal (2013)
| #[+a("https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Stack-propagation-Improved-Representation-Learning-Zhang-Weiss/0c133f79b23e8c680891d2e49a66f0e3d37f1466") Stack-propagation: Improved Representation Learning for Syntax]
| Yuan Zhang, David Weiss (2016)
| #[+a("https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Deep-multi-task-learning-with-low-level-tasks-supe-S%C3%B8gaard-Goldberg/03ad06583c9721855ccd82c3d969a01360218d86") Deep multi-task learning with low level tasks supervised at lower layers]
| Anders Søgaard, Yoav Goldberg (2016)
| #[+a("https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/An-Improved-Non-monotonic-Transition-System-for-De-Honnibal-Johnson/4094cee47ade13b77b5ab4d2e6cb9dd2b8a2917c") An Improved Non-monotonic Transition System for Dependency Parsing]
| Matthew Honnibal, Mark Johnson (2015)
| #[+a("http://cs.stanford.edu/people/danqi/papers/emnlp2014.pdf") A Fast and Accurate Dependency Parser using Neural Networks]
| Danqi Cheng, Christopher D. Manning (2014)
| #[+a("https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Parsing-the-Wall-Street-Journal-using-a-Lexical-Fu-Riezler-King/0ad07862a91cd59b7eb5de38267e47725a62b8b2") Parsing the Wall Street Journal using a Lexical-Functional Grammar and Discriminative Estimation Techniques]
| Stefan Riezler et al. (2002)
@ -573,15 +573,15 @@ p The L2 norm of the token's vector representation.
+cell #[code ent_id]
+cell int
| ID of the entity the token is an instance of, if any. Usually
| assigned by patterns in the Matcher.
| ID of the entity the token is an instance of, if any. Currently
| not used, but potentially for coreference resolution.
+cell #[code ent_id_]
+cell unicode
| ID of the entity the token is an instance of, if any. Usually
| assigned by patterns in the Matcher.
| ID of the entity the token is an instance of, if any. Currently
| not used, but potentially for coreference resolution.
+cell #[code lemma]
@ -231,3 +231,19 @@
border: none
text-align-last: center
width: 100%
//- Abbreviations
+breakpoint(min, md)
cursor: help
border-bottom: 2px dotted $color-theme
padding-bottom: 3px
+breakpoint(max, sm)
content: none
content: " (" attr(aria-label) ")"
color: $color-subtle-dark
@ -58,7 +58,12 @@ import initUniverse from './universe.vue.js';
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@ -69,6 +74,9 @@ import initUniverse from './universe.vue.js';
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Reference in New Issue
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