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synced 2025-03-03 02:48:04 +03:00
Catalan Language Support (#2940)
* Catalan language Support * Ddding Catalan to documentation
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# spaCy contributor agreement
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## Contributor Details
| Field | Entry |
|------------------------------- | -------------------- |
| Name | Marc Puig |
| Company name (if applicable) | |
| Title or role (if applicable) | |
| Date | 2018-11-17 |
| GitHub username | mpuig |
| Website (optional) | |
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# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from .tokenizer_exceptions import TOKENIZER_EXCEPTIONS
from .stop_words import STOP_WORDS
from .lex_attrs import LEX_ATTRS
# uncomment if files are available
# from .norm_exceptions import NORM_EXCEPTIONS
# from .tag_map import TAG_MAP
# from .morph_rules import MORPH_RULES
# uncomment if lookup-based lemmatizer is available
from .lemmatizer import LOOKUP
from ..tokenizer_exceptions import BASE_EXCEPTIONS
from ..norm_exceptions import BASE_NORMS
from ...language import Language
from ...attrs import LANG, NORM
from ...util import update_exc, add_lookups
# Create a Language subclass
# Documentation: https://spacy.io/docs/usage/adding-languages
# This file should be placed in spacy/lang/ca (ISO code of language).
# Before submitting a pull request, make sure the remove all comments from the
# language data files, and run at least the basic tokenizer tests. Simply add the
# language ID to the list of languages in spacy/tests/conftest.py to include it
# in the basic tokenizer sanity tests. You can optionally add a fixture for the
# language's tokenizer and add more specific tests. For more info, see the
# tests documentation: https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/tree/master/spacy/tests
class CatalanDefaults(Language.Defaults):
lex_attr_getters = dict(Language.Defaults.lex_attr_getters)
lex_attr_getters[LANG] = lambda text: 'ca' # ISO code
# add more norm exception dictionaries here
lex_attr_getters[NORM] = add_lookups(Language.Defaults.lex_attr_getters[NORM], BASE_NORMS)
# overwrite functions for lexical attributes
# add custom tokenizer exceptions to base exceptions
tokenizer_exceptions = update_exc(BASE_EXCEPTIONS, TOKENIZER_EXCEPTIONS)
# add stop words
stop_words = STOP_WORDS
# if available: add tag map
# tag_map = dict(TAG_MAP)
# if available: add morph rules
# morph_rules = dict(MORPH_RULES)
lemma_lookup = LOOKUP
class Catalan(Language):
lang = 'ca' # ISO code
Defaults = CatalanDefaults # set Defaults to custom language defaults
# set default export – this allows the language class to be lazy-loaded
__all__ = ['Catalan']
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# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
Example sentences to test spaCy and its language models.
>>> from spacy.lang.es.examples import sentences
>>> docs = nlp.pipe(sentences)
sentences = [
"Apple està buscant comprar una startup del Regne Unit per mil milions de dòlars",
"Els cotxes autònoms deleguen la responsabilitat de l'assegurança als seus fabricants",
"San Francisco analitza prohibir els robots de repartiment",
"Londres és una gran ciutat del Regne Unit",
"El gat menja peix",
"Veig a l'home amb el telescopi",
"L'Aranya menja mosques",
"El pingüí incuba en el seu niu",
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
# import the symbols for the attrs you want to overwrite
from ...attrs import LIKE_NUM
# Overwriting functions for lexical attributes
# Documentation: https://localhost:1234/docs/usage/adding-languages#lex-attrs
# Most of these functions, like is_lower or like_url should be language-
# independent. Others, like like_num (which includes both digits and number
# words), requires customisation.
# Example: check if token resembles a number
_num_words = ['zero', 'un', 'dos', 'tres', 'quatre', 'cinc', 'sis', 'set',
'vuit', 'nou', 'deu', 'onze', 'dotze', 'tretze', 'catorze',
'quinze', 'setze', 'disset', 'divuit', 'dinou', 'vint',
'trenta', 'quaranta', 'cinquanta', 'seixanta', 'setanta', 'vuitanta', 'noranta',
'cent', 'mil', 'milió', 'bilió', 'trilió', 'quatrilió',
'gazilió', 'bazilió']
def like_num(text):
text = text.replace(',', '').replace('.', '')
if text.isdigit():
return True
if text.count('/') == 1:
num, denom = text.split('/')
if num.isdigit() and denom.isdigit():
return True
if text in _num_words:
return True
return False
# Create dictionary of functions to overwrite. The default lex_attr_getters are
# updated with this one, so only the functions defined here are overwritten.
LIKE_NUM: like_num
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# encoding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
# Stop words
STOP_WORDS = set("""
a abans ací ah així això al aleshores algun alguna algunes alguns alhora allà allí allò
als altra altre altres amb ambdues ambdós anar ans apa aquell aquella aquelles aquells
aquest aquesta aquestes aquests aquí
baix bastant bé
cada cadascuna cadascunes cadascuns cadascú com consegueixo conseguim conseguir
consigueix consigueixen consigueixes contra
d'un d'una d'unes d'uns dalt de del dels des des de després dins dintre donat doncs durant
e eh el elles ells els em en encara ens entre era erem eren eres es esta estan estat
estava estaven estem esteu estic està estàvem estàveu et etc ets érem éreu és éssent
fa faig fan fas fem fer feu fi fins fora
ha han has haver havia he hem heu hi ho
i igual iguals inclòs
ja jo
l'hi la les li li'n llarg llavors
m'he ma mal malgrat mateix mateixa mateixes mateixos me mentre meu meus meva
meves mode molt molta moltes molts mon mons més
n'he n'hi ne ni no nogensmenys només nosaltres nostra nostre nostres
o oh oi on
pas pel pels per per que perquè però poc poca pocs podem poden poder
podeu poques potser primer propi puc
qual quals quan quant que quelcom qui quin quina quines quins què
s'ha s'han sa sabem saben saber sabeu sap saps semblant semblants sense ser ses
seu seus seva seves si sobre sobretot soc solament sols som son sons sota sou sóc són
t'ha t'han t'he ta tal també tampoc tan tant tanta tantes te tene tenim tenir teniu
teu teus teva teves tinc ton tons tot tota totes tots
un una unes uns us últim ús
va vaig vam van vas veu vosaltres vostra vostre vostres
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from ..symbols import POS, ADV, NOUN, ADP, PRON, SCONJ, PROPN, DET, SYM, INTJ
from ..symbols import PUNCT, NUM, AUX, X, CONJ, ADJ, VERB, PART, SPACE, CCONJ
# Add a tag map
# Documentation: https://spacy.io/docs/usage/adding-languages#tag-map
# Universal Dependencies: http://universaldependencies.org/u/pos/all.html
# The keys of the tag map should be strings in your tag set. The dictionary must
# have an entry POS whose value is one of the Universal Dependencies tags.
# Optionally, you can also include morphological features or other attributes.
"ADV": {POS: ADV},
"ADP": {POS: ADP},
"DET": {POS: DET},
"SYM": {POS: SYM},
"NUM": {POS: NUM},
"AUX": {POS: AUX},
"X": {POS: X},
"ADJ": {POS: ADJ},
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# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
# import symbols – if you need to use more, add them here
from ...symbols import ORTH, LEMMA, TAG, NORM, ADP, DET
_exc = {}
for exc_data in [
{ORTH: "aprox.", LEMMA: "aproximadament"},
{ORTH: "pàg.", LEMMA: "pàgina"},
{ORTH: "p.ex.", LEMMA: "per exemple"},
{ORTH: "gen.", LEMMA: "gener"},
{ORTH: "feb.", LEMMA: "febrer"},
{ORTH: "abr.", LEMMA: "abril"},
{ORTH: "jul.", LEMMA: "juliol"},
{ORTH: "set.", LEMMA: "setembre"},
{ORTH: "oct.", LEMMA: "octubre"},
{ORTH: "nov.", LEMMA: "novembre"},
{ORTH: "dec.", LEMMA: "desembre"},
{ORTH: "Dr.", LEMMA: "doctor"},
{ORTH: "Sr.", LEMMA: "senyor"},
{ORTH: "Sra.", LEMMA: "senyora"},
{ORTH: "Srta.", LEMMA: "senyoreta"},
{ORTH: "núm", LEMMA: "número"},
{ORTH: "St.", LEMMA: "sant"},
{ORTH: "Sta.", LEMMA: "santa"}]:
_exc[exc_data[ORTH]] = [exc_data]
# Times
_exc["12m."] = [
{ORTH: "12"},
{ORTH: "m.", LEMMA: "p.m."}]
for h in range(1, 12 + 1):
for period in ["a.m.", "am"]:
_exc["%d%s" % (h, period)] = [
{ORTH: "%d" % h},
{ORTH: period, LEMMA: "a.m."}]
for period in ["p.m.", "pm"]:
_exc["%d%s" % (h, period)] = [
{ORTH: "%d" % h},
{ORTH: period, LEMMA: "p.m."}]
# To keep things clean and readable, it's recommended to only declare the
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from .. import util
# These languages are used for generic tokenizer tests – only add a language
# here if it's using spaCy's tokenizer (not a different library)
# TODO: re-implement generic tokenizer tests
_languages = ['bn', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'ga', 'he', 'hu', 'id',
_languages = ['bn', 'ca', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'ga', 'he', 'hu', 'id',
'it', 'nb', 'nl', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sv', 'tr', 'ar', 'ut', 'tt',
@ -175,6 +175,10 @@ def ru_tokenizer():
pymorphy = pytest.importorskip('pymorphy2')
return util.get_lang_class('ru').Defaults.create_tokenizer()
def ca_tokenizer():
return util.get_lang_class('ca').Defaults.create_tokenizer()
def stringstore():
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import pytest
@pytest.mark.parametrize('text,lemma', [("aprox.", "aproximadament"),
("pàg.", "pàgina"),
("p.ex.", "per exemple")
def test_ca_tokenizer_handles_abbr(ca_tokenizer, text, lemma):
tokens = ca_tokenizer(text)
assert len(tokens) == 1
assert tokens[0].lemma_ == lemma
def test_ca_tokenizer_handles_exc_in_text(ca_tokenizer):
text = "La Núria i el Pere han vingut aprox. a les 7 de la tarda."
tokens = ca_tokenizer(text)
assert len(tokens) == 15
assert tokens[7].text == "aprox."
assert tokens[7].lemma_ == "aproximadament"
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# coding: utf-8
"""Test that longer and mixed texts are tokenized correctly."""
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import pytest
def test_ca_tokenizer_handles_long_text(ca_tokenizer):
text = """Una taula amb grans gerres de begudes i palles de coloraines com a reclam. Una carta
cridanera amb ofertes de tapes, paelles i sangria. Un cambrer amb un somriure que convida a
seure. La ubicació perfecta: el bell mig de la Rambla. Però és la una del migdia d’un dimecres
de tardor i no hi ha ningú assegut a la terrassa del local. El dia és rúfol, però no fa fred i
a la majoria de terrasses de la Rambla hi ha poca gent. La immensa majoria dels clients -tret
d’alguna excepció com al restaurant Núria- són turistes. I la immensa majoria tenen entre mans
una gerra de cervesa. Ens asseiem -fotògraf i periodista- en una terrassa buida."""
tokens = ca_tokenizer(text)
assert len(tokens) == 136
@pytest.mark.parametrize('text,length', [
("Perquè va anar-hi?", 6),
("“Ah no?”", 5),
("""Sí! "Anem", va contestar el Joan Carles""", 11),
("Van córrer aprox. 10km", 5),
("Llavors perqué...", 3)])
def test_ca_tokenizer_handles_cnts(ca_tokenizer, text, length):
tokens = ca_tokenizer(text)
assert len(tokens) == length
@pytest.mark.parametrize('text,match', [
('10', True), ('1', True), ('10,000', True), ('10,00', True),
('999.0', True), ('un', True), ('dos', True), ('bilió', True),
('gos', False), (',', False), ('1/2', True)])
def test_ca_lex_attrs_like_number(ca_tokenizer, text, match):
tokens = ca_tokenizer(text)
assert len(tokens) == 1
assert tokens[0].like_num == match
@ -121,6 +121,7 @@
"zh": "Chinese",
"ja": "Japanese",
"vi": "Vietnamese",
"ca": "Catalan",
"xx": "Multi-language"
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